Level headed Andrew Anglin destroys Zig Forums and other no vote accelerationist shills
It turns out there are a bunch of non-serious larpers who don't understand anything about how people work.
Anglin the FED? So BASED Zig Forums
wake me up when trump does something inherently pro-white.
I remember being good pals with Anglin, then I hate Anglin. Then I went to Ironmarch and became pals with Slavros. Now I hate Slavros.
Very very level headed and optic minded, fellow joo haters!
As far as I'm concerned, this is just one less club the Jew media can use against Trump.
stop befriending faggots and non-whites
Its not my fault they fucking pretend to be white, fucking pretenders.
I can't wait for Kammala Harris or a similar type to become President so all these retards can suffer.
He has admitted himself that the entire site is just a joke and an art project. There's nothing to even consider here.
Anglin may not be Optic, but he's not dumb.
He's right about his site.
He's right about Trump.
There is a reason no one on Leftypol discusses acceleration. No one in Csarist Russia or Imperial France thought "We should accelerate this. Surely that will wake up the sheeple."
Whites rise up
nice advertisement
OP should go back to bashing the in range crew. That Karl guy had a dress on.
All the fags whining non-stop about Trump now are going to vote for him in 2020. Because getting another Obama style faggot nigger like Correy Booker is a greater evil. I hate how Trump has turned out but i'm still going to vote for him. Spending the next two years trashing him isn't going to help prevent President Kamala. And Anglin is right his site exists to redpill people though interesting and over the top takes on current events. Not hold Trump's feet to the fire. If you faggots really wanted to accelerate things you'd screw the optics and go in. But you don';t have the balls for that.
He makes that sound like a bad thing
What did Obama do that was worse than Trump?
Shut the fuck up shill. I'm voting for Patrick Little and so is the rest of Zig Forums. Go suck Trump dick elsewhere.
you better have greater evil than traitor. if you vote for Trump you are traitor like him. if you vote for trump again, you have no balls.
More viable than the Republicans yes
Speak for yourself, I'm voting Gabbard.
Or maybe you were thinking that an anonymous post on a Mongolian basket weaving forum could tie me to a specific party or candidate.
and "fed" is not an acronym, you stupid fucks. it's an abbreviation for federal informant or the Federal Reserve. In the first case, you write "fed" in all lower case letters; in the second, you write "Fed," because it's a proper noun. you're worse than these dumbasses who write "loose" when they mean "lose."
There was a time when we could ban civnat daily informer shill threads. Reminder this guy sided with Ricky Bobby, an anti-racist activist who opposes white identity.
Reminder Anglin is not white, is mixed race red indian.
Reminder Anglin doxxed kikeslammer who was a white nationalist that ended up getting raided by the feds because of it.
Reminder Anglin racemixes with gooks and advocates racemixing.
Reminder Anglin is against National Socialism making him Antifa.
Reminder Anglin is against white women white makes him anti-white.
Reminder Anglin wants to vote with niggers for zionists.
Accelerationism is a highly theoretical idea conceived by Nick Land who at the time was a Marxist. The basic idea was to accelerate the capitalist period in order to reach the communist one. Capitalism is necessary because without tech and automation, freeing the workers is impossible. For this reason, Marx himself supported free trade and capitalism. Now retards just try and apply it to everything. The missed point is: capitalism is considered a necessary period in the Marxist worldview and is something they require. They key here is the product, what you get. The answer for the equation of genocide plus accelerationism is simply accelerated genocide. Awesome. Good job, illiterates!
I you don’t vote with bullets, you have no balls, user.
This is the only coherent and intelligent post in a shit thread about some rich faggot in Moldava.
Reminder Trump told Sessions to go after the alt-right and is the reason our men are in prison.
Reminder Anglin is on the fed payrolls so he doesnt care.
All caps provide emphasis to language since English is debased and retarded in terms of actual communication of anything meaningful. Open your mind you geriatric dumbass.
Where the fuck do you think you are?
Yes and GOP isn't because the last republican president turned out a literal nazi who slaughtered shitskins and kikes by millions right?
This user. I can’t stand Anglin. He is worse for us than the jew because he alienates both us and the normies and keeps any serious consideration of Nationalism on the back burner.
top kike
But only bug women since he doesn’t believe in anything but the Kalergi plan/racemixing.
it's a magapede thread
MAGApede boomer thread. I wish they would FUCK OFF already.
stop bumping the thread for starters
We aren't voting for the orange kike again faggot. He already fooled us once. It wont happen again.
Is anyone noticing a pattern that the kikes keep bring us their used condoms as ‘leadership’ in the hopes that we will cave and find one of them worth sucking off? I have to say I am not a fan of this tactic for trying to recycle their used trash and push it off on us. First there was BarneyLARP, then PLittle and now Anglin is making the rounds to remind us that ‘with kikes you lose’.
Sir, yes Sir
The accelerationism of 2019 has no relation to the accelerationism in your pasta. It is simply the realization that we are no longer the beneficiaries of a system of government that we are historically associated with, as well as the mindset of subverting that system.
The key truth for the modern accelerationist is to recognize the desirability of a total reset in political affairs by trashing the present system.
Funny that the Daily Stormer's biggest donor is none other than Jared Kushner. And Azzmador is a federal informant snitching on the folks that visit the Stormer in order to keep his sorry ass out of jail. Jews always win, you fucking retards.
Get OUT! I want proof of this for my files.
We know exactly who you are voting for Zig Forums you don't need to come here and brag about it
Either way he is semi-literate boomer southern trash. Why anyone would take that loser seriously is beyond me. Maybe you're all faggots. I'll just never know.
Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.
Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these retards than survival of their race.
Stay mad, rabbi.
Fucking morons.
Don't forget that (((weev))) owns his site
Stormtards vs. Nazitards.
Jews win again as always.
it does have a relation, contrary to your pasta. the whole idea of accelerating systems comes from nick land. it's one of the ideas officially credited to him. the idea gained popularity in right-wing circles when he was writing on neoreaction only a few years ago. he began applying it conceptually to other systems to explain it and how it would work but in a more specific way now than people explain. what happened is people took the idea's core framework and applied it to everything.
what you and others don't get is that it essentially an accelerated burn. killing the patient immediately to save money rather than buy time with drugs. applying it in a system where the goal is to eradicate you is not terribly great.
Fuck off, Kessler.
God, I forgot them offering us ‘the fountain’ as well in their little ‘you anons need a leader’ bullshit pattern.
Reminder that we cannot vote our way out of this
Kike Anglin gets the firing squad. Filthy dumb TRS scum
(((I wonder where all these photoshop Trump pics come from?)))
We know exactly who you are voting for >>>reddit there's no need to come here and brag about it.
Post jpeg of an ass and not a goat. Lel
That belongs on a sign
I thought it was ‘clever’ ;)
I NEED this on a shirt.
Isn't bedtime in Israel yet?
Sucker for punishment user. LOL
To subvert a system by taking measures to weaken or destroy it (pigeonholed as "accelerationism" and placed in an unrelated context) is an original idea in contemporary white discourse. So many have been convinced by patriotardism and white nostalgia that to suggest to a WN that the nation that he longs for and to which he swears allegiance is his enemy and worthy of his destructive energy is revolutionary thought, and cannot be reduced to an outdated Marxist theory.
You shit that out of your ass Schlomo?
Bring it on then.
The trick is to drop nation and civilization out of your mind, replace it with blood and race, and start seeing the world as a hostile ground that needs to be reconquered. Claim your future, user…the fortunes of your ancestors are no more.
He is, but he also makes White people complacent.
Despite evidence to the contrary? The planet is now a zit ready for a final squeeze, kek.
The elite kikes love that shit because you waste your time fighting other plebs instead of realizing most of your owners are just as white as you are.
Nobody cares what this mossad freak says, he's a biological jew.
Hello TRSodomite, still defiling our board with your garbage since your forum got taken down?
Slavros did nothing wrong and wrote great books.
Kikes can drink as much bleach as michael jackson and they will won't be half as white.
Remember when he was called a fed by votecucks?
They don't spam these threads anymore for some reason.
They love (((Anglin))) and (((Weev))) now that they've joined them in mindless GOP worship. Feds gravitate together.
He riled up the niggers pretty good, but then again so did Trump for different reasons.
If you insist on that when given the actual truth, then you will always be a pleb.