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Spacex's goy stream:
rolling for holohoax stories baking in rocket fuel
Bake the space kikes in searing flames
if only arabs weren't jewish pawns and would shoot this shit down
I'd hope for a crash, but that will only happen if they've rendered the CGI to show that.
Does anyone have that meme where there is a huge spaceship outside of earth holding a sign saying "remember the 6 gorillion".
Remember, if aliens exist there will be a future where the importance of an ongoing planetary genocide in the trillions will be trumped in importance by MUH SIX MILLION.
This won't stop unless we end it on this rock, never forget.
4th pic looks like a kike
I see it now too. Fug
Oh good, this thread again.
This operation sounds even more fake than the Holohoax.
I don't see it
Where's my fucking image.
Israel is already on Saturn
Just wait until they find out the genius put thrusters on that car he sent up and is going to smash it into the memorial as soon as it lands.
Hmmm chat disabled. Now I'll never be able to ask them how many jews they have to burn to lift a rocket.
they only burn pregnant jews for rocket fuel. Their blood makes an excellent accelerant.
Liquid fueled? Have you tried drying them out and going solid for the heavy?
"Liquid" doesn't quite describe it. The blood coagulates on the side of the tank while the core remains liquid, sort of like a hybrid rocket with one propellant. It's really quite extraordinary, which is what makes it the best.
Few people know this, but we're actually trying to invade Iran for their jew blood geysers. They've got the second largest reservoir outside of Germany.
Those lying fucks. They said the wells ran dry centuries ago.
Pretty much
wonder how much stolen nazi gold they'll find up there
Does their rocket fueled by zykon b? If not, it should.
I thought that was used for stabilization.
If Israel can afford to send rockets to the Moon, why are we still sending them billions in aid every year?
Maybe someday we can send all of the Jews to the moon.
Kill yourself flat earth kike.
So they can keep putting up fake museums. It is all quite logical, oy!
America will go down in history of spreading the jewish virus throughout the universe.
Now I am become death. Destroyer of Galaxies.
Everybody loves to blame murica, but the truth is that half of Europe was already kiked by the time we became Jew owned.
Fuck that. The Annunaki had plenty of time to eliminate them. Their problem now.
America was dragged kicking and screaming into that war by Perfidious Albion.
He didn't say space is fake. He said this mission is likely to be CGI. Why do you believe everything you're force fed?
All these problems because of the "forbidden fruit" shrooms. Monkeys ate them and gave us people, rats ate them and gave us jews. Amazing how self awareness manifests in the species. For jews it is the awareness of only self.
Muh shrooms >>>/joeroganexperience/
Please, that jew is just taking and repackaging common knowledge for clicks.
Anyone that says this is CGI is scientifically illiterate and stupid, and really needs to go watch more NDT videos. Like, dude, it's real bruh.
Second time this has been shown to be prophecy.
Maybe the kikes already rigged it to blow so they can blame Elon and / or the Nadsees or Russian hackers or gun owners.
That pic looks like the bottom end of the payload exploded.
Da erf be flat n sheeit.
Fuck off.
Kill yourself.
We know, nigger.
that's one thing even NASA couldn't hide you retard, they're not actually in space, they're in the stratosphere (low earth orbit)
That's not what the video is saying at all; they're talking about the new rocket system we'll be using, not saying we've never gone beyond LEO.
Also, even high altitude balloons go above the stratosphere and you can't orbit at such a low altitude.
oops I fucked up, here's the actual paper I had trouble copying the link so I just grabbed some next random video where he admits it anyway
Again, they're talking about the new manned rocket system. Personally I think it's pretty sad that we're recycling the Apollo capsule as a design rather than trying to push the envelope with aerospike tech, or realize the original fully reusable Shuttle designs that got axed, which ended up costing more in the long run.
As for moon stuff, we've got photos of it and Japan's Selene satellite confirmed that the geography in the background matched that of the moon, and retroreflector data has been used to verify it as well.
Israel gets to go to the moon while we go to hell and we have to pay for both trips!
So not possible kek
Because you are their slaves.
Well obviously I hate Israel, but I'm glad to see advancements made in space. It's white tech anyways, and that's the real accomplishment. Not the ugly flag stamped on it.
They've literally done nothing to advance space, everything in that photo is bought or stolen tech.
Hey man, cool it with the anti-semitism, bud.
The produces of the probe are making advancements.
yeah, new spaceflight system capable of sending man beyond low earth orbit (like was never done before), what else could it indicate?
I hope you die kike kill yourself
Look at the fucking beak on that bird. I bet she can sniff the chrome off a trailer hitch.
Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.
Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these retards than survival of their race.
not the only time where backgrounds matched (on supposed separate missions - where's the LEM?)
How else will they afford to send rockets to the moon?
Better stream
Fucking Bibi on the SpaceIL stream.
Well faggots, if you believe in MEME MAGIC, now would be the time to meme a rocket exploding at launch. Take off in under 15 mins.
C'mon Elon my dude!
It's beautiful.
If only you knew how bad things really are.
Better stream (other one doesn't have sound)
Come on Elon, give us one more spectacular fuck up.
Wonder how many times they've already been thrown off of it.
That it's a new system for doing that, implying old ones.
Those are clearly taken some distance apart laterally; note the different angle on the mountains. How hard do I have to babysit you?
Still plenty of time for failure… The moon must be a holocaust memorial free zone. I choose not to live in a timeline where their litter is dropped on the moon.
i understand you will spam Zig Forums with this bullshit forever. i just want to tell you are wasting your time.
isn't pathetic they push their fake victim genocide to other planets
yeah if you're dumb enough to fall for the moon hoax, the paper mentions that they were only able to do it once during the apollo space program ("miraculously" enough)
what does that change? where's the LEM then?
To the right of that first photo, the hills in the background imply this was taken somewhere to the right of the lander. Also it woulodn't be a full LEM, but the base. Not sure what that would look like post launch.
slightly, not far enough to obscure the lander, seems ludicrous to state otherwise
Reminds me of the scene in Flash Gordon, when Ming's scientists scan the Jewish scientists brain, and remark, "Oh that one showed promise," as they see the kike's memories of Hitler.
Someone shoot down the moonjew.
not even a hundred replies. i blame the jews and shills. we could have memed that rocket into the dirt.
I came here to make sure this had been posted. Carry on.
Still plenty of time. It might make a spectacular crash into the moon.
Think about this: would SpaceX be around by this time next year if they had botched a job for the leaders of the current world order? Hell the fuck no, it wouldn't. But now that the craft is out of Musk's hands, it's on the Jews if it fucks up. I want SpaceX to keep going, so I'd much rather the craft fail in transit or during the landing
You don't seem to get that the hills are larger in low-g environments. This can prove to be deceptive.