France is rising !!!

Vandals have daubed swastikas and anti-Semitic slogans on around 90 graves in a Jewish cemetery in eastern France, local officials said on Tuesday, shortly before planned marches nationwide against a surge in anti-Semitic attacks.
It's important for me to be here with you today," a solemn looking Macron told local leaders and members of the Jewish community after paying respects at one of the desecrated graves.
"Whoever did this is not worthy of the French republic and will be punished… We'll take action, we'll apply the law and we'll punish them," he said.
Many French political leaders are due to join Tuesday evening's march in Paris against anti-Semitism. Macron will visit the national Holocaust memorial with the heads of the Senate and National Assembly.
Figures released last week showed there were more than 500 anti-Semitic attacks in France in 2018, a 74 percent increase from 2017.
Among incidents in recent days, 'yellow vest' protesters were filmed hurling abuse on Saturday at Alain Finkielkraut, a well-known Jewish writer and son of a Holocaust
France is home to the biggest Jewish community in Europe – around 550,000 – a population that has grown by about half since World War Two, but anti-Semitic attacks remain common.

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oy veeeey nadzess

Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.

Whatcha doing rabbi

The more the merrier.

Attached: u8yuuussiujz.jpg (640x810, 98.27K)

Sounds like a Rabbi

My guess is that this guy did it.

Attached: rabbi.png (223x355, 63.33K)

>I know, I will put spray some swastika with the help of a few rabbi, that will boost (((our))) ranks

I will say though, they did a bang up job on the swastikas this time.

Oh look the jew posted it again.

This reeks of rabbi.

Attached: watcha doin' rabbi..PNG (561x415, 187.92K)

True political graffiti consists of basic slogans and symbolism.

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They should bring back the death penalty for that

Attached: trump death penalty for antisemites.jpeg (640x360 200.78 KB, 13.4M)

When the rabbi does the graffiti how do they choose which goyim to neck?

Why are French nationalists writing in German?

Gee, why would Jews post Nadsees all over their property? Any of you Stormfags figure out why yet?

NatSocs always write in German. We're writing in German right now your brain is just so adept at automatically translating it you may have not even noticed.

Attached: connet nazi bird.jpg (480x720, 21.29K)

How is having done a 7 stroke swastika a bang up job?

The punishment for false flagging hate crimes should be death tbh. Real hate crimes don't even exist outside retard level IQ as they serve no strategy other than personal feelings of inadequacy or revenge.

The rabbi didn't think of that detail

They just got better at drawing swastikas, if you know what i mean.

Do you think this lame spam will achive anything here? Get some meds schizo boomer. If you don't like this place, go somewhere else.

Nearly there, now it's an actual Swastika, just not the right kind. Needs a 45degree turn clockwise for it to be Adolf's swastika. As is, it's the Pajeet's symbol for luck.
And am I missing something or is the writing gibberish: Ice Assighes(??) black wolves? What?

No they didn't.
It really isn't that difficult to draw a Nazi swastika, they are rotated 45 degrees, so the base is a x shape, not a + shape.
Anyone who draws a + shape Nazi swastika is either an incredibly retarded national socialist, or more likely, just a falseflagging jew

Attached: Swastika.png (1080x1079, 859.08K)

they're not even tilted

Reminder the Swastika is banned in France. Only an attention whore would use a banned symbol, keep that in mind whilst also keeping in mind where those symbols have been painted. A true French NatSoc who doesnt want to be fucking tracked by the police would use a Celtic Cross, a Sunwheel, a Tyr Rune or a Flash and Circle or something.

This, don't use your most ancient and noble symbol. Some kike puppet said it's illegal :(((

The point is user, that only a kike would desecrate tombstones with banned racist symbols, it makes the Far Right more "evil" in the eyes of the public.


Why would 'only a kike' desecrate tombstones with a swastika.
For the record, this shit was most likely a falseflag by our poor, oppressed jewish friends, but if someone from the far right was to do this kind of thing, you'd think they would use the symbol that hurts them the most and that has the most power, the swastika

I don't know, I could easily imagine someone being pissed enough at them to do it. Ideally they'd be slaughtering the kikes in their streets, but it's a start. Someone completely concerned with optics probably wouldn't desecrate graves at all, since like I said living kikes are the problem.

Retard sand-monkeys might do it. They hate Jews and frequently, poorly, try to use Swastikas.

'Ice whatever Black Wolves' in German doesn't seem like something sandnigs would write. That to me indicates its some jew who wrote it.

A real attacker would do something that couldn't be cleaned up in a few hours.

Jews run the world. You post to a faggot image board. Every wonder why that is?


what the fuck is this non-sequitur?

They pick out the prettiest ones.


forgot pic

Attached: Jews Hate Strength.png (1120x697, 451.63K)

They also pick out anything that is exceptional. They can't be 'god's chosen' if they are naturally inferior.

Nature has a well-known anti-jew bias.

Attached: Jews Hate Life.png (180x169 349.46 KB, 49.29K)

its like they don't even care at this point. zero effort apathetic shit. please step your game up.

what? white nationalist and alt right circles are the only thing for whites in america that enable tribalism. fuck off jared howe

Wat? There is nothing tribal about larping. You fags don't even meet up for anything anymore.

And it's about Whites, not larpers. 99.999% of Whites would never be tribal with a WN.

Fuck off optics faggots.

holy shit I had my post deleted by mods when I was checking some dubs

Of course 8/pol/ doesn't meet up irl.
It would infested with feds from day 1.
If there are white nationalist and alt right groups in the US, they are probably local and organised away from the internet

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So WN is nothing but Feds and Jews. So why do you fags keep promoting it?

jews doing their old swastikas on their graves gag isn't France rising, neither is French out in the streets virtue signaling at each other and playing footsies with police, rising is going after the jew orchestrators, personally.


Zig Forumsacks meet accidentally. In my case, a Trump rally. The only "meetup" I've been to was organized from a much less visible place.

Why are you guys even discussing this nonsense? The kike whore macron being there is all the proof you need to know that this is all prearranged to push more anti-goy laws.

Burgers are the freest of all of us and yet they are so kowtowed and afraid that they can't even fathom the sheer possibility that actual whites could have done this. It's always "muh rabbi". Even though the swazis are obviously significantly better drawn than in all those fake hate crimes.

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Also friendly reminder to anyone who wants to go after that traitorous cunt Macron…you only need a spray can and a cozy waiting place inside a crypt to get that fucker to walk directly in your arms. Viva la France!

It's a coin toss whether real or not. The media are certainly latching onto the opportunity to organize and promote marches against antisemetism. It's all over European news.

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Fuck off jew.

What the heck is wrong with you people? Can't you accept that some angry and confused teenagers drew those swastikas there? Take some goddamn responsibility for all the problems your people cause in this world. If you really are the master race, why do you claim your country is owned by a tiny minority of Jews? Maybe if that really is the case, the Jews truly are the master race because their superior intelligence manipulated all you dumb whites into accepting what's going on now. Or maybe your own leaders sold you out to megacorporations and serve their interests because you're obsolete due to ethnonationalism going out of trend, and cheap labor is preferable to maximize profit. Either way you guys are retarded and it's no surprise half your people are obese as fuck eating garbage and dying at a faster rate than you birth.

They cry about anti semitism every day, they find a reason no matter what. So this is always a good thing. At the very least it will make more people wonder why the fuck everybody hates jews, and assume that there might actually be something to all the rumors about their subversive activities.

OP should read
Fucking Mossadfags
you too, fucking Langleyniggers

Everybody fucks your mother.

Immune system is revving up. Ovens on pre-heat.

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Every pro white group would be infiltrated by feds and jews. That is why we can't meet IRL. I don't know how to solve it. You can only join anonymous movements like yellow vests.

Those don't look like Hale Hortlers, and the anti-jew rhetoric in France has certainly ramped up over the past weeks, to the point where Fagcron felt the need to issue a statement about it. Obviously because he is so despised, that only pushed more of France towards open jew hatred. Could it really be happening?

Why would French vandals write German graffiti?

It's not even proper German you tards.


Meet one or two people just as IRL shitposting friends and don't discuss or do anything illegal. If we don't have the nuts to do even something so basic and low risk it's going to be a rough time for us as a race.

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'Cuase Germany is the only nation that actually fought against the jews?
All these (1) demoralizing posts are pretty suspicious too, almost like someone doesn't want others to be encouraged by this.

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Nice comment.
Jews being killed = miniscule.
Whites being replaced by foreigners = significant.
How does it feel knowing your people will be ethnic minorities in your own nations in a few generations.

Nigger, you think there aren't any feds or intelligenceniggers in NRM?
Once an organization reaches a certain size it becomes inevitable. But not doing anything illegal is not illegal.


Why are we trying to save normalfags again?

Didn't Jews engineer the last French revolution? It would be fair turnabout if they were expelled from France.

Attached: desparate.jpeg (700x519, 93.42K)

This is a PR move by Macron. Paint his opposition as Nazi's so the general public stops supporting them.

Yes, then Napoleon came along and crushed it and then went full Alexander the Great across Europe.


the "you're a racist" social pressuring tactic has been so successfull, it's really their go to move

Also too, if it's part of their religion to let you subtlely know what they're doing they've also become corrupted to the point where it's really just mockery so they can beat off about it

Shit like this can be chalked up to one of two things:
1) Jews false flagging. Whatcha doing rabbi, indeed.
2) dumbass teenagers with no meaningful connection to the far right
Spray painting crude swastikas accomplished nothing. It doesn’t advance the cause to free our people from the forces which threaten to enslave us.
That said, a desensitization campaign for the swastika would be a good thing. This campaign would emphaisize the millennia old history of the symbol, while pointing out the hypocrisy of (((white))) people damning a religious symbol venerated by millions of brown Hindus on account of a regime that didn’t even last a century.

Yes. They sold us. Can you tell us something we don't know?

>This evil antisemitic attack is an assault on all of (((us))), it's an assault on humanity.

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That sucks. That is why we want to kill all jews.

What is your point? All white organisation will be infiltrated. They can bait you to talk about civil or race war and than send you to jail because you said that could hapen. I don't want to blackpill anyone. But we can't do much because if you create group bigger than 3 people, you are suspicious.

That's not what I said idiot.
WN groups online like 8/pol/ are full of real WNs, small groups made of people who know each other irl are comprised of real WNs, but if you try to organise an irl meet-up for a site as high-profile as 8/pol/ then of course you will have feds snooping in

It would have worked five years ago.

To add to this, remember that the places you frequent will color who you meet. Join a hiking club or go to a town hall meeting, or respond to a survivalist prepper ad in the paper of somesuch. Activities like these are more likely to attract the kinds of friends you want to be making. Then its easier to reach out for more contacts.

Defacing kike graves is kosher now, hymie. We will be digging up all kike graves and putting the land to good use after we genocide you neanderthal subhumans shortly.

You bet it's happening. Can't you tell by the sheer number of glowing niggers in this thread trying to play it down as a false flag? They're shitting themselves because they've lost control of the narrative and no matter what they do can't regain it.

Idiots here don't realize that all the redpills in the world get instantly neutralized by a swastika. Normalfags brush it all away, because they associate nazis with liars.

Not anymore, kike.


Squeal, you kike fucking swine.

Andrew just post on your own site, no ones buying it bro

When about half of the protest openly harbor anti-Semitic thoughts you can bet your ass they won't be scared off by a Swastika

Attached: lets go swastika.jpeg (466x412, 110.32K)

fuck off weeb

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