China Punished Scientist

He Jiankui, a researcher at Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, made headlines in November after claiming his team had created the first HIV-resistant babies by deleting the CCR5 gene from human embryos using CRISPR, then implanting the embryos in women.

The genetically-modified Chinese twins born resistant to HIV last year may also have mental ‘superpowers’ their creator has kept quiet – a cognitive superiority that could kick off a genetic arms race, according to new research.

Lulu and Nana, the genetically-modified Chinese twins reportedly born HIV-resistant courtesy of the CRISPR gene editing tool, may also have been born with markedly superior mental abilities linked to the same gene edit. New research has confirmed that deleting the CCR5 gene – the same modification performed on the girls’ DNA – significantly improves cognition, learning, and memory in mice and men.

It's like the Chinese too have evangelicals stagnating scientific advancement everywhere except one country.

Do they get a faggot to fuck them to prove that they are resistant to HIV?

Oh yeah, "punished". As if they believe JF's fucking meme theory on CRISPR being "silicon based life forms destroying DNA"

Big Pharma jews can stop receiving tens of billions from the government for bullshit AIDS research now. lol.

This genius' life is over.

This isn't true. The Chinese are very advanced technologically, especially in 5G and AI. This researcher broke rules, however, and he should have expected consequences.
Also, they despise evangelicals and suppress it.

If somebody raised my IQ and made me impervious to one of the world's deadliest diseases, I would want him rewarded, not sent to jail. This news is more insane than the kosher protection laws Trump is bullying American cattle with.

Fuck off, kikes. Experiment on your own fucking spawn. You couldn't fuck your inbred genome much more than it already is anyway.

Ha,punished my ass.
He's probably relocated under heavy guard to a top secret biological warfare laboratory of the people's liberation army.
China doesn't have ethics, even whey they were a kingdom or a authoritarian democracy, much less a mixture of the 2 materialistic degenerate ideologies.
Reminder that in the middle ages, cannibalism was common there and that they used human wave attacks against Japanese causing massive 10-1 casualties, no biggie, when you have 400 million peasants.

Watch as the attempts to increase cognitive function accelerates metabolism and if they are not shoveling food into their face 10 times a day they get fatigued and and suffer malnutrition.

Look, I'm not Chinese and I don't want to apologize for them, but if he knew he's working within an authoritarian system, why not just ask the relevant authorities?
Maybe the world isn't ready for superheroes.

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I, for one, welcome our new hyper intelligent Chinese overlords. Gas za yudajin, racial struggle begin!

Sounds like a bullshit line to advertise their scientific projects.

the last thing they want is smart people that they can't control.

The Jew fears the Übermensch.



Honestly I'm fine with the world ending up in chinese hands as long as all jews dies out.
It's not a good end by all means but it's something you can work with.

If you punish truth, society collapses. That’s why surveillance is an existential threat. Every last person who ever has or ever will exist will eventually be wong about someone!

I know someone who I believe raped the privacy of someone close to them; I tolerate them because I live the sinner.

Love, but live works, too. Nobody is perfect.

China is an interesting case. They’re using all available “intelligence” to mimic other societies and adopt whatever seems to work anywhere. China is a very large nation with a creativity famine and a population afraid to ever be too novel. It’s almost not so much a nation as it is a region united by a history of being invasive and centralizing yet so slow to admit starvation that it doesn’t have a single history so much as it has whatever scraps survived the bookburners - all this with North Korea right next to it, looking even worse.

So why did this ball of varied famines create a fragile dystopian watcher state? Why did they try to pressure faiths to achieve loyalty to the state higher than loyalty to religion? If all of that is mimicry, it suggests that the so-called advanced nations are lead by the very holiest primitives with no boundaries whatsoever - that seems to be the example China is copying.

Ultimately, religion exists because of Sedzo. Sedzo is one of the strange powers of humanity, capable of conjuring heaven and hell into being. How do people know that busting all barriers between people with surveillance is good? Same reason religion exists: Sedzo. Surveillance drowns watchers with information; its operators are perhaps the ultimate expression of all holiness, the limitless Sedzo.

All power is causality; physical reality is the root of all that is and operates. That which speaks of physical reality speaks therefore in the voice of omnipotence. That which purports to define, sort, and display all reality… can tell any lie it damned well pleases.

If the Metatron tells you a lie, how do you keep from falling?

I’m an atheist. I therefore oppose all Metatronic voices, even ones operated by fellow atheists.

geat so we'll be living in nigger-crashed cities that don't work while chinese use their newly acquired 4000 avg IQ to take us into slavery like they're doing to niggers in africa. all because everyone in the west is a commie. fuck it, i'm done. that was the last blackpill. i might not back…

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Intelligence isn't actually very useful tbh. Chinks are already smarter than us by a third of a standard deviation, supposedly. And I mostly believe it despite chink cheating stories. But they still didn't do anything of note until Europeans showed them how to use the stuff their ant people had in proper applications, E.G. gun powder and printing presses and mass literacy programs.

Chinks will do the R&D work on this for us while we fight our civil war, then we'll have access to a matured gene editing industry just as our national socialist regime rolls out its first eugenics program.

Generally speaking the only way you learn Sedzo lied is if they admit. The more ultimately Sedzo they are, the more resolutely singular they are; a perfect true Metatron would prefer to not exist at all rather than contradict itself. We mere mortals (medicine might fix that, but bear with me) have to instead be content with more uncertainty and variance than thaf. There’s more to virtue than non-contradiction.

If we give people cybernetic augmentations, I bet they’d modify themselves to be more Metatronic. I bet they’d want to be more consonant with reality and more perfectly consistent with themselves. Hell, I want that for myself! It works! Telling the truth is damned powerful. The problem is that perfect truth-tellers can’t speculate or admit error. They would have to walk a razor’s edge to even be capable of forgiveness. The problem is also that the perfect lie… cannot be disproven. The perfect lie is true. The capacity of speaking perfect truth is the capacity of speaking perfect lies.

That’s why people have to be too humble to be faithful into Sedzo.

Chinks have a more favorable average for intelligence, but their distributions for g factors favoring genius level IQs is not as good as a white person's or Kikes. This also goes for the Japs unfortunately, despite them being a very clean and civilized people even by European standards. However if the west keeps on getting held back by fundamentalist or dogmatic bullshit, for sure Japs, Chinks and even Gooks will catch up to the West.

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North Korean soldiers have guts full of parasites. We know this because we treat the defectors well. Japanese salarimen die of overwork. We know this because their society is open. If you conduct yourself openly, the world learns; if you treat defectors well, you also will learn. In this case the lesson of both examples is that loyalty makes people miserable when traded on. If Japanese society had no openness, Japanese salarimen would also have guts full of parasites.

Normal interpersonal loyalty is beautiful. Pulled loyalty is not beautiful, it’s ugly. People who treat defectors well are often good people. Only the Metatron can be invulnerable to defectors - every lesser expression of Sedzo is vulnerable.

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Sounds like the pre-flood world. Genetically modified abominations aren't meant for this world. They were destroyed by water but next time is supposed to be fire.

In whose interest is it to make disloyalty look evil? Someone who fears disloyalty. Who fears disloyalty? Sedzo. Not the Metatron of course, but every lesser manifestation has someone somewhere who can spill the beans on what they’re really like.

This is pretty key to why I get pissy about privacy. Sedzo still watches for loyalty and still punishes defection. Privacy cannot be raped in the open; so reliably will the victim be exalted by this process that people learned to lie about its occurrences.

I ditched on most leftism after I got punished for disloyalty, and isn’t it funny how that event never made me want to go back?

North Korea murders defectors, so people do not betray it twice. But they also never come back to betray it again!

I just didn’t ditch my ideals. Truth isn’t really dependent on who believes it. Beliefs should not be socially constructed. Most real human mechanisms operate far from judgment. The real root of low crime can only ever be people choosing not to commit violent acts.

If the Chinese and Jews fought for total supremacy, I'd fight for team Zimbabwe.

Yes, it does occasionally happen, hardly enough to affect life expectancy, weirdo.

I see Prison Planet is here doing research for his next piece.

Genetics research could be done in the west. However we raised a generation of special snowflakes that have to share everything they do, criminal and private, online via social media. To top it off these snowflakes shackle the next generation into this no-privacy slavery by posting pictures of their children online. So the kids will never be truly anonymous. Notice how public schools require kids to be photographed for year books. The year books are a dossier to the CIA niggers that run the deep state. So if you want to try genetic research, you essentially have to do so outside the public eye, which is impossible when everyone records everything with their phones.

This means to truly be safe from government crackdown on genetic research you need to raise an "anonymous" generation without reliance on internet for everything. When they are born they have no birth certificates nor social security numbers in the system. They have no bank accounts. No money. No DNA registry. Without being in the country's records they can essentially steal all the false identities they need to make a pseudo-identity to steal resources and begin their unethical ground breaking research. And the only way we will know if they are successful is when 50% of the world population dies from a plague in a month.

This. He'll be forced to use his research to produce the strongest, most intelligent, and most loyal sub-species of the Chinese to take out anyone with free will (low social credit scores) and starve half the population. For these new slaves will be the lords of China and everyone else must serve them or die.

And turn the Earth into the next Mars in the process. Doomsayers tell us all to commit mass suidice. I say to them "after you". Then they walk away. The thing is I believe it will not be by God's hand that this planet will be cleansed, but by the hands of man's creation with nuclear fission whether it be artificial intelligence or genetically spliced artificial humans.

That's not what you TOR hue monkeys are suppose to say. You're suppose to say "pirate everything, genetic information should be free."

I used to enjoy roaming the halls every day they would call me to get my picture taken. I'm absent from the yearbook every year. I got in a little trouble for vandalism as a kid and noticed the police had all the yearbooks so I didn't want to make it easy for them.

I don't believe in the solar system so I guess we disagree on what Mars is.

Mkay, I'll bite… If you don't "believe in mars", what do you believe in then?

It's what the bible would call a wandering star. Just a light in the firmament.

Stay on topic. CCR5-Δ32 IS key.

If you refuse to adopt technology because of bogus moral concerns you will end up at the mercy of those who don't. Compare how Qing China, which refused to westernized, fared compared to Japan, which did not.

When did retards like you even start infesting this board? The collective IQ of Zig Forums must have dropped by a good 20 points since the Ami-Election in 2016.

Hi flat earth fag. Tell us how science is created by the devil to lie to man to commit sin for god.
Don't answer because filtered. Get glassed Moshe.

I wonder if altering this allele will have affect in other development in the body and what compromises it will have further on. I don't believe that a no-compromise alteration exists without evidence. It it did then genetic modding would be adopted would be adopted sooner in the 60's and 70's. Course we won't know the side effects until half a lifetime at the earliest. Sadly nature doesn't have time for genetic cold war. It's too bad our (((foreign investors))) ban us into competing with China even though they're the ones funding China's experiments in the first place.

If it makes you feel any better, the way they'll modify themselves is by putting the white genes in their DNA.

But It's even worse over in China where EVERYONE is addicted to smart phones and the government has a social credit system. And they're a lot more amenable to genetic modification than we in the west are. It's just that they don't have our morality.

Kek at calling it a 'superpower' gene. Something like 10% of germanics have the good allele. I'm sure it does help, but no single gene makes more than 1 IQ point of difference from GWAS.

If any of you faggots submitted saliva to 23andMe, there is a way you can search your raw data to see if you have the mutation. I don’t have the exact SNP data on me at the moment because I’m driving however a quick search will satisfy any curiousity.

If you’re a faggot kike overlord then a gene variant that provides resistance and/or immunity (carrying 1 or 2 deletions, respectively) is definitely a superpower of sorts.

resistance to HIV*

Every fucking shabbat we get this bullshit rampup with slides, old fucking news, etc.

>according to (((Central British Washington Bloomberg Post News Network))) rumors
Cool story Pajeet

Thanks for posting this important "report" for the 5th time from yet another source "reporting" the exact same shit for the past 2 months

He was only punished because he used white genes. Chinks hate having to admit that they're inferior to almost everyone that isn't a nigger.

General Lebed before his assassination called them "mould" and "filth".

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how long have you been on reddit to be still pushing this shit

So you mean they won't get obese without having to watch their diet.
… that makes it even better tbh.

They have AI so incredible it essentially came close to eliminating embezzlement and corruption in government, a problem philosophers and policy makers have wished to combat since civilisation began and what did they do with it? They shut it down. Now they are so close to becoming Übermensch and what do they do? They shut it down. I guess chinks have half a soul but it does the same to everyone else, holding everyone back from achieving the greatest potential never before seen. Disappointing, if they aren't doing it hidden in their deep state anyway.


so the age of the Overgook has started?

The way you describe it they sound like a dystopian version of Rome, they were even something resembling a republic until it was taken over by a dictator (Xi Jinping, of course).

Never fails

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Enjoy your widespread radiation poison.

I have no problem with the scientific method. Reading stuff in jew textbooks doesn't necessarily make it science.

It is used for 3d mapping but it isn't dangerous. Maybe living in jew apartment in jew city where every unit has 5g it could cause issues but not confirmed. Use ethernet for limited hackability.

their small distribution is not as noticeable when theres 2 billion of them

I forgot about that. Shutting down something detecting jewry has to be their stupidest move yet.

Jews are kvetching because the goyim are doing what they have done for centuries. Practicing eugenics.

i wholesale support genetic modification, and i could hope for nothing less than a modification arms race

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I'm not a fan of genetic engineering but you guys can toss Monsanto's salad all you like, I won't give it a second glance.


Anybody who believes genetic modification will enhance us is mistaken. Some may see benefits, but our grandchildren will be bred for slavery so the jew can fuck our grand daughters all day and eat like effendis without getting morbidly obese. That's where this is going, not in breeding a race fitted to Mars or impervious to nigger diseases.