February 20, 2019
February 20, 2019
Hiring shills is 3-D chess.
I think Trump has shown he's a useless faggot fairly thoroughly, Mann Coulburner doesn't add anything to the mix worth reading.
She's only one of the most honest and popular conservative voices out there. Coulter is excellent for normies.
Ann Coulter is an attorney and should hold a position in the Trump Administration where she can get payed by the taxpayer to flap those gums. I do like her ruthlessness in rejecting civic nationalist BS and I imagine she does support the idea of a 100% America down the road as well.
But this is not thread material.
Wow that sure is saying a lot. I hope she's paying you well.
I'd happily take a check to advertise for Anne Coulter.
How much is Cadre paying in comparison?
On the bright side at least (((Trump))) is old and obese enough that he'll probably be dead in less than 10 years
I do it for free because she's one of the only non-faggot mainstream voices. I want to win.
Real sad when a frail old woman has more balls than 99% of the men in a country.
Bump because no one believes your narrative.
Is there one other fucking 'conservative' commentator willing to say the bloody obvious. The WH is staffed with snakes and Trump doesn't really give a shit about anything
That's literally the truth, fucking mental.
Ann, while honest about a lot of things, is still an idiot in regards to politics. She even says it in her article that he can't use "homeland Security Funds". But what the bint fails to realize is that he can use funds from other sources. And HS also doesn't fund the military. This is honestly one instance I think she needs to shut the fuck up and actually pay attention to everything, because she clearly isn;t paying heed to anything.
Trumpstein could and could have done a lot of things but he didn't and won't because he's a traitorous kike piece of trash
Actually she does a great job of spelling it out very clearly.
Not your blog tranny.
This, pretty much. This is a good thing, because it will finally make people realize that there is no political solution.
It shows how kiked men in this country have become.
She says the bill prevents him from using Homeland Security funds, she didn't say he couldnt use any funds. Learn to read Magapede.
So fucking what? You all care about "normies" the correct term is normalfags too much. They will turn on you in a heartbeat. They go whichever way the wind blows and have no mind of their own.
Any of you watch those videos that were going around about people leaving the democrats? Walk away or something? Almost all of them turned because some leftists made them feel bad. So they went where it felt good for the time being… the right. They are lizard brain ruled golems. Those are the "normies" you're supposedly redpilling. Winning!
waking up the "normies" isn't about getting them on our side, it is about getting them to stop supporting the other side
Why is kampfy so obsessed with trannies?
Waking up normal faggots begins with stuff like 9/11 truth or Sandy Hook. Once people realise there has been one big lie told them, they tend to keep asking questions. The hard part is just getting them to ask the first question.
Because trannies are shilling over time for WaPo and the others. They're the only ones who do it for free I suppose.
Omg thanks Perez Hilton this is juicy gossip and changes everything xd
I mean, anyone remotely intelligent is well aware of both of those points.
Except that she has reach with traditional White cuckservative voters and trumptards, both of whom need to hear this over and over again. Repetition is the key to getting a point across.
Over half the country has an IQ of less than one hundred.
frighteningly true
Annie no!
Women have zero to lose. There will always be a thirsty beta to defend their unpopular speech or actions.
It's working on some of them. Others are doubling down on the Trump-savior bullshit. It's typically the low IQ whites though. Can't form an argument and resorts to shit like "i guess ur a leftist now" and "well i have faith".
Average IQ is 98. It would probably be in the triple digits if the county was back to being 90% White.
We'd be tied with Japan, actually.
It starts with the JQ you limited hangout.
The way he mainlines speed he's either on the verge of death or indestructible.
Crypto-President Jared knows what he's doing fellow goyim, TRUST THU PLAHN
Or at the very least, Switzerland, which is at 101.
But has she named the Jew?
Oy vey if you don't hate whites you're a white supremacist!
Kill yourself kike.
She's a big name and probably the biggest one whos calling Trump a kike
The fact that a female CNN pundit is more hard right than the so-called leaders of the so-called hard right is more an indictment of the voteniggers than it is an endorsement of the CNN pundit.
Iron Ann is relatively bluepilled, she has stayed consistently at the position of Buchanan without ever evolving one way or the other from that position, while America moved hard left and the compromising votenigger right compromised their way left as they always do.
Ann Coulter isn't a coal burner no matter how bad you kikes want her to be.
Many times. Not as directly as Little, but you know the MAJOR MASSIVE HUUUUUUGE difference between them? Coulter could get more than half of 1% of the votes in a major election. Patrick Little will never come close unfortunately.
Ironic that this gif was the banner when I opened this thread.
Even if she was, it hardly matters. She's a bluepill normie who is vested in the system. As a political author she is married to the system that promotes race mixing and baby murder as that's how her bread is buttered.
If she was a race mixer, then being more left than a race mixing female is all the worse. The only evidence I've ever heard is that she said she dated a Muslim. Point of interest being that Muslims can be white. I'd be a Muslim if they didn't worship a jew god and have a history of enslaving whites.
she has, she mocked jews with playing around with the word globalist. Lmao forget the tweet just search her name with half globalist
Tim Wise is only a quarter-globalist.
But no seriously, how many fucking jews do they think are in this country anyway?
Didn't she date that "Dyn-O-Mite!" nigger? You know, THE nigger?
Good is always the enemy of the perfect in so much as the sufficient is the enemy of the insufficient.
she said she dated a muslim in an interview, but she said this during the bush years. She was pretty obviously lying and just trying to do a "democrats are the real racists" thing at the time since they were saying she was Islamophobic.
Nope. She confirmed on her own Twitter when the rumors were going around that they're only friends and nothing like that ever would/did happen.
You're absolutely full of shit.
Patrick Little is a clown. He just says edgy stuff so he can get attention. Hes no better than an instagram thot.
Also would that even be coal burning? How could you call it, oil burning?
not much probably
I would so vote for her. Trump has a bigger vagina than her.
Kike Shills:
The same kike shills ITT:
The blatant transparency of you disgusting Yiddish monsters makes me sick.
Dude, where's your argument?
If a racemixing woman was making fun of you for being too leftist, and she has a solid point, what is the ABSOLUTE STATE of you at that point? Like the standard come back for Ann Coulter is "oh but she fucked a Muslim," well how fucking bad is it that you're more limp wristed than she is then?
she's more based than tucker, trump and the shill andrew anglin. id smash
If you guys haven't read that link at the bottom, read it.
Bernie warned you the Kochs and the right are the biggest supporters of open borders.
Trump used the Angel moms and their dead kids as campaign props and now he ignores them.
Kushner's working an a major Amnesty bill. Do you guys realize how many crimes Kushner has committed and was given a free pass. he was also allowed to testify behind closed doors. Not even Hillary, the heads of the FBI CIA etc are given that privilege.
That old kike Bernie wants open borders, faggot.
I don't care who she dated, she's a big name and she's telling it like it is and that's all that matters.
Our enemies must love how easy it is to get us to turn against each other.
Quit being one of the GOP's useful idiots.
Just looked up her tweets and alright I admit she hints at it, but Patrick Little would still be my #1 pick for president considering he's not afraid of naming them outright. That and he's promised to remove them from positions of power and authority. He's practically the candidate that Zig Forums wanted in the 2016 elections but never got.
I'm not a GOP voter, but literally stop being a demo jew's useful idiot any times.
He's too late. Trump already opened them with pipeline to legalization amnesty for children and restrictions on deporting those who are accompanying them.
Well yeah? If Bernie got in, he wants full amnesty for all illegals.
That's his solution for the illegal problem, if everyone got amnesty, no one is illegal.
Bernie supports open borders.
I don't want to drink any kind of shit, sir. I voted for a wall and deportations. I specifically asked for the opposite of this.
Man, retards like you wait for the judenpresse to call something amnesty before you'll react to it being amnesty. And, ten years from now, they'll openly call it the Trump Amnesty because it will be too late for you to do anything about it, and you'll pretend like you were against it all along. NPCs are just the fucking worst.
Like, if you have a policy, as Trump does, to have an ongoing active amnesty for all children, plus a path to legalization for their parents as well as a hold on deporting them, what the fuck do you call that? That is permanent amnesty. That is permanent open borders. That is Trump's amnesty.
I don't ask you to vote for Trump.
I just ask you to note vote for Bernie, a full blown commie jew.
No, that's not his solution. His solution is that plus bringing back in anybody who has ever been deported.
Bernie Sanders thinks "open borders" means somebody who supports immigration in order to lower wages. If you support immigration for humanitarian reasons, for the benefits of diversity or whatever, than that isn't open borders.
Wow, LOL, just LOL.
Thanks for the link.
I'll vote for whichever Democrat promises to do the most to destroy this baby killing country. Will it be Hillary "Nuke Russia" Clinton? Bernie "Raise the Debt by 10 Trillion" Sanders? That weird spic girl with the "New Green Deal" that is in line with my eco-fascist agenda pretty neatly? Who can say?
haha you couldnt keep your charade up
I'm always honest, all the time. I want this baby aborting child indoctrinating country to be razed to the ground. Incidentally, that spic girl's "New Green Deal" is the thing I'm most excited about because it literally promises to raze every building in the USA within ten years.
And you know what will happen? The Republican Senate will vote against it, and more Republicans will be voted into Congress because they will be alarmed by Bernie.
But with Trump president, Republicans can go with the precedent set by him and vote for lots of illegals.
Well, ok, so it seems your hatred for Trump is unfounded since you are willing to vote for people worse than him.
That's better than what the right wing plan. We're now open border, done deal.
So Bernie says he would bring back the deported, is that even possible but if so it's probably fr Mexico ie humanitarian reasons
Trump and the GOP want to drive down wages for the corporate donors. That means skipping Mexico and getting as close to modern day slaves, Somalians, Congolese and other African and Muslim savages.
No, they won't.
The republican senate is for illegal immigration, see Reagan.
Nice fucking try.
That means getting syrian, congolese, somalians and any kind of refugees across the world, dumbfuck.
Holy fucking shit, we got some bad shills today.
They're not worse than Amnesty Trump though. They will bring an end to the USA and allow the civil war to commence, thus restoring our nation.
Your orange open borders faggot is literally the worst possible choice for anyone in a National Socialist mindframe to support. Trump's perma-amnesty will go down in history as the death knell that killed this country. Trump is the third worst president in history after "End the Fed(eration) Lincoln and "1965" LBJ.
Oh and you can bet your ass we're getting all of Israels African refugees. They're going to unload em on their puppet Trump.
I was just reading that Bibi teamed up with some Khahane radicals who want to kick all non Jews out.
Yeah, surrounding the United States with bazillion of immigrants and refugees sure sound better.
Jesus christ, where did you get the shills from?
So they are literally so bad they force the Civil War, but hold a sec, what if there's not a civil war?
No National Socialist supports commie jew.
As opposed to Bernie's perma-amnesty that will also be the death knell that killed this country?
We will also get that AND more, under Bernie.
Even though you're low IQ, and a shill-screamer, I respect the fact that you at least attempt to put up actual arguments. Maybe in 10 or 15 years you'll have developed enough test to be worth a damn.
So they are literally so bad they force the Civil War, but hold a sec, what if there's not a civil war?
What if trump wins and there's not a civil war? What if Trump declares himself emperor and there's not a civil war? We still get replaced, we still get genocided by his open borders. So what's the fucking difference? No, really, tell me. What, your capitalist money gets protected from ebil taxes? I'm poor, I have nothing, I don't give a shit about your McMansion. I just want to be able to have children and raise them without fear that they'll be gang raped by diversity. Your platform doesn't deliver on that to me.
Says you. Well, to be fair I'm more of a Primitivist, but I know plenty of National Socialists who are going the acceleration route. In fact, I don't know any who aren't. And, unlike you (probably), I know them in real life because I'm not an internet slacktivist.
You just said it, yet somehow you still don't get it. The country is fucked either way. My interests are not served by your plan.
The difference is that we are not surrounded by bazillions of refugees and immigrants right now.
You don't know any National Socialist at all.
Your interest is serving commie jew. Your interest is fucked.
the govt is going back to partial shutdown in a few months, why do you claim the borders are staying open
Pic related, don't be a coward. Face the problem right now. Stand your fucking ground so that your children don't have to. So that you can even HAVE children in the first place.
I know quite a few. I like to meet with people who share my beliefs, and I attended Charlottesville as well, though I didn't make any lasting friendships at that. Don't live your life isolated and feeling like an outcast. You're going to need a death squad when the shooting starts.
< I just want to be able to have children and raise them without fear that they'll be gang raped by diversity. Your platform doesn't deliver on that to me.
Who's the one with a slipping mask now, user-kun?
Hannity's #1 fan itt, you're such a newb haha. Whatever
Forgot my pic.
The fuck? You are the coward who wants to vote for Bernie.
No, you don't. You meet a bunch of commies who say they are national socialists.
>< I just want to be able to have children and raise them without fear that they'll be gang raped by diversity. Your platform doesn't deliver on that to me.
And you do this by voting for Bernie Sanders.
Again, why do they hire shill this bad?