Do yourself a favour and flush it down the drain

May's Conservative Party does not have a majority in parliament and is only able to govern thanks to a deal with 10 lawmakers from the Northern Irish Democratic Unionist Party.
The resignations mean that May's position in parliament has been weakened even further, at a time when she needs to be able to win a crucial vote approving whatever Brexit deal she is able to strike with the EU.
There are now 313 active Conservative lawmakers in the 650-seat parliament. With the DUP support this means May now has a working majority of 7 seats, down from 13. This is calculated based on the fact that some lawmakers do not take up their seats, and others act as neutral speakers.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sabotaging Brexit, i mean we all knew this would happen.

Just fuck my vote up fam.

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Well nothing would be a better example to the lemmings that democracy is a lie than another perfect example of direct democracy being overturned at the whim of the oligarchy.

I think brit lemmings are so far gone that even if brexit is rejected they will still believe in demuhcracy. Perhaps at least it could radicalize the right wing and change some minds.

Lemmings don't respond to arguments, they respond to incentives.

>Thinks Britain just can leave the (((EU))) empire
Funny one m8. They'll most likely keep this up until May is gone and the next worse fucker just so happens to leave Brexit and reaffirms Britain's """love""" of the EU. Just in time for you poor Bongs to get fucked with the rest of Europe by the new copyright laws.

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We all saw it coming

Vote for it, despite everything, despite all the money and propaganda thrown at the country, still vote for it… and get nothing.

This is why there will be blood flowing in the streets.

You mean making no deal more likely? As it stands this is the best case scenario. Let Labour and the Conservatives destroy themselves and have us default to a no deal, and then for the next elections if there is no conservatives and no labour; you will see a massive shift in people to more nationalist parties as there is no longer a desire to 'vote for the lesser evil to keep the greater evil out'; people will actually be able to vote for who they want.

Now it's likely that these defections will amount to nothing, but in theory this is a good thing for British Nationalism and for 'real' Brexit (no deal).

i cant wait for a no deal tbh lads, i want people to start shooting each other again, they better fuck up hard with our land border. do they even have plans in place for a no deal border?

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No deal, just leave.

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Surprised a patriot hasn't tried to destroy the magna carta again to restore the empire. jews really screwed everyone with that bit of nonsense.

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Yeah sure they have a plan, like they have been planing the whole Brexit for the past 2 years.

No deal is the best case scenario and thats the one that looks most likely if they can't get a deal in the next few months.

where the fuck is guy fawkes when you need him?

the same plan that doesnt exist yet and thats why we're getting no deal?

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Kill your politicians.
Democracy is a cancer.

no guns and all the police/military have them, and whilst people could make stens and pipebombs you'd be lucky to find someone willing to use them AND not rat you out

Everything is a shitshow.

Our government looks pathetic and stroppy to the outside world as the PM travels to and from Brussels, each time on her return having Parliament say "Nope! We don't like it!" and the PM having to return to Brussels, only to come back and have the same reaction.

Labour is working itself into a self-induced frenzy over internal anti-semitism - that the public just doesn't give a shit about besides a few Jewish people who write for the papers or spew shit on twatter. Now a few of their MPs have left and will probably join a new party.

A few Tory MPs have joined these labour MPs, literally rats abandoning a sinking ship as they state they are unhappy with how the government is handling Brexit. They will probably create a new party. The media is touting this as a potentially great new party to "occupy the space between the two main parties" and be "centrists". Except this is NOT the alternative the people want - they do not want an anti-Brexit, identity-politics focused, racism and especially anti-semitism obsessed new party. Two things could happen - the media machine spins this new monstrosity up into being a new "primary" contender in British party politics, or the public simply say "fuck that for a laugh" and ignore them, and they remain sidelined.

Either way British politics has never in history been more out of touch with the British people.>>12828516

No deal pls. Let the nigger saxons suffer under poverty and shitskins.

Thanks jew.

This pic greatly confuses me…do I pronounce it "Oi-den raus" or "E-juden raus"?

I'd just pronounce it the same way as in German but with a slight e sound at the beginning
'eYuden Raus' as the e Yu sounds like EU

The Magna Carta is null.

A contract entered into under duress is null.

Attached: King-John-signing-Magna-Carta.gif (680x543, 330.69K)

That's would be "Oi" as in Eule.

Now we have "eOi~ejOi"

Then just say "Eju-den"

In related news…a Germanistic linguist just committed suicide.

A nice thought, but people are sheep. Even Sarah Champion kept her seat in Rotherham after the paki rape story blew up

Did anyone actually believe that the Jew puppet whore, Theresa May would have the UK fully leave the EU?

I don't see that happening. It appears that Nick Griffin and the BNP in 2009 was the peak. Wow, was it really almost ten years ago? Goddamn.

Wasn't there restrictions on the Jews specifically written in the Magna Carta? It was only some 80 odd years later that they were expelled from England.

Has nothing to do with the puppet regime. The crown made a deal with the jewish cabal to spare the UK (not it's citizens). This is the reason why they Queen had to show loyalty, by openly defiling her bloodline with a nigger.

Harry is not from her bloodline

If that's true of politics then truces and the likes are all null and void.
Don't apply modern civil shit stuff like the rule of nations

Are you implying it wasn't all a charade to make the goyim complacent?

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Clause 10 and 11 deal with jew moneylending.

Sorry I wasn't clear.
I meant pronounce it in the same way that you would say 'Juden Raus', but add a small e sound at the front

I read it like e-juden. Soft j.

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Isn't he Charles son, who's Elisabeth's son, or did I miss the "bastard" episode of the royal family incest show?

He's a bastard.

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Oh shit, I remember that Diana was supposedly fucking around while Charles was busy humping that horse Camilla. Shockingly, the defiling of the bloodline by a nigger is still valuable as a public display, because by Windsor freak incest logic the bastard lie was never admitted…so somehow my statement was still kinda spot on.

Harry is like "WTF? Why did I give into the kikes' demands and marry this used up mulatta whore? I should have found some White bitch commoner to marry instead."

Just wait until it comes out all the royal brats are Harry's. kek

Then you're a literal brainlet. In British (and American) politics the common person does not vote for who they want. They vote for who the people with the best chance of beating those they really do not want in power. The people who would have voted for the BNP realised they had a chance to achieve some of their goals if they voted for UKIP instead; and so after 2009 we see a MASSIVE rise in UKIP support. This is a combination of disgruntled ex-conservative and ex-labour voters, plus most of the old BNP voters.

If Labour and the Conservatives suddenly disappeared, most people would be very happy. You would no longer have to vote for the Conservatives just to keep Labour out, or vice-versa. It'd be the same in the US. Most people vote the for the Republicans to keep the Democrats out, or the other way around. Very people genuinely like these parties or are happy with their policies. Most would openly admit that they far prefer other, more idealistic parties; but they will never vote for them because they perceive it to be a waste of a vote. And they are right.

Now to people like us, we realise that the Conservatives and Labour are just different sides of the same shekel. Just like the Republicans and Democrats. We were always going to look elsewhere; but the common man still thinks that Labour is looking out for him, that the Conservatives won't bankrupt him with excessive taxes; so they will continue to vote for them. If they disappeared, which is very unlikely to happen by the way; but if they disappear that would be great for us. It would also be good for the commies, but I'm pretty sure there are more nationalists (perhaps not quote Zig Forums-tier, but good enough) than commies; so I think we'd be alright.

Do you really think the crown has any power anymore?
As far as I can tell they are just a relic of the past, although for some reason Americans seem to regard them as being a lot more powerful than most Brits do

Why the fuck would destroying the Magna Carta magically restore the empire?
It would do jack shit

All of Harry's ex-gfs for comparison.
I'm not one to normally believe that the Royal Family are under pressure to do as they are told by outside figures but this one really jogs my noggin desu

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There's always a head house nigger.

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One less set of assholes to wade through because of a new set of commandments on paper?

You missed the bastard part. Harry is the son of Diana and James Hewitt, a man who is known to have been romantically involved with Diana and who looks exactly like Harry. This is quite well known, btw.

Democracy sure is a great illusion. Why don't they just give all power back to the Queen already? At least she supported BREXIT.

Yep, pretty much scolding him nazi costume party and showing him even a bastard can be pushed lower by making him fuck a monkey.

Let some old blood just itching for a chance to reclaim the stolen crown have their chance. Call it the War of Dildos.

if she actually supported it–or was against the loss of the British Empire in any capacity–she would have done literally anything whatsoever at any time in the last 70 years. She did nothing.

Not true. She does tend to fellate upper management fairly often.

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Why do these threads always seem to go dark when the city of london comes up?

The best deal is no deal, simply leave, so may this actually be a blessing in disguise?

They can simply leave the northern Ireland border how it is right now.

but they cant because its a physical border between the EU and UK and since they dont have an agreement they either need a hard border or unite all of ireland into the EU either way one side will get triggered enough to carbomb again, last one was only 2 weeks ago

They can declare it soft for Irish people, and hard for non-Irish people. Irish people don't want to be bothered by having to go through checkpoints, so the hard border will not be enforced. Having a non-enforced hard border between Ireland and northern Ireland is a far greater improvement to having the entirety of Britain's border soft as it is now. At the moment EU immigrants can come in freely anywhere they want. After Brexit, if they leave the northern Irish border as it is, EU immigrants could only sneak in a small section of the border, and they would be subject to arrest if ever caught.

The other two options are to establish a hard border, or kick northern Ireland out of the UK.

Neither option requires a deal with the EU, and any of the three options would be better than remaining in the EU.

That qt on the bottom left. Harry really fucked up here. But more likely he was (((pressured))).

BNP and Nick Griffin were a true anti-ZOG party. Nick refused to take Zionist Neocon money to turn the BNP into your basic bitch anti-Muslim/pro-Israel/pro-Jew/pro-war in the Middle East type of (((far-right))) party. This is why he was eventually kicked out.

Brut Brits & their problems

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Democracy is the best, just can be corrupted. UK still has monarchy and feudalism, that just covers its face with elections etc.

Look at the imagery. She's an used up mullato whore; shoehorned into the Royal family….wearing all black. The black sheep? After their baby squirts out, I'd been watching my back if I were William.

it is Britain … its not like they ever really threw out their monarchs

even after their monarchs lost america they still deiced to be ruled by a woman

being ruled by a woman for 50 years …..


Yep. Look at how much the UK has devolved from an empire to a caliphate in 50 years.

Can someone explain to me why the EU is a bad thing and why Britain must Brexit? By that I mean infographics, images, long drawn out explanations not reddit tier bullshit like :hurr durr da joozz", yes I know its the kikes but what are they doing with this European Union? I already am informed about the Kalergie Plan and the sandnigger infestation, but I need more to create a compelling debate/argument. I would do my own research but many of you anons have done so already, so I see no reason to waste time on a down to earth topic, when I could be learning something not so common to the board.

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The EU is a suicide pact, and always was. It intentionally reduces the capabilities of every nation within it so that they are forced to rely on others in order to survive. So far instance British farms are not allowed to produce a good deal of crops, or have caps on what they are allowed to do. Poland supplies all of Europe with potatoes. France and Italy get grapes, France gets most dairy, Britain is not allowed to fish (or rather is only allowed to do so in extremely small amounts). It limits what every nation is able to produce. Arguably this is to make it so that we all have to 'get along and play nice', but in reality it is idiotic and suicidal to trust century-to-millenia old enemies with the sustenance of your people. Only an insane leader would agree to such a thing. The thing is our 'leaders' are not 'our leaders'; they belong to another group that seeks to create something new and defile the old nations.

This alone should mark the EU out as something insidious and evil. It seeks the death of all of Europe, seeks to bind us into something new through blackmail. If we do not do as they say, our people will starve. I mean wow, when you think about it like this they truly are diabolical. But it gets worse. Much worse.

The EU is dedicated to re-distributing the wealth around Europe. Communism 101. So you say Britain, France and Germany are doing well? How about we give away some of their money to Poland, Spain and Greece? There's lots of industry in Italy is there? Not anymore; we're shutting you down and forcing you to move to Ireland. It's not always that they are forced, but they are given ridiculous tax breaks in certain countries, which are put in place by the EU, and essentially force many businesses to re-locate. This is why industry has spiked in Ireland, Poland, Bulgaria and the like. It is not natural. People are being bribed to go elsewhere and forsake their own homelands. Worse than this, they have done this with some European countries and encouraged them to set up OUTSIDE of Europe. They are moving the wealth around, out of nations, out of the people who came up with the idea and the community that build it; and giving it to others who never previously had any part of it. Unsurprisingly these companies usually die out as the new people don't care about them; but even if they survive or prosper, this is still incredibly draconian and twisted.

But that's not all. This stuff is just warped-idealism manifesting in the manipulation of people and resources around the continent. It gets far more insidious. Far more disgusting.

When you start moving on to the European Court of Human Rights trying to force nations to accept terrorists to live within their borders, prosecuting Europeans for standing up for their rights and having a quota for migrants placed upon them; this is genocide. It gets worse though.

France and Germany are setting forward with a new plan for a linked military. They have actually wanted this for decades, but prior to Brexit the British always vetoed it. A pan-European army. What will its purpose be? To create a white utopia? Of course not. It's to put down revolts in the host nations. Macron even said something more or less to that effect recently concerning them. When the French people revolt, why risk having the French military join them? Why not send in the German military to pacify them instead? Have the French military pacify the German nationalists. The Spanish military pacify the Italians, and the Italian military pacify the Hungarians. Far less risk of the military actually siding with their own people that way. Genius. Evil.

Even from a democratic stand point its ridiculous. Thousands of laws have been made and not a single European citizen has any idea what they are. Unelected EU ministers come up with ideas that the rest of us are forced to follow without even knowing what it is. People are arrested and say what did they do wrong? Police quote some new law. But its not just a few new laws; its thousands and thousands. Absolute insanity.

And then we've got immigration. Then we've got the Kalergi plan. The whole thing is evil from top-to-bottom. The only solution is to get the hell out, and hope it dies quickly.

Good summary, capped.

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thanks for that post, also capped

America if you give up your guns you will be subjected to this sort of gov bullshitery….nonstop. just fucking stop talking to eachother and their gone. Didnt you guys firght for CENTURIES over some really stupid shit? pass a law declaring france a bunch of filty cheese eating surrender monkeis and frace you declare england to be crooked tooth limey bastards and your done.

We're out in 5 weeks mate. I'll bet my eye on it.

Incidentally, we should start a thread or two soon to ramp up pro-YV rio- uh, protests in Londonistan

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Let's fix that user


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