Kushner mods delete thread and ban OP for posting something that "does not exist" I would guess its going to be difficult to shill here for Drumpf 2020 when he wants to literally kill us for our beliefs.
How will they shill for next election?
Other urls found in this thread:
They'll shill for everyone, OP. Most political parties are controlled opposition. Vote for Right Wingers, by all means, but don't suspect them to keep their promises.
Weev and ape andre have taken over, get ready to be shamed and called names as the election approaches.
The first strategy was to keep everybody aboard the Trump train as the lesser of two evils, as evidenced by all the recent Trump spam in the catalog for every tweet he makes. That clearly didn't work so I believe they are regrouping right now and planning their next move. The fedanon leaks hindered them quite a bit as well, I think.
Just posting it so those of us still here can put another notch in the post to see who is modding this board. 14/88
(((Weev))) and Anglin are both subversive kike fuckers and they need to be removed from the realm of the living ASAP.
Unintentional sage.
I've got a better idea. How will "we" shill their election? Becoming a temporary democrat is one approach I like. All it takes is switching your registration and BOOM, you're voting in their primaries, subverting meetings, etc. Have fun with it.
It looks like they are going to slowly start moving towards 2016 level censorship
Run as a democrat as in a representative of the people, vote for the good of your people.
Yea, they have lost Trump support here so either the plan is to replace him or subversion.
The bans have been ratcheting up since he signed that spending bill.
Yeah I got banned for a "low quality post" because I uploaded a girl with my post, guess it's my fault she wasn't anime
Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.
If they can keep it to themselves until the time is right it doesn't bother me. But cringy larping shit like Unite the Right has to go forever, we had so much energy then, a lot of people were listening to us and then UTR (team effort by feds and Nazi larpers) destroyed everything.
What's up polvol2?
Just as we go towards 2020 election. What a (((coincidence)))
But knotseas are good for you goy.
At least it seems the majority of the userbase is aware and long done being fanboys. It definitely won't be as easy for them
Keep dreaming schlomo
Always shitting on National Socialism and peddling the idea that being weak and pathetic PR-cucks will save us. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.
The god emperor meme is deader than a door nail dude
One point i would like to make is that since the last election the censorship has ramped up significantly on normie webs, (((algorithms))) to delete wrong think is definitely at an all time high. Twitter is basically impossible to sustain an account past a day or two when promoting.
Memes are the only hope for reaching normies.
This is a National Socialist board the reason they created the alt-right is to destroy and subvert the natural progression of the right wing to see facism as the answer. The only larp is what you see in the media at (((organised protests))) by (((e-celebs))) to discredit and divest. The double edged sword of an anonymous movement is that anyone and everyone can claim to be the voice of the many - what they cannot fake is the true ideals of National Socialism.
Anyone can call someone a kike on here to fit in and shill but the shills are not here to promote our ideology - its why they fail. 14/88
Don't worry you still have cnn on your side they gave trump a 78% approved grade after the state of the union.
Cnn and Stormtards are in agreement.
By posting shitty QTDDTOT threads, niggerjew.
Haven't heard that one in awhile lol
Always post an archive link to the article, not just a headline screencap you raging autist.
Kill yourself kike.
There was an user in the big thread yesterday that had the right idea: rally as many people as you can together under a populist working/middle class "socialist" banner against banks/big money, in the yellow vests/OWS style. Reminder that the kikes and shabbos goys running shit are terrified of any big organized resistance up against them, no matter where it comes from.
To add to that, I would say the core group/leaders (only known to insiders, as it's supposed to look and feel like an actual decentralized people's struggle) will be people with tenets loyal to this board. But without the following masses knowing, just give them the unified resistance shit they will eat up. That way the group can organize via normalfag media (twitter, discord) and won't be shoah'd for hate speech or whatever, while the insiders will communicate via encryption. No idea how viable this is, given how many shills, demoralizers and actually mentally ill self destructive people are on here but there's some food for thought.
Nazis give a 78% approval???
Sorry you are losing your job Schlomo, guess you can call the bernie camp or someone?
Here is your resume;
OWS style is the right idea, rallying against the banks is still at the forefront of political consciousness especially after obongo came in and literally sold every leftist out.
If I post a pic of my unmutilated white dick with timestamp, will that shut you up?
Nobody wants to see your 20gb image catalogue of cocks.
Student loan debt will be a bit of an influence with the next election and possibly the primary focus of the 2024 election due to the rapidly collapsing student loan bubble.
Seems all too likely that organizing a bunch of lefties will end with their being scooped up by actual leftist leaders and being dissipated by the masters.
The Jew fears the foreskin because it reminds him of how he will never feel true pleasure.
I know that's a very real possibility. I'm wondering how many non-extremist people that would unite under this is left. They brought out the social justice shit right after OWS to prevent teamwork like that again.
By permabanning half the board again while shilling for deradicalization and demoralization.
They are already deleting and bumplocking threads critical of trumpstein.
Trump won't be running in 2020 though.
We can only hope
Make sure to push the most tactless and abrasive anti-white dems so grug-brained Joe Rogaine fans can't delude themselves into thinking there's no anti-white agenda.
We can only hope he will get impeached and thrown in prison. That will really piss white america off.
Im just here to shitpost and I have never been banned.
Try harder and actually try to be funny.
Comedy is the best weapon of a clown.
Daily reminder that /pol is a Jewish subversion operation and anti-semitic content will not be tolerated.
Is it, dare I say, time for exposure?
You mean this archive link?
That deleted OP is real. Trump is just a Boomercuck who wants to give his daughter Ivanka the biggest pony ever, the Presidency.
The same way they always dilute the conversation or derail Trump threads. One line replies that take more effort to correct comparatively. I'd say take a shot every time you see these phrases, but then we'd get liver poisoning
I'm sure there's some I'm missing
why the stress on organising in every thread ?
Donald Trump is either going to have to make changes or rig the next election to remain in office. People aren't that stupid twice no matter how slick it all is and how smooth Hannity and Rush are.
We don't want Trump or any other ZOG piece of shit in office. People have to organize to defeat the nefarious jews by any means necessary.
as long as youre not discussing weapons and tactics to physically kill your enemies they dont care. ive seen how power is gained in virtually every nation. and it is criminals extorting, assaulting and murdering those in their way. you can talk about voting for eternity and theyll never care because real power is held with force and any politicians you see who look like they did it all legit/legal are being extorted themselves by people willing to break into their homes, hide in their closet and tell said politician “do what youre told or ____”. politicians pay whatever mafia/gang/cartel is strongest in their area for protection. you cant win because the bravest, most ruthless are in it for themselves and will choose criminality every time. youre not build for this which is why criminals run the world. you wont use their tactics against them because you cant take it that far. the furthest youll go is the ballot box which is why you have absolutely no power at all.
You deserved that ban. You lied, and did so to the board nonetheless.
Yea mods are definitely compromised again. Bitching about it here won't solve the problem though. You need to shill for it on every board you can and annoy the entire community until Ron starts to notice.
they're completely fucked. fedanon just makes too much since compared to Q "trust the plan" bullshit. Nice try, KIKENER, GET FUCKED U FAGGOT KIKE. GO SUCK IVANKAS DICK. All politicians are shit and should never be trusted. The only move left is revolution. OR. Bend over and take it up the ass regardless of what bullshit you think is going to change by "VOTING" LOL too fucking funny got us all by the balls and then people fall for fake shit and empty promises. GET FUCKED, KIKES.
Who is the best candidate for prez in 2020?
No, the ZOG emperor publicly stated he wants to kill all of us. Fuck off.
Get out.
bought & paid for
1. You didn't link or archive the article nigger.
2. You misrepresented the actual fucking story, which Trump called for the Death Penalty to be brought back in PA after the synagogue got shot up. You know, make (((mass shootings))) an offense punishable by death.
So yeah, you deserved your ban.
Somehow thinks this is some mind-blowing reveal
user, I…
Toba/Yellowstone 2020 They're going to make Dryas great again.
Who is Parnes?
Who is Parnes connected to?
Who really runs this site?
Is Kushner involved?
The Kikemods have a political agenda contrary to that of the userbase and need to be replaced. They will just keep censoring and banning innocents on this board until they are stopped.
Supporting Open Borders Trump is inexcusable at this point but the Kushner shills will never go away and will keep the infighting going until they are removed.
A shill is someone with a POV. You can identify them because they’re not totally incoherent like racists.
The left is gonna cheat to lose, probably. They can’t handle diversity enough to keep an anarchist in the flock; all must submit to the “defiant” people who “oppose” harassment - and never, ever, ever do anything wrong. Even though they have such guilty consciences it’s impossible to so much as talk about history around them, let alone a sincere idealistic love of people. Paranoid loyalists don’t win people over.
Their media slaves are doing a few more things right lately, not that anyone here noticed, but the choking cloud of xenophobic sanctimony is still at fever pitch. Theh desperately need bigoted opponents - that, more than real individual submission to racial psychosis, keeps this place pretending to care about race.
The basic way of the left in recent years has been inflexible narcissistic judgment. I still love ‘em as a socialist, but I’ve lost faith in their atheism; no that doesn’t mean I’ve lost faith in my own. The key to recent leftist thought is:
1) They truly believe they value integrity above all else.
2) They truly believe they’re smart enough to get away with not having integrity.
3) They truly believe they can accurately identify allegiances at once.
4) They don’t believe in persuading people who disagree with them.
5) They have no concept that The Gathering of All Worthy is a traditional failure mode of cultures.
6) They think people who are not in full agreement with them are intellectually irrelevant barbarians
7) While truly believing in the irrelevance of the barbarians, they also live in the fear they inflict on each other and blame on outsiders
Treachery is necessary to achieving peace. Perfect loyalty is just damned scary. Loyalists line up in warbands and fight forever; it’s dumb shit. At some point people have to betray the wounded to achieve peace.
That’s why I like to advocate rehabilitative prisons, the softer the better, because it’s a way to show that I’m willing to betray people wounded by conduct they declare criminal. Peace treaties between different conscious minds, not eternal vengeful warfare and triumph, are the essence of a secular progress that actually works.
This place… It’s just unbelievably screaming with wounds. It hurts to look upon people so broken they’re racist. I care. I do. Nobody else does, but I do. I still have no loyalty here, either.
I know you must all have grievances. I know there’s no way functioning people would be willingly racist. Your grievances must be spectacular indeed! And I’m sorry for what I did in previous years to goad this plsce on. I was in a bad way, too. But I healed.
Turn your back on the wounds in this place. Leave behind those who remain and remaim. You can be healed, too.
There will be no forgiveness. The only way to heal is to stop being sick.
We will strangle the hydra of loxism, and incerate its roots.
This place is basically r/socialism now.
Hahaha! Woman that you are, I tell you Jews are my equals!
Than might as well just go there nigger.
Lox is really fucking tasty, too.
Who are you, stranger?
One last ditch project for Trump would be to remove Jared and Ivanka from the White House, and right before the election he starts passing legislation that endears him to his base. People will finally think they are getting the real Trump, then he will go back to being a sellout right afterwards.
This. Mainstream politics is not politics. Anyone promoting it is a shill.
I honestly think he just wants out at this point but he just doesn't want the embarrassment of resigning or choosing to not run again. So he'll just do all sorts of shit to piss off and alienate his base so that he can loose gracefully. Unfortunately for him the Democratic party is such a wide awake nightmare that he's liable to win a second term in spite of himself.
It's going to be a clusterfuck where a bunch of "populist" candidates will be advertised on both sides along with Trump and used to fuel massive D&C efforts. They might even try to make it so Zig Forums can't really make up its mind on who to actually consider until late in the election cycle.
Newer strategies could reflect on managing memetic activity so its guided slowly towards a specific direction (using D&C tactic balancing like a steering wheel), instead of forcing a specific direction right away.
And Trump still is better than Hillary.
The best outcome in my opinion is Joe Biden running so can meme the shit out of him being a creepy fucking pedophile. We have extremely convincing video evidence of Biden being a creepy fuck.
It could even turn into PizzaGate part 2 electric boogaloo. That would be a far better use of our time and effort than trying to get one controlled candidate to win over the other.
I had no idea that Hillary was still in the running for president.
And getting drenched in piss is better than shit what’s your point MAGA faggot?
>who is the better choice in a (((democracy)))
Why all of them of course!
Who should we vote for, discord tranny?
Faggot detected.
You dont belong here.
Every boomer I know is still fervently pro-Trump.
Please quit crypticfagging. It is literally the most annoying thing to ever exist on boards. If you have something to say, say it. If not, please fuck off.
lol we got one boys
That is the problem user, they cannot bring themselves to believe their whole lives have been a lie - the more the boomers came here the more you heard "not the real jews meme" this was a boomer coping mechanism, for them to truly see the state of America is for them to admit they have no political options / have left no future for their children in which they will have FREEDOM.
Kill yourself. QTDDTOT is one of the least imageboard-appropriate things to ever be forced into imageboards.
Include it in the OP and the (((mods))) won't have the ability to easily pretend it's a fake article.
Trump's voterbase voted for Bush jr. twice, user.