In an autistic moment of inspiration I registered and created #WhiteNewDeal accounts including twitter, faceberg, & gmail as well as the domain name
Now I come here seeking help from fellow Zig Forumsacks on how to best use this to dish out some redpills, mine some salt, and keep them from being shut down. That crazy AOC lady dreamed up a way of spending 4 trillion on the ZOG's dime, can we do better?
The White New Deal
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey fellow kids, visit my honeypot and post all your best memes! Direct all your energy to this project. Don't question that it's a little weird that I put effort into something for which I have no content, just err, Zeeg Hail, or whatever it is you kids say.
What honeypot schlomo.. there isn't even a landing page yet. And I'm not asking you to vist, just for ideas.
If you have no ideas of your own, you have no business being the point man for a "White New Deal." KYS faggot.
so it's another (((DailyStormer))) honeypot
Use this Aryan Chat bot for White Pills
DM: Well Brad, this one flopped. Let's reconvene tomorrow for breakfast and switch tactics. These kids are computer whizzes and I think they can see its us posting.
ah shit, that posted to the board?
First off you kikes can fuck right off. There is no honeypot and I'm not asking you glowing oven dodgers to visit anything. And if posting a rare nasim means I'm DS now wtf I love DS now.
Fuck off nigger, stay the fuck on kikechan.
Kill yourself, you will never be white.
Amazing how they always end up outing themselves to be the kike fuck shills they are.
Hey.. why are you mad at me? I'm a pure blooded Welsh American, I was merely giving an idea as you asked =/
Anyone else care to demoralize and shill against doing anything positive?
For suggestions, I suppose redirecting ALL foreign aid to the reconstruction of American manufacturing and infrastructure for some temporary period would be a normie friendly idea, alongside removing dual citizenship representatives. The best redpills for those civnats on faceberg (those who would check it out in good faith) would be the Naturalization act of 1790 and the president who signed it into law. That one undermines the entire civnat basis for existence. If George Washington was willing to 14 words it in real life, so should all of us. Good luck on your new page, hope it stays up for longer than a few days.
Friendly click fire meant for the one above you.
Also please redirect all Interest Payments, and foreign aid to Non Western countries to building Lebonsborn 2.0 - A network of Volk Communities concerned with breeding 100 Million Aryan Babies
Ok.. no worries, I like the name, and the idea. Don't let the haters and the black pilled get you down. People are absolutely terrified of being identified personally, and this is the reason we need an online mutual aid group, which provides Income - Advice - Legal Assistance - Housing - Loans and Defense to all Aryans who fight for 14
You could have donated some food or grocery gift card with a pro-white message to a white family with that domain registration fee.
Domain names are gold. Soon we will built a Link Network that links all Pro Aryan sites together, and acts as Jet Fuel for SEO
This is the sort of thing I'm looking for. Unlike Kike#1 I understand nobody wants a pointman, I'm not here saying I want to be a leader of this and tell everyone what believe. I just want to open a dialogue here (and yes at cuckchan also) so we can all come up with the best course of action.
Please add a Job Guarantee which offers a Job to all Aryans, and which pays a living wage to one Adult, enough to raise a large family. First the job placement will place into a Federal position, and as training is completed and aptitude is gauged, the Aryan will be placed into an Aryan Owned Co-Op
Get that b-hole ready.
I was interested in how Hungary has recently incentivized large families and was considering making a proposal that was similar, only how to make sure it doesn't go to the wrong groups… farmers.. make the incentive for farmers.
We need to implement a new Caste System, where Birth Subsidization is available to all Aryan of Good Character , and suitable Genes.
Married Aryans can first get an Interest free home loan, and a 25% loan forgiveness subsidy for each White Child birthed, or adopted.
As for the caste system, the bottom rung applies to all Citizens, but the ones above the bottom are only for Aryans.
I'm not seeking a profit and it's only anagram of a non infringing name. There is no similarity in logo design, website address, or content.
Case dismissed rabbi and no it's not for sale.
Sorry kike, not this time.
The probability of that ID occurring is 16^2 / 16^6 = 16^(-4), or 1 in 65536. Together with an OP about a White New Deal, the odds are astronomical. This idea has considerable meme energy.
I 100% agree except with the caste system, I want non-aryans out of the country all together. A major pillar of the wnd should be answering the we need immigrants to fill jobs due to the low birth rate.
4c is Zig Forums
Welsh Canadian here. Pleidiol Wyf I'm Gwlad!
I agree that the ideal is no Non Aryans, but sometimes we aren't able to accomplish the ideal, and in these cases we should have contingency plans. Look at the White Ethno-Nationalists who founded America, they did not permit any non white Immigration, and they slaughtered all non whites on their homeland.. But look at their nation now.. If only they would have followed the Ways of the Ancient Aryans, and included a Caste System, at least they would have maintained their ideal a bit longer, or stronger.
concentration camps
Actually, now that I think about it, it's still just 1 in 65536 - the content of the post would not increase or decrease the likelihood of the ID occurring. Still, it's considerably rare and definitely high energy.
Salute to you Brother!
""I contend that we are the first race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race."" - Cecil Rhodes
(((( Priest ))))
This store about 10 minutes ago.
Tough crowd tonight.
I like it,esp. if you've already spammed normie sites with it.
Make it a crime if you don't hire whites first !
First and foremost White New Deal is a set of proposed economic stimulus programs that aim to address globalization and economic inequality. In order to make our economy stronger and in order to increase overall prosperity we need to invest in traditional Americas future and reshape how our productivity is dispersed starting with the (((federal reserve))) and how the global system of corporations work. Basic NatSoc economics of which I have a decent collection of things to work with as I write up a policy sheet however if anyone wants to drop some info here if I don't already have it I will work it in. Beyond the end of the banking system and corporate greed as mentioned above stimulus programs for families and a strong program to protect the environment. The last thing I want to project is cuckservitism.
Even if this isn't a honeypot, you've now joined the ocean of vaguely right wing twitter accounts that do jack shit except post shitty memes.
No """Subversive""" or non Aryan shall be permitted to hold a Position of Power in any of the following institutions :
- Politician (City - State - Federal)
- Judge or any Judicial institution
- News & Media
- Entertainment
- School & Curriculum
- Labor Unions
- Police & Military
- Special Interest Political Groups
- Medical Professional
- Lawyer
- Banker
2. No Usury on Essential Purchases is to be Permitted, and no Globalist [IMF] institutions shall be permitted to engage in the Exchange of Currency with any American Citizen. Currency should be Pinned to Labor, and based on a 6 Tier system (Time,Danger,Demand,Importance to Society,Quality of Work,Certifications or experience required) of worth. Central Banks, and all lending institutions should be Socialized, and placed on the Block-chain. The Classes of Labor should be Meritocratic in nature, and all should have the Same Opportunities.
3. Open Borders for Aryan Europeans (DNA Haplogroup)
4. Animal Cruelty is to be Outlawed, and Punishable by extended prison time. This includes all forms of Cruel animal testing, and Factory Farming, also included are Non Preservationist Zoos, who use the Animals as Slaves. No vivisection and NO shechita.
5. Redacted
6. Redacted
7. No Mandatory VAX or Medical Treatments are to be permitted. No Geo Engineering, and all GMO must be Explicitly labeled. All 5G Should be Halted, and Researched in depth before Roll Out.
8. Large Aryan Families should be Supported and Encouraged by the State. Communal like communities should be set up, with the purpose of fostering Large, and Healthy Aryan families. Mother and Father should be given 6 Months of Paid Time off, for each child. One parent working a 30 Hour Work week, should be able to provide for a Family. (Minimum Wage should be based on CPI, with this goal in mind)
9. The State should provide a Federal Job Guarantee to all American Citizens, this Guarantee should provide certification, and Job Placement into an Employee Owned Co-Op, or Private Institution. (Benefits for joining a Co-Op are numerous, and should be set up in a way so as to move the Populous towards employment in Co-Op institutions.) Welfare is to be relegated to those Americans who Cannot work as a result of a Legitimate Issue. Medicare should be available at the age of 60, and Guaranteed for all Seniors. Any American who serves in the Military, should be eligible for life time Welfare, for any reason.. at any time. Our economy should be a Trampoline, not a Spiders Web.
10. American Citizens who have worked for a Co-Op (With a Minimum of 75% Employee ownership) should be eligible for an Interest Free Homo and Property loan, after 5 years of consistent and quality work. The Loan shall be forgiven by 25% for each Kid that is born to the new family.
11. Property Tax - Income Tax - Mandatory Citizen Tax should all be Abolished. The Only tax should be paid by Corporations in the form of a 25% direct Tax on all Profit. Public Services should be Subscription based.
12. All American Citizens are to be given $5000.00 at the Beginning of each Calendar Year. This money is to be reserved for Emergency healthcare or Property expenses for 1 year, after which time it may be optionally withdrawn and used for anything. All Additional Insurance costs should be accumulative and covered by non interest Payments. Additional Health / Property insurance may also be Purchased through a Subscription service, which excludes the Citizen from the possibility of any large Bills.
13. Exceptional Members of Society should be eligible for International Vacations, and other Perks. Community involvement should be Gamified.
14. Media - and Tech should be Supported by a Robust network of Employee owned Co-Op tech organizations, Social Media Platforms, Search Engines, Wiki, Internet infrastructure should all be Platform based, and Open Source. All Citizen contributors should be reimbursed for their content, via State Subsidization and Advertising. Wholesome and Uplifting content should be rewarded.
Blockchain Voting should be rolled out through the Open Source Tech platforms. Voting should be Incentived and Gamified, adding forms of A/B testing, and Satisfaction reviews.
sounds fucking retarded, you just are just recycling old-shit and not coming up with new ideas
Thanks for the bump. I've got the jewtube channel, faceberg, jmail, and domain which I intend to use it to drop NatSoc economic pills on the masses possibly creating a source of kike free info that could be used as a springboard for everything from basic trolling to serious conversions. #WhiteNewDeal will never trend but it has potential to be more than a basic meme.
Can you recommend a better project for our energy?
How did the National Socialists convince the Majority of Germans to support them? Was it their love for their Volk, Love for the Motherland, or was it Hatred for the Jew? It was only partially these 3, but Primarily it was Economic Opportunity.. At the end of the day, people care about themselves, and their own family.
Providing an economic system that promises meaningful, and quality long term employment with a real path to increase is crucial in winning Normie support
Yes, ourselves. To inspire people to follow your ideas, you should lead by example. A good Aryan man should live a life in accordance with physical and intellectual prowess.
okay this is good
for that, i'll provide a pittance of contribution in the form of copypasta, from a yellow-vests-america-shit
1) Legislation against the taxation on carbon, oxygen, or any other organic compound either required for the accomplishment of productive work or involuntarily produced by the human body. This includes but is not limited to resources for transportation, raw unprepared foods, unpackaged water, bodily products (such as hair), and etc. Involuntary is defined as
2) A definition of U.S. Citizen that recognizes the material differences between those eligible to be called a part of the US's militia and those not, codified by amendment, such that the territories currently under the control and authority of the people of the US are to have a distinct criteria for being a US citizen and those not meeting it will be considered foreigners and, as foreigners, owed none of the rights or protections which the people of the United States reserve for themselves (i.e. the right to bear arms).
3) The immediate reversal of, and legislation passed outlawing the implementation of, foreign policy decisions which undermine or are demonstrably against the values outlined in the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, including but not limited to the promotion of freedom of speech, the citizens' rights to the bearing of arms and the right to privacy and due process.
4) The immediate reversal of all legislation and statements or judgments officially passed by Congress which undermine or are demonstrably against the values outlined in the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, including but not limited to the promotion of freedom of speech, the citizens' rights to the bearing of arms and the right to privacy and due process.
I honestly feel like this is far too often ignored. They have the masses believing the only other option to democratic socialism is jewish capitalism. Normal people understand that there is something inherently wrong with a system we have but they are terrified of change. What keeps Communism and progressive socialism at bay? The masses fear of going hungry. Ideally these accounts will attempt to convert both the left and the right into embracing a policy of labor based production like point 2 here
The #WhiteNewDeal is a set of proposed reforms in the United States that aim to address globalization and economic inequality. Every citizen deserves the right to work, to speak freely, to raise a large family, have a respectable home to live in, provided merit based education for their children, medical care, fresh food, a clean environment, a good standard of living, and a secure border to ensure the American way of life remains unchanged for many future generations to come.
In order to achieve this transformation, The White New Deal calls for a 10 point plan-
1. Abolishing the minimum wage
2. Creation of a National Bank
3. A National Corps of Workers
4. Internet Bill of Rights
5. Incentives for Large Families
6. Interest Free Housing
7. Merit Based Education
8. National Healthcare
9. New Agricultural Revolution
10. Border Wall & National Origins Act
1. Abolishing the minimum wage
The Government will guarantee the right to work for all citizens with starting levels of compensation solidly in the middle class. Merit based advancement opportunities will be highly rewarding and plentiful. If you choose to work in the private sector your compensation should be guaranteed by your employer. There will be no more further government aid for being unemployed thus ending the welfare model and replacing it entirely.
2. Creation of a National Bank
Capital does not create jobs, but rather jobs create capital. The more we work, the greater our capital, and therefore the greater the results of our labor. Americans deserve to be free from the tyranny of interest based banking and the influence it has on the freedom to transact fair exchanges. The Federal Reserve system of Global Banking must be balanced by the State and the people must be free to conduct business with whom they choose without being robbed by fees.
3. National Corps of Workers
Unemployment benefits burden the economy and working people cannot be satisfied with meager unemployment benefits. Our labor will no longer be wasted, but rather used productively, which will result in improvements everywhere. Public means will no longer be wasted, but rather used to create good paying jobs that are critical to our Nation's health and prosperity.
4. Internet Bill of Rights
Internet forums and social networks which provide free access to the public are a digital place of assembly, and individuals using such methods for public communication should not be subjected to censorship due to political beliefs or differing ideas. Basic internet service should be provided by the State and considered a new digital right as fundamental as the freedom of movement.
5. Incentives for Large Families
The nuclear family is the foundation of not just society but the entire race; and it is through this foundation that morals and knowledge are passed from one generation to generation. Families should be encouraged to grow large, to foster a strong healthy Nation. Having children should be rewarded as they are profitable to the Nation and the foundation of the future.
6. Interest Free Housing
Housing is one of the necessities of life and each private home should have a yard and be suitable for a family. These can be built by our National Workers and provided interest free to the workers. Nobody needs to be homeless or in need of shelter. Let us take pride in our communities again. Let us build solid, useful homes in which the owners will take pride in.
7. Merit Based Education
All people can easily exist in harmony when society gives them equal educational opportunity from an early age to compete fairly with each other. Without equal educational opportunity, an unjust society appears. However not all people are created equal and education should be provided on a merit based system with entry requirements for various levels. Education should be tailored to an individual's talents and earned with ability.
8. National Healthcare
The health of the populace is not something to be treated at a moment of crisis but from an early age with prevention and education. Our National Workers will provide full and free healthcare for National citizens including a generous expansion assisted living. Everyone who has served his country deserves the right to retire with dignity. End of life should be a celebration which no person should ever struggle to afford and which new workers should be honored to assist in providing.
9. New Agricultural Revolution
All water and air should be Nationalized and protected for the benefit of the Nation. Breathing clean air and drinking clean water should be a right of all people and provided freely. In addition community kitchens will freely provide a balanced diet of high quality communal meals from food produced by National Workers with the goal of jump starting the complete transition of our society away from animal based products and a return to community based farming.
10. Border Wall & National Origins Act
America was founded by people descended from European ancestors, very similar in their manners and customs, who have nobly established general liberty and independence together. In order to restore the natural order and balance to this Nation that our forefathers created we call for a re-institution of The National Origins Act, the end of birthright citizenship, the removal of all illegal immigrants, and the construction of a physical barrier on the southern border. Large monetary incentives should also provided for Non-European who hold citizenship rights to voluntarily surrender them and repatriate back to their Nation(s) of origin.
All of these "grass roots operations" are thought up in the cia war room to create Boogeyman. Hitler was a fucking retard and even Mussolini knew this . Nobody has pure blood . Your life is based on literal fantasies because you can't face the reality that you are a loser. Every action taken on behalf of "alt right" does nothing but make everything think you are a dumb fuck, then everyone loses rights and can't solve problems.
Useful Idiot faggot. Kill yourself you fucking retard.
Be brutally honest, tear it up, make it better.
The website is up it's hosted on google sites ad free.
Not an argument. Nothing I wrote glows in the dark or goes against the tenants of National Socialism. If you want to add or help improve by all means please contribute because each section will require it's own page and 1000's of words to expand on each principle. What is there is an outline and a brief overview, much of it copied from Gobbles, Strassuer, Plato, John Jay, and my own creative writing.
Thanks for the laugh, WNDanon. Thanks Patrick Little, if you're reading this. As for content, how much effort are you pouring into this? Maybe try and pull inspiration from New Deal propaganda and O Brother Where Art Thou.
I am committed to finishing what I have started. I'm not sure where it goes beyond a policy paper but I intend to maintain the website and push the policy on twitter alone if necessary. I like Pat as well and supported his campaign but I strongly feel the movement needs a solid economic model to lean on that is above being censored for hate speech and delivers on vision of a White American future.
Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.
Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these retards than survival of their race.
wtf im neutral towards white people now
If R1b, then half of Chad lake niggers and sizeable amounts of Middle Easterners are welcome.
If R1a, then not only Eastern half of Europe with its ~300mln people, but also Northern half of India with like 600mln dudes comes too.
And random people all over Eurasia having ancient Aryan forefathers 2000-4000 years ago, up to random Chinese men eligible.
Most of Greeks and South Italians have common patrilinear descent with Middle Easterners and North Africans, same with Med people and North African E.
And that's just male lines, female ones are way more diverse. Somebody really hadn't though about that point.
What an interesting detail. Until 1991 USSR was the 2nd largest economy in the world, half above Japan.
This webm conceals how China overtook USSR's position.
I support DNA requirements for immigration, but there should be purity regulations that would prevent these low % carriers from claiming Aryan status.
The site has a (((Google))) tracker, do not click
The white new deal is meth, heroin, and being replaced.
It's hosted on Google's blogger service, of course it has a google cookie. So does watching jewtube videos, do you spam that warning every time someone embeds one here?
Keep it positive. List the amazing things a white nation could be doing without the you-know-whos, name the Jew once or twice, and let your ISP know you're about to get a DDoS attack.
t.Most Butthurt Nigger in Creation.
I've been steady working on it. Was waiting for this to fall off the catalog and I was planning on reposting it with all the additions.
The #WhiteNewDeal is a set of proposed reforms in the United States that aim to address globalization and economic inequality. Every citizen should have the right to work, to speak freely, to raise a large family, and to have a respectable home to live in. Every American deserves merit based education for their children, healthcare, fresh food, a clean environment, a high standard of living, as well as a secured border to ensure the American way of life remains unchanged for many future generations to come.
In order to achieve this great transformation, The White New Deal calls for enacting legislation in support of the following 10 point plan-
1. Right to Work
The Government will guarantee the right to work for all citizens. Starting compensation shall provide a middle class lifestyle with merit based advancement opportunities available to those who deserve them. This new program of job creation will eliminate the need for any further government aid in regards to unemployment, thus ending the welfare model and replacing it entirely.
2. Creating a National Bank
Capital does not create jobs, but rather jobs create capital. The more we work, the greater our capital, and therefore the greater the results of our labor. Americans deserve to be free from the tyranny of interest based banking and the influence it has on the freedom to transact fair exchanges. The Federal Reserve system of Global Banking must be balanced by the State and the people free to conduct business with whom they choose without being robbed by transaction fees or made an outcast by ideologists.
3. National Corps of Workers
Unemployment benefits burden the economy and working people cannot be satisfied with meager unemployment benefits. Our labor should no longer be wasted, but rather used productively, which will result in improvements everywhere. Public means should no longer be wasted, but rather used to create good paying jobs that are critical to our Nation's health and prosperity.
4. Digital Bill of Rights
All citizens should have a right to participate in an Information Society and the Nation has an obligation to facilitate the production, exchange, diffusion, and access to transmitted information. Given that the electronic communication has become an indispensable tool for realizing a wide range of digital rights and facilitating National progress, ensuring universal free access to core services must be a priority for our society as well as protecting the rights of the people to communicate freely within it.
Remember to optimize for Google's faggot SEO. How cool to get to the first position on the kikes' own modern search Talmud.
5. Incentives for Large Families
The nuclear family is the foundation of not just society but the entire race; and it is through this foundation that morals and knowledge are passed from one generation to generation. Families should be encouraged to grow large, to foster a strong healthy Nation. Having children should be rewarded as they are profitable to the Nation and the foundation of our collective future.
6. Interest Free Housing
Housing is one of the necessities of life and each private home should have a yard and be suitable for raising a large family. These homes can be built by National Workers and provided interest free to the people. Nobody needs to be homeless or in need of shelter. Let us take pride in our communities again. Let us build solid, useful homes in which the owners will take pleasure in maintaining.
7. Merit Based Education
All people can easily exist in harmony when society gives them equal educational opportunity from an early age to compete fairly with each other. Without equal educational opportunity, an unjust society appears. However not all people are created equal and education should be provided on a merit based system with entry requirements for various levels. Education should be tailored to an individual's talents and earned with ability.
8. National Healthcare
The health of the populace is not something to be treated at a moment of crisis but from an early age with prevention and education. Our National Workers will provide full and free healthcare for Nation's citizens including a generous expansion of assisted living. Everyone who has served his country deserves the right to retire with dignity. End of life should be a celebration in which no person should ever struggle to afford and which new workers should be honored to assist in providing.
9. Agricultural Revolution
All water and air should be Nationalized and protected for the benefit of the Nation. Breathing clean air and drinking clean water should be a right of all people and provided freely. In addition, community kitchens will freely provide a daily balanced diet of high quality communal meals from food produced by National Workers with the goal of jump starting the complete transition of our society away from animal based products and a return to community based farming.
10. Border Wall & National Origins Act
America was founded by people descended from European ancestors, very similar in their manners and customs, who have nobly established general liberty and independence together. In order to restore the natural order and balance to this Nation that our forefathers created for us, we call for a re-institution of The National Origins Act, the end of birthright citizenship, the removal of all illegal immigrants, and the construction of a physical barrier on the southern border. Large monetary incentives should also be provided for people of Non-European decent who hold valid citizenship rights to voluntarily surrender them and repatriate back to their Nation(s) of ancestral origin.
Right to Work
The Government will guarantee the right to work for all citizens. Starting compensation shall provide a middle class lifestyle with merit based advancement opportunities available to those who deserve them. The Right to Work job program will eliminate unemployment benefits, replacing it entirely with a new philosophy of taking pride in providing for one's self.
Tolerating unemployment means a brutal deprivation of rights for the citizen. He is robbed of his freedom to earn his living by his own efforts, he is robbed of the dignity that supporting himself brings, and he is forced to rely on miserable public support which is constantly being cut and used as a tool to create a permanent underclass. Americans want the right to work for a living wage which is why The White New Deal guarantees that right.
Unemployment causes poverty, employment creates prosperity. And just as the individual sinks into poverty when he no longer has a job, so also must a whole people sink into poverty when they do not use their productive strength to better themselves. Why should Americans tolerate a political-economic system that hinders people who are willing and able to work to support themselves?
Tolerating unemployment means:
With less labor, less is produced, therefore less can be consumed. The result: hunger, poverty, and wage cuts.
The fewer who work, the fewer who pay taxes. To get the same tax revenues as before individuals must bear a heavier burden. The result: tax increases.
Decreasing purchasing power and increased taxation forces more firms into bankruptcy. The result: an increase in unemployment.
The unemployed must be supported by the community, which means an increase in public expenditures. The result: the collapse of public finance, despite an increase in taxation.
Contributions to the unemployment fund decrease, while poverty forces more to depend on it. The result: collapse of the unemployment compensation system, despite increases in contributions and cutting of benefits.
Private industry collapses under the increased burdens. Small firms become bankrupt. Independent people are ruined. Big capitalist firms, trusts, etc., are rescued by the state, since their collapse would throw hundreds of thousands of people into poverty. Billions go for rescuing banks, hundreds of millions for supporting the big monopolies.
All of these sacrifices are useless. Unemployment, poverty, deficits, all will become worse and the general situation ever more hopeless, as long as there is not a complete change.
Only a systematic program of National job creation can bring that change. If public means are no longer wasted on welfare, but rather used to create jobs, our labor will no longer be wasted, but rather used productively, which will result in improvements everywhere: an increase in production, increased purchasing power, reduction in taxes, a general improvement in the economy overall.
Today we are wasting our resources, but The White New Deal will lead to the formation of new capital and a National Right to work will ensure that this new capital belongs exclusively to those who have created it through their labor and sacrifice.
Creating a National Bank
Capital does not create jobs, but rather jobs create capital. The more we work, the greater our capital, and therefore the greater the results of our labor. Americans deserve to be free from the tyranny of interest based banking and the influence it has on the freedom to transact fair exchanges. The Federal Reserve system of Global Banking must be balanced by the State and the people free to conduct business with whom they choose without being robbed by transaction fees or made an outcast by ideologists.
What is the Federal Reserve Bank and why do we have it?
The FED is America’s central bank which was created to implement fiscal policies such as monitoring commercial banks to ensure that they maintain sufficient assets, like cash, so as to remain solvent and stable. Central banks also do business, such as currency exchanges and gold transactions, with other central banks. In theory, a central bank should be good for a country, and they might be if it wasn't for the fact that they are not owned or controlled by the government of the countries they are serving. Private central banks, including our FED, operate not in the interest of the public good but for profit. That’s right, for profit.
There have been three central banks in our Nation's history. The first two, while deceptive and fraudulent, pale in comparison to the scope and size of the crime being perpetrated by our current one. What they all have in common is an insidious practice known as fractional banking: The ability to create money from nothing, lend it to the government or someone else and then charge interest.
The First Bank of the United States was created in 1791. A scam not unlike the current FED, the bank practiced fractional lending at a 10:1 rate, ten dollars of loans for each dollar they had on deposit. Public outrage over abuses lead to the charter not being renewed but the war of 1812 left the country in economic chaos, which was used by bankers as another opportunity to swindle. They influenced and bribed Congress so that eventually a charter was passed for the Second Bank of the United States in 1816.
The Second Bank was even larger than the first, selling franchises and literally doubling the number of banks in a short period of time. But just as the country began to boom and move westward, the central bank and their franchisees shut off the supply causing bankruptcies and foreclosures Nationwide so they, the banks, could take control of the new assets that were used as security against the loans.
President Andrew Jackson was elected in 1828 on the specific promise of eliminating the Second Bank and on January 8, 1835, he paid off the national debt and fulfilled his promise, the only president in history to have this distinction. Without a central bank to manipulate the supply of money, the United States experienced unprecedented growth for 60 or 70 years, a golden age, which resulted in wealth that was too much for bankers to endure. Desperate to get back into the game, in 1910 Senator Nelson Aldrich, then Chairman of the National Monetary Commission, in collusion with representatives of the European central banks, devised a plan to pressure and deceive Congress into enacting legislation that would covertly establish a third private central bank.
After a huge public relations campaign, engineered by the foreign central banks, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was slipped through Congress during the Christmas recess, with many members of the Congress absent. President Woodrow Wilson, pressured by his political and financial backers, signed it on December 23, 1913.
The act created the Federal Reserve System, a name carefully selected and designed to deceive. "Federal" would lead one to believe that this is a government organization. "Reserve" would lead one to believe that the currency is being backed by gold and silver. "System" was used in lieu of the word "bank" so that one would not conclude that a new central bank had been created.
In reality, the act created a private, for profit, central Banking Corporation owned by a cartel of private banks. Who owns the FED? The Rothschilds of London and Berlin; Lazard Brothers of Paris; Israel Moses Seif of Italy; Kuhn, Loeb and Warburg of Germany; and the Lehman Brothers, Goldman, Sachs and the Rockefeller families of New York. Did you know that the FED is the only for-profit corporation in America that is exempt from both federal and state taxes? The FED takes in about one trillion dollars per year tax free and banking families listed above get all that profit tax free. That’s right. Tax free. Must be nice to be born a Rothschild.
Like many of you, I had some difficulty with the concept of an ultra elite group of globalist bankers having the only right on the planet to create money from nothing. When the US Government needs funds it must go to the FED to borrow them. The FED then calls the Treasury and says print Federal Reserve Notes for which the Treasury charges the FED 2.3 cents for each. The FED then lends the printed currency to the government at face value plus interest. To add insult to injury, the government must create a bond for as security for the loan, which means the rich get even richer.
Now to put the frosting on this cake. When was the income tax created? If you guessed 1913, the same year that the FED was created, you get a gold star. Coincidence? What are the odds? If you are going to use the FED to create debt, who is going to repay that debt? The income tax was created to complete the illusion that real money had been lent and therefore real money had to be repaid. And you thought Houdini was good.
So, what can be done?
My father taught me that you should always stand up for what is right, even if you have to stand up alone. If "We the People" don't take some action now, there may come a time when "We the People" are no more. Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution specifically says that Congress is the only body that can "coin money and regulate the value thereof." The US Constitution has never been amended to allow anyone other than Congress to coin and regulate currency.
Thomas Jefferson said, "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their prosperity until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Jefferson saw it coming 150 years ago. The question is, "Can you now see what is in store for us if we allow the FED to continue controlling our country?"
Where must the abolition of enslavement to interest begin? With the ability for our Nation to print its own money without owing interest to globalist banking families. A true National Bank, owned by the people and run for the benefit of the people which can do everything from fund National Industries, facilitate zero interest loans for young families, provide a transaction free way to exchange money that is not controlled by Visa and Mastercard, to providing a secure digital account free from all fees to working people. Our citizens labor is being siphoned off one micro transaction at a time by a greed fueled system, and it must stop.
It is time to return true value to our currency, a nation’s power of production and control of trade. Let us end the Federal Reserve once and for all, and end the stranglehold the Rothschilds, the Lehman Brothers, Goldman, Sachs and the Rockefeller families of New York have on us all.
National Corps of Workers
Unemployment benefits burden the economy and working people cannot be satisfied with meager unemployment benefits. Our labor should no longer be wasted, but rather used productively, which will result in improvements everywhere. Public means should no longer be wasted, but rather used to create good paying jobs that are critical to our Nation's health and prosperity.
The most illogical objection to job creation is the claim that the Nation lacks the productive capacity to “give” everyone a job. Nonsense. We have land to produce fresh food, beautify, and protect. We have infrastructure to design, build, and maintain. We have a Nation of people with an always present need for healthcare, education, and housing. Today, however, people are out of work and homeless while others eat unhealthy, frozen, and quick fried meals. Roads are not ready for the autonomous future and our communal living spaces look like concrete jungles that few take real pride living near.
The answer to many of these problems is the creation of a National Corps of Workers, similar in name to the Army Corps of Engineers but for citizens, tasked with serving to provide the labor of the people for the benefit of the people. This new bureau's main responsibility will be providing National Industries the labor force required to fulfill their mandates in a way that provides even the most basic position a high standard of living. If your job is to cook for the people, and that is what you love to do, and you do the best you can at it every day, you should live well for serving the people's needs. Working for the benefit of the people is an honor and our Nation has the wealth to make sure everyone who does shares in it’s prosperity.
Beginning at the age of ten, all boys and girls will be required to serve as National Workers. The initial period from ages ten to fourteen will be focused on basic programs of physical activities, like agriculture and beautification, and will be completed during the normal school hours. Children will learn how to be fit and healthy at a young age and they will learn to feel like an important part of society as they develop, with their contributions being rewarded in the form of currency held in escrow, in an account in their names in their National Bank.
From the age of fourteen through eighteen the nature of service will broaden. Each citizen will try out every aspect of the National workforce, from caring for the elderly to preparing communal meals. From building roads to providing tutoring, our young adults will get a taste for what they are good at and how they most want to contribute to the future. They will earn a sense of pride as well as real income that will await their graduation to adulthood.
At eighteen, depending on individual will and ability, young people will either advance on in an attempt to earn higher degrees, choose to enter the private workforce, or select a new option that will now exist where they can begin a career in service to the Nation. Imagine if our young people could graduate school with advanced work skills, a bank account full of 8 years of savings, and a guaranteed job paying a living wage? No longer will the most fertile period in life be a struggle, let us empower our young citizens to have large families and be productive members of society instead of saddling them with debt and leaving them in doubt of their place in life.
Fixing our Nation begins with becoming a real Nation bound by one culture that prides itself on leaving nobody behind. Solving the drug problem requires people being happy. Slowing our soaring health costs requires teaching people to be healthy. Real solutions for real problems. We cannot keep denying what is really wrong with our Nation or we are doomed to the history books to be the next great Society that failed. We need a new road map for the future, a new plan. We need to be honest with ourselves for a change. We need a White New Deal.
You cannot legislate prosperity from nothing. Guaranteed jobs is a communist proposition, not an NS one. Instead, why not prioritize growth and incentivize women out of the workforce to make room for breadwinners?
Digital Bill of Rights
All citizens should have a right to participate in an Information Society and the Nation has an obligation to facilitate the production, exchange, diffusion, and access to transmitted information. Given that the electronic communication has become an indispensable tool for realizing a wide range of digital rights and facilitating National progress, ensuring universal free access to core services must be a priority for our society as well as protecting the rights of the people to communicate freely within it.
We affirm, as an essential foundation outlined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; that this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Communication is a fundamental social process, a basic human need and the foundation of all social organization. It is central to the Information Society. Everyone, everywhere should have the opportunity to participate and no one should be excluded from the benefits the Information Society offers.
Internet forums and social networks which provide free access to the public are a digital place of assembly, and individuals using such methods for public communication should not be subjected to censorship due to political beliefs or differing ideas. Unlike any other medium, the digital ether enables individuals to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds instantaneously and inexpensively across great distances. By vastly expanding the capacity of individuals to enjoy their right to freedom of opinion and expression, which is an "enabler" of other human rights, the Internet boosts economic, social and political development, and contributes to the progress of humankind as a whole.
Why do private companies profit from our digital highways? Would we let giant monopolies do the same to our concrete interstate highways? Could you imagine if Verizon drew up contracts to let us rent time on their roads? And before anyone says “We can never afford that” ask yourself, how many people don’t have a phone and internet connection? Not many. Practically every single American gives part of their income to a for profit company to provide them with basic necessary service that our government could easily replicate. Every American is trapped by a system of blackout zones and non competition agreements that empower a small few to control who can speak and what can be said.
Digital technology has created a range of new ways for people to express their views and engage with public debate about the future of our society. Given that being digitally connected has become an indispensable tool for realizing a range of human rights, combating inequality, and accelerating development and human progress, ensuring universal access to core services must become an immediate priority for the Nation.
The White New Deal specifically calls for cellular and internet service to be provided to the people by National Workers. Without fear of equivocation, it can be said that these technologies have impacted the way humans communicate and access to these technologies a basic tool to facilitate the exercise of fundamental rights. Digital technology has created a range of new ways for people to express their views and engage with public debate about the future of our society and seeking to protect this advancement and find ways to make life online inclusive, the White New Deal acknowledges that internet service and rights are as a fundamental aspect to modern life, a necessity, the need for which has no visible end.
I'm still editing and improving the text, and I am open to all suggestions, positive and negative.
Agreed. It have the domain registered with google as well. I also added custom meta data for twitter + facebook.
You are wrong about this. National Socialism's first promise to the people was the right to work. Communism destroys all private business and while National Socialism does not. There are other differences but I made my point.
Post a list of all the technology we need to invent and all the circumstances that need to be in place for whites to manage to colonize a new planet.
Ethno Space Impierialism mang.
post more shitty shoops. The assets might come in handy for future shitposts. Do it faggot.
Sorry I don't have a team of graphic artists and a staff of writers. It's just me. I do the best I can and despite your demoralizing attempts I'm going to keep at it until it's done.
nigger this is just how i talk. Not demoralizing, encouraging.
Btw, before you become a public figure. Get a good premium VPN. And get an account on protonmail. It's good internet hygiene.
Try to stay anonymous as long as possible if you become known online.
>making reference to (((FDR))) and his socialism
I guess its really cool because you inserted the text into some epic fash wave images duuude. XD
Fucking cringe.
my mistake, some days it feels like the worlds against me.
I have protonVPN and mail. I don't use them much. I've never been into anything illegal, no record, my twitter even had my real face for a long time. I have basically nothing against being doxed I just haven't gone out of my way to become so.
good job. i like it.
The overall aim of the project is to provide a public resource that promotes a positive image for a 3rd position that can remain a visible tool for advocates and a gateway for newcomers. Yes it takes advantage of media hype, I won't apologize for that. And furthermore I will stand on everything I wrote as being true to real National Socialism.
More than half of it is plagiarized from old speeches and texts.
Its ok m9
If you used protonmail and protonvpn I hope you didn't pay it using creditcard. If you did you need to stop doing that, evey time you use your creditcard you expose yourself for doxxing.
Use a bitcoin wallet instead (or any other cryptocoin), much safer.
Either way, all public figures get exposed eventually. It's just a question of time before anyone makes a mistake. The normienet is too unsafe for total anonymity. If you want to stay 100% anonymous the darkweb is the only place to go.
I use gift cards and burner phones/google voice for registering fun accounts, but I'm okay with being public eventually. I'm not like a perfect role model, but there are no nigger gf's, jew exwifes, or closet boyfriends that are going surprise anyone.
I also have the jewbook page @WhiteNewDeal and I started a plebbit account with the same name.
Open to adding points or anything really if it's a good idea.
These are the best.
Good for you going about writing something like this up. Hopefully you will get some fruitful discussion and input out of this. Overall I would suggest you say what specific, concrete actions each of your points would do as succinctly and colorfully as possible. If a position would require more than three sentences to convince your average target demographic of going along with your plan (meaning they understand the problem and like your solution), then consider retiring it or simplifying it.
The NSDAP said that it is the first duty of every citizen to perform mental or physical work. It was the State's primary duty to provide a livelihood for its citizens. This is an opportunity and obligation to work, not a right to work. You cannot make a right out of a limited resource. In practice though I imagine you are just attempting to provide opportunities for work for anyone who wants to do it, which is great. However, promising it as a right is as ridiculous as promising water or shelter as a "right". Rights are only liberties of action, thought, and belief that individuals may have and are unlimited and thereby able to be guaranteed as a right.
I'm not sure what you're proposing here based on what you've written. I know and agree that usury is a particular demon to tackle, but that's from being on Zig Forums. The NSDAP put it as "The abolition of incomes unearned by work," which means all kinds of things but at least it spoke to the common man who lives by working and doesn't understand nor find fair those who live by interest alone. You don't necessarily want to proclaim the same, but you have to put your recommendation into terms your common non-Zig Forums guy would understand and be on board with.
Should is a weak word. "We should," doesn't have the same punch as "We demand" or "We propose". Demand is pretty strong and would be good if what you are demanding against is a form of injustice your audience understands. You could also try finding another assertive word so as to distance yourself from the shrieking Communist types who always use "demand" as well.
Again, you need something specific here. I'd propose something like internet access treated as a utility and for such universal utility status be rendered onto any company that takes tax breaks, incentives, or subsidies from the National, State, or Municipality governments. Squish that down into something palatable.
Get more specific. The NSDAP mentioned several specific ideas like health of mothers and children, physical education, banning child labor, providing merit-based scholarships, and so on. You don't need to bulletpoint them all, just paint a picture for the audience what they would find desirable.
This is not practical for many places in the US. "Provided" is also a wishy-washy word. Does that mean given as a gift, or purchased, or what?
Check out number 20 on the NSDAP list. It's basically what you're aiming for, but it paints a bit more of a picture for the reader.
Again, this is impractical from the way you are putting it. The NSDAP managed this issue by demanding "extensive insurance for old age", create compulsory physical education for youth, and to raise health standards starting with mothers and infants. They leave themselves open to flexibility on how to achieve a healthier society and don't pin themselves to something like "free healthcare".
Again, air and water are not rights, they are resources that a functioning State will do its best to provide to the Nation. Communal meals is odd as hell too. Better to turn this point into something about promoting a healthy environment which involves agriculture.
Citizenship should be front and center on your list. From it derives all the rest of the points and the ability for the idea to even function. The NSDAP put citizenship questions second on its list right after erasing the shame of the post-war bullshit that was forefront on everyone's mind. Americans have been primed to care about citizenship first and foremost too, so put it on top. You should also formulate the rest of your points with the same style as this one, making specific demands for specific actions. Also leave room for treating non-citizens as guests rather than total repatriation. The NSDAP solved this by it's line, "Non-citizens may live in Germany only as guests and must be subject to laws for aliens." You'd need to find out from an immigration lawyer what that might mean in the American context, but it's more practical than deport all stance.
First off thanks for the constructive criticism and effort you put into responding. It means more than you realize.
I can't disagree with anything you said. Rights are a mostly capitalistic/American concept while duty is the only thing that really matters. I believe the wording DutyToWork would be less appealing though but will work on improving the language of section so that this concept is more to the forefront.
Highly constructive. Instead of going through and saying but I mentioned this or that here or there I will take this to heart and create some sort of bullet points or clear paragraph at the beginning to address in clear language what the plan calls for instead of just ranting against interest.
To answer in short though part of the big picture is to replace the leaching monopoly there is on transaction processing by creating a Nationalized service; No more Visa/Paypal deciding what you can buy/send money to and getting millions for the right. And the overall the elimination of the fee based banking system that tends to act like a predator on lower incomes. Everyone needs a bank account and everyone has the need to trade. When everyone single person in the country needs something, it should fall to the State to provide an at cost/subsidized basic service.
Demand sounds much better.
It's buried down at the middle bottom, as the long paragraph above I'll take it to heart and get this up at the top and in the forefront.
My research tonight has been on this topic, I've been reading for hours. Depressing really, both liberal and conservative measures utterly fail all over the globe. My conclusion is the State can't buy children, it must create an environment where people naturally want to have them. I will need to paint a broad picture of a future where having kids is preferable.
Of all points this might qualify to be removed. I had to put stuff to paper and this one ended here. It's part of the old school promises of the pre 1933 nsdap policy.
Will do, the initial passage written is by Plato and I've always been a huge fan of the model he put forth which from my limited understanding I believe was the theory foundation for the German plan.
My personal vision breaks with tradition here. I see a future where the young care for the old and the doctors and other health professionals are trained in State schools. I believe we are more prosperous today than German ever was and if the State provides healthcare as a service to all people starting very young it will overall reduce the burden to society as a whole. Very much willing to debate this.
It is a bit all over the place. The big picture idea is get people eating healthy again and to be a community again. I believe an overall lifestyle change is needed, a literal revolution. I look forward to spending time on this section and anticipate replacing the intro with something more clear and catchy.
You make a strong argument. I placed it at the bottom because the entire paper is a slippery slope. For leftists they will agree with almost everything until the end, then be triggered. For them it is hard to read all these compassionate and caring proposals and then get hit with reality that without a Nation it's all impossible. 1-9 are meaningless without 10, and honestly if 10 happened, the rest would work itself out just fine. This is a paper selling the idea of #10 to liberals. For the conservative they would be attracted to all the colorful red white blue stuff and read it wearily till the end when they go yea maga whoo trump #1 build the wall. It's a slippery slope for maga boomers to wake up and realize capitalism is shit. All that being said, if this becomes more of a platform to run on instead of a sales pitch for the movement it should be front and center as you say for the reasons you say.
Really great feedback, again thanks for the time you took to point things out, all of it was spot on.