This thread was deleted after the (((DailyStormer))) was exposed as responsible for the pro-Trump shilling on Zig Forums……………………….
Kushner Mods
Other urls found in this thread:
Only after the System is BROKEN and DISCREDITED will there come a hope of mobilizing the masses of Whites to tackle the job of winning
what will soon enough assume the characteristics of a civil war.
Until then, for the present, give the Pigs nothing to do regarding ourselves but sit and get edgy. Once the shooting starts, keep out of the
way of the mobs because they only perceive us as friends and allies of the Capitalists and the System. In the opening phases of any
revolution, if the Red mobs don't get you, the Pigs will. Let them instead kill one another. Developments will progress rapidly once all central
power is gone and people realize they have nothing to lose anymore.
And yet this obvious hasbara shilling thread has been up for an entire day. Care to explain Kushner mods or must I redpill your userbase on who you are?
It is common knowledge how mods are compromised.
They probably got a raise from Jared Kushnah
I came back for a day just to see this, glad I migrated from Zig Forums. No reason to look back
Kike free bump for seizing Zig Forums records after the civil war and finding out who the moderators were on 8pol and having them and their families gassed to prevent their treason genes from infecting the gene pool.
What does "dost" mean? (Highlighted thread is the Amnesty Trump thread that got censored. Looks like the mod may have placed a permanent ban on the OP, as there was a batch of bans following the permaban that all happened at the same time).
I like the quote from the 5th picture…if America is fucked then 'its all worth it' because only Europe matters. We really should 'make these guys comfortable' next time they visit the USA. Europe is our legitimate homeland but it is nothing compared to the things that have been done in the USA in terms of industry, science and innovation. THIS is where all the lively and adventurous Europeans came while those who didn't mind being serfs stayed in Europe. I am not bagging on Europe but anyone who is willing to see several million European Whites die and thinks this 'is worth it' needs to be fucking drawn and quartered. PUBLICLY.
Probably not White user…have at.
DOn't Support Trump.
Not to mention that anyone who has been to Europe in the last 5 years knows that Europe is already lost.
Americans who haven't been to Europe lately have no idea how significant the migrant flood has been. At this point they are past the tipping point and there's no going back. Europe has been fatally poisoned with shitskins.
>(((Daily Goy))) supports the 38 billion don
Wow, I, for one, am shocked
It's almost as if controlled opposition like them has strong ties to israel or something
A few years ago people at least stole the FBI from their uncle fr a few photos, fucking apply yourself.
Yeah, you totally did not come straight from r/donald or anything
Faggot anglin and other stormer cuck writers have been using Zig Forums to push their articles and gather info before writing one for a long time.
Midterm votespam was from anglin all along.
Here you go my redditor newfriend.
who gives a shit, a thread died for this faggot crap
This is your brain on Trump.
forgot my pic of the shit of the shit on Zig Forums.
Didn't Sam Hyde give 5k to Daily Stormer? What's with this cabal of right wing figures working to undermine everyone? Are they all corrupt?
Subversion and derailing the momentum we're having.
What a meme. But then they threw her under the bus when she didn't tow the line.
Discord trannies think they can subvert the board to the point where skinheads are blamed for voting Trump.
Remember to always kindly ask them who you should vote for. Don't vote goys lel
I submitted that 404 image of pence.
I totally forgot about that haha
Always remember to ask voteniggers how they plan to outvote the 50% nonwhite population plus the 25% Whites who will vote for destruction no matter how persuasive your arguments are. You're up against a hostile 75% no matter what you do.
By my calculations you're going to need something like 126% of the total votes available, minimum to outvote a 75% supermajority. Perhaps we could perfect cloning?
So even Sam Hyde is supposed to be subversive now?
Are you completely retarded?
Only one solution user. Ethnoglobe. Got to get rid of all the subhumans in one fell swoop. All gone, all dead, peace on Earth and good will towards all HUMANS.
You made a thread stating the Trump was giving the spics amnesty and posted a tweet where he said he wasn't giving them amnesty.
lol American here I would kill to live in a 90 percent white country.
i hope you die in a fire
KYS shareblue.
2016 is long over lol, no one gives a fuck anymore
America is all about zionism and sodomy
Now I hope you die in a fire as well.
It literally is a polity of baby murder and fag worship.
Trump won. Hillary lost. Deal with it.
I don't make any deals involving amnesty, cuck.
You are 100 times worse
Why do the shills say 'kushner' mods and not 'Ivanka' mods or 'Trump' mods?
Seems like they have decided that Kushner is the person in Trumps inner circle that normalfags want to be associated with.
Its odd when you think about it.
Oops I meant to say 'dont want to be associated with.'
They should just be called what they are: (((Kikemods))).
You wouldn't be wrong, let them destroy themselves though and have a hearty laugh. They'll come in mobs to attack you but there isn't much they can do cause they will resort to some sort of barbarism to get their point across while you appear sane.
So why is Sam Hyde hanging out with Dickie Spencer?
Why are you mad? That user is essentially correct about this shithole.
Yep. Have to make the world safe for sodomites and jews no matter what cost.
Trump and Ivanka are clearly brain dead morons while Kushner is clearly a (((manipulator))).
Kushner owns a shill group retard.
Where do you live? D.C.? San Francisco? Los Angeles? Sure the major cities are PITS, but that is the way it has always been through history.
They just take Hillary's place at being the nutjobs while getting muh gibsmedats. No better than the nigger mongrel class that run hoaxes.
You Zig Forums tards are desperate to keep your shilling going aren't you?
Get back to Zig Forums faggot
It's not 50% yet. Being rational, you could use your vote to create more local autonomy/state control, so you can preserve whiter areas without being afflicted by the horde zones, and then just ride out the storm over the next 50 years.
But yeah, if someone is suggesting voting your way into some full blown north american ethno-state where non-whites just magically disappear one day, then that's retarded.
A good part of Middle Europe is just fine desu, after we expell the muzzies from Austria all will be good, Germany should strugle on it's own.
;) I will defend it!
I am not 'mad'…that was a jew joke. 'die in a fire'…you know, the thing they fear most because it means they have to go back to hell. That user is the problem and the solution at the same time. When they have all 'died in a fire' and been sent back to Hell this place can be paradise again.
A concerted effort must be made to egg on the red mob.
Dost Test
look at the links at the top of the page
Mods are kikes, but you retards also can't check the catalog before posting so you make 3+ duplicate threads.
Kill yourself kike.
You forgot the weekly dozen literal Zig Forums threads that are given a free pass despite 100% being off topic for Zig Forums and on topic for another board entirely. But don't you dare make a Zig Forums relevant thread against christianity, or it will be banned in minutes.
Sam Hyde fought against deplatforming. That doesn't make him an enemy. He rejected Traitor Trump back in the Syria bombing days.
Because they all thought they were on the same team? Spencer is a good writer, but he was not the leader he though himself to be. I mainly dislike him because he refuses to use the memes that we know work, opting in stead to use complicated language that make Spencer look smart.
Pro-whites are not born omniscient, outside you of course. '
Does he even write himself? I thought he mainly ran platforms for other writers, often jews.
This is off topic to idiot. Kushner bot is a meme being forced by Zig Forums shills with no factual basis for it. Kikey actually took care of this place. Notice how threads were of better quality when he was here? These new mods allow rampant shitposting and slide threads.
No believes this meme but you kampfy
Fuck off tranny
are 8/pol/tards like 90% boomers
who actually types like this
Well, I'm not permabanned. It was probably deleted because of the stupids who can't figure out how to search twitter and reported my post for the heinous crime of not linking to source of the Trump tweet.
Fuck off.
Two weeks ago we spread the rumor to some lesbian cultists that Kusher had bought Zig Forums. Glad to see they took the bait.
After you Turk
Says you
The catalog precisely 6 gorillian of these fucktard drumpf threads, anti-christian larp threads, and general slide bullshit, and not one instance of pic related anywhere to be seen. But clearly it's because "kushnermods" craves this niggatry.
This is what a jewish faggot raid looks like, and the endless AIDS is hideous to behold.
I also don't give a fuck about shareblue, correct the record, discord trannys or whatever the most recent boogieman Trump supporters have invented
It's an excuse by shills to make anti Trump threads by lumping Jews into them. And because this place is so obsessed with Jews it works
It means lurk more.
It's not.
Kushnerbots are real.
He did before Zig Forums kick started the pro-white movement he tried to lead.
Sam literally tried to get one of his own fans deplatformed over petty shit. These e-celebs are not the kinds of people you think they ware
Its actually "toe the line" like putting your toes on a line. It has nothing to do with pulling.
is this CP? test
Secession is not a dirty word.
White ethnostateS.
Yea to go with anti-shilling against trump.
Hm, but wouldn't that mean being edgy and "pushing the envelope?" It's weird when phrases come to mean the opposite of what they originally meant.
Hey, is that Billy AIDS Virus?
Go try it. Watch what happens.
Can you guess how I know which anti-Zig Forums faction you belong to?
Hint: You used a keyword only they use.
he's part of the MAGApedo faction.
Newfags detected. "Boogeyman" is an /intl/ buzzword. They use it when "DUH JOOS" posting.