/WALK/ 2/22

Let's Take A Walk

What This Is
The noose of censorship is tightening around the internet, and decentralized alternatives are not yet ready to take the slack. We will never secure the existence of our people and a future for white children as long as we stay separate and disconnected. The time has come to make our memes into dreams and organize locally. The main threats are lefty volunteer orgs/Antifa and glowniggers attempting to infiltrate. To counter both requires only two words: Plausible Deniability.

How To Do It
In honour of board culture, Walks will be held on Dubs Days (the 11th and 22nd of each month) at Trips Time which is 3:33pm. The 11th and 22nd fall on different days each month, which allows Anons with odd work schedules to still participate, and the Trips Time is ideal for morning shift workers, students and 9-5ers.

Step 1: Get a
Step 2: Find local park/museum listed in thread below.
Step 3: Take a Walk in your city/town's park wearing your White T-shirt and cap at 4:44pm on a dubs day.
Step 4: If you spy somebody else wearing a white shirt and baseball cap, wave hello at them.
Step 5: Wander by and strike up a normal conversation with the similarly dressed person. Attempt to very subtly drop well known board memes into conversation. Example:
If the person reciprocates with another meme, ie
then you reply with another meme. Keep escalating the memes until you get to "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong."
If they give you a weird look then you've found a normalfag, at which point you finish your conversation politely and continue your walk. You should expect 9 out of every 10 interactions to go like this.
Step 6: Once you've found an user, get their contact info (protonmail is fairly secure if you're paranoid about phone numbers) and start talking. Congrats, you've found an ally. Keep repeating this process every Dubs Day at the Trips Time until every user in your city knows one another. Start building networks, start planning at your local beer hall. Begin the work to save our race.
Step 7: Return to these threads and post your experiences, even if you don't meet any Anons the first few times. Knowing that you're out there will encourage other Anons to get out there. The more Anons participate, the more Anons will follow the early adopters. The parks will start as secret networking locations, and in time they may become alternative public squares for the whites that have been censored and persecuted out of every other public space online and in their communities. Only time will tell.

What This is NOT
This is not the time to go goosestepping and throwing Bellamy Salutes. The goal is secret incognito networking to find fellow Anons. You are the equivalent of a secret agent behind enemy lines. But instead of "Climb Mount Nitaka" your codeword is a simple apparel and an in-depth knowledge of memes that are instantly recognizable to other Anons but incomprehensible to normalfags. Do you want to march around like a LARPing sperg or do you want to secure the existence of your people and a future for white children?

Avoid people who look sketchy or like stereotypical skinheads. If a sperg bounces up to you yelling "Heil Kekistan based MAGApede!" act very confused and continue on your way. They're either bad actors sent to discredit us or they're the sort of degenerates who can contribute nothing and will drag us all down. Be ever suspicious and listen more than you talk, open up slowly and try to understand the ideological foundation of each new contact you meet.

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Other urls found in this thread:


So have you guys actually had luck roping anyone yet?

Current Locations V7
British Columbia
Burnaby Central Park. Stick close to the paths around Upper Pond.
Toronto Reference Library.
City Park (north side of King Street East). For inclement weather, Kingston Frontenac Public Library, Central Branch (130 Johnson Street, just down the street)
Jefferson Region
Caldwell Park in Redding. It's spacious with one main walking trail from East to West.
San Diego
Balboa Park by the fountain.
Fort Lauderdale
Birch State Park/Park Ocean/Fort Lauderdale Beach.
Carlin Park.
Saddle Creek Park.
Falling Creek
Falling Creek Falls.
St. James City
St. Jude Nature Trail.
Piedmont Park. Safe, open, big, beer nearby.
Lel, yeah right.
Lincoln Park.
Bloomington town square near the gates of city hall.
Woodland Park.
The Rio/Washingtonian Center has a nice one mile looping lake and several bars and shops around it.
Belle Isle. It's huge, far bigger than it looks on maps, easy to lose people. Multiple buildings. Popular location aids plausible deniability.
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Goodale Park. Columbus Museum of Art for unbearable winter weather.
Laurelhurst park. There's a library across the street for inclement weather.
Alton Baker Park. Stick close to the riverside path. It's a very popular place near the river, lots of joggers out for cozy walks.
Allentown, PA/Lehigh County (and all surrounding counties and suburbs which are effectively in the middle of nowhere)
Trexler Memorial Park.
Maritime Museum on the Bayfront next to/adjoining the library.
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Nashville and Clarksville
Ashland City Greenway, Cumberland Bicentennial Trail.
Arbor Hills Nature Preserve. The preserve is pretty big and has lots of remote trails, so let's try to stay near the park/pavilions and trails close to the parking lot.
Miller Park on south loop.
Blue Hole Park.
Ogden Union Station/Historic 25th street.
West Virginia
Capitol Square History Museum
Estabrook Park Beer Garden
Northern Region
Lac Lawrann state Conservancy/Pike Lake Forest Beach
Lyon's Park around the lake.
Mamucium. It's about a five minute's walk from Deansgate station, just on the outskirts of the city centre.

Thus far there have been successful meetings in Vancouver, Portland, Alabama and elsewhere.

Rope for you kike.

This is a good idea, short lives and shit sleep for the shills who say otherwise.

Good idea but do these ever go anywhere?

Does this shit do anything at all?

Could you be any more obvious?

Fuck off
Don’t meet irl it is a phosphorescently terrible idea

Answer the question, nigger. You're asking anons to do some retarded complex walk and talk thing with an end goal of spilling spaghetti about Hitler with your name and likeness attached. What does this accomplish?

Would be nice to know local user two or three to go to the range with etc

It’s wintertime, wear a ski mask you fucking cowards.

Hey kid, wanna blow up a public park on federal land?


Explain. What happened? What constitutes "success"? Why do you REFUSE to give a straight answer? This reeks of honeypot.

Nigger, only spics are falling for it.

He did this for weeks then bitched and moaned about it being an utter failure and now he's spamming it again. The kikes really have run out of options beyond making noise.

They're likely already there, nigger.

Birmingham Botanical Gardens iirc.

2 or more anons meeting and discussing local jewry. If the anons are comfy, then exchanging throwaway emails or other lines of communication. Tox, Threema, protonmail etc.

Learn to sage newshill.



Wow, that accomplishes fuck all. Good job retard. High risk, no reward.

Tell me more about all the rewards of circle jerking on shillchan.

It’s not. If you’re bot retarded you will have plausible deniability; I walked twice in the quintessential libshit hellhole and saw no antifa or glowniggers.

What di you expect for a first meeting? Unless you are a £33t haxor, you are deluding yourself that anything you are doing here is helping our volk.

Polite sage because op’s that self bump are faggots.

Bamp for good thread. Shillniggers fear the walk.

I hate niggerham. Can't make it at 3:33, too early on a work day.

Is the other Bama user, I spoke with last thread, in here?

I hate niggerham too. Im willing to drive a certain distance. You have a suggestion?

You goddamn fed kikes dont even realize there are not enough density of anons in usa to make meets you dumb fucks
But keep trying to set up honeypots
I would suggest you hire enough feds to actually larp as a meet up of anons and take pics and claim that

Honeypot. This is literally a better constructed version of the zeemap meetup shill threads from the kikey era.

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Stormfags too scared to meet up yet want everyone to become stormfags.

Hey user, this is the user from the original threads who was advocating for a different style of meet-up structure. "Dubs Days" was the only portion of my suggestions really taken though. After a good half a year of experimentation, I think it is time to assess what has been working, what has not been working, and how to improve these Walks. That was the original idea with this effort after all, to test out and see what might work.

On the positive side, you or similar anons have been keeping this idea going for a few months, and in those months there have been a few successful meetups from the looks of things. All that it takes is a single successful meetup to potentially forge a network connection, and each of those in extremely valuable. Sustained interest and effort towards this effort is the most important part, so good that you've kept this idea going.

On the negative side, I don't think the current configuration of how these Walks work is very effective or efficient. The goal is to allow networking between productive anons who would otherwise never encounter one another without creating undue risk. The handful of reported successes is good, but it isn't enough. The OP text is too convoluted, long, and doesn't help address the issues concerning honeypots or the regular shills and naysayers that show up, and it hasn't changed significantly since the conclusion of the first one or two attempts. There has never been the development of an infographic version of it like was done with IOTBW, which was a model for Walks to begin with.

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I don't mind driving. It's just niggerham is several hours away and dub days always seem to fall during work.
Do you know where I'm referring to if I call it nigger hating German town?

It's time to change some variables. Here are my suggestions:
I'll start with the only idea of mine that survived to today. Dub Days is a cute idea, but its variability and irregularity causes more problems than it solves. You should discontinue it. Asking anons to show up somewhere extraneous on mostly weekdays is a very tall ask, and selects mainly for anons who literally have nothing better to do than roll the dice on something like this. Most simply won't do it.

Instead, it should be on Saturdays where most people have the day off and there are crowds already present to help provide context to meeting places. If not every Saturday then specific Saturdays within the month that the General OP is posted for.

Pic related is the OP that I proposed months ago that was never used. It's a better OP because it cuts out extraneous and confusing details, explains the idea in 1/3 the text as the current OP, reduces the entire effort to three simple steps (wear clothes, go to place, meet people), and includes answers to the biggest concerns raised right in itself. If nothing else it is shorter and easier to finish reading with the same amount of information, which is again a nod to the IOTBW model of decentralized campaign.

In the current model of Let's Take a Walk, specific locations around the US are named for anons to congregate in and increase the odds of encountering one another. However, this list is not only vastly incomplete but also is a security risk for participating anons (at least in their minds). It reeks of honeypots and ambushes and, again, appears like a wall of text that is intimidating and confusing.

The model I propose simplifies and streamlines this whole process. Basically every OP General that is made will select a new common location in typical General Episode fashion (i.e. Take a Walk General 3: Anons in the Park Edition) and name a location like "the most popular park in your area". These locations will change with every OP and will leave the specific locations for individual anons to decide. Just about every town and city will have a popular park, and local anons will all know it and be likely to know which one they'd pick. This serves to concentrate anons to specific locations without explicitly saying it online, which improves security and allows lurker anons who don't post any identifying location information to participate just as easily. This also affects ALL locations, within and without the US, so it's again more flexible and useful than the explicit model currently being used.

Current iterations of Walk threads get the exact same concerns thrown at it over and over and over again, and yet there is no update to the OP including those concerns and their answers. My proposal does have all of that and, more importantly, can evolve to include more or change mechanics to fit discoveries made about the process.

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My team and I are building a new Pro-Aryan Social Media platform.This platform will be structured as a Co-Op organization, and we will use a portion of the profit to Build an Aryan Mutual Aid network, as well as a Decentralized Network of Aryan Folk communities.

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So what if somebody redpilled but non-white shows up?

LOL this thread is a 11/10 troll
every leftist/kike shill who lives here is gunna be at the park every dubs day saying the most insane pro hitler shit you can think of

Kill yourself zeemap meetup kike.

Illiterate confirmed. Only a retard thinks "walking and talking" is the complex part and not the extensive setup for walking into an obvious honeypot.

Faggot, I drop Zig Forums memes on the regular, I've had fun chats with people tons of times just on a whim. Stop being such a pussy, you think glowniggers have the budget or the manpower to post agents in every park, in every major city, to hopefully see anyone at all? And then try to convince a Zig Forumsack, the most paraniod version of NatSoc, to do some illegal shit? I can't tell if YOU'RE overly paranoid, or just afraid we might start saying hi to each other IRL.

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And I'm just a lucky guy.

Hey nice! Original leafanon here. Looks like you fucked up the formatting on the locations list (there was a fully formatted template in the meadhall master thread) but it's something. I still talk regularly with the user I met at one of my walks.
I personally think the board is mostly dead now, and I haven't figured out where everybody went. I guess like me, they're all unplugging from the computer and doing things in the real world, which I'm taking as a good sign. If there's renewed vigour and interest I'll try renewing my efforts to post these threads on time. I think the winter severely hampered our efforts, but the death of the board is a new monkey wrench I can't see around. We'll see if things change in the summer. Good luck and hail victory.

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Exactly. The chances of some kind of phony or infiltrator is super low until you get a big organization off the ground and in public view, which is not what this is. Also, waaay too many canons massively overestimate the power and resources of the glowniggers, most of their power is projected and fear based, not real and tangible. I got a job at an installation that requires a government secret clearance because we produce shit for both military and government usage, meaning I passed a literal glownigger background check despite posting on Zig Forums and similar for years.

desire to learn more intensifies.jpg

This is great. I noticed though that:

Is it 3:33pm or 4:44pm?

or 5:55?

Seriously though -
I just had a talk with someone on Tuesday regarding what is discussed in these threads. He buys everything except the JQ at the moment.


Oh, of course. What would Hitler have said about talking to each other in pubs and feeling solidarity with your folk? We should just all sit in our apartments for fear that there's a glownigger behind every streetlamp. Right? You guys are omnipotent, isn't that right? You're literally everywhere and everyone? Who the fuck do you think you are, a fucking Matrix Agent? The fuck outta here

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Shut up you blatant fed - another real life meetup thread!
So here's how this will work.

CIA agents will be in every location OP listed. They will wait for real anons to show up, wearing specified clothing. CIA agents will ask for contact information, either directly or indirectly, and try becoming "friends."

Over time, those agents will attempt entrapment, coaxing anons into committing crimes - even minor ones, so anons can be doxxed and lose their jobs. Also, those agents are hoping to get into contact with other Zig Forumsacks who know their user "friend."

Never meet people from Zig Forums on the internet. OP is a spook.

Sounds too much like optix cucking dress code to me. I won't wear a white shirt on command from any supposed online allies, but I do like meeting up. I'll keep an eye out for people dressed like total memeslobs tomorrow at 3:33 and call you an autist for actually obeying some cucky cryptonazi dress code.

You're going on a walk faggot. Quite self neutering yourself out of paranoia

The U.S. is a dystopian police state. Pretty much every online and offline "right wing" organization is either completely controlled by feds, or has fed plants. They have access to sophisticated tracking technologies, databases, illegal searches and seizures, every security camera, every automotive computer, all known school and medical information.

We are living in a Jewish dictatorship disguised as Republican governance, even more sinister than obvious Soviet tyranny. Because the commies in Russia weren't able to hide most activity, 80% or more of subjects opposed Marxism either behind closed doors or in public view. In America, 90% are brainwashed and believe puppets like Trump or Cortez actually serve our interests. Virtually no escape exists from constant mind control, socially enforced by excluding redpilled people from having jobs friends, graduating from school, or discussing their opinions without arrest for hate speech.
At this stage, American society must be bulldozed. It is thoroughly Jewed.

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I'm one of the Volunteers of DaAryan WorldView , we have a small team of Aryan's working on this project right now, and we hope to grow it into something which can legitimately bring aid to our People worldwide, you can read about the project briefly here -


Our Team does not believe in Political Solutions, we believe in building something new that can in time Transcend our current system. We plan to build a Social Network, a Productive Labor based Crypto currency, a Video Hosting Site, a new Wiki, a new Search Engine, and a Network of Decentralized Businesses online, and offline. We have joined with several other sites, as well as several offline Folk Communities, and we plan to work together for a single cause, that of Struggling for 14.

A white top without a vest or outerwear is absolutely cringy. Plus wearing white after labor day is a WASP fashion faux pas.

Fun fact: WASPs adopted those fashion rules as a way to tell who was a WASP and who was a (((shapeshifter))) and keep (((them))) out of their country clubs. True history fact.

Anyone who wants to believe OP, go ahead. I will laugh when you get suicided. Unfortunately for (((them))) most real anons here aren't gullible enough.

Pushing so aggressively for a real life meetup thread. Jesus you have a special green glow.

And if you're not a glowing one, just a demoralized user, I have news for you in a more gentle form: it don't be like you think it is. Things are bad in general, but the omniscient control is all in your mind. All you have to do is say no. Refuse to be intimidated. You will see, nobody will stop you.

Even saying cringy
Go away gaylord

I don't want to get heart attacked, maybe you do though? You first for real life meetup! Meet me in Langley!

Whatever captain ballcap. It sounds like you're not in the north because everyone wears heavy black parkas up here, but just know I'm going to be laughing at your autistic ass in spirit tomorrow. Hopefully I'll find some autists a little less clueless than you.

Goddamn, man, your mind has hit a critical error. So me me get this analysis straight: in your mind, the idea of anons having a chat over a smoke and a soda is equivilant, in your mind, to us killing you? That's how mind-broken projection works, you see. Your mind cracked and now you're projecting your terror outward. I have to tell you, it's pretty disgusting. Like seeing someone's brains leak out of a cracked skull. Played like a fiddle

Translation: I'll be crying that people are talking IRL

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But I'm going outside at 3:33pm to find other people too. I'm just going to make fun of your cryptonazi cowardice and bad fashion decisions.

Yeah I think so, the town associated with operation paperclip? I'd be willing to make the trip just need to know where specifically.

tell me at [email protected]

Well best of luck then, if you want to post a pic of more decent attire I'll check it out. You may be right, after all.

Oh. Oh I get it, the details are still filtering in. So what you're terrified of is that you don't have a fraction of a percentage of the manpower you'd need to even consider being ANYWHERE AT ALL for something like this, and you're terrified that there are Zig Forumsacks behind every blade of grass. Topkek. I didn't realize you were so scared of that. You must really be at the end of your rope.

kys jew.

I'd go with an accessory and your normal clothes. Because your plan is pretty biased for southern climates where wearing a ballcap and tshirt is even possible. It's february during an arctic oscillation year. It's fucking cold. I'll be wearing a black beaver fur ushanka and a heavy black coat.

You want something accessible that everyone has, noticeable enough to be seen at a distance, but crypto enough to soothe the fears of the paranoid cowards in our ranks.

What about everybody carrying a ball or something and idly bouncing it on the road occasionally? This is unusual enough to be a signal but not so unusual that normies would think anything of it. People throw tennis balls to their dogs all the time, for example. And it's bright green and easy to spot from a distance.


Nah. Not yet. I'm gonna hang around a bit longer and see if you retarded goyim can get your shit together before I tap out to Asgard.

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You live life as a slave. And those in control don't even have to do anything


You don't get it. What I said is true - America is a dystopian 1984 hellhole. People disappear all the time, and never get found. In national parks, and other places. Snap out of it, the nightmares of our ancestors are now reality. America is governed by Jews and their deep state servants, everything else is theatre for keeping the public brainwashed. Congress, the Senate, Judges, the Presidency are all just a farce. Any one of them who steps out of line, and rebels against ZOG, gets killed by the CIA.

People disappearing and never getting found you say?


Add Fairmount Park, Riverside California to the list. If anyone else is tried of living without National Socialist comrades in the Inland Empire, be there tomorrow. None of of pic related. Consider wearing a hoodie or coat in case of rain. Be safe out there anons.

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Only anons who can punctuate properly allowed.

All the more reason to congregate urgently.

I didn’t pick the location.

I won’t reeee if you guys or other cities arrange different days or times to make it happen. The dubs days and times are just the template that’s easy to remember.

Neat. Shill it elsewhere since anons are paranoid of this being a honeypot as is.

I agree it should be reworked before release to cuckchan. I just wanted to get it going again before tomorrow. I’ll look over your stuff later when I have time.

Sorry I nigged up your copypasta. I wasn’t sure if you were coming back and fired off the op quickly during my work break. I’m glad all is well for you.

If I’m a spook why would I make the OP with an iPhone as evidenced by the guid file name of the photo? Because I’m a huge faggot.

Godspeed user.

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I am encouraged to see this thread pop up again.


I'm extra encouraged by the quality of these posts. I concur that if this is to become something, anything, more than throwing darts in the ocean it needs to be rethought. The trail time has passed and now it's time to make adjustments.

I think Dub Days could be done in addition to 3-4 fixed Walks per month. People have all kinds of different schedules, so why not embrace that and have walks at various times throughout ? If more of those fixed dates are weekends, so be it, but just keep in mind a wider net catches more fish. Your Re-Done OP is clean and I would have no problem running with it. Getting some OC, not just in the IOTBW style would also be a great addition. Also, in regards to dress code, while I think the White T idea is passable, I am open to other suggestions.

I love your idea for the new meetup mechanics. Making it a dynamic, spontaneous, chaotic and almost quest-like endeavor adds some elements of fun to it, especially for those in high density areas. It'll be like that mobile game where people were claiming random IRL areas for their team, the name of which eludes me. It should be left up to the participants of that particular Walk to say where they are going. If some want to run fixed venues, so be it, but waiting till right before the dubs time, or whatever time also drastically reduces potential glownigger response time, if that's a concern for you.

Good lad, you're doing important work.

I enjoy your gusto

You're right about the state of the board, the shilling/bot efforts, in volume, have fucked it to making borderline unusable save a couple threads here and there. IRL effort was what this idea was all about in the summer anyway, remember? Those who thought this would be a good idea pitched in the thread "You can't vote your way out of your planned genocide" and things evolved from there. I am heartened to hear of your connection, even 1 means this was a success, to me at least. I think it's time to reformat it, run it here for a month and then if it still has any legs take it to halfchan and see what happens. Remember everyone, you can filter by ID in real life too.

H4 red text doesn't make your post more credible

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off by two fuck. Not like anyone around here checks digits anymore though


I will be at the Ft. Lauderdale location, at the bar, at 5 PM!

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Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.

Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these retards than survival of their race.


All of you guys are like my family, I can't have shills toying with you now can I? Notice how quickly they fucked off once the mask was ripped off, haha. And then I learned even more just from their silence. Now I'm more convinced than ever that this is an absolutely brilliant idea. I'll do my best in my local area as months move forward and the weather gets nicer.

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How much money is being spent on this honeypot.

Yes, open up your mind to me. Show me your fear. Say something else to me, let's see just how scared you are

My fear of being led into a honeypot is completely justified, given previous and current government activities. You are behaving like a fed.

Tell me more. Tell me about how saying hi to someone and having a chat in a public place is a honeypot. Maybe you'd rather just scroll up and see what happened to the last shill instead.

So what?

Didn't think so. Shills are a virus, and I'm the cure

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Yup this whole thing is a honeypot confirmed

Lol look at this nigger admitting to being an alphabet/honeypot


Hold the fuck up.

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Stormtards are always the honeypot schlomo

StormFRONT was the honeypot

Are you all seeing this shit?

That user is not threatening anyone.

bff58f who is (((us)))?
Send a timestamped picture of your hand or I will assume you are a CIA nigger.

I'm sorry, To you need me to break down the linguistic structure of my post and decipher it for you? Fine

Basically the way this works is I'm reading the projection of the accuser. Once someone has lost control of their reason due to being emotionally enraged, the part of the mind that filters and rethinks things before they're expressed diminishes considerably. In this case, I'm responding to someone who says that there are going to be CIA in every city of every state, randomly waiting in parks to maybe talk to someone, just maybe. Now, we both know that's not possible. So why lie about it? It's called force multiplication. Convince your enemy you're strong when you're weak.

Then he says whoever goes out and talks to someone in a park is going to get murdered by the CIA. Of course, again we know that's couldn't possibly be true. So why lie about it? Because that's what they WANT you to believe. Why do they want you to believe that? Because they really would like to kill you. But if they actually could, they'd never say anything. So even saying it is proof that it's a lie. So in response to saying anons want to go have a beer and a chat, he threatens to kill us all. Which can only be in response to a feeling of mortal terror being projected. Thus, my conclusion. Whether it's metaphysical or linguistic manipulation I'm using doesn't matter. The outcome is the same. Hateful, terrified people are pouring out their true intentions by saying that they are mine. So there ya go, there's your lesson. I can say it, and it doesn't matter. As long as that hate is in there, I'll draw it out and use it against them.

Yes, you're gibbering now
More redtext rage. Is that going to work, do you think? Hmm.

I could give a good flying fuck what you believe or don't.

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But user, why would you say "us"???
Paranoid anons fear the Feds killing them, not a fellow user.

So why would you say "us" ???


The term "suicided" implies that alphabets would kill the paranoid user later.
Not right than at the walk.

So why would you use "us"

I am so screencapping this thread for future TAKE A WALK threads

Us. Anons who are out taking part in a Walk. As opposed to you. Someone trying desperately not to let that happen. Pretty basic stuff. Since you bring it up with more redtext sperging, let's see here. Why do you hate the very IDEA of the word "us"? Hmm, let me think. Could it be that you desperately don't want solitary anons referring to themselves in a collective manner? Do you think that's it? Is that why you desperately don't want a couple random guys in cities meeting up and realizing they're not alone? I suspect so.

< I'll kill you reeeeeeee not now but later
Oh, I'm well aware.

I'll be walking around during the evening hours; You'll spot me by my slight glow.

I'm focusing in on US because your use of US sounds like a freudian slip, dumbass

There's not, and you know it. And I know it. and WE know it


Why would you, just another user, kill him?
He's worried about feds, not you.
It would appear you're the one who doesn't understand context.
In either your initial response here
or any of your replies to me.

Mad yet

Kek, goddamn did I draw out every shill on the site? Increasing your numbers isn't going to work. But I suppose you tards are going to try to bury the thread with redtext sperging, CIA larping, trashy 2-word shitposts, etc. Just so you know, people are lurking, watching this right now, and making up their minds about what's happening here. I doubt they'll get involved, they know I can handle this shit on my own. But trust me, you think you're watching us, when in reality we're watching (((you))). But by all means, dance for me, puppets

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