Boomers, Gen X and Millennials

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generational theory was invented by a jew

As a millennial I gotta say, save us Baste Gen-Zyklon.

Op nailed it all perfectly.

Seriously, you are our only hope.

Gen X didn't deliberately underachieve in anything, that was a bullshit meme that was pushed by the media. We were systematically blocked by boomers who wouldn't leave their fucking cushy jobs, while at the same time importing droves of foreigners to depress wages. We actually believed in personal responsibility, unlike the generations on either side of us, and we got fucked for it.


Gen Z will bring the White awaking. Too bad it's far too late.


Yeah if anything the older millennials were actually in a better position because most were looking to get their first home during the most recent realestate collapse.

Too late to regain federal hegemony, but we are increasingly dividing into ethno-states at a state level.

We have a path forward now. Blackpilling is not a good worldview.


Yeah that is the best bet if the US can be broken up will be the first step in taking down Israel

"At the state level"

Perhaps spread your ass wider for the Chinese

My only experience of Gen Z has been either Far Left or Far Right.

I'm a millennial, I know plenty my age who have homes and have families now

Gen Z are cucks raised on commie core. Fuck Gen Z.


I have a home no family though and I have noticed the something a lot of people get butt hurt at me when I point out the time between 09-12 was one of the best times to buy a home in recent memory

American education has been third world tier a lot longer than that lol

Gen Z is powered by the vril

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Older millennials don't get why everyone is so upset.

Ain't nothing wrong with that brother, but get on it. I knew a good guy I went to school with who's in that same situation and I told him, man, you gotta get that family going for this house or it's a complete waste

The solution to the propaganda inherent in retards running a race, is mockery.
t. Gen eXperience.

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Oh my fuck
was a daily mantra. Fucking cocksuckers.

Yes, I see the solution is working there.

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Well at least they are finally coming around the the right way of thinking. Took long enough to bring them about. I mean hell, now they would rather shoot the retard instead of buying it a house. Guess mockery does have its place.

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Fuck off. Jews are the problem.

Gen X wanted to get rich.

So your post failed on b and you brought it here instead? Stupid faggot is stupid.

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You're right. It would Fuck us, but what other path do we have going forward?

Trying to hold together the Multi-cult isn't gonna last forever.

Not being sarcastic, I'm geniunely stumped.

I bought a house during that time too!

Barely could scrape together the cash, but it worked.

BTW, Don't give up on family yet. Chicks love a man with his own house.

Gen X was fully under propaganda protocols. Everyone wanted to, gen x and beyond were lied to in being told they could actually do it. X waited patiently for their turn as they were taught. The wealth divide grew and you have people famous for being famous making mad money either because they are a shill or they are actually of the tribe.
I still can't wrap my head around these assholes, like the idiots sending thots money just to be abusive etc. where all this money is coming from when after busting my ass all these years I have to scrape by with less than 750 a month after being forced to kick into the system and getting my ass broke kicking into the system. Now we got niggers flipping burgers for 15 fucking bucks an hour and people who actually participated in society are getting fucked.


Which specific Jew would that be?

Some Gen X I know are right-wing as hell, but they feel that they can't do anything about it.

This is true. A Balkanized USA is the way forward.

This is true. I hope anyone here that has kids, or anyone here that knows people who have kids to not send them into (((public school))). Homeschool all the way (private isn't much better, to be honest).

(((They))) are always engaging in D&C. I have to admire the kikes' persistence in tearing things down, in a perverse sort of way.

They were raised before common core. They can count.

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Muh labeled generations is obsolete for the foreseeable future. It is proper that we have Gen X, Y, and Z, i guess, because they're probably the last that these labels will be in any way useful for describing population groups by age. Late Millennials and Zoomers are already thoroughly divided into a plurality of disparate types.

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anonymous don't know anything, boomers are based and full of win.

Fuck you. Baby boomers did not destroy america as the pic in your OP alleges. Jews did. Stop promoting boomer hate.

College is a meme invented by boomers to enslave/trick Xers into financing their pensions pyramid scheme. Doomer, natsoc is the only answer.

Millenials suffer from the entrepreneur/third-sector/startup meme brought around by the collapse of wall street bubbles culminating in 2008

Zoners are being imposed the digital influencer era. You don't have privacy, your digital persona is completely mixed with your IRL as people turn themselves into brands/outdoors. Everything must be done online, even sex.

I know you are a millennial because there is 2x the amount of greentext in millennial paragraph.

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they should have done this. the war was a lie based on shipping off warrior class white men to be culled, while securing an international opium trade for the crown corporation. the tough men should have been more discerning. instead they went and died for a lie and the only people protesting were doing so for sex drugs and rock and roll, and became the boomer shitlib machine we are currently dealing with.

if the men wouldn't have left this country wouldn't be as fuck now.

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the gen X paragraph is mostly correct. however, apathy was our resistance. not joining the military to fight for zog, not working for government. this was the best that could be done concerning the major ills of society.

what people need to understand is that only like 5% of boomers were woke on who really runs the show and what they are trying to achieve (jew run NWO) i'd say gen x had maybe 7% or so. mostly the higher IQ folks who quickly understood what the internet was and used it for research, like myself (20 years of truther research, but i was always alone in this my peers didnt care) millenials have a higher % of woke people. like 10-15%. this is because they didnt just grow up online, but the internet had matured more by then. by this i mean much BS that i had to sift through in my research was debunked before you ever clapped eyes on it. what it took me 10-15 years to know, now can be learned in 1-5 years if you apply yourself. the info is a bit more ironed out. its now easy to get woke on jews, nwo, women, banking, race etc

also, millennials had more diversity to deal with and less of a job market and economy meaning they had the prerequisite discomfort to start to ask "why is everything fucked up, and why are we being herded and turned into slaves?" since you were uncomfortable, young, and now for the first time in America's history, young AND woke, there was a movement forming. Gen X never had a movement. we had weed, skateboards, and grunge concerts. there was no one leading the way or encouraging anyone to grab the reins of society and fix things. i could never find anyone to talk about the world. everyone was an NPC.

the main point im making is that truth seeking, or smelling something wrong in the world, is rising every generation, equivalent to things growing worse. the alt-right was the first real manifestation of an organic push back against the jews and their NWO in America. granted it was quickly subverted by shills like anglin, TRS etc, but the people on the streets and pushing the memes online are a real group of people who are educated about the jews and their NWO, and energized to do something to stop White genocide. (i understand GLR and others had tried to do something before, but they never had anywhere near the numbers or information distribution we have now.)

I hope Gen Z goes full skinhead gangs and wrecks shit, because that is what we need. a fuckload of White INTOLERANCE. that is the only thing that matters. forming groups and not taking any shit, or ever giving in. we'll see what happens. honestly, as the last of gen x (oregon trail) i still am very blackpilled because i have never seen the government be trustworthy and know them to be the main force pushing our genocide, but people (including the alt right) always line up like suckers to vote anyway. we need to disconnect from that system and a lot of people are hesitant to do so.

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I miss the days before curated search results.

When gen x hits the boomer's age, we (gen x) are so fucked. We're getting it coming and going.

i didnt. never was materialistic. more interested in truth, art, spirituality. never fell for the wigger meme

Boomers are the pawns of the Jewmers.

They spend all day watching their electric Jew stories and doing exactly as it tells them.

Gullible idiots.

there was propaganda, TV was always about that, but it wasnt anywhere near where it was by the time millennials came along. gen X still had strong white man warriors as heros in movies, feminism wasnt even a thing really, faggots kept it hidden and saying faggot was common, as was making fun of faggots on tv. music and culture were white (of course it was very capitalistic), black culture was still marginal. blacks werent as anti-white as they are now. mexicans were very rare, asians too. no one had even heard of islam.

but millennials got the full dose of holocaust, slavery, multi culturalism, common core, faggot and tranny shit, leftist nonsense. everything, plus the diminished attention span from being on a smart phone all day. most millenials are children of the NWO. weak in mind and body, tolerant of all degeneracy, hooked on their phone, a perfect subject for the surveillance state, hate their parents, have no religion, embrace leftism, anti-racist. alt-right/WN are the minority you have to admit that.

good lad, I to duck and covered when the wigger meme came through here. Boy never did I thought I'd see the day I'd see a white guy acting like he was a black dude. What a fuckin nightmare.

No doubt about it millennials are a wreck. Our propaganda was a bit more subtle because the numbers were smaller. It was easier to just make those little inroads of tolerance not seem so bad. I think one of the first kind of wtf moments for a lot of people was affirmative action being pushed in the workplace.

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that was noticeable. also i think the schools had a type of "no nog left behind" thing going on as well, maybe they had lower standards for nogs. this was late nineties turn of the century time. i remember being in a college english class and this straight up nigger was speaking ebonics in class. i couldnt fucking believe this nigger was in my class and that i was paying for this. if he wrote like he spoke he shouldnt have been in there.

Zoomers were the last white generation, just barely. The next one is Browners. No use keeping track after that unless until we genocide them all.

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Wigger was a reaction to the systematic emasculation of white men. When strong white men (Nazi) is illegal the next most masculine "humanoid" is the groid. Our greatest allies wouldn't let that opportunity go to waste of course, and leveraged it to the maximum, all while profiting.

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I don't like the use of the word apathy I don't think that quite embodies the entireity of what it is

Correct your thinking.

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Haven't kept up with social trends, fell out around 2006 or so and never looked back. The smartphone fad was bad enough and thought it would burn out but it only got worse. Then we started getting hit with the race mixing bullshit around 2010. Took my TV out back and shot it till there was nothing left, ran my smartphone through my friends workshop grinder.

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Yeah and they tried that ebonics crap in California. Like legitimately make it a language push.

They tried to butch it up for a while before giving up on the charade.

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Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.

Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these retards than survival of their race.


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I swear they're not even trying anymore

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Well, I mean the smart thing for you to do is go stand next to a nazi flag and let peope take pictures of you for the internet. I'm sure that is a super cool smart idea that works out for sure.

i have some bad news, time capsule bro…

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Fairly relevant, but also remember boomers had been coopted ==BY JEWS==

It's a fad.

Gen Z is the worst generation yet.


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Be violent and kill jews.
That is what will fix all that.


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How old are you? Do you even recognize who that is?

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Tablets came in and went out. 3DTVs came in and went out. VR and AR came in and are collapsing. The smartphone market has been shrinking in the last two years. It's saturated.

Just stop supporting jewish narratives.

The blocking is not only them not leaving their jobs but also the bullshit social welfare-progroms they helped enable which have a bad habit of turning whole generations into useless fuckwits. atleast on heavily socialist countries
There's likely plenty of stories like mine where the reasons wary (bad parenting, depression, health issues etc etc) where you're pretty much just moved to sidelines for a a decade or so to live on "cushy welfare" without any worries and the "help" of "professionals" (shrinks, doctors, etc) where you just grow ineffectual, lazy, useless and either stay that way pretty much a manchild-route or fix your problems by yourself but by the time you've done so and are ready to try again it's too late.
They see you've gotten better so they pull the rug from under you (welfare, to a point atleast) and make you waste your time, sanity and likely health too eventually once sanity vanes enough by having to take part in various progroms and such in hopes of filling the void so someone might eventually take pity and hire you for a low-paying shit-job but the changes are slim.

There's an oven waiting for you yid.

Oh here's one, which generation of jew is the worst and why? kek

When it comes to being the most overtly antiwhite and faggotized, I guess Gen X and Millennial jews take the cake. They're all antiwhite and homosexualesque, though.

You are clinically defined as insane.

Can you just admit you were wrong

Fuck off, kiddo. Adults are talking.

But no one is agreeing with you…

Gen Zyklon is made of multiple groups
The kids that were raised by Gen X
And the Kids that were raised by Gen Y

Theres a huge difference in them
Gex X's kids tend to be better, older, and whiter
Gen Y's are typically a rainbow of welfare & goblinism, they're disgusting, and they make up the bulk

Military families are the same as they've always been though, but modern military does make a difference, such as those from the Oil Wars, those are more attuned to reality compared to the Boomer's wars

Source: I'm Gen Z raised by Gen X; when I was still in school learning to be a Zog bot, I saw a huge difference in the generations, around 2005 is the turning point, even the goblins were better before then; its revolting to know you have to share the world with something that can only destroy it

Thanks for using my OC

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The strange thing about boomers is how they are so totally convinced of things that are obviously not true.

You start talking about how the city is degrading as the "ethnic" portions grow and they loudly repeat all the mindless canards "DIVERSITY IS A STRENGTH. THEY DO THE JOBS NO ONE WANTS TO DO. EVERYONE IS THE SAME. THEY CAME HERE LEGALLY." then desperately try to change the subject. Whereas X and Millennials, will agree but often try to explain it away.

Boomers can't be reasoned with. They are a brick wall. The decades of brainwashing seems to have shattered their minds in a way no one else has ever experienced.

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Cobain sucked. Layne Staley was better.

This is pathetic now. Run along.

Children of Gen X are millenials, dimplo

That reminds me of something Boomers like to do
Boomers will get convinced that the "opposite" is true
They like to think that theres "something more", but instead of looking for the truth, they just go fucking insane
Thats why you'll see a FUCKLOAD of boomers on conspiracy videos
Its like how people get super religious as they get older since they're gonna die

Its kinda surreal to see someone who'd normally be pretty reasonable then say something thats fucking retarded, they don't even have a good reason, its always unbelievable bullshit that even toddlers can make out from truth

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Every truth strips away a piece of the reality they created to maintain their sanity through it all. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.

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this is the most retarded meme of all of them, its either H1B pajeets or people doing work that children and teenagers used to, my mom worked raspberry and blackberry fields during the summer when she was in middleschool and early highschool, my dad worked cleaning real estate properties when he was in highschool

I havn't noticed this tbh. They fall for the Q, russia and "I have evidence that will lead to the arrest of…" shit. Anything that helps them cope. Never 9/11, sandy hook, vegas.

I was talking to a boomer this weekend about the maga nigger hoax and he said "Well racism is a real problem" I replied "I know, I've been blocked from jobs, financial aid and was unable to get SBA loans because of it." He had no reaction, didn't acknowledge what I said and just started talking about something else. It was strange as fuck. I've never seen a younger person do that.

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Staley was probably literally autistic, judging by his interviews (even early 90s before the drugs took a massive toll).

Literally no boomer I've ever spoken to with about the subject says that.

not to mention construction day labor and painting, thats literally what half of them all did in their late teenage years and twenties

What do they say? Gas the kikes race war now? Maybe your state is different, but I generally talk to boomers I've never met before about politics on a weekly basis. They all just repeat canards when talking about race. Honestly all of their takes are extremely superficial, but that's true of all normies.

A fellow Gen X'er I see.

Boomers ignore us and millennials just not assume we're boomers.
We're literally "the forgotten children of history".

yes, but it's not brainwashing. It's wishful/delusional thinking brought-on by a lifetime of self-interest at the expense of their children and the nation. They're holding-on to the myths and the "deal" they were sold when they were younger and desperately working the "good faith" angle in much the same way as a person who has been phone scammed will stay in contact with the scammer and get fucked even further even after they know its a scam due to a variation on the psychology of prior investment.

They think if they just show enough good faith, they'll passive-aggressively guilt-trip the bad guys into being good guys, but in reality all they're doing is projecting their profound guilt from being taken in the first place onto the scammer. Never underestimate "low cunning". People are awfully stupid, but they're almost never simply stupid.

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Its been almost an hour and still no one has agreed with you yet.

This is probably why all movies to american audiences have to have a happy ending. This this also why Oldboy, GoT and similar are so popular among X/Millennials. They're sick of the happy ending delusions that boomers can't live without.

It's like the prisoner who is released after decades and immediately commits some crime so he can be put back into prison. Whether they liked it or not in the beginning is no longer relevant, they just don't know anything else at this point.