Winners hide history

Let's have a thread that angers up the blood.
Post your Allied atrocities during and post WWII. Anons need to know what school forgot to tell them. Anger is a motivator.
From: Crimes and Mercies, by James Bacque.

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Other urls found in this thread:

just quit it krauts, you started it. Shouldn't have bombed London and Coventry idiots

Was so close to a kike-free first post.

One of the reasons people afflict the groups they hate with racism is due to a conjectured linguistic contamination effect. When you read the above page, does “interfacial” still translate correctly in your mind?

God save the queen and fuck you

liberty wins over tyranny everytime

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Tu m'as fait rire.

Slavs subhumans did the most raping.

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Did you enjoy that mandatory refugee cock today kraut boy?

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Every time.

I thought that it was mainly the turkic/mongoloid central asians in the Red Army doing that.

Mandatory Dresden. There was no strategic significance in bombing the city, no industry, no military complex, nothing. I still remember my teacher explaining us that the unfortunate people who hid in the basement slowly boiled alive as everything was burnt up above them. The luckier ones got a direct hit or escaped to the streets and only got 2nd and 3rd degree burns from being surrounded by burning houses everywhere. Dresden was not the only one though. Multiple cities were bombed to ashes out of pure hatred and revenge.

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Oi m8!

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Kill yourself (((anglo)))

So guys like putin.

Basically kikes.

I was in that thread, too. It's pretty good. Anyway the Frogs have a higher chance to unfuck themselves than the Brits do.

So guys like Putin.

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Hitler should've ordered the total destruction of England. Churchill was a savage who wanted to Anthrax Europe.

Galipoli, and it was Allies against Allies for no reason
Granted WW1 but the fuck up was because of Churchill

Churchill hated fucking Australia and yet people here love him, its weird tbh


I really don't care, war is war and shit happens. Germany was pro white, and they lost, we have to suffer in their place. Civilizations come and go, and western civilization is about to commit suicide altogether

War is war, and we're in the middle of a war right now. Instead of bemoaning the list of atrocities committed against the White race by niggers and jews every day we should be plotting ways to get Whites to rise up and fight back and start committing those same kinds of atrocities against the niggers and jews.

An eye for an eye is the oldest law of man. It's time we wake the fuck up and start fighting back.

why do shills always come from reddit?

IQ. Probably around 100 IQ, which makes you leftwing. Anything above that is excessively rightwing.
He has just enough IQ to understand how to troll le ebil nadzees, but not enough to understand natsoc. These people end up on Reddit, get brainwashed by algorhytms and the hivemind. But instead of radicalising themselves with the truth, they radicalise themselves with feelings. Limited by their low IQ.

The obese alcoholic jew sodomite Churchill began civilian bombing. Hitler specifically forbade it for the first six months before finally relenting at the repeated requests of the Luftwaffe. Don’t blame heroes for the actions of villains.

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Is this what liberty looks like?

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I suspect that if Pius XII didn't beg Roosevelt, the hebrew saxons and mutts would've bombed the eternal city to the ground too.
The thread on weimar Germany is also interesting regarding the frog niggers and their deployment of negroes in Germany.

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rthey where all rapists, stalin opened up the prisons and gulags to fill up enlistment quotas and enrollment.


Hitler was 100% literally right, only victory matters, not the truth.

הם לא משלמים לך מספיק!

There was a story that made my blood boil.
I cannot find the cap or the website that the story was on, maybe another user has read it.
The story was told by someone who witnessed the shit take place.
It is based in eastern Germany when the bolsheviks were steamrolling into the country. What they would do as they came along is they would massacre in the most brutal ways imaginable the ethnic natives of these eastern towns and villages, not just in Germany, but in all German held territory (Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, etc)
In this instance the bolsheviks came to a town, gathered all of the girls (think young girls and women ranging from 5-25 years old) ~500 in total, they kept them in one area, and one by one they brought them into a room, where 2-4 polish jews with large knives would hold a girl to a table and slice of her breasts and sodomize her with pokers and then slit her throat, the bolshevik commisar stood in a corner with the person who told the story forced to sit and watch They did this to every girl, if the girls were too young that they didn't have breasts then they tore off what flesh there was on her chest. And one by one they would take the girls in, and of course when they saw the completely bloody room with blood coating the entire floor, and the large pile of dismembered breasts in the corner they would shriek and scream, and then they would slice off her breasts and gruesomely murder her.
When the Germans retook this town the surviving older women started to attack the communist prisoners, and of course the soldiers stopped them, until the women said to come and see what they had done.
Just re-typing this fucking story is making me fucking shake with rage.

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You're not incorrect here, but there are more pressing matters than kvetching about 80 year old atrocities.


I'm interested if anyone knows where to find this story.

I was too wash rustled hard by this.

I'll take a look in my archives and post it, I know I've got it somewhere, hold tight for a bit.

Shouldn't have bombed Berlin, bird-brain

Prepare to feel your eyes pulsate with the utter rage of 1000 suns.
Remember user, communists aren't people, no fate can befall them that is too horrific and cruel.
No mercy for the enemy.

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And now, your country is a gigantical shithole and you're being replaced demographically by
people from your ex colonies….

Congratulation, they really "shouldn't have started"…
Een thoug, at the end of the day, it was you guys that declared war.


Here is the website
Also allow me to re-iterate

I remember that story…Ilya Ehrenburg…it's gigakikes like him that made me realize that they do what they do because deep, DEEP down in their consciousness when they lie in bed at night, there is the voice…the voice that whispers to them that their time on Earth is short, and there is nothing they can do to prolong their inevitable punishment. In this world or the next. They truly are inhuman.

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As a leaf Quebec is our only real chance

I love to fuck aussie women but mate culture warped them more than the jew.



Regardless, stop trying to derail the discussion, kike.

Do "winners" hide history, or is it just lying English who hide history? I think it's the latter. For the brief period that Hitler was in power, the Germans weren't hiding history. In fact, they were quite truthful about the problem.

I should believe this story why?

What reason do you have not to? it is well known and documented that the bolsheviks raped and murdered countless tens, hundreds, even, of thousands of ethnic Germans. Look what they did to their very own people? Women were treated as worthless garbage, commonly beaten, raped, and murdered for the sole fact that they could. Anyone who disagreed with them was sent to a gulag which is many degrees worse than any German work camp, where they sent THEIR OWN ethnic russians, as well as anyone from their conquered territories that dissented, where they either froze or starved to death.
If they are willing to mass murder their own people for no reason other than they could read, what reason do you have to put something like this above them? This is just one account of their atrocities committed against the Germans. Only god knows how many others were murdered in similar or worse ways.
This world is a dark brutal grindhouse user, it should be very clear from the things you ought to have seen so far, don't think everything is a lie.

The jews love stealing other user's images to poison the well.

That was not an answer, and you know it. Not one of the girls fainted while being carved? Bullshit. Your story has as much credibility as a jew saying he saw some poor saps get masturbated to death.

Whatever faggot, believe what you want. Don't spout rhetorical or loaded questions if your just going to bitch about the response anyways.
Communists know no bounds when it comes to their ability to inflict cruelty, and they are know for doing just that. It is clear to anyone with two fucking braincells that masturbation death machines are fucking retarded no matter how you cut it.
Go take a look at some gore threads, see people get their heads sawn off with a rusty hacksaw or see them getting it ripped off with a chainsaw, see someone having the flesh stripped from their living bodies, see a fountain of blood pour from their bodies, see someones beating heart as he is literally torn open. You really fucking think that some kike commies with a reputation for violence and cruelty won't own the monopoly on it? That they won't commit the most horrendous and foul acts imaginable? That, during a wartime with a HATED enemy, that torturing and mutilating, again, THEIR HATED ENEMY, is beyond them?
I wouldn't put money on it.


This happened in Neustettin

The eastern Germans were put onto rollercoasters that flew off the tracks into a pit of raperussians

Many multiples. Pretty much every city and large town got decimated. Dresden was just hit the hardest, and had the largest loss of life due to masses of refugees (actual refugees) fleeing to there from the eastern front.
The jews sure hate work, and being denied their usury.

Ye're a special kind of stupid, aren't ya?

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You ever heard of pulling gloves. They would cut the skin around your wrist so you can pull the skin off like a glove. Then pour boiling water on the open flesh. All just for fun. They tortured people to death for fun. They could of easily just slit the throat of these civilians but instead they made them toys. I’m pretty sure they used to stab the eyes out of priests and bury them alive as well

And that's exactly why you deserve the same to happen to you.

Nanking never happened.

(((They've))) hidden a lot more than just WW2 as well. The much maligned British "Middle Ages" were actually a time of prosperity, not coincidentally due to the outlawing of usury, and expelling of jews from the lands of real people. This period between 1290 and the 1700s saw the rise of remarkable architecture and other grand expressions of culture, thanks to the massive amount free time available to debt-free population.

Basically all of history you learned from watching movies is a lie.

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The horror of the barbaric Allied incineration of innocents gives incredible weight to Srila Prabhupada's words when he spoke about how the atom bomb was a German technology configuration that Hitler was too honorable, good-hearted and civilized to unleash.

yeah ok

Read Hellstorm

sounds interesting and I want to read it later

yep and they raped looted and killed Japanese and Chinese women living in Manchuria.

Well today is off to an interesting start.

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Guess what beats scissors.

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how come boomercucks always look the same, They all have that septic tank bernieface.


bla bla bla maybe one day you will see the fallacy of the part of America in ww2. We gave aid and supplies ships lost to German u boats British 1,660 American 549. Generals deiced capturing as many pieces of tech and scientists was of the most important objective to stop peace between Germany and Russia or Russia taking all the spoils of war. They let pear harbor happen to get America to support being on the front and getting the v2 and ufo and project paper clip. Today world power are defended by subs with 100+ nukes in the deep sea. Where the generals wrong nope. not apologizing for shiting on the propaganda you ate. hum where does this yellow triangle go?

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wonder-bar I finished the puzzle tricky Jewish deception being Jewish was only half of why people where sent to the camps.

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Thanks for giving us all a bad name.. Again.. Christ I wonder who could be behind this?

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No such thing as a warcrime, and most of these stories have about as much evidence as the holohoax.

But can you guess what beats rock?

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This part of Hellstorm traumatized me also. i wish i would have never read that book but it was during my initial awakening and i thought you must know everything and that also shortly everyone would know the truth and i wouldnt be alone with that.
can you imagine knowing all this shit (as a german) and then hearing your own (((politicians))) and (((media))) and (((university professors))) endlessly cry about how evil Germany was during that time and that war??? how WE were so evil to the poor jews and slavs??? when you know thats a complete lie??
I LITERALLY NEVER learned about the biggest rape/torture/murder of civilians in Europeans history in school, even tho it was my own ancestors who it happened to. I know why. Had they taught me the truth and who had done it, i would never have given a flying fuck about the holohoax, even if i would have thought it was true then.
Jews are more evil than is possible imaginable for a non subhuman. to bad they found perfect subhuman slaves in many slavs and mongols (yes, a big part of the so called "based" poles, russians in the red army and czechs participated with great pleasure). Infact, the most grotesque torture orgies were organized by czechs (and sadly, it couldnt have all been jews, as literally hundreds of thousands civilians participated in them) in the old GERMAN EMPIRIAL CITY Prague. This is just one nice activity they did. they selected the most beautiful german children, hung them upside down on lampposts all over the city and then burned them alive so that they would die from pain and burns and not suffocation. they did that to great their president who of course had fled to brittain like a coward. and that was only one of many creative torture tactics. i dont want to shit on all slavs but a huge number of them proved during and after that war that they arent ANY better than jews, infact even worse, because they have more european DNA than kikes. Their has to be something wrong with people who do something like that on a genetic level, as i know for a FACT, that no matter what horrorpropaganda, pure blooded Germans could NEVER do anything close.
Again, i know there a based slavs, there are even aryans in those countries but there seems to be a huge part of the population which consists of asiatic sub humans as well.
anyways, good to know someone shares the pain.
Lets do all we can that something like that NEVER happens again to ANYONE on this earth. this comment may appear to be written hastily and appear a bit autistic but i am literally TRIGGERED right now.

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its in the Hellstorm by Thomas Goodrich
i dont recommend it. its brilliantly researched and written, but way to fuckt up. just watch the documentary, its gruesome enough

African Waffen SS soldiers were executed upon capture by American and French forces. While white Waffen SS soldiers were considered PoWs.

unironically kill yourself.
if you are a kike, which i think, than you shouldn´t do it tho, cuz once you have given all your evil energy to (((Yaweh))) he will send you straight into the abyss of eternal suffering.

i read this here all the time.. are there really this many kikes shilling this board AT ALL TIMES or does this shit come from Americans and Bongs who secretly are ashamed of what their ancestors did and hate themselves for it and want to act tough?

you are retarded
i dont talk about future conflict with different races.
i talk about WW2, where predominentely white countries (except the few niggers, and in case of the soviet union the mongols) engaged in orgies of rape and torture against another white country, the best at that time no less. all for the jews and the enslavement of the white race.
if that isnt a war crime, i dont know what is,
Infact, everything you do which is not neccessary to win a battle and is purely done to gruesomely murder civilians is a war crime…you wont turn me into a subhuman okay kike?
again, if the decision is that only a white ethnoglobe is the aim… even then you could do it in a human matter without unneccessary gruesome torture.
if you cant understand this simple fact that you are not a national socialist and infact most likely a dirty kike

Got any information on this? Sounds interesting and I have never heard anything about it before.

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Do you have relevant links user? I'd love to learn more about this.

I was listening to Darryl Cooper's Martyrmade podcast (episode five I think) and learned about the Évian conference. Essentially Hitler offered to let the Jews emigrate from Germany should any nations of the world be willing to take them; he would have even paid for their way. Guess what: no one was willing to take the poor fuckers. I wonder why not.

Also sort of related, but "In The Shadow of Zion" is about territorialism (Jewish colonization of lands other than Palestine). Interesting to consider options beyond "kill all the Jews", "Kill all the Palestinians", or whatever to the question of the Jews. Madagascar Plan is also relevant there (I wonder if more would have died in Madagascar rather than in the camps; was it a malicious plan for quarantine and massacre or a legitimate solution?). Interesting to contemplate.

Also this girl is pretty cool.

Sorry for random posts, just refreshing to see an actually good thread (I hail from 4pol, inb4 newfag-I swear to god, that place is unbelievably kiked) and thought I'd contribute.

It's not unreasonable to have a profoundly negative reaction to such barbarism.

Its also because i´m German and literally never learned about this. Neither in school, nor University, nor the media, nor from my parents.
Sure, my parents told me how their grandparents suffered through air attacks but i had no clue of the extend and the pure intention to kill as many civilians as possible.
i learned a shit ton about the kikehoax tho, let me tell you…

Alas no. I only have the account of such an individual who survived by virtue of some of his German comrades surrendering to distract the American troops chasing the refugee convoy they were trying to escort to the British occupied zone.


Churchill saved the British Empire!

Oh wait…..

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not only that but american planes gunned down the survivors, i saw a documentary with some old mutt pilot saying they looked like zombies.


Thank you anyway, would you mind elaborating perhaps? Was this a verbal account given to you?

Yes a verbal account from the man himself. After the war he migrated to the UK with a few of his surviving comrades and went on to open a bar in a city in the north of england.
By the point I heard the story he was the only surviving member of his unit as old age or other causes had claimed the rest.

Bear in mind some details will be omitted to preserve anonymity and others potentially inaccurate due to dodgy memory.
The story has stuck quite a bit over the years though simply for being something you just don't hear.

So the story as I heard it.
Our hero henceforth referred to as nigga, grew up in some shithole village in Africa. Doesn't even remember what country because it was never actually relevant to him or the people of his village. They spent most of their time either engaged in subsistence farmin or fighting with a neighbouring village.
Apparantly he was always a bit smarter than the rest of his village and one day one of the elders came up to him, stuffed a bag of money into his hands and told him to get out of the village before he got dragged down by it. Directing him to go to the city and make something of himself.

So he did. But the money while being a fortune to primitive tribals wasn't actually that much and he wound up becoming a porter in the city. Hauling luggage and the like for foreigners.
This is where he met a certain SS officer. He wound up working for this guy for a while hauling his stuff, fetching things for him, etc. After warning him that some locals had tried to bribe him into luring the SS officer into an ambush (so they could mug him) the officer told him he was clearly wasted in his current life and recommended he go to Germany and join the Waffen SS.
So he did. With little more than the clothes on his back, what little money he had left after his travel costs and a handwritten letter of recommendation from the SS officer, which he still had when I knew him and seemed to be legit.

That letter of recommendation (which according to a friend who knew German was nothing short of glowing) was enough to get him in. They taught him to read because to this point he'd never been taught or gone to school. Along with a load of other shit like numeracy and so on.
Seems the common claim that foreigners couldn't join until later in the war may not have been as true as jewish historians insist.
According to him they treated him better than his own countrymen ever had. So when the war started up he stuck around (a few did do a runner apparantly)
He spent a good chunk of his time in the war in europe constantly moving about since the Waffen SS were constantly bouncing from warzone to warzone.

He wasn't in Berlin when it fell. He was to the west of it, with his unit trying to get to Berlin when they heard of its fall and the fuhrers death.
At that point their unit commander opted to abandon his orders and switch their plan from get to Berlin to protect refugees from the communists.
So in the latter days of the war that was what they did. While the red army rampage across the countryside and torched the cities you had a bunch of German military units leading refugees to the western allies occupied regions. Sporadic fighting breaking out constantly as the red army went looking for civilians trying to escape.

This is where it gets to the interesting part.

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So those latter days were a mess of running around, fighting gommies and ensuring people got to the safety of the western occupied zones.
Then it all went to shit when they realised that the American and French forces were rounding up and killing civilians, forcing them from their homes, etc.
Their unit specifically found out when, while leading a caravan of refugees through a forest they came across another group of refugees coming the other way. So with that plan fucked they set off for the British occupied zone and if that didn't work out they'd try and move further north into the Netherlands or even Denmark.
Along the way they picked up a lot of other refugees fleeing American and French forces.

They also picked up survivors from other German military forces and even a few lone stragglers from other Waffen SS units. Who informed them further of the bullshit the Americans and French were getting up to. It was from one of these that he first heard the Americans were executing any africans they came across who weren't part of the allied forces. Since they saw a group of African Waffen SS guys surrender and then be immediately shot.
He saw this himself when he and a few others went into a seemingly abandoned village to try and loot useful supplies (lotta mouths to feed by that point) and one of the other Africans in his unit was spotted and tried to surrender. They didn't shoot him immediately but once an officer saw him he was shot.
So that was pretty much confirmed.

After a while the caravan they were leading got to a sufficient size that it was pretty easy to spot from a distance and began to attract American attention.
Once they realised they were being followed they knew that the Americans would easily catch up to them before they got through to the British occupied zone.
So his unit commander got the military guys together for a meeting and laid out his plan. They needed a distraction to get the civilians to safety. Something that would make the Americans stop and deal with it.
A few hundred German troops surrendering ought to do it.
It was a pretty risky but there were easily well over a thousand civilians in the caravan so he felt it was worth it and everyone else seemed onboard.
Since the Americans would immediately execute them though, the five remaining African Waffen SS men were told their job was to continue escorting the refugees until they got them to safety. After which they were to get themselves to safety.

So off this mixed bunch of worn out heroes of the Reich went.
Nigga didn't hear gunfire (forgot I was going to refer to him as such for sake of clarity) so he assumes that initially at least the surrender was accepted. And they made it to the British occupied zone without being caught by the Americans.
When they got there they were soon caught by British forces. More specifically British colonial forces from India. Whose CO (a white dude) was not terribly surprised to see them (Fortunately one of the Africans spoke English).
Informing them that they'd been getting lots of refugees and were housing them anywhere they could. So they got dumped in an old wehrmacht barracks. Not exactly prisoners but not free to go.
But at least being fed and not made to work or executed.
He along with his buddies got roped into helping out. Carrying shit mostly or repairing buildings. After a few weeks the officer in charge of the camp they were at gave them a paybook and started paying them for their work, since it wasn't proper to do otherwise apparantly.

Two months of that led to new uniforms and them being formally recruited as logistics staff for the regiment running/guarding the camp. Meaning they went being from sort of German POWs and sort of refugees to formally being part of the British Army.
In this time he learned a decent amount of English and when things died down, Nigga and his buddies were let go since their services were no longer required and everyone had seemingly forgotten they were German troop. So they opted to move to Britain since sticking around Germany seemed a bad idea.
They wound up in the north of England and did various jobs for a while before opening a bar and restaurant together. It has since shut down with the death of its last surviving founder.

And that is the story of Nigga as told to me.

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Reading between the lines, I would bet money these were black American units and French Colonial units. Allies loved to send them in first to terrorize the populace as shows and by the resurgence of the "Rhineland bastards" after WWII.

I figured Africans would have been written off due to racial inferiority, but the relative tolerance for them demonstrated by the Reich is actually really surprising. Seems the only even that occurred was the sterilization of a few hundred half-black rape children.
