What are you doing to benefit white people of European descent and how are you securing the future of your nation?
Are you employed?
Are you married?
Do you actively participate in activities to improve your community?
Don't actually answer those questions, but do tell me, how exactly does your existence contribute to bettering White people and their nations? Stop hiding behind the collective and taking credit for things you personally did not achieve. What did YOU achieve as an individual? What makes you worthy or superior?
What are you doing to benefit white people of European descent and how are you securing the future of your nation?
Data mining thread
I get that you're mad about being brown but just go be brown somewhere else, okay? Preferably off-world.
Young men in their twenties are busy learning skills nd building a foundation to support a family. No man should expect to "have it" in their 20's. Shitty demoralization attemp, Mordecai
It's only a demoralization attempt if you perceive it that way by regarding the answer to my question as being something negative or condescending, which is actually a reflection of how you see yourself, thus providing me with a general idea of what you have achieved.
This isn't the way it should be. Men should be encouraged to marry young to prevent fornication and to motivate men to be the best they can be. Remove divorce too.
If you meant well by your op you wouldn't have made it a whole thread. Either your ego is growing over into your frontal lobe makin ya dumb or you're a kike making slide thread No. 600 gorillion. Could be either of those tbqh famalamadingdong
Go away.
It's called getting a 18-25 y/o girl when you're more or less settled in your 30's
That's neither legal nor socially acceptable in the West anymore.
Well that's just like your opinion and stuff
You wanna take this outside, big guy?
Just a harmless question, is all. Like if you're doing something to help your nation, wouldn't you like to talk about it? Or perhaps even brag how much of a better place the world is due to your existence? Unless perhaps there are no beneficial contributions that you could share?
>>>Zig Forums
Yeah, you're not even trying.
Alas, most men don't have the willpower to remain virgins for 39 years. Getting married early is the best way to prevent fornication, and men not getting married early is why so few are motivated in our age.
By pointing out that I think Drumpf is a Jew all day long on this board.
I wrote an automated script that automatically matches with all the fat single mothers on Bumble. They are forced to message me within 24 hours and then I set up a no condom fuck within the week. I've been impregnating one at a time as often as possible and plan to be an absent father to about 20 children. i'll be in prison for not paying child support, but at least my chad genes will carry on and I can join the AB in the pen.
slide + data mining thread
damn, looks like shlomo now has the blueprints to my master plan
Thank you for your heroic sacrifice.
Fuck off Peterbot.
Hello totally organic poster, if you would give me your email address I would be happy to provide you with my name, address, occupation and plans for the near future.
Congrats on creating 20 miserable fucks with no father figure who won't become anything of value.
Somebody's gotta knock down the fatties. They're pretty good at sucking dick and they like being dominated. i'm just shitposting in this slide thread, user. calm your tits.
Is this a gilet jaunes co-op thread?
Loose lips sink ships. Unlike you shitskins, White people dont need to show off our possessions or achievements. That’s what historians are for.
Okay so no achievements anyone would like to share? That's okay. Can't say I am particularly surprised though.
I dunno, I had my shit together by my lates 20's and could have even been good by mid 20's but spent 4 years fighting for the zog
Oh my, it's not like helping at the local rec center is akin to planning a terrorist attack.
Cool it with your condescending tone, cowboy.
you sound like a typical NPC leftynigger that parrots that. nobody is taking credit for what whites have done you AIDS farming nigger. We are proud of our ancestors. Fuck off back to facebook.
Nigger, Zig Forums has changed government regimes.
Your definition of “achievement” is no more valuable a dog doing a trick.
What an achievement. You did what we told you to do. Nothing more, nothing less. We are not that stupid.
You're missing the question. What have YOU done?
Good post. Very high IQ. So what have you achieved?
I cannot disclose that information, as it may lead to disenfranchisement or legal trouble. Sorry, bud.
I have freed minds from jew control.
Go ahead. Try it. See what happens.
I'm doing as little as possible because I am white and other white people won't let me have sex with horses and cows and will punish me if I try. Despite not wanting to help, there is nothing I can realostically do to help people with brain disorders so ancient they had to create laws as an excuse to feel the way their disease makes them feel about my sexual attractions to large hooved farm animals.
Based. You should come up to Canada. We legalized bestiality recently.
Legalized means I have to pay for it. I don't support prostitution because sex business is not sexy. Obligations to pay bills are not sexy and the stalker pigs in the USA would probably punish me when I came back to uss anyways because I wasn't using my penis to procreate children for pedos and debt baiters.
I'm a virgin, live in Mom's basement and wank to asian porn and cartoons of National Socialism.