In yet another attack where a black sets a white person on fire (Reports you wont hear on the news, yet are quite frequent) A Suspect in armed robbery duct-taped clerk, set customer on fire
Nigger Sets White Women On Fire
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Incredible, give him the noose and ladder and he will probably manage to accidentally hang himself.
Yes, there's a town in Texas with that name. Anyway, BUMP. This nigger needs to be found an executed.
Yeah it's Palestine that kind of shit is going to hap-
Why the fuck did these women not have firearms on them? Come the fuck on.
the day of the rope can't come soon enough
Future Darwin award winner here.
This isn't 20th century Texas anymore. Only whites are eligible for the death penalty now in Texas and anywhere else in America.
Bumping for texas anons to get on this and help the police find this nigger
What was he trying to do though? rob the place or just kill whitey for whatever reason?
Jesus. She really absolutely did the right thing in terms of putting the fire out, rip your hands free and cover it with anything you have to hand.
That nigger deserves chopping to death with axes from his toes upwards.
Darwin awards only apply to humans, you fucking faggot. It's a NIGGER. A nigger with 40 iq you fucking reject.
At least it's not a hate crime! That would get national attention.
Do a search, nobody is talking about this other than local news
holy fuck I was born and raised there, I think I recognise that gas station
OP clearly states this happened in Palestine TX.
How would you get millions of people to view a video like this? Whether it's this video or dozens of others, stuff like this does so much to change the narrative, particularly when media refuses to cover it.
At least he is cleaning the world of those cunts.
Women must be purged and replaced by artificial wombs.
aw shucks
The fucking timing.
Sheech. Niggers will resort to the most savage violence for a few hundred bucks…
So what are you all going to do about it?
Find a way to publicize it, FBI.
Nothing just watch a bitch finna get dabbed on
so glad you made a thread to tell us this
I mentioned before that I was from this city.
This place could serve as a tale of caution.
My grandparents told me about how it used to be, back when if you were selling your home, your neighbours would flock to you, and beg that you didn't sell your house to a nigger (direct quote from grandma). But, because boomers were so careless and naive about the African condition, they let them move in anyway, and suddenly, the old part of palestine, along with the courthouse, and the traditional structures were all occupied by nogs, entire sectors of the town, basically ran by them. I don't blame the boomers, they hadn't any experience with the nogs before, they couldn't have known what they had done, if anything their actions were a result of the white man's altruism, and their instinct to take care of that which cannot take care of itself. But here we are now, in Palestine, the same town where niggers kidnapped my Mom's piano teacher, rode her around in the trunk of their car, showing her off like a trophy, before driving the car with her in it into the trinity river. The same town where the apartments I was forced to live in for a while contained subhumans that would screech at my mother for her whiteness, the same nigs that chose to live in squalor, to throw their garbage in their front lawns instead of the bin.
Niggers are a fucking virus, they kill good places, there is no argument against it that will ever convince me otherwise.
You want to know something that keeps black people down? Sometimes it’s not who they were, it’s who their parents were. Humanity has historically lived under the yoke of primitives who treat the public as purposeless mimics, and among them are those who curate life histories, assuming that childhoods of successful people will not only potentially reiterate in one generation, but be emulated in the next. This is one of the reasons why aristocracies crawl up their own asses and die stagnant - because they all had good childhoods, or at least they’ve all learned to only tell good stories of their childhoods.
A lot of black people didn’t have good childhoods and are TOO HONEST to lie about that. This creates a reluctance to elevate them.
This hits more than just black people, too; the belief that humans en masse are pointless mimics who will try to beat each other into prosperity afflicts most races.
What is the rural area around Cherokee, Anderson and Rusk county like? Have you been there recently? Looking at buying some land out there to train some guys, would like insight into the area.
People shoould blow this up by comparing it to the Jussie Smollett case.
If there's one thing that enrages White people, it is double standards.
Remember, blacks can savagely murder or brutalize innocent Whites and their organizations will still protect and defend them as victims of whitey
even back in the 70s this was the case
Try Oakwood, or Slocum if you're feeling the meems, They're pretty rural, with some shops around so you're not completely fucked for supplies.
Also, I wish you much luck with your efforts to train people, I was thinking about doing the same thing myself one day.
You glow in the dark.
fuck off roy
White people want to die quietly an peacefully, rip why pipo died to nigger hordes.
Nothing, just watching you make the biggest mistake of your jew life.
I would rather have fedposters than pathetic sad pieces of shit like yourself.
Fucking niggers man, wait a few years and they will be too stupid to even commit crimes.
Kill yourself shitskin, you will never be white.
Just watched the vid. holy fuck that's hot.
kys schizoposter
You need to the read the whole thing and then lurk for two more years before you can post again.
It's honestly baffling to me that whites actually tolerate this stuff.
Lurk the moar for two years.
Was she a coalburner? The nigger might have done us a big favor.
Death to Israel.
That's a harrowing story.
For those wondering
Population 17,598
Exactly. Can't destroy Israel unless more White warriors are born.
Go kill yourself you fucking ignorant newfag asshat. Did you see the video? Where the fuck do you see BUD LIGHT being sold at a convenience store in Palestine?
Do you remember the story of a negress breaking into the trailer park, stealing a child and lighting it on fire? It got no coverage. They simply don't air things like this for obvious reasons.
And, if she was a coalburner, the toll was then paid. If she had a White bf, then I'll promote the shit out of this story to redpill more Whites on the nature of the nigger animal. I'm not doing anything until more info on the victim is known.
You first, kike.
No one actually tolerates this shit. Society has become suppressed from reacting the way we should. Cops are hesitant to arrest nigs breaking the law because 1) they will be labeled racists 2) liberal prosecution will put them right back on the street.
All this will eventually come to a head and there's going to be an uprising with KKK style groups and lynch mobs.
History tends to repeat itself…
You faggots have been talking about the fucking rope for 3 years now.
its funny when those whites turn on israel and expose them for what they are. the rabbi gets so mad. its literally comedy hour when they screech and their gibsmedat welfare line screech.
Try since the 1990s. It's because the economy is doing good. If we reach Weimar levels, then some action might be taken.
Exactly. Cuckservatives don't like giving gibsmedats except when it comes to Israel. Funny that.
Does it not hurt you inside to call other people kikes, or is it cathartic? I mean, my GOD. Shit I'm just gonna filter you. Thanks Zig Forums.
Who the fuck invited all these retarded Redditors?
Good. Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
So it's really on us. One problem that we have is that we are always reacting. We can get away with it much of the time because so often the story turns out in our favor, like the Jussie Smollett case. But that is still giving them control of what is being discussed, so that when something like Dylann Roof happens, they can do so much with it. He was the original impetus to take down the Confederate statues and flag.
The topic of discussion has to be changed, through social media or however we need to do it. I wonder if the next IOTBW project will be publicizing black-on-white crimes.
Yes and what's worse is that they've begun blockading any avenue of amplifying any kind of propaganda. It's a good point that they used Roof as a catalyst for destroying a bunch of confederate monuments, and because of the prevalence of right-wing propaganda online they through millions of dollars at a censorship campaign on all their platforms. Which leaves us with what, IRL shitposting? I've always thought that a concerted and coordinated flyering campaign was the best way to get a message out there because the media will inevitably pick it up.
I love how buttblasted these kikes are. If the woman was a coalburner, then it's no loss. The nigger done good in that case. If she wasn't, then obviously I'm with you guys. Bunch of hyper reactionary faggots saying "filtered" like I give a flying fuck.
They're from Reddit user. They're used to mods giving them crayons and coloring books.
I keep coming back to this as the only "peaceful" option left.
I've been utterly decimated from the entire internet proper.
My blood is boiling over. I've run out of patience long ago.
Say when.
I agree, flyers are one of the best approaches. The flyers themselves mean next to nothing, but the media going into paroxysms of rage and disbelief that something might be racist is worth a lot.
This is the perfect example of showing how these shills disarm outrage propaganda. Its 2 fucking store clerks, coalburning has absolutely nothing to do with it. Reminder anti-white women is anti-white and people who hate white women hate their own race. Thats antifa.
Filtering has always been part of Zig Forums, youre a shill.
Defending yourself on another IP, trying to disarm the outrage and prevent it from turning into anti-black violence. Youre Jews. This is what JIDF looks like in 2019.
Go eat some cock and quit denying your faggotry, MGTOW. Also show me on the doll where your first gf hurt you? Oh right in the fee fees? Just as I thought.
Don’t you make me come on Zig Forums and bitch slap the motherfucking sense out of you faggot nigger, because I WILL DO IT! At this point in our ‘relationship’ you know that I will fuck you up one side and down the other just like a sewing machine.
Holy shit, you're a fucking moron.
Yes, clearly, you stupid fucking nigger.
Well, since (((George Soros))) isn't there to give 33 milions $ to create a "White Lives Matters", no one will talk about this.
Believe it or not, very few people even in texas carry. Women carry at a far smaller rate, and women typically neither process threats or react to said threats fast enough to begin action. And when under direct active threats they either become overly emotional and break down or freeze and submit, not become aggressive and violent as is proper response to nigger threat. Whats more, when out in public women rarely ever are in the mindset of any level of threat matrix evaluation and instead focus on going along to get along rather than reacting with decisive decisions. This women, actually could have been carrying and STILL not reacted appropriately, believing that things will still work out one way or another and not understanding the risk all subhumans invite while in their presence much less when said subhumans become aggressive and dominant. While one of us whom is male would react appropriately at any provocation, even while the ape had weapon drawn, and iced the creature at the first moment, women will avoid confrontation to the expense of all else unless in VERY limited situations they have mentally prepped for. (typically imaging someone breaking in to their home and trying to rape them)
user, mary sue is make believe. Even women trained for combat and whom have been deployed into warzones fuck up royally at all levels when action starts. Expecting any female react to random threats is not in their capacity, that is a mans job. Period. The nigger and his species were not purged from the area before becoming an threat to said women, that is a failing on us, their men. We are the warriors, we know how to react and know that we must react.
Man the fuck up anons. War is already here, and it is you and your people on the menu.
Fuck….I live a couple towns over and drive through Palestine quite often to visit relatives. I can tell you that place is a shit hole full of niggers, I don't ever stop for anything there.
I hate niggers.
Good point. It was dumb of me to expect agency from females, but still, with everything I hear about texas, you'd think they had men in their life to set them right. Steers and Queers, I guess.
Same. Station looks familiar. Think I've been here.
Maybe try reading and watching first before you decide to chimp like a nigger
What compels people to do this type of shit? It was bad enough to ducktape them, but to light them on fire ALONG with their store? What goes through the heads of these people?
Its pronounced Palace-teen too.
i must loudly applaud that women who had the genius of extinguishing the flames by folding the shirt over her head despite literally being on fire!!!
that nigger, on the other hand, wasn't even capable of achieving anything (thankfully)
hanging that apeman wouldn't cut it –
where's the oldschool kkk from the 19th century? the one that protected southern whites from the rapes and plundering by niggers
reminds me of the story of three people who had a shop too, moved into the basement by two niggers i think, they had covered their victims with some blue stuff and tortured them, i think one was fire at with a shotgun and perhaps another put on fire… some gruesome shit… does it ring a bell? can't remember the details
God this is getting so boring. Right wingers aren't even trying anymore. Don't you know people can tell when you're being histrionic by generalizing to an arbitrary skin tone? It used to be so shocking but with Trump it's played
It is not to be confused with the sandnigger Palestine.
Its going to be fun retaking the planet from these apes
You would have a reason to be upset if he hadn't have mentioned that it was in Texas in the OP, but it's right there in redtext. Ur gay.
Those who relax around niggers are being cleansed from the White gene pool – Will Smith spoke about purging Whites from this Earth with Fire – This is known as the strong getting stronger by culling out the weak that are already in the group, already have privilege, already White.
We are at war with weakness.
If you're not at war with weakness keep listening to nigger rap and masturbating to jew porn and cucking at every chance you get with your dirtied political correct mind
He did such a piss poor job. That doesn't even qualify as toll payment.
Cool shirt. How do I get one ?
Texas you better hunt this nigger down and let the world see his TIre necklace
Mabey that will make the Race bate News
if he was white and the clerk black ???????…..Fuck this gay world (((this))) is why we cant have nice things sad
they don't need to commit actual robberies anymore. welfare and reparations and 'hate crime' lawsuits take care of their financial concerns. the reason they break into houses, vandalise property, rape, murder and torture is for the simple fact that they enjoy doing it. they don't gain anything from it but momentary joy.
There's no more room in the prisons. Get used to getting set on fire, white women. It's good for the economy.
user… I…..
Fuck, how did you even find us?
But Q said we should not be divided by race or skin color. We just need to hold hands, which will usher in a brighter tomorrow as you guys decline from 56% to 26% of the population and as Europe follows suit.