Amnesty Trump: amnesty soon, no deportations

Old Thread Censored by (((Kampfy))). New thread!

Donald Trump explicitly promises that "Amnesty will be used" and "there will be no big push for deportation of 11 million illegals." Apparently the fagmods have been covering this one up for quite some time with censorship.

"They don't have to go back. They don't have to go back, folks. Turns out we DO have a choice. Well, I mean, you chose me when I said they have to go back, but I'm making a different choice now. The opposite one, in fact. If that's not proof that there was a choice, I don't know what is, folks. And I'm getting tremendous support for it back inside the Beltway. Tremendous." -t. Trump

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old thread censored by (((weev)))

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Based and redpilled. I'm sure all the former illegals will see the error of their ways and stop voting to turn USA into Mexico.

I don't understand this. Plz spoonfeed. You said this is proof that (((The Daily Stormer))) is doing the Qushner shilling on 8/pol/ right? How does these pics prove it?


Are you familiar with Pilosov?


No. A hacker acquaintance of (((Weev))), maybe, judging by google?

May Krishna bless our tiniest diamond.


Pilosov is a hacker connected to both Kushner and Weev. Hotwheels' "boss" is a Jew connected to Kushner. The DailyStormer was once registered to Pilosov. On one hand you have Weev connected with Kushner via Pilosov and on the other we have Zig Forums itself connected to Kushner by Hotwheels.

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Hmm, why has this been getting covered up by the (((Moderation Team))) for a month? Hmmmmmmm. Really makes ya think.

8gag is a cesspit.

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of course hotwheels was a guest writer for the dailystormer. so that rounds things up pretty well. there's more tho. more links to be exposed soon.

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meant for

The best part of it is that so many people who aren't spoonfed their news from Fox, Breitbart, and other mainstream outlets could see this coming.
The salt is delicious.

Pottery. Shillstorms and mod overreach. Something's sure got their panties in a twist.

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Trump is going to send communist hitsquads to your apartment and force you to fuck BASED DACARYAN WAIFUS at gunpoint. That's how they plan on dealing with the incel problem. Do you still think I'm joking?

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user, please supply the link to the tweet or video that shows the orange nigger speaking that filth about him "making a different choice now" at the end of your OP? I appreciate it.

Well I'm glad some autists still stick around here.

God, I fucking hope so


kys Trump, those are 11 million democrat voters, criminals, and shitskins who are all destroying America and undermining you

Do you want to lose Trump? Do you want to be a huge cuck?

Yeesh. It's like being led down a path covered in dog shit, and then bragging about stepping in said shit because you "saw it coming". The salt would be delicious if it this wasn't something we already saw coming. There's nothing to "rub in". The only people sticking by Trump are MAGApedes, and you really think the MAGApedes give a fuck about amnesty?


Wow, you're sure triggering the libs, owning the libs tonight. Eat a 9mm sandwich shitskin.

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You sure are taking down ZOG by watching tranny cartoons.

I've been sitting on the hillside with my arms crossed, but for some reason they just refuse to unshackle me.

They'd get to the top so much faster.

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So? Better than Hillary.


Blow your fucking brains out, subhuman.

Hehe. I wish. I doubt Hillary could have pushed through an amnesty until her second term. It takes a republicuck to do an amnesty. Reagan, George W Bush, and now Amnesty Trump.

It really sucks that we had to lose four years of progress. We got so much benefit out of trump running – if only he had lost we would have had all that energy preserved with none of the infighting. Trump winning was a mistake.

In reality the image should be the rnc at the bottom of the hill kicking tiny 1488s while the 6 million shower money on them.

Yes. That's exactly what he wants. He wants out but he wants to save face at the same time.

Fuck off vote cuck.

The faggot who made this comic got so much backlash from it he had to delete all of his shit.

learn to read

Stop paying attention to republicans.
Stop talking about republicans.
Stop giving them any headspace.
Ignore them and they lose all power.

OP confirmed as shill here. if I say "I will let a man suck my cock only if I am paid 10 million dollars" this doesn't mean you're actually promising a guy WILL suck your cock. It's simply a tool in the box. There would be absolutely nothing wrong with giving amnesty to a couple dozen border-hoppers if it meant, for example, getting 100 billion for a border wall and 200 billion to deport the remaining 11 million people, and all legal red tape cleared to allow it to happen quickly.

All those faggots picked the wrong side. They hitched their wagons to the wrong horse. Murdoch Murdoch made a cartoon where the confederates threw away the Stars and Bars to sing the anthem with the union and antifa.

The consistent, eternal betrayal by those at the top – even the top of a tiny hill like ours – against the people who make their success possible is what convinces me the most of the existence of souls and of a spiritual plague that is infecting and taking over the bodies of anyone whose leadership power reaches a certain point. You would otherwise expect a few rogue leaders who don't join in the heel turns on their base.


Trump won because he wasn't a republican.

Correction: Because he pretended not to be a republican.

then they voted for a con-artist Israel firster


You will never, ever, have anyone here agree with you or support you in any way, ever again.

this. its the same pedophiles protecting themselves so the dog and pony show keeps going.

It's like he know's he won't win a second term, so he's going full Jew from here onwards.

You were already told jew, this is why you fucks won't be left alive in the end.


Tweet was real, not your interpretation yids.

And how do you interpret

Of course. He has to think about his business and family and that would be seriously impacted if kept pretending that he was a shitlord right up until his term is up in 2 years.

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Pat Little 2020

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[Thousand Yard Stare Intensifies]

Checked and updated with new levels of cuckservatism.

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Oh sorry I have been on a vacation.

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Here are some of my favorite baste Trump moments.

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fuck off. sage negated

I bet you would. I bet you would indeed.

Why five more years? He doesn't lose office until January 25, 2021. 700 days from now, or almost two years.

So he has two more years when he loses, but if he somehow won it would be 6 more years. Please learn to do math, Amnestycuck.

Low IQ immigrants, people, they have to go back.

Get a good negotiator in there and I bet he'd do it for 100,000 or less. AHEAD OF SCHEDULE AND UNDERBUDGET. SO MUCH WINNING #NoHomo

This one has high levels of radiation. I'd say hes even glowing

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The nickname is "Amnesty Don" get it right you low-IQ redditor. If you are going to mock him do it properly or not at all.

Trump was dusted off and set to work by the jews to explicitly get White America back on the PNAC train with a superficial pep talk and a lot of bamboozling bullshit. It's not working and it isn't going to work. So now he's going to openly move to genocide White Americans, confiscating their property and bribing niggerspics with it to generate support for war with Russia.

No, faggot. I coined both of them. It's DACA Don or Amnesty Trump.

Its Amnesty Don you giant homosuck.

This is how they oust him after one term without a rebellion. Enjoy your retirement, coward.

Nah but I think we could push Ann into thew White House. Outside of her the GOP is dead to me.

We have to fight corporations too. The best we can do is get a candidate not owned by corporations or billionaires. Never forget that and do not let the media manipulate you away from the rule.

Realistically she can't get into the WH any sooner than 2025 after the Dem beats Trump in a couple years and serves his term. I think Ann Coulter should have run for president in 2016. She had a better platform than Trump, and is more sophisticated and intelligent than him. The question is if she can bust balls like he did in the primary before he cucked out.

Could she interrupt Hillary and say "Because you'd be in jail."? I don't think she could have before Trump. I think now that Trump has set the example she could.

Fantasy scenario: instead of the Republican Primary boiling down to Cruz vs Trump (both anti-immigration in theory), it turned out to be Coulter vs Trump and Coulter evolved to match Trump's bombastic style over the course of the campaign and won. Hillary loses her vagina card in the general election and Coulter wins just by being more human and attractive than Clinton if nothing else. Iron Ann becomes the first gash president, and builds the fucking wall on day one and uses her POTUS authority over treaties to put the squeeze on Mexico to make them pay for it.

Migapedes are going to be the lame duck candidates in 2020, nobody wants anything to do with them anymore. The tears of imcucky and r/donald on both here and cuckchan will be delicious when he finally loses

Best part about this is his "wall", or dare I say, an incomplete fence. This is almost comical, has anybody in recent years been duped harder than dacapedes have?

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Remember when he said this?


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The 14 and 88 should be the other way around.

There was no need for them to be so nutso about Trump.

Anyone with sense could see he was a con artist with dangerously close ties to Israel, not someone worth fanatically supporting without question.

More like strangle them with the chain and gnaw through their leg then chase the jew down the mountain and beat him to death at the tree line.

Nice shilling Zig Forums

Lame Duck Donald


I was reading into the Kraft sting and it turns out Trump and Koch bros live close to each other.

he's not even on his 2nd term retard

He's been a lame duck since April 2017. The most impotent administration in US history. Couldn't even get unpopular Obamacare repealed & replaced.

Is Trump not the elected president of America? Why does he have to compromise on everything? Why can't he just do what he wants?

So Murdoch Murdoch cucked now???

And they both shit, piss and drink coffee.

How can the nogs be okay with this?

Pass, I outrank Trump.

Pro-life is a codeword for niggers and bsrs not getting aborted.

Man imagine if Trump gets beat by this guy next election. Would be extremely BASED.

A true republicuck, just like the rest, except a bit more scheming and more pro-jewish than the rest. Fuck we've been rused so hard.

I'd let a man suck my cock for $100,000. It would be enough to get all the supplies I need to fight ZOG. Sacrifices have to be made.

This would only be in a case where that kind of money was actually present on scene, would all be handed over all at once, and I was sure the deal was legit and not some kind of set up that is going to end horribly.

He's literally powerless it seems and can't ever get any shit done. Not even the simplest things.