Communist really believe they are working real jobs when they blah blah communist on social media but their arms are too weak to pickup the hammer and sickle.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They'll most likely be lined up and shot though it's funny
Oh yeah, they're not even hiding it anymore, they want you beaten, they want your family raped, and killed, and they want you brainwashed, not sure what gets more anti-social than that.

oh boy, the naivety

Farmers are first to be looked at with resentment and be scapegoated because they're the ones with the most power (feeding people)

Also, communism is a fucking thing that defines itself by what it isn't, so it has no structure, right? it's just 'capitalism bad' and then you get 50,000 different communist sects that all kill each other for being cryptocapitalist

Communist farming was highly inefficient because it didn't reward competency and the land ownership was a patchwork clusterfuck.
I heard in the late USSR when Gorbachev allowed ownership of tiny private allotments that comprised a tiny percentage of land owned, they ended up outproducing all the state collective farms. Russia went from the biggest producer of food in the world without any mechanization during Tsarist times into having to import grain from evil capitalists. And yet there are still tankies to this who believe the official Soviet reports.

Lefties are the hypocrites.

Communists believe their personal concerns are more important than other people's freedoms. Capitalists entice people to work for them, to buy their goods and services, but Communists forgo that insecurity and just declare that people will work for them. The difference is in the psychological makeup of the individual. Communists are more risk-averse, and organizationally-oriented, while Capitalists take chances.

Leftists are drawn to Communism because it provides more security, something Lefties crave. But the two are not the same.


Communist farming was inefficient because farming workers were slaves in all but name. Extremely brutalized and exploited slaves who got death sentence for "stealing" as much as three ears of grain they were growing 16 hours a day no vacations no weekdays only to die in some Holodomor while the kikes in power ship the grain away.

I repeat, a death sentence for taking the equivalent of three ears of wheat you were growing in a state owned farm you were forbidden to leave without local overseer explicit paper permission with punishment up to death sentence. You didn't receive any money and barely anything from the state in return, often resorting to growing your own food on state mandated smallish plots with severe limitation on size and type of vegetables you could grow. Stalin's kolkhoz.
Tell me with a straight face that wasn't slavery.

This place, complaining about anyone’s hypocrisy? You people are all liars! The ones who believe this site and the ones who don’t, both do lie alike; if your egos worked you’d have too much dignity for any of the roles you play here.

Way to say nothing while demonstrating you're a hypocrite.

I'd pity them if it was something else, but Communism is pure evil and is responsible for an immense amount of suffering.

Yes. And they must all be killed for existing.
No pacifist solution is possible.

This is every socialist I have ever talked to on the internet.

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You have to entirely drop your worldview and start seeing the reality…you have to violently reconquer the planet from anti-human, jewish criminals. Civilization was a lie.

The first thing the bolsheviks did was confiscate guns. Their power was limitless and corrupt right after this. The Cheka and NKVD went on door-to door killing sprees.
There were lots of vengeful soyoboy fags like Trotsky in the new Soviet ruling class. It was all murderous soyboys and feminists and their power went unchallenged for a long time.

It's no surprise that jews want to confiscate guns again to build the USSA or the North American Union similar to the EU.

Slaves can be actually very productive in farming even during capitalistic era. See US slavery or Renaissance of corvee feud in Eeastern Europe right before its abolishment due to humanitarian reasons.

Problems with communist farming were inefficient like everything because there are no inherent mechanisms for capital owner (kolhoz CEO) to optimize his production. Unlike US and feudal entrepreneurs competing in agriculture market. Also farming due to small effective size of enterprise benefits from market economy the most.

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I was mostly talking about post-Stalin times up until the collapse but yes that applies too.
Communism is as incompetent as it is evil. The massive famine by Mao is just as much fault of the inherent evil as it was due to a directive to kill all sorts of birds, thus leaving no one to eat the pests.

This is because their idea is such dogshit garbage that even the leadership understood Communism could never work in a world where even basic bitch Capitalism existed anywhere else.

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The inherent idea is that private property ownership (usually just referring to land) is abolished. So, in a way, the foundation for a structure is there, but it's true – they disagree on what constitutes property (think Venus Project where nobody owns non-neccessary goods), or if free trade should even exist between individuals (I weave a hemp shirt, and trade it to you for some moccasins) or if currency is needed as a measurement of value for goods and services, etc etc.
It's all so fucking dumb. They really only know platitudes like "capitalism is slavery" "profit is theft" "tolerance of any intolerance leads to total intolerance"

t. University Student who pretends to be radical leftist for good grades.

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These are great.

This. Anytime the left realizes that X is a form of power, it feels resentment against X and it needs to drag X down. That's the core business of leftism.

I'll dump the rest. I only have a handful

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Yeah she's definitely gonna be amongst the millions of people getting lined up on the wall and shot, without a doubt.

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And that's the last of it.

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y tho?

I quite literally haven't laughed this hard in a long time. These are fucking perfect, and I'm 100% using them now.

This fucking bitch wants a job brainwashing people after they are kidnapped from their homes and forced to do slave labor.

These people are totally irredeemable, It's really a shame that they are under zogbot protection.

Fucking saved

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Cant get his voice out of my head lmao

Hypocrisy does not exist when truth does not exist. They don't care. They do not actually believe anything. Stop trying to "expose" the hypocrisy.

It's almost like gommunism is self destructive at it's very core. Big think.

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Funny they could do all of these things right now and make a good living without being slaves. I wonder why they don't?

these people are so fucking delusional it's crazy
oh yah, ha ha, once communism takes over i'm totally going to be designing the military uniforms and be a card-carrying party member since i helped overthrow the evil capitalist government! no, oh no no, i'm not going to be slaving away in a coal mine for 20 hours a day, are you kidding me? ha ha, make sure to send a postcard from the gulag you anti-socialist!
yet once those fruits show up with their giant holes in their ears, neon dyed hair, and tattoos all over stating, "yah im here for my card carrying party position card," they'll be led through the back door to the automated execution range.
I just love how they always talk about how much DA NATZEEEES hated gays and whatnot, but the communists had even less tolerance for degeneracy.
Fucking goddamn idiots.


As much as I enjoy the Paulie memes, any interesting stories about commie hypocrisy while undercover to get the thread back on track?

No shit goy. Communism is a concept directly from the talmud and torah. They dont call it that, but thats the polisci term they use to disarm its traces of origin. Engels and marx both studied under Moses Hess, a talmudic rabbi in the mid 19th century, pre-herzl. The commie revolutions were funded by rich international jews like the schiffs and warburgs and facilitated by minchiviks and bolsheviks like trotsky (bronstein). They were allowed safe passage by germany during ww1 due to the fact that the german state structure hadn't yet been openly betrayed by jews within its structure, so the germans believed the jews that wanted to support the czar overthrow were doing so as a part of Germany's benefit. The proliferation of communism is a heavy investment by jews internationally to destroy nation states. It is a contronymic system, meaning that its victims see the system as a certain "brand" which is inverse of its effects. I.e. I want to have equality of outcome, for everyone's benefit, so we give all our shit to a central authority… oops turns out the central authority just genocides all the whites and put jews in charge. That's what it is. Communism cant even begin or sustain without investment from a previously established economy. Why? Because as an economic structure it cant turn profit. It is just a hemorrhaged economic model. The only way to sustain it is direct slave labor whose productions cannot improve overtime. Dumbass pube-teens cant understand this.

from chabad

This x 1000.

They serve [a] purpose only at the stage of destabilization of a nation. For example, your leftists in [the] United States: all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders. They are instrumental in the process of the subversion only to destabilize a nation. When their job is completed, they are not needed any more. They know too much. Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxist-Leninists come to power—obviously they get offended—they think that they will come to power. That will never happen, of course.
They will be lined up against the wall and shot.

Is it suddenly not socialist 'nationalism' just because they make an exception for Jews in their law? While they praise a leader, say 'protect the motherland', make religious arguments, outlaw anarchy or talk about 'subversives to the X people'?

At school atm, new IP. I'm not the next shift JIDF agent filling in for the last one. Don't pay attention to it, Goyim

Most of it is the same SJW tier bullshit that Soygon of Akkad rails on all day, but the more intelligent ones seem to show some adversion to identity politics. Maybe because they're White, I assume. For the record I just say I'm Syrian despite being super pale. It helps to be "ex-Muslim" cause you basically have authority over people when the subject of Islam is broached. So I can shit all over Islam because "they beheaded my mother and raped my sister when ISIS took over." I usually push the US/Isreal connection super hard because I want to shit on Israeli Jews as much as I can, but enough about that.

One dude is a hilarious example of a Communist stereotype. Chubby white kid, only child, raised by a single mother. His mom was a (divorced) career woman, who was actually pretty successful. Don't know what her income was like, but I know this dude, he wanted to be called Maverick at first (powerword: Jeremy), he had his tuition payed for, had his own place rent free (dunno if his Mom owned it or payed his rent); he didn't drive so idk if she'd buy him a car if he asked, but he always seemed to have the newest Android phone, and one year he broke two phones and his mom bought a replacement within a week of him breaking it.
So anyway, he originally was a normal Liberal/Socialist, but he tried to start his own business the completely wrong way. I'm guessing he watched Shark Tank (or whatever that show is) a lot where you come up with a good idea, do a bit of market research, and rich people will throw money at you. So he'd do all that work for ideas like an internet cafe type thing, but would never look into actually getting a business license, probably didn't apply for business loans or anything. Point is (oh, also he changed his name from Maverick to Mark Vice, an anagram. Doubt he changed it legally) he eventually grew to be anti-capitalist as a result of being unable to start a business. Those evil Capitalist pigs kept him from achieving his dreams, man. He was more of the "global post scarcity" types of Communists, which I think means he was a Venus Project type idiot. The main error I think these types make is that they believe that Scarcity is always artificial. I'm guessing these types learn that the (((diamond industry))) operates on artificial scarcity, and they assume that all markets operate the same way.

Blue Hair tried to dye her own hair instead of doing it professionally like an intelligent person would (but she's a Communist, so…). Actually pretty attractive were it not for the blue hair (normal haircut tho) tattoos and piercings ("OMG user my girlfriend's took me to get our nipples pierced just totally random!! Guess what tattoo I'm getting next!" XD *holds up spork*). But degenerate whores are degenerate. Eventually I met a nice German waifu in Art class of all places. She's not degenerate, basic Conservative, but she doesn't like discussing politics anyway.
Blue Hair however is how I assume most Communist women are – they unknowingly are attracted to masculinity, and all the cliche's of the Patriarchy. It's probably why they go for BBC or Muslims. A nice Jewish trick, for sure; feminize the men, and highlight the masculine in other races (thug life niggers, and radical Muslims). She's also the typical Communist in the sense that she hasn't applied much (if any) critical thought to the Communist system, she just believes it would work, everything would be better for everyone, and it's only Capitalist lies that say otherwise. Cognitive dissonance is extremely powerful for everyone in everything they believe; Communists are no different.

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kek. lysenkoism crop failures 2.0 here we come.

I'm trying to think of other, like… Archetypes of Communists.
Weird Shitskin dude was a fat "eff your beauty standards" tranny. Idk what race he was, some South American type or Cuban or some shit. It doesn't matter. He was an amorphous blob of brown grease. I constantly misgendered him on accident, mind you, I was trying to blend in. But when the dude who says he's a chick has a total man voice (not deep or gritty or anything, there's just a difference with the way men and women sound), and facial stubble, my brain just goes "he" and he'd get a little mad, but everyone including him tend to like me, so I just use Islam brainwashing as an excuse, and told him to call me "she/her" till I get his pronouns right. Problem with that is I have a longish beard, short hair, a manlier voice than him and I dress in boot-cut jeans and a bomber jacket, so even his totally brainwashed HRT brain couldn't keep the she/her pronouns consistent, despite actually trying. I'm not sure if anyone picked up on it but I know I wasn't the only one who fucked up the pronouns constantly. Most people just change the way they talk around him to avoid using pronouns entirely. Idk how to explain that specifically, but instead of saying she/her when talking to someone they'd often shift, look at him and say "you/your's" then refocus the conversation back to the perso they were talking to. This fatass was a straight up Stalinist. As far as I can tell, he thought the Soviet Union was just peachy and that all the stuff about horrific crimes against humanity we're CIA lies. Didn't get into what structure he would build around the foundational principle of Communism (abolishing private property ownership) but he was a lot more violent than the rest. Most Communists believe that Communism is a truely utopian idea. It's not necessarily about them being lazy or jealous of the rich (that seems to play a part, however) it's really that life for everyone would be better. This guy believed that Communism could only work if evil participants of Capitalism were eliminated. He was the "Tolerance of intolerance breeds total intolerance" kind of faggot. I asked him if this means just banning certain speech, or if he would go straight up "wrong-think" and try to control thought. He gave some rambling answer about re-education that I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to. Best guess is that you visit the gulag if you're suspected of wrong-think.

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More info on the Tambow attack? I can't seem to find anything.

(((Leon Trotsky))) got what he deserved and God Bless Stalin in that regard.

But to quote (((Lenin))) "Intellectuals are the feces of the revolution". All those armchair philosophers and professors in the institutions will be the first to get the bullet even before the bourgeois.

Found the butthurt commie

It honestly works

Do you literally know nothing of persuasion?

One only need to read comrade Solzhenitsyn's 200 Years Together to understand why. A true Russian will never forget the 60 million innocents the jews slaughtered and they will pay. The myriad of Russians in israel shall one day act to eliminate the eternal vermin once for all, for we too are a species of revenge who shall strike back. For now, more arms to the Syrians and Iranians to watch the jewish rodents squirm befitting of vermin.

Are you still white, though?

Every commie I ever met dreamed of having the state enslave all those that mocked him so he could force them to do fucked up things at his whim, like tounge out his dirty asshole at gunpoint.
None of them ever saw the real future for themselves: A mass grave.

Born and raised in the Midwest USA to the daughter of Danish immigrants (who, at least my Grandfather was, very specifically not fond of Jews) and the son of a very long line of good goy Scotsmen who had apparently lived in the US since before it was the US… Idk if there's any Jewish some ways down the line but I know my grandparents and great grandparents aren't. There might be a Native American woman somewhere in there, so I'm (possibly) more Indian than Elizabeth Warren.

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those faggots would be made into mulch after it was realized that they are infertile due to age and drug use or too weak to work.

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wrong picture named faggot

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They really honestly don't. Even the professors (ALWAYS – FUCKING ALWAYS LIBERAL ARTS, SPECIFICALLY PHILOSOPHY) who shove their fucking faces into our business don't understand the fundamental issue with their ideas. I can probably pinpoint it to one single thing that fucks up both Communism and Socialism:
Let me take a page from some Socialist nigger cause I read it recently and it pissed me off. >Walzer: "A Credo for This Moment"
This is the epitome of feels > reals, and the basis for all the dumb shit that spews forth afterwards about mo money fo dem programs. For starters, you'll never hear this garbage in an Economics class despite the fact that Socialism and Communism are economic systems. It's always fucking Philosophers because they don't seem to care about what does work, only what should work. 2+2 will never equal 5 no matter how many lives it would save.
Let me be more specific instead of just ranting. If the collective is responsible for the welfare of all then you subsidize poor decisions. If nobody is responsible for me and I quit my job and play video games all day I'd starve and die. Once my welfare becomes the responsibility of the collective I can quit my job and play video games and the collective has to ensure I don't "suffer needlessly" via hunger, homelessness, or lack of health care. Speaking of Health Care let's talk about Socialized health care. So I know this is about Communism, not Socialism, but the vast VAST majority of Communists are braindead NPCs who buy into all the Socialist bullshit, they just add the abolition of private property on top of it. If you socialize health care you subsidize poor health decisions. This is where the Stalinist actually has the best stance, cause at least he's already okay with murdering people who prevent the system from functioning (of course that would turn his own regime into a reflection of the CIA lie he insists the Stalin regime is). These poor decisions include: smoking, idiot parkour YouTube videos, thug lyfe, kids eating Tide pods, the dreaded anti-vaxxers, hypochondriacs who get a slew of tests for every cough and headache, and of course fat people (~35% are overweight in the US, an additional 33% are obese with significantly higher health risks).
Of course at least NatSocs are aware of this subsidization of poor behavior and removes more susceptible sections of the global population (niggers most importantly) and they address it by regulating behavior via culture to mitigate degeneracy. Communists/Socialists are oblivious or at least unwilling to address it because I don't think they're willing to submit an answer to the predicament, because it basically means admitting that certain lifestyles are wrong and they're over-insistent on being infinitely inclusive. Tolerance of intolerance and all that. Funny now that I think of it that the one who spouted that the most is also most likely to be the completely intolerant one.

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Look, philosophy teaches people how to use tools in life. Tools such as ethics, logic, and critical thinking (among others). Some people choose to use these life tools to advance their agenda, whether it be communism, feminism, or liberalism. Others use the tools to advance nationalism, libertarianism, or anarchy.

The point here is that your experience with philosophy tends to be with people who are using philosophy to advance values anathema to your own; these people are college professors, as you pointed out. Your problem isn't with philosophy – it's with college professors using philosophy for their own agenda.

The reason why I'm writing this post is so that you stop attacking philosophy (which has produced works like the Republic, Leviathan, Euthyphro, etc). Your problem is with college, and specifically, college professors. Don't hit the wrong target by focusing on philosophy, because you're weakening your own position.

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Only traditional and classical philosophy teaches that.
The postmodernists reject all those things in favour that everything is culturally relative with massive amounts of pupil and sophistry attached.

Thanks for insight user. Hope you shower thoroughly whenever you're done being with these mongrels

They'd all be serving as fertilizer.

The pop culture reference holds people's attention.

I always thought M. Bison looked familiar. L

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Just an update, the use of these caused a major blowout, causing several coworkers to unveil powerlevels, and one gay coworker to begin talking about how he wished it became acceptable to wear SS Uniforms again because, "nazi's were the sexiest army".

All of these dudes are no more that useful idiots as Iuri Bezmenov said. These one would be the 1st to bite the dust after the revolution. But lefties were never characterized by realism so…

Like how they got upset when people told them to learn to code, which was after they mocked the working class for the loss of their jobs through the actions of beucrats by telling them to learn to code?

Why do jews who worship Communism not promote it as a Jewish accomplishment the way they do with Polio vaccines?

Don't go to the dogs when shit gets kinetic, kiddo.

a very good lecture that was. I almost forgot that from the time I read Bible

Communist = Bolshevik = flea-ridden rootless radical terrorist and a carrier of the virus of social cataclysm. Shooting a communist on sight should invoke no punishment – on the contrary, much like ridding the world of a rabid dog, it should be praised.

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Communism is degenerate intellectuals’ wet dream. Mind you, a dream for themselves, NOT for the common person. In their ideal society they are the ones near the top (but not the absolute ruling class, as to try to avoid as much direct blame as possible for shit living conditions of the people), after all they're the "intellectuals," and they get to dictate through "educated decisions" to the peasant class what they will get, how much of it they will get, when they will get it, because they "know best," and they will all fall in line and obey their "learned superiors who will dictate the course of society for the betterment of that society." "Betterment" of course ends up meaning better for the "intellectual" class who sit just below the top running their mouths and issuing commands (that the "top" class, the political body, really just a fall guy though, puts into action) to the lower classes and sucking up the most resources while everyone else lives in poverty.
That is their ideal society. Where anyone who disagrees with them or questions them is, by proxy, guilty of questioning the ruling class, and is stripped of all rights (I'd say "property" too, but to them the ideal is that only they own property of any kind, the peasant class only gets an allotment from the state which can be taken away at any time for any reason) and left to die in the street if they arent outright taken to the gulags and murdered. Because they view the common man as being no better than a talking ape, who should not be allowed (for their "own good" mind you) to make decisions or have any sort of power to influence society as the intellectuals believe the common man will ultimately destroy society with poor decisions (be aware of course that to them "destroy society" means eliminate the so-called intellectual class and elevate the living standards of the peasant class, taking for themselves the ability to learn and govern and lead their lives as they wish, rather than having the intellectuals dictate to them how it is to be run, because the intellectual class believes this will only lead back to capitialism which will drain the earth of resources faster as "too many people" begin using the same kinds of resource amounts the intellectuals deem fit only for their small group to be allowed to use)
To them, unending breadlines, massive poverty, and a bankrupt nation mean nothing as long as the top classes continue to live in luxury without needing to lift a finger. Their only concern is if the poverty becomes TOO crushing and the peasants revolt in such numbers that they cannot be stopped. Thats the only "problem" they think a communist society can or does have. So in short, no, crushing poverty, dead kids, and starvation? Not problems in and of themselves, its only when they become to wide spread and the peasants revolt, but even then the causes arent actually the problem, only the effect is the problem to them. Which is where state monopolies on violence (weapons, armor, etc) come into play as well, if they can put down revolts swiftly with extreme violence if needed, then the thing they view as the problem goes away, and the peasants can go back to working for pennies while the profits go to the lazy useless intellectuals, who cares if they starve or die in the street as long as the luxury for the top remains intact?
THAT is why communists dont give a rat’s ass about how many times communism has failed, or how it continues to fail today. Because its not ABOUT the working classes, that’s not what communism is built for. It’s built for the top classes to benefit, with no regard to the suffering it causes the rest of the population.

pic related to your point

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the irony of communism is that is is always hated by the common man, which results in low productivity. things got so bad in russia that stalin imposed draconian laws on coming to work late.

of course the first to go will be the ones supporting communism from within a pluralist state. the next generation of innocent communists is what is needed as a basis for a communist society, not the corrupted soyboys who know the secrets of how the movement got into power.


I've been saying this same shit to anyone who will listen for fucking years now. If you look at the people who push communism, especially online, time and time again you see these same patterns emerge from them:

They claim to want equality across the board, to "share in the labor and the rewards of society," but never NEVER will you hear any of them talking about wanting to be the farmers, or ditch diggers, or builders, or miners, hell you never hear any of them talking about wanting to be doctors, or lawyers, or nurses, or electricians, or effectively ANYTHING of any practical or real value to society. Time and time and time again all they ever will accept as positions within society, is among the "intellectual" class. Teachers of communist dogma or social "sciences" or such as that (nothing so difficult as math or hard science), propagandists or "journalists," basically its always "scholars," the "thinkers" of society as they see it who push the dogma onto others and force them to live by it, while they physically and intellectually contribute very fucking little to society.

My mother talks about it in terms of them thinking they're all going to be the close circle of whoever ends up "on top" (ie: the ruling class) who themselves dont rule and expose themselves, but who are effectively the oligarchy behind the scenes (not in so many words, but you get the idea), who get all the benefits of being the rulers of the nation but who never expose themselves to the light, and never have to pick up a fucking tool and do a real job.

The hilarious part though, is that none of them seem to realize, there is only ever room for a very tiny class of those people in communism, and not one single fucking one of them will EVER end up in those positions. Ultimately the people who rule in communist societies, come into play with their group already put together, they already have their "thinking" class, and all those rank and file useful idiots who helped push communism? They end up in the same fucking breadlines.

Hell, as an user once posted, those "good little communists" are the ones who end up getting the bullet first anyway, because the fact is that cleetus and jamal, in a communist society, will feel much closer to each other and on the same level, than they ever would with "nick the communist." Cleetus and jamal will show up and want to share in nicks prosperity he already has, his ipad and macbook and the home he inherited from his parents. nick may have pushed communism on the people because he thought he'd be working "for the party" and have an elevated lifestyle above the peasant class, but when communism showed up to share in his things, he objects because he wanted to be the "thinker," the "intellectual," and that just wasnt in the cards, he was just another useful idiot to the ruling class and their "intellectuals" they brought with them. So cleetus and jamal, who are all to happy to be sharing nicks things, report him to the government when nick expresses dissent about how things turned out.. and.. well thats when nick gets dragged into the street and shot in the back of the head for not being loyal enough to the state and the ideology.

That, is ultimately what would happen to the vast majority of these arm-chair communists. And frankly, they deserve every last bullet and then some. But yes, I've been trying to get people who are vulnerable to communist ideas to realize this for years. Those other communists? they dont give a rats ass about you, you're a means to an end for them. They care only about their own prosperity, but are to fucking stupid to realize where they'll end up, and ultimately they'll drag everyone else into the gutter with them in their hubris, and all we'll end up with is an even more powerful and unequal society where the ruling class might as well return to just being kings and lords while the rest of us live in ditches so they can live in luxury. And communists would push this in the retarded hope that they'll end up some duke or lord, but no, they'll just be another peasant fighting for scraps at the bottom

Fucking communists all deserve the bullet

My great grandparents used to live during the starvation in tambow or one of those near region,they were forced to eat vermin and steal from each other, I'm not even sure if there were cases of cannibalism.
I feel deeply sorry for the victims of communism but fail to understand how so many view it with nostalgia as a good thing.
Same with all the antifa faggots who struggle to see what the soviets would have done to them.

Our man Yuri explained it decades ago. The moment communist rule is established, useful idiots are the first against the wall.

Here's a nice comic dating way back to the 40s. It was published by samizdat. Quite a few people got shot for possessing it.

Caption on top: "October's Conquests"
Peasants are holding a sign that says "All power to the Soviets"
Peasants getting wrecked are holding signs that say "Factories for the workers" and "Land for the farmers", very popular commie slogans.
The poster getting plastered over reads "Death to golden epaulets" (commie slur for czarist army officers). The new poster says "A Soviet officer is the people's pride".
Two kikes are holding a sign that says "Death to the bourgeois!"
The slogan written above Stalin says "Peace to huts, war to palaces!"

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Yup, that image sums up pretty nicely how they all see themselves after the "revolution" happens. Its kind of funny when you think about it though, they all believe they'll be the "brains" of the whole thing, when between all of them I doubt they currently have one fully functioning brain to begin with, and how none of them want to earn any kind of position or status in society, they just want it handed to them

That last bit is really hammered home when you think about the ones who want to be basically propagandists, or the femcommie on twitter in the OP who wanted to be a "therapist" or "re-educator." None of them seem to realize that RIGHT NOW the entire new media in all its forms is already the propaganda arm of the commies. If they were worth even the tiniest fuck that those hacks are, they'd already be writing propaganda for "the party." And the "therapist" wannabe? Doesnt even seem to realize that therapists already exist, and it is a mostly leftwing profession as it stands, many of them indoctrinating people and manipulating them, she could ALREADY be doing exactly what it is she claims she wants to do, or could be a teacher and be spreading her communist filth in schools right now where it is already being spread

But none of them will put in the work or effort to do those things, and none of them seem to realize those "positions" they want ALREADY exist exactly as they claim they want them. They're both so stupid they dont realize it, and so lazy they wont work to put themselves in those positions. They think they'll be the brains of the "party," but none of them have a brain in their heads, and none of them will do any work. They are useless trash to "real communists" like cleetus and jamal who will eagerly put a bullet in their heads for being the toxic bourgeois class communists despise

Sometimes I wish full immersion VR existed, the kind in anime, purely for this purpose. So we could hook them up to, show them where their little commie revolution would end, then wake them up and ask them "so.. now that you've seen what will happen.. you wont be a 'leader' or some such in the party, you'll end up with a bullet in the back of the head after digging your own grave… do you still want the nation to become communist?" If they say no, we let them go.. if they say "TRUE COMMUNISM HAS NEVER BEEN TRIED" then we just shoot them

They would say that we rigged the software in order to make communism fail.
There is nothing to make them see what they do no want to, due to ignorance and laziness.

the very media that they absorb without hesitation has made them believe they are special snowflakes, and that that special snowflake ideology would be their ticket to their version of greatness.

Ironically the same beliefs that was drilled into them would be the end of them. Poetic in a way. Campaigning for something that would destroy them for no other reason than their interpretation differs from other special snowflakes.

Proving again - Might = Right.

nigger just made me research ball point pens

I should also say they weren't mass produced until 1945 and the Briome was sold in 1944. I don't know when that kikess supposedly wrote that but I bet it was before 1944 as that is when they were caught. Those god damned jews man. those god damned jews.

And these retards accuse us of larping holy shit. At least I'm honest when I say I'd hope that if I survived I'd be lined up against a wall and shot for being too progressive and finally I can be at peace knowing the world is in the right hands.

Attached: 4012373815aa1306859a5ffd6758a155[1].jpg (750x1062, 95.99K)

Attached: lcdlp_red~(1).jpg (641x899, 364.99K)

"Let's talk about these irrelevant western communist excrements, fellow Millenials."
"Yes, dem dirty bolsheviks forced my grandparents to work in some mines."
"I heard that when Gorbatchev…"
T. Boomers.

You heard? What are the statistics, boomercuck? Either way, all that talk about communists is a way for your lot to attack what is really behind (((liberalism))), look the other way when (((they))) pushed racial equality etc.

Most commies in the West are just naive with a child-like mentality. They legit don't understand how the society and wealth creation works because they grew up in prosperity and safety of the West. Others are just scum who want free shit because they offer no value, of course "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" would appeal to people with no ability.
Russian commies meanwhile (as well as in other post-Soviet states) have a nostalgia boner for the USSR because they're comparable to convicts who have spent most of their lives in prison, can't understand how the free society works and thus can't function elsewhere.

Oh look, it's the usual "everyone who doesn't like the USSR is a boomer" archetype. Back to the woodwork.

Beasts of England, Beasts of Ireland,
Beasts of every land and clime,
Hearken to my joyful tidings
Of the Golden future time.

Soon or late the day is coming,
Tyrant Man shall be o'erthrown,
And the fruitful fields of England
Shall be trod by beasts alone.

Rings shall vanish from our noses,
And the harness from our back,
Bit and spur shall rust forever,
Cruel whips no more shall crack.

Riches more than mind can picture,
Wheat and barley, oats and hay,
Clover, beans, and mangel-wurzels
Shall be ours upon that day.

Bright will shine the fields of England,
Purer shall its waters be,
Sweeter yet shall blow its breezes
On the day that sets us free.

For that day we all must labour,
Though we die before it break;
Cows and horses, geese and turkeys,
All must toil for freedom's sake.

Beasts of England, Beasts of Ireland,
Beasts of every land and clime,
Hearken well, and spread my tidings
Of the Golden future time.

Attached: hoof and horn.jpg (600x300, 41.4K)

female vs male
jew vs european
yin vs yang

Yang must always dominate, as close to 51/49 as possible, in all environments.

But see, those golaged people would be
so it's necessary.

Attached: ratched.jpg (500x282, 53.34K)

Reminder kikes pretend this rollercoaster was actually a devilish murder machine that catapulted people straight into ovens. I assure you they have similar tales to justify all the other leisures the disgusting rats had at the camps

Attached: Screen-Shot-2018-01-24-at-10.36.17-PM~(1).jpg (465x864, 239.86K)

Attached: U5dsycrH55L9kZz3KCdLLYBHBoSjqso_1680x8400~(1).jpg (960x960, 349.07K)


Attached: communism.png (2328x1514, 121.5K)

What page is supposed to be written with a ballpoint pen? The left page looks like it's written with a fountain pen and I'm not sure on the right page
Good meme either way

these people are larpers who also believe their own bs

Attached: Anne Frank - Ball Point Pens.webm (480x360, 11.7M)

Why. What purpose did it serve.

Holy crap, is this a new one? This is the complete truth about commies. None of them are going to be slaves in the gulag, they are going to be honored party members.