The right to keep and bear arms is a constitutional right. Interfering with the constitutional rights of another person is a felony at the federal level under 18 U.S.C. § 241
Anyone who is in a position of authority who grabs guns, attempts to change any law or policy in order to encourage or facilitate the grabbing of guns, is acting in the commission of a felony. Any person can act to prevent the commission of a felony. You do not need to be a police officer.
If you saw a group of gang bangers violently assaulting an old woman, you may pepper spray them or kick their asses. If you see someone robbing a bank with a gun, you may shoot them. If a police officer is robbing someone of their property at gun point, you can shoot them the same as if they were a bank robber.
Once you have anonymously reported the illegal actions of legislators or gun-grabbing police officers to law enforcement and given them a reasonable period of time to respond, you may conclude that they are refusing to do their job. At that point, you, as a private citizen, have the right to initiate whatever means are reasonably necessary to stop the commission of these felonies.
This includes things like
-Doxxing criminal gun grabbers
-Sending anonymous messages designed to intimidate them into abandoning their criminal activity
-Vandalism or destruction of property that they use to commit these crimes (slashing tires of police vehicles that are used to transport police officers to violate constitutional rights, destroying offices of conspiring officials)
-Destruction of vehicles they use to get to work where they are acting in furtherance of their criminal conspiracy
-If nothing else works, violent force directly against the perpetrators, up to lethal force if necessary.
This only applies to acts by officials conspiring to deprive people of their rights as a matter of law, or police officer who act in furtherance of their criminal schemes. Private citizens have a right to political speech to advocate for criminality by the government. Government officials do not have a right to act on the urging of those who wish them to break the law. They have sworn an oath of office to uphold the Constitution, and they are breaking the law when they violate it.
None of this is calling for specific acts against specific people (including Senator Feinstein). Nothing discussed here is illegal or immoral. We are merely discussing the legality of using reasonable means to prevent the commission of a crime.
It doesn't even matter if it's a "crime" or not. What matters is if it works. As Alex Linder says, don't bother with keeping it legal, keep it effective. Crimes only exist in the context of a law, and there is no higher court that presides over the conflict between Whites and Jews. It's just a biological struggle and the only laws that govern that are the laws of physics.
Jace Hughes
No shit, fuck off reddit.
Christopher Turner
What have you done?
Cameron Ross
Michael Foster
Know any?
Juan Nelson
laws ONLY exist because of power enforcing them. law exist but nobody will enforce it? doesn't exist.
Evan Sanders
i would love to see this defense play out in court. the law is irrelevant, the only thing that matters it the judge's interpretation of the law (which can be tweaked into anything) and the jury of your (((peers))).
if jury's were actually just jury nullification would be a thing far more often, but it isn't, because jury pools are filled with the lowest scum of the earth and heavily biased.
Gabriel Carter
State legislators in new york, maryland, california, illinois, washington. Cops that have been doing red flag raids.
Gavin Nguyen
Those that are enforcing illegal laws need to be stopped.
James Brooks
Christopher Torres
Ya I'm sure Judge Noseberg will agree and let you go free when you resist.
Crimes are determined by whoever has the power to enforce them.
Kevin Gomez
Getting caught isn't a good idea.
Charles Peterson
Absolutely correct. Every anti-firearm faggot in these United States is a flagrant traitor to our nation and must be summarily liquidated In minecraft of course
Jason Ross
Jackson Davis
Libs will attack guns and conservatives via Banking. Bank of America…Wells Fargo…JP Morgan Chase…Citibank. . How Banks Could Control Gun Sales if Washington Won’t. . Bank of America to stop lending to some gun manufacturers in wake of Parkland massacre . REPORT: Chase Bank Suspends Conservative Jewish Activist Laura Loomer From Her Online Banking Account. . Chase put a twist on the script and used an in-between as a fall guy. Namely Intuit Merchant Services which uses Chase as a gateway. will NOT process anymore transactions and may put a freeze our accounts because we sell firearms related products. etc.
Josiah Anderson
judges and police enforce the policy of politicians, no judges and police means no enforceable policy
David Perez
Those are called 'paragraphs', dipshit.
Wyatt Baker
just ignore him.
Benjamin Cruz
Paragraphs consist of more than a single sentence.
Joseph Turner
doesn't matter. You have no argument.
Joseph Wood
Go back to reddit judensteinburg.
Carson Gonzalez
once again you have no argument.
Samuel Martin
The argument is that rapefugees like you need to learn a thing or two about board culture before you post lest you shit the place up. Lurk moar.
Daniel Rogers
not an argument
Jayden Adams
Yeah, but you won't do anything.
No, go back to reddit.
Matthew Robinson
not an argument
John Carter
Go back to reddit. You don’t belong here. You know nothing about this place. You don’t know how to behave.
Julian Myers
Here the way to behave is like a submissive retard or the other lemmings will flip out and autistically screech while convincing themselves they're taking down da bad guys
Ian Wilson
Jackson Stewart
The government is illegitimate. As far as morality is concerned, it is immoral and cowardly to not kill agents of the baby-killing white-genociding government. But as far as legality is concerned, they'll still execute you or put you in a rape cage for life if you fight them or even inconvenience them in any way.
So to say "using force isn't a crime," hardly makes any difference. The only crime in a tyrannous state is being noticed by its government. And all who are not 'criminals' in its eyes are immoral and debased for obeying and enabling its tyranny.
We're all morally depraved jew-enabler hypocrites here, but some are more morally depraved than others depending on whether they pay taxes or speak in the language of voteniggers and civnats who are still invested in the well being of the system.