After the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting, Dr E.Michael Jones did a show a few days laters on this. And his video was censored in less than 1 hour ( ! ). probably by the ADL. So the video was immediately censored and put in the restricted Goolaged state.
However, Dr E.Michael Jones just re-uploaded his video of it and now, since a few months have passed, he didn't get censor yet.
That's probably it's most controversial video (a.k.a the most Jew-Blaming video) and you should watch it.
Dr E.Michael Jones has re-upload his censored Pittsburgh video
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck this anti-white loon.
He never said that, you Jewish shill.
He said countless time that a nation, it's like a triangle: If a triangle lacks one or several sides, it's not a triangle. Same thing with nations, if the borders of a nations are weak or non-existence and allow the inundation of mass immigration, then, it's against the interest of the nation. In other words, he is advocate for strong borders and strong immigration control/selection at borders.
I've seen him talk, and what I said is exactly his position. He is adamantly opposed to "racism". His only value is get people dumb enough to be Christian to at least oppose jews, maybe.
Do "Dr." E. Michael Jones and this weird-looking Peter Helland guy have any connections to (((them))) like so many others on the alternative right have been shown to have? There was a video where Jones discussed the destruction of Catholic communities in northern cities via blacks and he stated that he or his brother was married to someone with ties to a powerful Old Money nominally Quaker family in Philadelphia.
@5:21 Jones: "…I have jewish friends…"
Catholics aren't white. That makes no sense unless you completely redefine either term. What a crackpot.
You already have a thread for this, nigger.
Half of Jones' vocabulary seems to consist of the word LOGOS. His obnoxious personal lingo mixed with Christian dogma does more to obfuscate things than enlighten and educate, I find.
Eh I'll give a go later of an audiobook of a book of his read by Linder, there's sure to be constructive comments added by him.
Great. He articulates his position really well.
Do you deny what he says?
Being "white", being "black" are JEWISH inventions. It has no meaning, it has no soul, it has no origin, it has no roots, it's an empty shell, it's a pseudo-identity from your REAL identity, which should be your ethnic group.
This whole "White people" creation is a Jewish psy-ops creation which comes straight out of the United States of America…It's stupid, it deprives you of who you really are. You are internalizing the commands of your Jewish oppressors, you categorize and accept the category of your oppressors, and thus it makes them easier to manipulate you, because once you become "white", you have no roots, no attachments, and you are also responsible for the evil deeds of the whole world, because everyone knows that being a "white" person is being guilty of all the evilness of this world, that it be racism,slavery,Nazism,xenophobia,…
Stop using and identifying by the categorizes of your oppressors. Being "white" means nothing, you can't identify solely with the color of your skin, or with genetically similarities…That's what you do with ANIMALS, when you talk about breeds, but we are much more, we are humans.
This vision of "white people" is typical American Jewish Marxist invention, and this is being imposed on us in Europe too, like all the filth that the Great Satan of the USA is imposing on us, like gay marriage, sodomy, tolerance, mass immigration,multiculturalism, diversity, sexual "liberation", …
For example, European immigrants who settled in the USA weren't "whites", at least not the Catholics. They each formed their catholic parish, their own communities based on their ethnic groups, based on the people they truly belong to, their European people, and they had their ethnic tongue, and they had their ethnic history, they had their ethnic culture, they had their ethnic people,…This is a REAL identity, and it's a threat to Jewish power. In the USA, there were "Little Italia", Italian ethnic group, German Town, German ethnic group, Irish Town, Irish ethnic group, Polish Town, Polish ethnic group,ect…And they were ALL living in their own, with their own little population, with the people they truly belong to, and they weren't """white""", they were Germans, or Italians, or Irish, or Polish,…They each had an unique and special ethnic identity, with an ethnic language, an ethnic culture, an ethnic history, an ethnic people, an ethnic proximity and an ethnic belonging, ethnic roots,…This is a REAL identity. And when the Jews and the WASPs used the Africans as proxy-warriors to destroy these ethnics catholic parishes, they relocated all these independents ethnic groups, they relocated all these people together, "mix-ethnically" (or Mix-Racing for people who are obsessed with solely biology) all these differents European unique ethnic community and put them all in big cities, along with other Africans people…And then, they suddenly became "WHITES".
They had lost all their ethnic identity, they had lost all their ethnic roots and their ethnic belonging, and they suddenly became a rootless pseudo-identity, they became "white people", they became these kind of people that we talk like if they were just like an animal breed without any human ethnic identity, talking about them like those "White Goyim", and it's a pseudo-identity.
And since you internalize the categorizes of your oppressors, you are at their mercy, it makes you extremely easy to manipulate and diffuse. Just see what happened at this "white supremacist "Charlottesville" event, it was a trap, and it was so easy to manipulate them and frame them into the great evil they are, because everyone know that when you are "white", you are responsible for all the evil in the world. Furthermore, it is SO easy for Jews to create "Divide and Conquer" between "White people" and "Black people" and thus creating racial conflict behind the two, because you just have to manipulate one of the two empty shells identity into the other, and you create the beginning of a race war, and when you create conflict in the population, then the Jews at the top become invisible, because you start to concentrate your energy and your hatred on "black people", thinking that they are the true problem. What do you think that the Jew George Soros gave more than 30 millions $ to the hypocritical "Black Lives Matter" movement ? Because it creates racial conflict, because then, the Jews becomes invisible and it can continue to oppress the people while being cloaked in shadow.
So please, I live in Europe and we start think the same stupid way about ourselves, as "white people".
No, we are NOT white people, it's a pseudo-identity, a rootless identity. Each group has it's own ethnic identity, it's own language, it's own culture, it's own history, it's own people, it's own belonging,…people living in Portugal aren't "white", they are Portuguese, of a Portuguese ethnicity, people living in Spain aren't "white", they are Spanish, of a Spanish ethnicity, people living in France aren't "white", they are French, of a french ethnicity, people living in Germany aren't "white", they are Germans, of a German ethnicity, and so on and so forth.
And very often, there are other ethnicity within nations ! And to make things clear, I'm talking about the different people of European nations, thus talking about the native people. It's not because an African person is born in France, it's not because he's given a french """nationality""" by the Marxist government, it's not because he lived all it's live in France and that he speaks fluently french and he's accustomed to french traditions, that he is part of the french ethnicity, that's not possible. He does not belong to the French ethnicity, he does not belong to any European ethnicity for this matter…He should have been born in Africa, in one of many unique African ethnicity and belong to it's people.
But why is he in France? Because of JEWS. It's JEWS who promote open borders, mass immigration, the destruction of the true meaning of "nationality" (no, it's not just a stupid piece of paper, it's much more), multiculturalism, diversity, inter-ethnic mixing (what you call interracial, because you call it this way from your American vision of "White"/"Black", but an inter-marriage between a German and an Italian is also "mix-racing", it's also inter-ethnic mixing),…
The christian teaching is VERY clear: The tower of Babel is a grave SIN. The base of each ethnicity is LANGUAGE, they were all formed this way initially, each people came from a different language, and thus, the tower of people is the destruction of all languages to create one single languages, meaning that it's the destruction of all these different ethnic groups to create a single one, a rootless group.
That's the whole point of the Tower of Babel, that's what it's a sin, because it's evil…And the (((European Union))) wants to recreate the tower of Babel, making the Europe continent like the United States of America, and destroying all these ethnics identities , and all these ethnics nations, and their sovereignty, and they are obviously behind the mass flooding of migrants, first within Europe, and then, bring all these extra-European migrants. It's EVIL, it's ANTI-CHRISTIAN, it's JEWISH.
So stop identifying as "White people", it's hard in the USA, because of your peculiar situation, but you have to find another way, try to reconnect with your ethnic group if you know it.
In Europe, the (((EU))) doesn't hide it's plans, they want to resurrect the Tower of Babel, and destroying many (all) European people, to create solely one people from many. That's evil.
So what are Germans of Sorbian descent? What are Swedes with Finnish ancestry? What are the French, in light of their Gaulish, Frankish, and Roman admixture? Are these pseudo ethnicities?
They're all clearly European because of their appearance, and you're trying to concern troll away from us using our own eyes in determining what a person is.
Typical Christfag, pushing against a racial identity. Fuck yourself, traitor.
He's probably refering to Jews who are far-sighted to see that they are going to suffer a lot.
For example, he speaks of his Jewish friends who keeps telling him that "What's going down the pikes is going to make Hitler look like a walk to the park."
Here, at 21:00-23:20
Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.
Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these retards than survival of their race.
That's the kind of complicated problem that manifests when there are mixture of populations. It's even worst today of course. But to answer your question: They are pretty much their own unique ethnicity within the nations. Like, just see some Portuguese migrants who immigrated in mass in some countries, like France,Germany or Swirtzeland. In each places they immigrate, they tend to stay between them, to stay in their Portuguese communities in their host countries, seeing and staying with other Portuguese people, …So they are a separate ethnicity, out of their host country. I personally think that these kind of things should be a minority, and shouldn't be encouraged at all, within Europe. And I'm absolute against when it concerns extra-europan migration.
Furthermore, certain countries, I don't recall which one, but a country in Africa has 70 different ethnicities within one nations, each groups having their own customs, their own languages and/or dialect, they live within their own group, and don't really want to live with other groups.
But yes, you do raise an interesting point, but there should be a major, a main ethnicity group in each countries.
I give you all the consideration you deserve, Christcuck.
No one falls in Jewish JIDF tricks here. You are Christ Killers. You are the children of Satan. Your religion is the Synagogue of Satan and as said by Saint Paul, you are the enemy of the entire human race and you only can be saved if you get baptized, accept Jesus as your savior and become a christian.
Get this civcuck nigger off my Zig Forums you TRS-tier Zig Forums shills.
Another typical christcuck move: pretend everyone is christian. What's the matter, can't believe in fairy tales by yourself? Need company for your delusions?
Oh shit, I didn't even read the rest of your post till now. You actually believe in converting jews to Christianity.
Who could be behind this irrational post…
Still better than "jews look h'White to me" kosher nationalists.
As long as you came to it with the understanding that the jewish problem is biological, you can get a lot out of his material.
Go back to Zig Forums and choke on a godly nigger's dick.
There are no biological continuity between the Jews of the time of Jesus-Christ, and the Jews of today (which occupy the Israel State). There are no biological continuity in those 2000 years. The Jews wished there was, because their whole "religion" revolves in their supposed "master race", in their supposed "sacred and supreme superior sperm of Abraham" , the "superior DNA of the chosen people",… but it's false. The Jews of Israel today come from the biological area of Turkey.
There is no biological continuity whatsoever. Meaning that it can't be a biological/racial problem, the Jewish Question isn't a racial problem (and Jews are NOT Semites, they wish they were, no biological continuity whatsoever in those 2000 years, thus they are not the legitimate successor of today's Palestine, they are Jewish usurpers).
The Jewish people is a theological construct, and that's were comes their corrupting tendencies. They rejected Christ, the Logos incarnate, meaning that they rejected the order of the univers, the moral of the universe and they have built their whole identity against it…It's a negative idenetity, for 2000 years, they have built their identity on the rejection of Jesus-Christ, which represents Order. That's why they ALWAYS promote corruption, chaos, disorder, immorality, moral relativism, … Because it's an attack on the order on the universe, it's an attack on the logic and moral of the universe, and they do it because they fundamently have a deep hatred of Jesus-Christ, and they have this for more than 2000 years.
So it's not a racial problem, it's a theological construction, it's deep hatred against the whole world for more than 2000 years. They only belong between themselves thanks to their deep hatred. As they themselves say, hatred is a Jewish virtue, hatred (and rejection of Jesus Christ and christian ) is the best Jewish virtue of them all.
Why do you have this kind of imagery in your head? How can you formulate and imagine such kind of degenerate and repugnant things? Is that projection ?
Repent your sins to a priest and set yourself free from your demons.
Pittsburgh was a hoax
jews don't promote Chaos. They promote Entropy. Chaos is Potential Manifest, Order is Manifest Potential. jews and their Entropy represent loss of Potential and Manifest reality. You'd know this if you were from here, but because you're a subversive outsider with an Abrahamic (((agenda))), you haven't got a clue.
Where does he stand on the MGTOW question?
Don't make me dip into my Zig Forums screencap folder, faggot.
Dr E.Michael Jones doesn't say it in the video…But he does subtly open the possibility of it being a false flag during the video. I think that's why, he rheotirically ask "Would Jews kill other Jews for political effects? Yes ! It's called the Lavon affair."
So he doesn't close the possibility of a false flag, he also thinks that charlottesville was a false-falg trap, he also thinks that it's likely that the Syrian Gas Attack are Jewish false flags,he knows that 9/11 was an inside joke, he knows that the official narrative about JFK's assassination is laughable, …
He's not gullible, he knows Jewish tricks, but he had no interest to directly claim that this Pittsburgh shooting was a false flag, especially since we have no tangible proof in order to debunk it.
He's useful just like Ryan Dawson is. Not everyone agrees with us 100%.
He never talked about it, but it's obvious he's against. MGTOW is the reaction to feminism, they are both the two sides of the same shekel. He also thinks that feminism makes you stupid and fat. So there you have it.
I'll do it for you.
MGTOW is based in reality and correctly rebukes the reality of legal gynocentrism. Feminism is based in delusion and struggles to present evidence of its so-called Patriarchy it constantly whines about.
You may be on to something. But are you willing to say that these European ethnic groups are apart of one race?
What is he useful for? He's not leading a significant movement, and his entire worldview is irrational. At best he serves as an example of why Christcucks are useless, effeminate race-traitors..
Feminism is a Jewish psy-ops ideology. If you fall in the trap and that you become "mgtow", then, they win. Like that, the people from your groups won't make any children anymore, even less than before, and thus, they'll import even more mass 3rd world immigration to replace you. That's what you want?
Demographics are a key element of Political power, we have to do many children once more, in stable monogamous and pure marriage, and then, making Order in our countries and holding the Jews accountable for their evil deeds for the last 200 years.
Don't lecture me, Tradcuck. If every man went MGTOW, women would get their rights stripped the fuck away and the birthrate would triple. Biting the bullet, manning up and getting a modern marriage with a roast will just get you divorce-raped and secure a paycheck for (((family court))) jews.
Reminder that all those decrying Jones are dumb niggers or shills promoting division. Here you have the most dangerous group the planet has seen, and Jones does some of the best research available in exposing their tracks throughout history - and yet he doesn't match some of your racial views? So fucking what. Whatever is bad for the jews and increases awareness of them is ALL THAT MATTERS.
It takes two people to marry and procreate. If women go feminists, and if men go MGTOW, then both will drive themselves into extinction…Each other being too individualistic to stop their narcissistic self-centered world. Worst, they will import millions of "niggers, sandniggers and asians" to breed with those women, since they don't care about "MGTOW", and then, your family tree will die with you, and your ethnicity will be exterminated.
That's what you want ?
That's the foundation of understanding what's happening in the world. To deny the importance of genetics is to be of no use. At that point your entire worldview is senseless.
Hating Jesus, hating Christianity and hating Christians are JEWISH VIRTUES.
Of course they are Jewish shills. And they manage to convert those poor "white people" who are lost and confused, and they turn them into useful idiots, proxy warriors against Christianity, so that those goyim can fight the enemy of the Jews for more than 2000 years on their behalf and against their own interest. Don't fall in JIDF "muh kike stick" Jewish propaganda, welcome Christ in your heart.
Wrong. Women don't have any power on their own. If men went MGTOW instead of going Tradcuck like you, Women would get their rights stripped quickly and efficiently. Then the birthrate would return to normal.
You replied to the wrong poster, friend.
Christians are proxy warriors against Europe itself.
I don't even like Christianity and disagree with Jones on a number of point. But it doesn't matter. He's a net positive. Those against him don't seem to understand the threat and are too autistic to realize that with such odds, you praise those that attack the jew.
No one will ever believe you.
I believe him.
We need as many people to wake up to the jew as possible. He's a net positive to be writing these books and doing these videos.
He shits on Whites and insists catholocism is the solution. No.
press him on the issue and I guarantee you he'll proclaim that if jews converted to Christianity, they'd be 100% okay. He's the barb on the jewish hook.
"No one will ever believe Christians are proxy warriors against Europe lol"
He says it's a creation, it's a pseudo-identity. It's true. You are only """white""", just because you are not "black". It's a rootless negative identity, it's a Jewish trap. read my posts below.
*read my posts above I meant.
Jones a great researcher and writer. I don't agree with him about everything but his Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Libido Dominandi books are among the best I've ever read.
remember that 80% of the harsh critics here are shills trying to stir up infighting and generally make the dissident ecosystem as shitty as possible
Jones makes some good analyses, but his "muh catholicism is the answer to everything and race doesn't matter" is retarded
To him, being a jew spiritually is all that matters, if you convert to catholocism you're saved
Further proof for me that religious zealotry in the rightwing sphere of ideas has one intention, and that is global Christianity, and its major side effect is allowing the Jews a win. And the Jews know it, which is why they infiltrated the Church and spurred Vatican II. An return of the Old Mass and 'Replacement' ideology would me slightly more nauseating for the Jews, but the Church would still be used to steer the masses, especially in privileging the Jewish drama found between the front and back covers of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament above all other dramas, like the Teutonic drama, the Romantic/Latin drama and so on. We revel in diversity, and they only want to mix it and segregate identity on religious grounds. Very dangerous and subversive ideology, this is.
I apostasized at a young age precisely because I saw the sorts of lies that need to be spun to keep the flock together in the fold.
He can be right factually on these things for sure, but his theoretical basis is Catholic Supremacy, which has no tolerance for a new Weltanschauung, whether it be Communism, New Liberalism or (Germanic) National Socialism.
Because people didn't see themselves as a "race" before, they saw themselves as ethnicities, as people speaking the same language. Because it what it meant at the time, when you got with other humans who talked the same tongue as you, you formed a group based on language and formed your identity on it. Then, you evolved with this linguistic group and you have the raise of an unique people (what you call "race"). That's what the tower of babel is about.
Race or ethnicity, for him either of it doesn't matter. He's always talking about his jewish friend who converted on his deathbed as an example of how even jews can find salvation, it's disgusting tbh.
I know what you mean about the breaking of ethnic identity in America, but that doesn't change the fact that for him it's all about the spiritual.
He wrote some good stuff, thinking of buying barren metal, but his books are pretty expensive and hard to find.
For the most part, interacting with a member of another ethnicity was a rare or infrequent event unless you were a courtier or your profession required interrelation with them (translation, merchandising, seafaring etc). So there was little use in using comparative language like 'race', 'ethnicity' and so on until communication allowed for a Republic of Letters in Europe. This should not be used to deconstruct existing identities, but rather provides perspective on why discussions surrounding race and ethnicity won't be found in most of old religious traditions. For example, Mann was the ancestral forefather of Germanic folks, whence we get the word 'man' which refers to even people in places like Singapore and Timbuktu. So originally there was no need to distinguish the Father of Mankind and the Father of Germanic Mankind (Mann), and the connection with religious tradition was facilitated by Christianization.
The connection with this religious tradition was facilitated by Christianization, rather.
Fuck me
It matters a lot for him.
He says pretty clearly that there are groups that you belong to (and thus group in which you don't belong to)
Because Christianity rejects the notions that Jews are a separate master race people. They are not. That's the whole point of this conflict for more than 2000 years. We won't treat them according to their wicked false notions that they are a different people in front of God, they are not. They wished but they are not. Christianity has to see the Jews as stubborn children who can't think right, with their delusional narcissistic views that they are a special people. So that's how you kill Jews, you kill them by converting them to Jesus, because when you hate Jesus no more and that you accept Jesus in your heart, you are not a Jew anymore, because being a Jew means rejecting Christ, it's a theological construct. It's impossible to understand the term "Jew" without religion.
The other alternative is, if Christianity gets too weak to impose the moral law on Jews, then people will become violent, and they will take the Jews at their word, that they are the "chosen master race people" and thus, seeing that Jews are always disrupting the social order for more than 2000 years, they will think that the solution to the Jewish People is a biological solution, a.k.a extermination. This is the only logical turn of event if the Church doesn't establish the Church's teaching on the Jews.
And imagine that "whites" manage to biologically exterminate Jews…What will happen ? Well, those people will become the new Jews, because it's exactly that it means to be a Jew, it's believing in racial superiority and rejecting the Christ and it's moral law. Thus, there would be different tribes of Jews who will start to fight each other and it will fix nothing.
The only difference between Jews, and neo-pagan "white people", is that the first group has been rejecting the Christ for more than 2000 years and has formed it's entire identity on that rejection.
So stop wanting to treat the Jewish Problem has biological problem, because what you'll end up being, it's the very thing you claim to despise, you'll end up being a Jew, thinking like a Jew and acting like a Jew.
As Bower and Omar are both Democrats, I feel like everyone should return to the party of Andrew Jackson. They know what's up and the (((bankers))) since the birth of the DNC.
Being a jew is more then rejecting christ, that's why i think Jones is wrong.
Jews hated the Romans too, nothing to do with christ. Jews hate all gentiles, especially those of European descent.
This is your brain on kikestianity.
Kill yourself.
Not talking about word definitions, he shits on Whites, slags Europeans as ignorant barbarians with no history only saved by Romans bringing christcuckery, he's a self hating White aka typical self loathing christuck.
That's what shills are here for. To pollute the thread with their 1 Digit IQ posts.
Nice try, Chaim.
So did the barbaric german tribes. That wasn't the point of that.
Excuse me while I spam this again:
The FBI holds an active shooter drill 9 months prior in Pittsburgh & Allegheny Country; the stage in Pittsburgh for the drill is a jewish community center
The shooter's account was registered 9 months prior as well
CBS News
The active shooter drill and actual shooting location are virtually neighbors
Tree of Life Congregation, 5898 Wilkins Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh, 5738 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15217
A couple months ago the Senate received a bill to monitor and combat "anti-Semitism"
Your seething is obvious, Moishe.
At the time of the Roman Empire, the Germanic tribes were considered the "niggers of Europe" if you want to use the modern rhetoric . They were the people you would fllod the empire in order to destroy it from the inside, just like how you flood Africans to destroy Europe now.
Germans tribes were still chasing pigs in the forest like barbarians, until Christian benedictan monks came in their contact and taught them "Ora et Labora", pray and work. After several hundreds of years of that, it evolved into the german work ethnic and it was so succeful that (((Britain))) and their allies had to plot two world wars to shut down this succesful model, which values work and put's the value of money in the work value (instead of usury). And even after the WW2, they rebuild extremely fast again. And yet, they were considered the barbarians of Europe by the Romans.
Uh huh, cool (((history))) lessons, Moishe.
The fly in the ointment of your narrative? Recorded history. Caesar's diary recounts his dealings with northern Europeans in his campaigns, far from mindless barbarians running after pigs in forests.
Oh look, jewish subversion.
His post doesn't suggest that and jones is anti-White.
EMJ is totally right here. "White" was a category created in the wake of the destruction of the national identities.
Daily reminder: 'kike'' literally means "anti-Christian".
So according to your jewish logic, anyone who opposes Christianity is a jew. Holy based!
Meanwhile you
Woah some jewry you're pulling. No one could ever see through that insinuation!
Look, /po/. Look at the bravery of Zig Forums shills! Filtering people for pointing out a simple line of logic.
Remember that what they want to imply with their Kikes = Anti-Christian definition is that Anti-Christian = Kike.
Zig Forums*
Yes, reported.
Mfw I get to keep using this pic.
Not even true, they idolized them, but weakness in an empire is an invitation to any red-blooded mammal to conquer it.
Jones is awesome. Regardless of your thoughts on christianity and whatnot, Catholic and Christian priests, pastors, monks or whatever are the ones that recorded history better than anyone else. The Catholic relgion goes back 100's of years, and their battle with (((them))) does aswell. Listen to what this guy has to say, and ignore what you don't agree with. And, just because he hasn't out right claimed WN, doesn't mean that he doesn't support it behind closed doors. This guy travels all over the world, but mainly to Europe. As a white man he has a natural attraction to those of his fellow race and not niggers. He's very likely pro white, but would never say it because then he would be the Racist, Anti-Semetic, Radical (Orthodox?) Catholic Professor, instead of all the above, minus the racist.
No, Jones wrote a very good book called "Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" about the jews. Check out his video on YT "A Goys Guide to World History." It's about western Europes interaction with the jews. Very well done. If you like that check out his book "Barren Metal." also very well done. I've been following this guy for about 4 years now and like his work, but am not of Christian faith
That picture is horseshit. It's Christians like Jones that allow Jews in the country under the condition that they convert to Christianity (which they only do outwardly), and then can't explain why Jews are still jewing.
You missed my point you fucking nigger. listen to what he has to say on some topics. ignore what he has to say on others. That simple.
He knows that conversion never works out. He's talked about the Jewish Converso's in Spain and why the Spanish Inquisition was so crazy; was because Jews outwardly convert, but are inwardly still dirty Jews. He has also told a story of how his catholic church had a few Jews that had converted, and he had caught wind of these converted Jews was going to a sermon for other jews that had also converted to catholicism. So he approached one of these kikes and invited himself to come to and give a speech. It was a technically "church ordained" service afterall. Well, the jew tells him "This isn't really for ""you guys,"" it's more for jews that have converted to catholicism." and jones told him to fuck off because they gave up their jewishness when they converted. So long story short, a bunch of yids got excommunicated form the church. He knows that jews are a biological groid separate from the white man. He acknowledges their natural tendency to subvert and manipulate but because he is a "man of god" it wouldn't be to Christ like for him to openly admit that he is for 1488 shit.
There's no need. I have some of my own pasta:
Mattis talks hate crimes in Manama, Bahrain @ IISS conference (a defense conference)
About 0600 GMT 20181027
Transcript (posted later):
Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh, PA
About 1300 GMT 20181027
tl:dw: Mattis was asked about hate speech and hate crimes at a defense conference just hours before the "shooting" took place.
Wasn't Saul a pharisee jew, whose whole mission was to convert the gentile and not really to convert the jews? Awfully coincidental to spare his fellow jews and push onto to the goys, for reasons. Are there any good jews? Can you believe a jew when they convert? History seems mired in the result that you can't, (((they))) are always lying and just want control by any means necessary.
This damned talking point again.
They are so tired of white genocide, they want to outlaw the word white people now.