==Tim Cook's Creepy Censorship Speech==

Apple wants all of you to fuck off.

It looks like he don't want to carry mr Bond's music or some shit. Joe mentions Owen Benjamin briefly. It's a trip that whites are really really covertly being eliminated.
Every now and then I have to clear my mind and double check the facts, yep the elite are trying to eliminate whitey

How long til we lose freedom of speech?

Other urls found in this thread:


Weren't you paying attention? We've already lost it.

No we haven't schlomo. Not yet. They're trying every day but as of now we still have it.

niggers can legally kill white people for saying, "nigger"

No they can't schlomo.

No we don't, NIGGER. Unless you're some lolberg faggot that thinks "hurr it's still free if it's a company and not DER GUBBERMINT legally killing you off for wrongthink.

coming to a goy near you:

Attached: 008D9408-78B1-43DC-9F9B-E08FE6EF0161.png (1242x2208 706.16 KB, 2.1M)

You're retarded. When we can't call a nigger a nigger or a kike a kike get back to me.

(((Jew rogaine)))

Sage and report for not even trying. Holy fucking shit, you're like a child.

Yeah. They can. No one has freedom of speech. You have nothing.

Your video is jewish spam.

You already get unpersoned, fired, become unhireable, and assaulted for saying those, though.

What are they trying to tell us with the weather icon?

Like in your basement? soon retard, soon.

You're not helping your argument, you're making his.

Are you actually retarded?
Those points prove that we DON'T have free speech, you mongrel.

Bookmarked, will research. I've been using (((Galaxy Note))) phones since the 3 because of the sweet stylus features, but at this point anything I can do to minimize my online fingerprint is worth it.

that they’re all kikes, its a honypot goy, and that we should all stick with apple, google, and MS because those companies totally respect our right to freely access information

Attached: 0A55AA61-A6CF-481B-A90E-DDC53A26C720.jpeg (900x900, 187.58K)

Kill yourself.

That you're too fucking stupid to count the number of points on a goddamn star.

the problem they have also is that they can have the fancy job and the fancy title but batshit cray cray is always gonna come across as batshit cray cray

Just wait until you see the new EU Copyright law.