So, apparently some conservative student at UC Berkeley was handling out recruitment flyers for Turning Point USA. That organization that Charlie Kirk runs I guess. As he was peacefully handling out flyers, your typical Berkeley leftist fucking nutjob just came up, and sucker punched and proceeded to beat the shit out of this kid while screeching the typical leftist battle cry, "RACIST SEXIST REEEE!" etc… The conservative kid didn't fight back, which is good, because trust me, as a California native myself, if that conservative would've swung back, the leftist school would just blame him and expel him. It's also good he didn't fight back in this case, because it proves he is 100% the victim here, and no one can dispute that. It's easily cased closed if brought to court. Now… Here's the same video of the incident in case Twitter link isn't showing it.
Fucking scriptkiddy, grow some honesty. I get that you mean the pro-semitism, but you’re still breaking yourself lying. There’s a couple voices of perfect influence; my own favorite is the one that’s true.
Joshua Turner
Ryan Peterson
The guy is obviously a stormfront drop out. Fuck him. The dude is a shareblue anglin cocksucker, they love punching normal conservatives!
Daniel Hill
Kill yourself immediately.
Anthony Lopez
Just two totally organic students with receeding hairlines and some tatted freshly shaved head with tanline looking away.
Julian Campbell
Where's the lie?
Kevin Sanders
another staged CIA psyop, another day in CIAmerica
Luis Edwards
He bent over and took it like a bitch. What an embarrassment. lol! feg.
Dominic Johnson
Shittiest shillmeme ever inducted, you lads need better leadership.
Aaron Hughes
The vast majority of Americans are on the black-shirt's side. The country is over.
Jayden Gutierrez
Magakikes are also Magacucks, incredible.
Xavier Gomez
Turning Point is pro-White genocide, just so you all know.
also: Conservacuck detected. So much AIDS. White faggots try so hard to be the victim. Why? Because they want to show they're morally superior. Who defined victims as morally superior? Kikes and the rest of the left. Do you see why this is a losing strategy? Do you honestly believe they will ever see you as a victim? The only way that victim value horseshit works is if you have power that you can use to enforce it, but you have NO power. The average white has been conditioned to give up authority to kikes, and they have accepted that bullshit Christian programing that the meek are the real winners.
You're waiting for the system that's designed to destroy you to swoop in and save you. You're going to be waiting a long fucking time. Unless you are willing to meet force with force and violence with violence then you will continue getting exactly what you deserve.
They will be taking from you and then you will be sent to your grave.
Kevin Mitchell
Asher Howard
Beat me to it. It's funny how many Justin Cuckdeau memes there are with similar statements, but no one seems consider the deeper message. It's just "hurr durr leftist is stooopid".
Fuck I'm mad.
Henry Morris
OP is a faggot that cannot embed.
Sage for slide thread.
Jordan Wright
Of course they are.
John Roberts
Script-aimed numbers hit.
Owen Cook
Jaxon Jenkins
It's wild how they don't even realize that the majority of Americans watch the video and get hard because they've been programmed to want to punch the "bad guys" super-hero movies are mass produced for a reason, convinces the goyim that the bad guys openly identify themselves, and all you gotta do is punch them really hard. Americans are braindead mongrels and this nation is done, it's over.
Oliver Wood
Meh, he could get millions in the settlement and all he had to do was get punched in the face. How much can you earn in five seconds?
Hudson Flores
Still, the state of the fucking cucks in the peanut gallery.
Are you retarded? Be honest. Are you under 18? High school drop-out? Where do you think those millions are going to come from?
See my above reply for the retarded programming these people swallow. This is why whites can't win right now. We are being dragged down by heaps of non-thinking human shit.
Mason Sanchez
Nah, not in California courts. Wake up to reality, he got his ass kicked and bruises will be his only prize.
Samuel Perez
I don't know how much I can train you with a post, but if this happens to you, if someone bigger gets in your face, let him move in close and unleash an uppercut. Straight up from the ground, force coming from your legs, like doing a military press. Let 'em have it, they'll go out like a light, one shot, guaranteed. But be careful, they could bite off their tongue and choke to death on their own blood. t. serious street fighter
Then I suppose he will learn to defend himself properly and radicalize completely. Still a win.
Ethan Perry
So even when Conservatives get fucked up, Magapedes will just pretend it didn't happen to save face?
Caleb Howard
If there is one thing cuckservatives are brilliant at it's selling out their own people.
Blake Roberts
Yes but do you know the significance of that tweet? Analyze it: That's bullshit, but these faggots repeat it because they know the rest of the conservacuck will nod in agreement. They're all cowards reinforcing their cowardice.
Yeah that's what I thought.
They're simply looking for an excuse to not fight. The meek shall inherit the Earth. Jesus and Pastor Dipshit said so. God will save them, the government will save them, the constitution will save them. All evidence says they're wrong.
They're completely useless born and bred losers. That's why kikes call them cattle. thisisfine.jpg
Zachary Hill
Fuck off you retarded FBI plant. You don't fight back ON CAMERA. Go get your arrest quota somewhere else.
No my man, you're the retard. If you're going to defend yourself the best time to do it is when there IS a camera around so there is evidence of you needing to act.
Samuel Harris
Being California, let alone the Berkeley campus… Shit dude they would have arrested the victim for defending himself based on his political standpoint alone.
Charles Hall
And what's wrong with getting arrested if what you were doing was right? Pathetic submission to leftist authority. I bet you would help them dig your grave before they shot you too. Wouldn't want to get a tally mark!
Alexander Stewart
Who cares? You're going to refuse to defend yourself out of fear of being punished for defending yourself. You are a pussy. You realize you can get killed if you're punched super hard in the right spot at the right angle, there is no excuse not to defend one's own body from physical harm, regardless of the consequences.
Samuel Perry
But he didn't get trips… fucking moron.
Christian Price
No, it's not.
Jaxon Mitchell
You can tell from the video the conservatard thought he was going to go out there and catch some viral content for the web. Absolutely clueless lamb walking into the slaughter trying to emulate his favorite edgy YouTube Zionists. Never even occurred to him he would have to defend himself even AFTER all of the videos from 2016 and Berkeley.
How does someone get to be that stupid? It seems impossible, but there it is.
They're not "winning" they've won, they won like 8 years ago when the social justice and trans movements took off and took over institutions across the country through fear and intimidation.
They have a vast majority of "manpower" over us and since we're not fighting a war or anything that manpower does count for something at the moment. It counts for being completely overwhelmed in the public space and the media being complicit in the fight against us.
This is occupied territory.
Lucas Gonzalez
Lucas Rogers
Guy was most likely a secret kike, false flag by kikes. It's all kikes, they pretty much control everything
Connor Hernandez
Why would you let someone that close to you, ever? Especially someone who obviously has no qualms assaulting you. He's lucky that other guy didn't use his whole body and just arm punched or that could have been worse.
At least put your hands up ffs.
Dominic Gonzalez
He thought that camera would protect him. Utterly clueless.
Carson Reed
Who gives a shit? It's an opportunity to send a leftist to jail.
Austin Reed
UC Berkley. California. Cultural Mecca for angry SJWs. Anons saying "America is doomed"… in response to a viral video in the most ideologically cucked place in the country… I guess, fellas. All is lost.
Urban shithole drama, imo. Makes me love America even more… that commie assholes have created their own containment areas.
Rural anons may/may not even give you a warning shot. Depends on the price/availability of ammo. People out here are based as fuck… nobody's goal is to own a Tesla. Social status = horsepower / acres owned.
Trust me, we know. We're selling our "good" produce to local buyers now. Exporting what's left to urban buyers. Unless they want to pay 3X. Trust me, the guys that grow the produce are BTFO from fucking with liberals. Waiting around on loading docks while liberal cunts turn their noses up at the delicious FOOD they CAN'T EVEN GROW.
Fine. Starve or pay 10X. Once you haven't eaten for a few days, maybe you'll be ready to negotiate. Buy the same vegetables (fresh, a few days ago) at full price or die.
The left's food security is largely dependent on the right's cooperation. Threadly reminder that reality is not a viral video. Real consequences exist. The right can subsistence farm, if necessary. We don't need you.
Christian Mitchell
Well fuck at least the opportunity was there, right?
Aiden Roberts
They have witnesses saying he didn't fight back, this case would be much harder for them to throw.
Nathan Butler
The guy who got smashed with the bike lock didn't fight back. He was sucker "punched" by the guy with the lock. Seriously. Why are you expecting the kike system to save you? Don't you know the mantra "whatever kikes accuse you of they are doing or will do to you"? What have kikes been saying for decades? They've been saying the system is unfair and biased against their pets. What does that mean? It means they have rigged this new system against you.
Xavier Hall
you need to stop sperging out, the bike lock thing was much more chaotic, in this case, it didn't happen during a riot, if he's charged, he's going to jail, it's also terrible optics for leftists, yes those matter, leftists chimping out in Berkley was a boon for redpills
Kayden Wood
No. TRS, Reddit, or Twitter?
Wyatt Rogers
your too much of a cock sucking kike to want to dox a berkely antifa, pretty sure you're not from ehre
Joseph Torres
You're so fucking rattled you can't even type. Reddit.
Parker Lewis
how am I rattled? you seem to be mad about the fact I just correctly called you out for trying to help antifa avoid jail time
Henry Edwards
The older I get, the more I agree with every word of that. There is no victory in victimhood. EVER. You gotta fight back and never give quarter, especially as you're fighting a mob so deeply conditioned and brainwashed to hate you that they would piss on you if you were on fire. Nice little old liberal grannies would piss on you if you were on fire. Think about it. No, it wasn't always this way; but it's how it is now, and you'd better fucking get used to it or you'll be stamped out of existence.
They do this reverse-virtue-signaling "hey, we're the oppressed good guys, look at the leftist hypocrisy lol wow!" shit on Fox all the time, made me want to shoot my television just like Elvis did. Turn it off, turn it ALL off and get acquainted with the harsh realities here. Before it's too late.
Jayden Ward
If not throwing a punch in this instance gets an antifa faggot thrown in prison and ruins his future, than it was worth it. The guy getting punched didn't have a chance anyways in a fight if you watched the video. So he took the correct action based on the situation. Not everyone wants to be a martyr for your accelerationist LARPing. You sound more like you guys would rather have antifa faggot get away without any repercussions. Having him get convicted would do more than the other guy landing some soft punches.
Zachary Green
Berkeley is certainly occupied territory, and anyplace in this country which is majority red or even majority red/centrist/nobody cares about politics because they're too poor and busy trying to survive, you'd better start defending it and working to keep it that way. Well-moneyed communities like Berkeley are often the worst, especially with a uni to rally around. Plenty of services and handouts, plenty of marxists, plenty of "tolerance" of leftist excess and violence because useful idiots think it's "cool" to be a rebel street kid.
I'm guessing the assailant here is Portland antifa, mostly because he's so fair, they don't get much sun up there. Surprised he chose to show his face so clearly, but if he's not from Berkeley it makes more sense. He's already gone. Plus, this was probably spur of the moment violence, at least somewhat.
Robert Garcia
You sure are.
Yeah man. That's how controlled opposition works. That guy probably went out there feeling all morally righteous thinking he had his copy of the victim card now, and he was going to show those durned demonCRAPs what for! Turns out whitey can't be a victim by definition. Well, that's what you get when you play by the rules instituted by kikes. A group of people whose ethnic religion is based around arguing with their god and finding loopholes in order to skirt what they consider as divine law and these cuckservative goobers decide to let them define the rules of the game.
People get what they deserve.
Imagine what it must be like to wake up every day and be this much of a homosexual.
Jayden Collins
It took a lot of posts before someone points out that he looks like a kike. I'm fairly disappointed. not with you user, you did good
Ethan Rogers
all you did was sperg out after being called a kike, which you are since you are arguing against doxing an antifa thug
If you can use your enemies weapons to hurt them, you do it, you idiot.
The guy was a weakling based on the video. So him trying to ruin this guys life by sending him to jail instead of getting his ass kicked in a fight that the police would discount as being both parties' fault was the right call. I'm sorry your brain is to under-developed to use actual strategic thinking.
Austin Fisher
Exact same shit shills said about Jussie Smollett, that he would never be charged. Gee, what could shills gain from such statements I wonder.
Jack Roberts
TFW you realize you're at least 4 SD above the user you're arguing with. I bet you think you're making intelligent points too.
Leo Gutierrez
Nah, it's for legal reasons.
Ethan Thomas
Keep larping, you don't control a single city, let alone a single state.
Jonathan Howard
I don't blame him for not fighting back, but the fact is–as long as someone else punched him first–even in California, that makes it self-defense and self-defense is legal and would not have cost the conservative kid. Since it's all on video, he didn't have anything to worry about on that front. But again, I don't personally care if he fought back or not. You can't fight, don't pretend you can. But that's not the point here.
If you think any antifa are gonna get "thrown in prison" and their futures "ruined" in BERKELEY….ah hahahaha. You need to do your research, kid. The actual mayor of Berkeley is antifa–affiliated these days. Berkeley is completely lost. There is no pretense even of fairness for anybody to the right of Marx and Lenin there anymore. I know. I have family there. Most of my old friends have moved out because they grew genuinely uncomfortable. This wasn't the case before, not even in the 60s and 70s.
Did you not follow the Clanton case? They went through the formalities (probably because there are still a few based law enforcement in the bay area) but of course Clanton got off in the end. The word went down from the top and that was that. Where do you think Berkeley is, Kansas? Again, wake the fuck up.
This puncher will not get convicted of anything. I would bet money on it. Don't hold your breath. And yes of course, I wish it were different. To repeat what the other poster said: "you're waiting for the system that's designed to destroy you to swoop in and save you."
I don't know that it was originally designed to destroy you–certainly not you, if you're a law-abiding conservative. BUT, things have changed. And if you are in enemy territory, which Berkeley now is, all bets are off. Consider for example dealing with the local authorities in, say, Cuba, or North Korea, where they would definitely NOT like you. Imagine you visited one of those places and then you did something the local authorities didn't like. You think you wouldn't get Warmbiered? That's where Berkeley, and most of California, are headed.
Nathan Reyes
Kayden Harris
all I see in this thread are a bunch of kikes running interference for some leftist piece of garbage instead of trying to figure out who he is
Hunter Wood
Julian Moore
Defend yourself or you'll look weak to all of the people you are trying to convert to your side. No one respects a little bitch who gets punched in the face and just takes it. I get that you don't want to be violent in certain situations but it's a bad look to get your ass kicked.
Vid semi related. At least put your hands up to block punches or leg kick him is all I'm getting at. It's retarded to not.
Henry Adams
>Berkeley Why do so many alt-rightists do their stupid protests in the San Francisco Bay Area? Is SFBA some megajew CIA Mossad hub? Literally what is the point of going there? Milo, Heimbach, Coulter, Lauren Southern, now this guy. And why was this conservative student at UCB, a notoriously judeo-leftist school? Why not go to a less radical school? Statistics show that employers generally don't care about where you graduated from.
Caleb Cruz
because Berkely always chimps out and it makes the left look like lunatics, what is hard to understand about this?
Eli Richardson
I don't care where you are in the US. If felony assault happens on camera, there's going to be an indictment. The fact you think California should be ceded to the enemy is pathetic and weaker than anything that kid did on video.
Michael James
It's also good he didn't fight back in this case, because it proves he is 100% the victim here, and no one can dispute that. It's easily cased closed if brought to court.
We need to stop giving a fuck about optics. To not fight back for the fear that your masters will punish you for doing so is the epitome of cuckholdry.
He should of fucking put that retard sub human in the hospital. The more we do this the stronger we become in the eye of the lemmings. The lemmings only follow the most powerful force. That right now is progressive jew propaganda bullshit and this bullshit is only becoming more and more powerful in the eye of the public when we submit to it and not fight back for fear of repercussions.
Be brave, stand up for yourself and do what is right, fuck the system and what anybody else says for that matter. You know deep down you’ve done the correct thing.
Exactly. Not to make this about Trump just using him as an example, but people rallied around him because he fought back. The problem is even on the campaign trail he even started pulling that "oh we're the victims" bullshit. It's just this absolutely disgusting weakness from the right.
You don't have to win every fight, but when you are attack you must fight. Who is going to stick their neck out for a loser? No one.
Joseph White
Jason Bennett
KEK his voice at and after 0:20
William Bailey
Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.
Joshua Jackson
Or let's go meta-optics. It's bad optics to get your ass beat while not fighting back.
Unfortunately that guy was one of the lemmings that's been emboldened in the recent years.
The battle cry needs to be: not
Bentley Johnson
Christopher Gonzalez
People would respond better to you'll have to kill me over murder the left You sound like a fucking psychopath fed
Josiah Foster
Champion at the podium, berserker on the battlefield. It's the same reason you don't wave your gun around going "I'VE GOT A GUN AND I KNOW HOW TO USE IT WAHGRABALAHALHA!"
John Sanders
It doesn't matter. The (((law))) won't ever consider conservatives/white men as victims. He will be jailed for being a white man and a conservative. The only right thing to do is to be violent and kill those leftist scum. Being a cuck that doesn't fight and doesn't kill just to "muh prove that i'm the victim" will amount to nothing at all. The system is against us. We must kill everyone else because of that.
Daniel Baker
Exactly. The one and only time that something like that happened to me was when I was in middle school. The experience was so traumatic that, after I spent maybe a week crying and feeling like a bitch, I started exercising and transformed my body. I started boxing and always protected myself whenever I needed to. I've only had to fight a small number of times, but you're absolutely correct; weakness earns no respect. The kid in the vid got handled.
Jeremiah Foster
Look at this shit. Anons having constructive a constructive discussion about strategy, self-defense, and the purpose of projecting strength, and then this shit shows up.
We're definitely on to something.
Matthew Campbell
Fucking cuck bullshit. Yes, as if these fags have no problem killing a weak fatass like yourself. You sound like a cuck. Do you have lisp and weak jaw line too faggot.
The user I'm replying to has a serious martyr complex. But unlike a decent martyr, he won't even bring down fuckers with him, he just dies like a cuck to some pissed off nigger.
You niggers need to understand that you aren't going to be able to PR yourselves out of this.
Charles Hall
Just filter
Blake Price
You replied to me and that's not even close to what I said in this thread.
Carson Long
Standing around getting beat isn't a strategy, its a cop out. You don't believe in your ideas strongly enough to act upon them. Kid looks like a pussy getting beat by a highly estroganated antifag. Reminds of these big men getting beat by petite woman and looking like total dorks while its done.