Tucker is fucking exposed and then loses his mind, and afterwards does not air the interview
Tucker is fucking exposed and then loses his mind, and afterwards does not air the interview
Elon Musk said it himself, MSM confirmed a money pit of low-return volatile shekel piling
Thats a negatory ghost rider.
Most people on Zig Forums don't like taking the redpill on anthropogenic climate change and so the moment you demonize their precious Jews the Koch brothers they go quiet.
Forgot to mention that I do hate how this Danish cuck talks about "scape goating" immigrants when fucking immigrants are also responsible for bringing down the quality of wages.
Does anyone find anything that Dutch cunt had to say compelling? Does it hold up to any scrutiny? I don't think that it does. I think Tucker asked some difficult questions that the Dutch cunt could not answer. And what was that about "dirty money" Tucker has taken? Does he have anything to back that up? This guy is just an ass.
hi rabbi
< the moment you realize LITERALLY everyone on Fox News watches Zig Forums
The left is going to start slicing us with our own blade like this a lot more quite soon. I'm not defending tucker but you also saw how his guest misjudged the entirety of the problem? He's saying criminals are the issue when the influx of illegals is suffocating the country faster than we can improve it. They're both sucking some rich (((cock)))
Every single illegal is, by definition, already a criminal.
You better watch yourself there.
Tucker Carlson did nothing wrong.
Isn't Carlson dad a retired glownigger?
Thought tucker was supposed to be one of the more level headed guys. Though to be fair only shit ive seen is on here because I dont own a tv.
You caught me in a sleight of words. Guess i'm just a stupid goy
Yes you're right, however the user was talking that even under the leftist's terminology of immigrants in general, they're still a drain upon society, whether that's legal or illegal.
Obviously, the Dutch cuck has some serious cognitive dissonance going on in his head. He realizes that the kikes plus their colluders are tax evading more than ever while completely ignoring that the reason why the US used to be so prosperous was due to racial homogeneity as well as immigration exceptions being done by pure merit. Of course we at Zig Forums know (((who))) was responsible for the lack of regulated immigration that started in 1965.
He has a stage man who browses here and feeds them stories. At least that's what I think after watching him a while
lol, die
Here is how old they are
Zig Forums is so full of shills it's laughale
Even funnier is that he pretends the ruling elite wants to "scapegoat" immigrants rather than bring them here. lol
Call me a pessimist, but if you have family who pays for the TelAvivision, try and flip through a guide and see how unappealing everything is, and you'll see how Faux ends up in the background.
If that's true, he's probably a Mockingbird fed. He's going to be scapegoated too, like Trump was picked to be. The jews do this to gaslight niggers still watching their bullshit on nosebook and twatter.
I don't watch Fox news.
Nice try at consensus building, though.
Conan used to be good until liberals doubled down during the trump campaign. They pulled ALL their strings co-opting all the media including people that want to keep their jobs in prime time slots. This is why EVERYONE is attacking the president. Its not one show or two, its almost everyone. This is coordinated.
In general this "leak" in my honest opinion is fabricated and is giving us a false dichotomy. That of either attacking the turd world shitskins, or the elites, instead of looking at the kike faggot sitting behind the drapes. Obviously a third position is needed, that being we attack the faggot elites bringing all of these turd worlders into our fucking countries.
Ha, I wish
I PVR "Fox News" on Sunday mornings because it comes on just after my cartoons so that they aren't at the top of the PVR and I can quickly switch to watching Fox when people walk into the room so they don't know I'm watching my various western waifus.
Yeah sounded like audio cut and paste.
Newfags like you make me sick. Lurk two years, boomer.
Been here longer than you, eat a dick nigger.
And yeah, I didn't think that far ahead, considering how offended he got after someone implied his handlers were (((rich))).
If you don't see that 911 was a Mossad coup d'etat of the USA then you're ultimately no good. Same applies to Ann Coulter
You know, the Supreme Court thing was good news. If you’re going to keep pouring on the Americana (ain’t this site global?), when are you failwhales at least going to focus on important things? This Tucker guy doesn’t seem like anyone familiar or important.
Hey, crimmy-crim chimps, you fearful fools falling foul of refinement, you got a new way to avoid having the cops steal your staples when they snag you. Gold-plate your gear! Make it so expensive the fines don’t let the cops take it without letting you argue at court about why jacking your kit is excessive punishment.
Zig Forums is basically just a racist version of FOX news with delusions of grandeur.
Isn’t TV an obsolete technology yet?
Not to mention that the USA had a huge manufacturing base in the 1950s and 1960s which most of it has been outsourced. Same thing is the case in the Socdem countries like the Netherlands, and the Nordic countries.
Sadly no. Now we get to watch Semitic garbage in ultra-high-definition 4K!
To be fair, everyone has delusions of grandeur. These communist larpers are the main ones with delusions of how they will single handedly save their entire country with socialism.
Oh yeah, most definitely the US manufacturing was different back then, with US being one of the leaders of manufacturing. Hell I was not alive during those times but my parents when they mope around, constantly tell me they remember when they could buy almost any products in the store and have that "made in the USA" stamp on it without fail.
And the funny thing is the same kikes that promote socialism will store their assets in off-shore tax havens.
Funny how White Conservatives are voting unanimously to deprive us of our constitutional rights and always clamoring for more poor Whites to be sacrificed for their paymasters in Tel Aviv.
Funny how most anons are well aware of it. Funny that most believe that if they had one bullet left, the traitor would get it rather than the enemy.
I liked your post. You're so funny xDD randomlol
(Mason digits)
Yep. Now if you want genuine "Made in USA," you need to special order it on the Internet. Good luck finding Made in USA items in a Dollar Tree or a Five Below, unless it's drinking glassware or something.
I agree with you, this played off like a poor reddit tier thrill redemption arc for all of the embarrassing media fuckups over the last few months.
This "historian" talks a lot about this rich family (Koch) or that one. Or how the problem is the rich don't pay enough taxes and dodge - which is something nobody really disagreed with and it served as a strawman.
The much more impactful problem, which both the "historian" and Tucker know but mostly dodge, is that there is an incredible lack of accountability. Taxes does not fucking matter if it's all being stolen anyways. The incentive to hide taxes is only being balanced by how much taxes is deemed unfair and excessive by the rich people who go out of their way to hide their taxes.
GOVERNMENT, like always, is the underlying problem - yet looks how rarely they talk about the octopus mammoth of a government we have. It is government's duty to hold people accountable, and if that fails and leaks so easily everything else will flow with it. Rich people only avoid taxes by exactly how much they can get away with, and if they own or blackmail/buy off the government then nothing else really matters.
The historian is a well prepared snake, with a canned number of lines to serve as a limited hangout to the global government planners and elites - not that Tucker isn't, but Tucker had mentioned all the points that the Dutch man had also laid out, prior to today.
In my eyes, out of all the big corporate media "journalists", Tucker stands out as the one who has the most integrity of them, and seems the most genuine too. This faggot would do a much better "educating" of literally any other big media "host".
I find it funnier how those "conservative" whites constantly vote pro Israel and pro amnesty for fellow "DACAryans" with speedier ways for legalisation. White people have to be replaced in the greatest amount of numbers, but they have to be done so legally!
Yeah, I agree, he previously stayed out of shit like that. Kimmel used to be more of a neutral player as well.
My biggest surprise tho was when Jim Jefferies went peak libtard. Even Jim Norton went PC. Meanwhile, Louis CK of all people become more anti-PC.
Yeah, it pushes all of the standard progressive talking points. The main thing that was unusual was how retarded the discussion was. Tucker is frankly not always the best debater, he tends to harp on some particular thing to make his opponent look dumb and then dismiss them, but he is way better than this.
It sounds like Bregman was bandying about strawman arguments, deserved to get cussed out, and Carlson was right to pull the discussion because nothing of value was really accomplished in the exchange:
1) implies that Carlson is anti-immigrant, conflating being against illegal immigrants as being against legal immigrants, a common liberal tactic
2) implies that immigrants are not a problem ("scapegoat") when they clearly are, both illegal ones (illegal entries and illegal overstays) and the excessive influx of legal ones too
Should we have something like 'Mincome' (guaranteed basic income)? Something like that might work with a population of whites, but it is guaranteed waste in a "multicultural" nation, so I'll have to say no. This is the type of idea that Bregman ports about as some kind of solution.
Should we tax the rich more? That's a discussion worth having, but when that people who have immigration concerns are hesitant about how far taxing should increase with earnings, I think it is bad-faith arguing to say that they are only inventing immigration criticisms as a smokescreen. It is possible to come to those criticisms honestly and independently of your taxation ideas, and also possible to view multiple causes to social problems and inequalities.
If we want to drive down the cost of housing and drive up the wages, the solution is by making workers more in demand, which requires a lower population. If you keep flooding countries with new immigrants and letting them reproduce unchecked, they are the LCD supplying cheap labour to undercut whites. Quantity over quality. They will also take and abuse gibs more than us, and be willing to pay less money for rent for slums.
I think raising minimum wage and housing requirements is a good thing because it will increase unemployment as businesses who rely on cheap labour from foreigners will go under, or restructure to pay more money to good workers (mostly whites). Of course one of the requirements here is to crack down on illegals, to deport them, so that that they will actually keep the jobs despite the raised wages, instead of just erasing them and hiring contractors.
Is this that guy all those marxist socialist left-wing monkeys like? Why should I bother listening to anything this guy says?
I'm sure most realize that the Kikes are dragging us into wars, replacing whites with turd worlders, as well as tax evading. Most Zig Forumsacks for sure realize that wages have remained stagnant while costs for standards of living along with corporate profits has gone up almost exponentially. What we're moping and mulling about is that this "leak" is presenting a blatantly false dichotomy.
Why would anyone be in favor of higher taxes in the U.S., when that money will be spent on niggers, spics, and other 3rd world refuse?
You shouldn't unless you like to see how the optics and social engineering game is played.
higher taxes only on the megajews that own all the capital. not higher taxes for normal people
here to post "FUCK OFF KIKE" in a kike shill thread
>>>Zig Forums
Mega jews who can afford to buy a few congressmen and write themselves a loop hole.
Tucker issued a response
Even if you tax those "megajews," where do you think the money will be spent? Helping you, and your community? Or is it more likely to go towards Israel, globalist wars, and 'diversifying' white neighborhoods. The real solution is the 'megajews' have to go, and their pet golems can follow suit. Restore the USA to 95%+ white nation, and then we can talk about higher taxes for good social programs.
Because they will go to jail if they refuse to pay tax or hide their wealth, right?
Don't be so naive, you are just engaging in wishful thinking. The jews are rooting for you so that the few, real capitalists, at the top will get even more suckered and become more fragile. This is how you kill off any threats and empower yourself, by boasting and supporting this kind of revolutionary drivel. Look at the Bavarian revolution, the Bolshevik revolution, and all the rest.
They keep playing the same game and we eat it the fuck up time and time again.
I feel that once legal and illegal immigration starts to hurt people's wallets it's when people will have to wake up and smell the roses. Either that or commit white flight from the entire country. Commiefornians are already committing white flight in droves, since the economic growth plus recovery has been severely lopsided favoring specific peoples and professions. Simply put commiefornia's growth and recovery since 2008 is effectively regioselective and fucks over the every man who's not some immigrant or soy latte consuming faggot in Silicon Valley. Couple that with the overly abundant surplus of low skill cheap labor and you have one hell of a potential collapse once it's "booming" growth which is centralized, stops.
I watched for the hell of it. Same old left-wing stupidity. Especially Euro-tier left-wing stupidity. If I'm not mistaken he supported AOC and Sanders by mention. Promulgates the marxist blank slate bullshit that discounts the effects of diversification. "Just throw more money at the issue, that'll fix it!" This just sounds like a marxist socialist monkey trying to re-frame his side as the rebels and the good guys trying to take on the system which is, for all intents and purposes, owned by the same bolshevik trash.
We all realize this is a slide thread, right?
It feels very leftypol.
You would hope, but it's hard to wake up if there are a bunch of other scents distracting you and you can't tell what the roses are. I think that's the problem, the media is telling these guys that the problem is a lack of taxes on the wealthy, or them avoiding some of the higher taxes they are saddled with.
If we had something like a universal 10% tax, it should still be possible to run some kind of government. Hell, perhaps 5%. I think part of the issue is that we don't tax a bunch of the population (and even fund their living WITH taxes) and this increases public expenses. Bloated government bureaucracy is another aspect, as it's equally a type of welfare when it is a pointless position which could be cut, with the money spent on material resources that we actually need.
yeah this doesn't feel like your usual Mossad slidethread, definitely more leftypol in nature
You fucking leftists are dumb monkeys. Always advocating for more taxation and more regulations. This is how corporatism came to be. The socialistic expansion of government, giving the government the power to impact the market directly, gave the very rich the ability to influence our government policy via politicians, who then influenced the market in favor of them and their corporations. The only thing increasing government influence in the market did was kill small businesses and wealth creation from the bottom, which, coupled with near open borders immigration policies and free global trade with major global economies, created this wealth disparity you faggots whine about. You "progressive" marxist niggers are corporate shills, whether you want to be or not, because every issue you champion directly hurts us and helps them.
What is there to slide?
The ones who never went over are doing their own podcasts with practically no visibility. Norm Macdonald, Gilbert Gottfried and a few others are so under the radar due to the fact that they will not dance. The ones who dont dance arent given attention especially since it will help the other side on views and ideology. Jimmy Kimmel WAS neutral and man I thought he was great until recently. The shit with the shooting and croc tears as he pushed a political agenda, the dead dad mockery where he got someones dead dad to call the son a piece of shit. That wasnt just being told to dance, he did that willingly. He danced and then offered a few more tributes to continue being a ghoul. That man is disgusting. Conan only started as well as a few others when 2016 hit. Generally the ones who were always very political were very political. Sure there were political jokes but it would be like a few times out of the month and then pop news stories. Now its daily.
Louis CK wants back in because he grew to fame being non pc, wanted to stay on top and appease the pc rulers of networks and then realized that he fucked up. Sales dried up, no one wanted to view his shit and he tried to clamor back. The funny thing is, if he stayed the way he was, the networks or w/e else would of bent over backwards due to being massive jews for money.
Of course! He was persecuted by the feminazi #MeToo movement and thrown under the bus by his feminist female and Juden allies like Sarah Silverman just because he has a dick and wants to use it.
If a female exposes herself as a member of SlutWalk or Pussy Riot, it's seen as empowering and challenging authority. If a disgusting male does it, he's being disgusting, abusive, and oppressive.
Yeah, Tucker weenied and resorted to using the ad hominem when he got called out. But, there can be no sacred cows.
Immigrants are a different, though related, and far bigger problem to the existence of white people and European Civilization than tax evasion. Those billionaires evading taxes are the ones pushing Third World immigrants into white countries.
Tucker will recover. He better recover. Many of us are counting on him to be the only dissenting voice in the MSM.
Yeah. Anyone over the age of 10 knows Tucker is a glow nigger
NSDAP should not be conflated with such garbage, stop using that term. No the NSDAP was not perfect, but they genuinely sought out to fight against kikery and bring back Germany from the absolutely hellish state the Weimar Republic left it in. A hellish state we're closely getting to, since in Commiefornia and NY we're barely seeing gay boy tranny strippers being fondled by pedo homos.
Making jokes about how superior and dominant black men are?
You people need to drop this National Socialist shit. It fit Germany for the time. It's not a universal fit for every country now. What should be promoted is anti-marxist socialism, or bolshevism, and the support for nationalism, however it comes to be. I, myself, prefer early US founding father's nationalism, because it fits the US white demographic and our way of life best.
Tucker said Fox News is sacred and off limits to any criticism. Pretty sure Tucker mentioned it with Gayvin MacAnnus.
More like the whole shock value shtick. The nigger faggot deer rant was what had everyone laughing and talking. Its been a very very long time since I watched his standup. He had some good stuff but this guy flip flops. Bill Burr is sorta better but well someone put this better in a thread a long time ago. Bill Burr seems like he was able to stick his head into the door of reality but pulled it out early. He is very keen on the bullshit of women but didnt get to have his eyes open to the bullshit of niggers.
You're missing the point you fucking faggot
That was beyond getting exposed. Tucker went into full shut-it-down mode. He's clearly a gatekeeper/pressure release valve.
Watch his show and pay attention. The main theme recently has been to salvage multiculturalism for the left:
Instead of saying multiculturalism is a failure, he says it's a failure because of the left. The sad thing is white boomers believe it. We won't be free of the kike until their base of power is gone, and that base is the white, demsduhrealracist, boomers. An entire generation of spoiled, brainwashed, brats destroyed our future.
Not just that, I believe he also had jokes about niggers being superior to white men, physically.
On my Zig Forums, get the fuck out you faggot. And take your shitty Dugin books with you.
This is how you know you're a mindless ideological drone. Were the founding fathers "nazbol" two centuries before it existed?
Of course, those are niggers and immigrants. Remember when you fill out job applications you're LITERALLY given questionares about tax breaks if you're on EBT, a Single Parent, etc etc etc.
The guy as a historian is rather dismal on economics. He's also a basic bitch left wingnut.
Women have been oppressed for thousands of years something something the future is female.
I love my wife's boyfriend, he got me a Switch
Reminder that codemonkey allows these people to post here. Zig Forums is completely co-opted.
Incase you forgot what you posted. Bolshevism was the scourge of the 20th century. Care to explain why that failure, which led to scores of millions of whites being killed, should be repeated?
Most of the so called "alt-right" are nazbol puppets who exalt Alexander Dugin. It's a very sad state of affairs.
The founding fathers were Mason Niggers with arguably the only good ones being James Madison and Thomas Jefferson since they blatantly opposed central banking as well as bullshit such as diplomatic immunity.
Hang yourself Nazbol shitstain.
This is why no one likes you oppressive anti white play Nazi faggots.
Your reading comprehension skills are pretty bad. I said we should promote being against marxist socialism, or bolshevim, and promote nationalism.
Okay, you're shilling now. Filtered.
Apparently, Jefferson didn't care much for "fraternities" like the Freemasons.
It's a good point, and I would agree with you if the year were 1985. But we've lost the advantage of a functioning constitutional republic, and are nearly Weimar level at this point. Not even NS can save our country because it suffers from a fundamental demographic problem. Balkanization is America's destiny, because the kikes have already won their demoralization war a generation ago. The upcoming generation is vile and stupid, and chomping at the bit to throw off the last vestiges of Christianity and embrace Moloch worship and sex magick.
Learn how to use a fucking comma then, and it would save me the time for calling you out as the retard you are.
Is 8pol a bunch of kikes larping as 1488ers to demoralize every sect of the fight against jewish supremacy? Whats with the piece of shit purity ostracism? Im 1488 all the way, but tucker still rally's pro-white sentiment and seems to be a thread away from being kiked off fox news.
His reading comprehension is just fine. It's your grammar that is absolutely atrocious. Either that, or the mask slipped. In any case, go away before you embarrass yourself further.
Bill Burr's problem is and always has been is that he is a sportscuck. If you lionize celebrity athletes, it is almost impossible not to end up with niggers as heroes.