Andrew Yang running as a Democrat who wants UBI is the only politician saying that White Genocide maybe is a bad idea.
Will Zig Forums follow this man into battle?
Andrew Yang running as a Democrat who wants UBI is the only politician saying that White Genocide maybe is a bad idea.
Will Zig Forums follow this man into battle?
Politicians will say whatever they have to say to get elected.
I don't care about what they say, I care about what they do, and the fact is that none of them will ever do enough.
Stop falling into this cycle of hyping yourself up for a politician, and then realising that they are a useless tool before memory-holing them and moving onto the next one.
Sure but he's at least redpilling his audience on white genocide which pushes the overton window more than any Republican.
Its sad a chink is the one pointing this out.
yeah. am glad he's doing the right thing tho
Yeah that's a hard no from me. I could care less what he has to say.
If you were buying a house, would you want 40 million niggers in it?
>white genocide isnt important enough to not vote (((trump)))
When did he say anything about Trump you projecting faggot
It's either Republican or Democrat in 2020. Bernie stands no chance. Andrew Yang, however, has a great chance of securing the white vote. But so does Trump. So it's either a Democrat or Trump.
He's not opposed to white genocide, you fucking moron.
Your claim doesn't reflect his actual words.
Or it's neither because Trump is a useless faggot and the Democrat/Republican divide is a smoke and mirrors for the Uniparty.
Fuck voting. It's futile.
The best thing one can do is to just do something useful, get themselves into some kind of position of power or influence, and do shit yourself.
And even if Andrew Yang somehow wins, then what?
He can't do shit because the kikes in the House of Representatives won't let him.
Is he lying while redpilling his base on white genocide?
Yeah, I agree. But people will vote. So who do we make them choose?
Trumpstein is so fucking god awful if I was voting I'd rather vote for this chink than him because at least he actually mentions White people. Of course a good majority of the Whites most heavily impacted by poverty and substance abuse will keep voting for the (((GOP))) for the same reasons niggers and muds vote for the (((democrats)))
And (((GOP))) shills on here will keep telling you to vote for these anti-White scumbags claiming they're any different than the commies on the other side. It's all the same genocide on both sides.
True. Accelerationism seems the only viable solution.
At this point you may be right
I used to say 'vote Trump anyway', but now it's lending more credence to the idea of a 'political solution', causing more harm than good.
Not fully convinced, but meh.
voting is just violence by other means: with a gun - hired guns by the government, using your tax dollars.
having confidence in those guns or process for converting those guns, appears less and less viable
There is no political solution to White Genocide.
This user wins the internet
I know how you feel, I admit I fell for the hype with (((Trump))) too which has done me more good in the long run after the crushing disappointment because now I see this shit for what it is.
So the same policy and fucking method as trump? Yeah, I too adore it’s impact, I would adore more for those to point out that this country has become such shit they will say the most sobering things possible and neglect them thereafter. As if it’s a test, as if it’s a non-insult, as if it’s not traitorous. As if you’ll stop buying into the complacency you’ve been pretending to be made aware of in your fragile life.
I can't recall Trump ever addressing white genocide…
Meme this guy into the Dem primaries so he normalizes these ideas on the left.
This guy is a huge threat to our movement. He's trying to bribe whites to get him into power. He stated on Joe Rogaine that his goal in this is to slow the spread "racism and antisemitism" and I believe he's fully capable of achieving this.
Also, being a chink anchor baby, there's a near 100% chance that he is a Manchurian candidate for the CCP.
You're right, but your rhetoric is terrible. Stop posting.
Dems. are shit but if they're gonna redpill whites on their genocide then why not let them? the Right isn't doing it.
Do the opposite of this. A transracial movement that ostensibly respects white rights will all but guarantee the destruction of the white race through interbreeding and fractionalization of white power.
You can get better results and cheaper by just getting rid of welfare and then lowering taxes significantly and then put in a flat tax instead of a tax bracket system. Those who wont work will starve and die. Those who can't work will rely on charity. If they are so despicable that no family, friend or charity will help them, then they are better off dead too.
Any other alternative is just communism by the back door and anyone suggesting such a policy ought to blow their brains out.
the fact this chink isn't being harangued by the far left for proposing there's such a thing as 'white interests' to be concerned about, is frightening.
He spoke out against South Africa. Memory problems heeb?
He's never spoken out about American White Genocide not once. In fact, he's granting amnesty and immigration is on the rise.
Frightening, indeed, and a good opportunity to redpill Working Joe. If we're going to shine light on this, however, we must be certain that we don't accidentally push a probable foreign agent into power.
So what? What has he done? Problems aren't solved at the utterance of a few empty words.
Asian American defends Whites interests and you call him a "chink".
This is a national socialist board. Angry Conservatives need not apply.
the guy has some good points worth debating but that's it, it doesn't really mean he's the best person to address the issues
If this guy does an interview the real thing to nail them on is anything they're almost certain to do a complete 180 on. The thing is, if the jews want this guy elected he's going to be elected so the best you can do is get him on tape making a promise you know he's never going to keep or push him to commit a way on something that you know he'll do a 180 on as soon as he sees how based his career has become in Washington.
The only person who can truly defend a groups' interests is a member of that group.
So solly.
I really wish that were true
Christianity is only a fork of Judaism. Christcucks are just kikes who followed a rolling coin into a church.
He's just another release valve. When he was on joe rogan's podcast he said that he wanted to stop the spread of racism and such, he's like juden peterstein.
Helping the Jews as always Stormtard.
Please dont say things like that.
No, I won't stop exposing jewish shills, thanks.
Sounds like you're just upset that I'm correct. It's pretty easy to ignore arguments and call names, but its impossible to refute the truth.
That's fair. But I'd encourage you to stop sabotaging your own efforts by being obnoxious.
In what way does a picture prove your point? Can you direct me to the material you read that converted you to this belief? Id like to decide for myself if what you say has any truth to it.
Opinion discarded. Tone policing is not appreciated on this site faggot.
That goes up proportionately by income right? As in corporations go back to paying large amounts of taxes right?
Damn you sure showed us.
Yeah you sure showed him with that strawman you stupid nigger. Clearly the basic premise of his post is wrong because of a jew bootlicker traitor.
Christcucks everyone.
You replied to the wrong person.
China and the Chinese, in the short term, can be our friends our or foes. Just as they are heavily involved in the colonization of Africa to exploit its resources, they would be happy to have "Chinese-Americans" rise to power and keep our country strong enough to be good trading partner while they need us, and then have us fall once we've served their interests.
I'd say it's completely worthwhile to support Yang at the moment because we're both after the same thing: rising white birth rates. It's only after that's happened that he'll think about changing his tone, but once he's helped us do that we won't need him anymore, and can easily put him out of power. Think long term, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
You're kidding right OP?
You will never be white, chang.
are you implying he's done something wrong by redpilling people on white genocide? explain
He's NOT WHITE. He has no business claiming OUR anything. If he's going to make a statement about genocide he should be taking responsibility for it and asking his fellow fucking shitskins to do the same not claim to be a part of the endangered species.
kys rabbi
And you fucking DARE to play the samurai card for a fucking yang?
Accelerationism can't be stopped nao. Whites are waking up. How do you feel about that?
Feels great, you jews are fucking dead and you don't even realize it.
the absolute state of you (((stormer))) kikes
You will never be white.
You're just spamming hoaxes.
asians can be problematic in that they understand that whitey needs to be corralled, free-range, like cows in pastures. Not caged in factory farms, for slaughter.
All to easy hahaha!
t. kvetching (((stormer))) shill
yup. terrible
Please explain how Yang redpilling his voter base on white genocide is a bad thing.
this is not an argument.
There's a reason they are called Stormtards. But rather it's probably Jews.
This bugman knows what will happen when Whites are eradicated; they'll come for the Chinese next. All of his customs? Gone. All of his history? Gone. It's in his best interest, and obviously ours, that this never happens. I'm in no way promoting him but what do you think will happen when the White population is decimated and another boogeyman is required? It will never be Niggers, Sand Niggers, Pajeets or the Jew.
How about I don't even care if he does protip: he doesn't, he can care in bugland. The last thing we need is more nonwhites in government
Oh look, another (((cartoon)))
True. Whites first, Asians next.
Ok. So we shouldn't support an Asian who redpills his base on white genocide. And we shouldn't support a Somalian woman who redpills her base on AIPAC and Israel. Who should we support?
White people. And call him what he is, a filthy chink, not a goddamn Nippon samurai
Multiculturalism, (((diversity))) if you prefer, has taken away our ability of choice. It is a control mechanism which inhibits normal fags from making an informed decision without hurting the rules set forth by the ruling class. If it costs them social status or employment, they'll remain in step despite their deeply held convictions.