What I'm referring to is decriminalization or deregulated legalization, not the tax and regulation-heavy prostitution going on in some Nevada counties. This is because regulated prostitution is expensive and requires licensed brothels.
Less attractive women would not be able to work, and the amount of women who could obtain such employment would be greatly limited. Normally, a less attractive woman would just reduce her price, but with taxes and regulations, it wouldn't be practical for her to work.
Prostitution is legal in a lot of countries outside of the US (land of the free, right?), but I don't think they would legalize deregulated prostitution. Decriminalization is possible, and if women only get fined for prostitution, then more women will run escort services for a living.
If more women became prostitutes, wouldn't it free up jobs for unemployed men? A lot of young women would become prostitutes because it's highly profitable, unlike working for meager wages. It's a waste of human resources if you ask me.
Easier access to prostitution may also reduce violence. Society is pent up with tension, and sex is a way to release it. At taxed prices, they are inaccessible to people with lower incomes, those who may otherwise commit violent or sexual crimes.
Prostitution is criminalized, but American culture is becoming more accepting of sexuality, and so, decriminalization in some states is realistic. More Libertarian votes and publicity would help since the party officially supports decriminalization.
So, do you think it would significantly increase job availability and maybe even wages (because of less job competition) for us men?
Tax and regulation heavy, please. The status quo on human behaviors merits careful initiation of this activity, but only careful initiation. Full legalization will have a more discernably formal impact on employment (an odd angle to look at this issue from, but okay) while reducing worker exploitation hazards in the specific and health hazards in the general.
Never expect only beautiful prostitutes under any regime. Women who look like starlets will still find more glamorous work. High-class and media niches will still draw the best “talent” out of the general pool. People who believe themselves completely without skills will still try something often perceived as taking no skill. Legal acceptance is likely to protect bizarre niches. Finally, independently of their appearance, a great many people authentically do not want that job, even beyond stigma factors. The Earth will always contain beautiful women who authentically desire more traditionally feminine jobs than prostitution (for how can it be feminine when the problem is a perception that “women ought not do this work”?), and if everyone is good to them they’ll live very happy lives.
Something about this job - everyone (aka “an everyone-type construct that Iexpect to be salient”) says prostitution is degrading, so I guess that must be true. Simultaneously, I expect that prestigious individuals would earn more, albeit at damage to their prestige byproduct to undesireable specialization. Therefore a side effect of permitting this employment may be a sort of general bribe offered to the public for prestigious people to trade lingering prestige (or notoriety) for short-term cash, being paid into the very exitable orbit of very exciteable people, which position they likely won’t desire forever. Would-be or made leading lights surely wouldn’t take this, neither would people priding themselves on conventional morality.
Regulation of prostitution will make the prestige shift into a more final price by applying grey formality to the shift while increasing the minimum concluding prestige status. It may also make the change less disruptive and yet more immediate; people aren’t apt to ever moonlight into a heavily regulated industry, and profession is a greying badge in many ways which may in many cases immediately obscure previous status.
Finally, increasing the value of money is key to spurring economic activity. Therefore it is sometimes undue to look at the needs of the lowest income when contemplating the impacts of a potential new industry. The provision of clean new midrange services will draw more of the population into pursuit of clean new midrange lifestyles. Currencies are stable when people work assiduously to collect amounts that are not too large.
Prostitutes themselves will likely exemplify cleanness. Thise who choose not to exemplify cleanness will nevertheless seek the cleanest and most sustainable representations of their specializations. This is a process against which regulators are not likely to apply any direct interference, nor are they likely to favor indirect interferences where such are discovered.
An alternative perspective on decriminalization vs licensure… I will make another post for. Password is crystals.
Carter Russell
Cuckservative magakike incel detected.
Brody Harris
Well, you can't stop it, it IS something done between two consenting adults, so you might as well regulate it. At least that way the women in question get some protection and benefits and the state can get it's taxes.
Christopher Howard
in before the incel shills spam you as a Weimar degenerate kike. yes, prostitution should be legalized and unregulated.
1. the world's oldest profession. it will never go away because trading sex for XYZ is hardwired into the mammalian brain.
2. counter-intuition which will blow your incel minds. womyn's liberation has been one of the most destructive forces in history. the kikes and the Bolsheviks love it for that reason. prior to the 1960's, women understood their place in society. they understood the men were mostly motivated by sex and that the transactional nature of sex was Natural and so society was loosely structured around that concept. traditional marriage was just an accetpable form of prostitution. look at old newspaper dating ads. pretty clearly the men were looking to demonstrate how much they could provide and the women wanted to be provided for. for 100,000 years that is the natural order of things. there was no shame for a young women marrying an older rich man. families were bigger then, and many women still died in child birth, so men naturally wanted younger women who were stronger and more fertile. often because the man's prior wife just died birthing the man's 6th child. birth control and the modern kike invention of "love" and "romance" destroyed the foundations of these ancient traditions and distorted the way everyone even looks at sex and reproduction. love is great if you find it, but for the practical purposes of reproducing it is wholly unnecessary and the kikes only latched onto promoting it to trick women into acting against thier ancient instincts to attract and secure the strongest and most capable men to provide for their children. the concept of love leads to the notion of "choice", and feeds vanity and selfishness and narcissism amongst women. now dating and marriage has been so kiked up it is just another form of shopping, with everyone reduced to itemized lists of artificial and vain collections of compatibility traits in an easy to use Tinder format where every women would be better off earning money as a prostitute than riding the blacked cock carousel to satiate her endless hedonism until she squirts out a brood of niglets and then no white man wants her and she ends up a single mother with a child birth wrecked body. so what im saying is be legalizing prostitution we can restore some of the old notions about women being like a type of property belonging to a man, and the acceptance of the transactional nature of sex and marriage. of course i am not saying to be like the Mudslimes who make their women into literal property and who acquire or discard wives the same way as farm animals. men have just as serious natural instincts to fulfill their duty to tbeir wives and their children, and by restoring the old order of transaction, it would make both men and women more serious and committed to the goals of their marriages–having many healthy kids to succeed you.
prostitution has always been fringe when it isnt pumped up by the kikes extracting shekels from human slavery on an industrial scale. it always stays isolate to one small part of town, and the social stigma of disease and bastard offspring has always been enough of a force in society to suppress prostitution from becoming a threat to the whole of society.
3. Jesus married a prostitute. Hitler was a boarder in a brothel in Vienna when he was impoverished after WW1.
4. you could argue what we have now in society is worse than having a brothel on every street. Tinder, rap sheboons twerking, every flavor of sexual experimentation being promoted at every University, and now even high schools and even grade school girls being encouraged by trannies reading to them at the library. sex is already for sale everywhere in pop culture, Youtube recommends more hours of softcore little girl pedo videos than there are hours in a lifetime. abortion is advertised as easy as getting your nails done, promiscuity already has no consequences or obligations, and women are more objectified as sexual objects now through a ubiquitous tsunami of pornography, and consuming porn is now so shameless that it is a punchline joke from one of the biggest celebrities in the world on the #1 night talk show. so why the fuck not make prostitution legal? it would be an improvement on the Weimar we already have today.
Nolan Bailey
Weimar America here we come! do it, I don't give a fuck anymore
Andrew Lopez
Adam Thomas
If prostitution is decriminalized rather than legalized, there will be fewer formal entrants into the industry and more informal entrants into the industry. Prostitution deregulated will have under force of law the invisible normality of things which the law accepts that people just sometimes do. It may become used to supplement incomes. It may cause conflicts to arise in relationships with sharply differing views on this subject.
Supply under decriminalization is likely to be more erratic. Niches may go extensively unrepresented or be represented by hellish edgecases. Central service provision being unavailable under a decriminalized-but-not-legalized model, service will heavily favor central preferences due to the operational success of low-information prostitutes. The existence of elastic supply over central preferences will lower service quality and price of central preferences, while also lowering service quality and increasing price of niche preferences; the presence of erraticity in the supply will however make all prices and many qualities more erratic under a decriminalization model, and general trend impacts should not be relied upon. People who do not wish to be known as prostitutes will be more likely to engage in prostitution quietly, at greater health risks and more profound social injury upon discovery. The basic authenticity of society will be lower under decriminalization vs legalization.
In defense of a decriminalized model, it may efficiently prevent central exploitation, preventing “pimp billionaires” from ever existing. People entering prostitution from poverty will be more successful without regulatory barriers; it may tend to bleed and redistribute money “downwards”. A comprehensive slow thievery tax applicable to business owners operating in prostitution may be desirable under a legalization regime to prevent capitalism from taking on a most humiliating new center of inequality. This would not be applicable under decriminalization.
One way to look at the matter of prostitution is one of transparency. Legal regimes put up grey lenses rather than black walls - people can see, but they get the dulled version. Decriminalized regimes put up the armor of distance against the eye - which may be a desirable variation, but also creates more surprise potentials and may not mean much, courtesy of the internet. Illegality installs the armored darkness of malus prohibition - I think I used that term right, but I am not going to spoil such an evocative phrasing by looking it up right now.
The password is not disclosed - and doesn’t that just make you itch to find out if I’m telling the truth about this password business? Go on. You can delete this post.
Owen Smith
Landon Brooks
Although my own perspective need not be strictly relevant, as someone with no expectation of desiring sexual services this century who nevertheless considers hedonic experiences to have basic validity, I would like the provision of the service to be eventually quite clean.
The password to this post is medical progress.
I will remind the viewers of this forum that people vandalize this forum incessantly. I also ised to do it; you lot suffer so beautifully with your vapid hatreds.
Brandon Williams
Another example of why killing degenerates is a must.
Ethan Adams
All illegal activities are profitable exactly because of that - they're illegal. Legalizing prostitution/hard drugs/gambling etc. only counters the tip of the iceberg and just gives legality to unscrupulous businesses. If you had legalized whores, illegal whores would see a boost in their popularity as they won't do the paperwork necessary to be one, putting aside morality and all of that. It's much better to contain vice to areas that you can raid when things are going too far than culling it a la Prohibition, and even then the only reason these activities are profitable is because of the abject poverty of those who need to perform in such an industry.
Daniel Martinez
Mary magdalene was a kikesss hoe whom the kike jesus married
You won't be killing anyone maga incel go gather some salt on reddit.
Nathan Hernandez
Referring to the conspiracy theory that Jesus secretly married Mary Magdalene. Who cares about those two kikes, though?
Oliver Cruz
Why not just get married? Less chance of abuse, less chance of catching a disease. Get a roof over your head and money for food so you wont go hungry.
Prostitutes share info about their clients so that if there's a bad incident, others can refuse service. So it's not that unsafe.
With sexuality becoming more acceptable, more women would be willing to do it. Not all of them, I agree there. Society seems to be collapsing under the combined weight of everyone's suffering.
The problems with debt, unemployment, and the economy aren't getting to get better, imo. There will be a lot more unemployed women in the future, who will have no choice but to become prostitutes if they want to support themselves.
Likewise, inflation will get even worse, and even though women wouldn't want to become prostitutes, the money would certainly tempt them when they struggle to get by even more.
People are already working hard enough trying to get by, don't you think? Having money for prostitutes isn't going to inspire men further than having necessities to live. And it isn't as simple as "work harder", most people do not move up in the totem pole, and there's no need for them to. Teachers are a good example. They are needed to teach students, yet they are paid crappy salaries.
Almost all of the prostitution that goes on in the Nevada counties is of the illegal sort. Even though legalized marijuana has rules, people still break them and buy and sell weed illegally. Even though making your own alcohol is illegal without a permit, people still do it.
If prostitution was unregulated legal, brothels could make their own regulations that people can decide on. The government shouldn't be involved with this sort of thing. Nobody needs their help in this, just as nobody needs their legal marijuana stores. People bought and sold weed all the time, and there was no problem with it. It's a parasitic cash grab. If the government wants taxes, they should earn them by being useful, and they won't be useful here.
Levi Watson
This. Fucking subversionists shitting up my board.
Juan Miller
We don’t want more degenerates with stds. Just ban women from working and delegate them to full time mother and domestic works.
Zachary Rivera
Prostitution is basically legal right now as it is, its purchasing their "services" that's actually illegal
Daniel Thompson
But we already pack our prisons to the rafters with jobless niggers.
Also legalizing prostitution would only support degeneracy and human trafficking, which is what the kikes live off of. Kill yourself, yid.