Fuck it. I'm taking the blackpill. If two warm blooded American conservatives are fine with shitting on their own history and ancestors I have no reason to fucking care anymore. These people can't be saved.
Talk to normalfag (republican) friends
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American education, what were you expecting?
You should have beat them. Dumb animals only understand fear and dopamine.
How can they sit there and shit on what all their ancestors built for them and the world?
I told them too to look up who invented everything, they said I'm ignorant and bordering on racist. What the fuck even is the point of trying to save these people anymore? Every day I'm beginning to think we're more and more fucked.
Learned decadence. I'm sure the late stage Romans also scoffed at the achievements of their ancestors. You know, right before the Germans came knocking.
Think of it this way:
When the civil war comes, these men will die, and more women will be left. Women completely conform to what they see as powerful. Your friends, by giving up the glory of their history, have willingly given away what made them powerful for nothing. They will ultimately die off and you will have descendants and multiple mates once the war is over. The fact you still have will, means your will will transcend the span of your life.
The thing is they're fucking Republicans.
If Republicans hate their own ancestors because the Jews told them too just fucking imagine how bad the Liberals are.
The expected white minority date for the United States is 2045. That assumes the government is being honest with America which we have no reason to believe is the case. At the year 2020 that leaves us with 25 years left. 1 generation of newborns to grow into adults. Government census in 2018 concluded the following: The non-Hispanic White-alone population is projected to shrink over the coming decades, from 199 million in 2020 to 179 million in 2060 — even as the U.S. population continues to grow. What people fail to realize is that OLD white people make up a portion of whites in America. In some states its as high as 9% of the total population. Another census report from an external source noted that in 26 states whites are dying quicker than they are being born, up from 17 states two years prior. This information is not accounted for in the 2045 estimate.
Remember, OP, these people do not care that you will be a minority in 2045. The implications are lost on them. They are a cattle class of consumer capitalists, fond of pleasure and blind beyond themselves. The proof is in the pudding.
A (((republican))) is just another left of the wall political actor who isn't a National Socialist. Therefore, they cannot be trusted with the security of our people. This System which allows them to operate and at times rule over our people stands in the way of whites and their freedom, their capacity for greatness, etc.
Do not be discouraged by limp wristed faggots who cry happy horseshit because you've come to a realization that they cannot. You understand the game a bit better now. The game is rigged and we are on the losing side. Its time to flip the fucking board!
The sad part is I don't think we'll seize the system but instead rebuild it after it has collapsed.
I think calamity is a prerequisite to the end. We will rule over wastelands.
akko was the best girl and has a heart of gold and a will of steel. prove me wrong.
just shit on whatever they prefer.
india poops in the street, celebrates corpses, spreads disease, and enforces a caste system.
china doesnt stop for critically injured children, they sell eachother gutter oil, have draconian government spying, and their economic advances come from a combination of horrendous environmental destruction unlike the world has ever seen combined with literal slave labour.
japan has a pretty nice culture, but japan also looks up to and attempts to emulate classic europe; especially germany and italy.
They are no longer my friends especially after they called me Hitler. They weren't that close anyways. It just shocked me how two logical and reasonable guys would run through shit just to trash their own history and culture.
As for the other points I've had similar arguments in the past and they all deflect the blame to colonialism and what have you.
This is why I dropped out of society completely. After you take enough redpills, """normal""" human interaction just becomes unbearable and exhausting.
Republicucks are hardly different from demoniggers. The only major difference is R is more pro-israel and "dems r the real racists look how nice we are" and D is "we have gibs". Are you new?
The entire system is rotted from beneath, the integral support has long gone the way of corruption.
There is no reason we should be emotional over losing it when for decades it has threaten the livelihood, the very existence of our people. A call for indifference towards its demise is made by reality so that we do not lose the ONE THING that is most valuable to us.
The System hasn't supported our people, will never support our people, and for that reason it needs to GO.
I don't recommend that friend. My goal is to become the system and fix it from within. Then I'll save up money and build a nice reinforced concrete bunker/house in the woods and raise a family off the grid.
Cuckservatives are retarded mutt scum, what is new?
But Europeans had wooden structure, not mud huts, dumb ass.
You deserve your "friends".
Not your blog, pussy.
You do realize the Republican party has a written history and record you could research and peruse yourself instead of taking the fringe marketing directed at rubes like you at face value, right? You might even be dumber than the guys you're complaining about.
There's a nice thought. I just want to do something big like Tim McVeigh to get back at them, but I want to do it to those who are actually destroying everything rather than a bunch of innocent normalfags.
i dont get it, were they saying youre charismatic? brave?
i guarantee if you talk to them, they dont have an internal dialogue. i keep people like that at a distance, but keep them as acquaintances so i can figure them out. learned pretty much all of the people like this in my experience dont think with an inner dialogue, and literally dont dwell or think about anything
What's your point, dumbass?
People who had wooden buildings and straw roofing just like everyone else back then?
In a muttmocracy, normies are NOT innocent. It is the entire point of muttmocracy.
They want to take responsibilty? Time to be responsible.
The point you're missing if you're not just baiting is that Repubs are commonly flag waving "Murica first!!" rednecks.
If even they hate themselves then we are really and completely fucked.
More elephantcucks put tattoos on their body than donkeycucks at this point.
What do you think?
My advice is to retreat into books. You'll find nothing conversing with these "people". A one way conversation with Plato is a lot better than an endless loop of surface level conversations with normalfags. Then again isolation probably isn't the best policy, either. IDK man. You'll always be my friend, user.
do you know how to hunt deer? being an assassin is no different. and most of the most harmful people arent well guarded. they just have a couple goons with pistols.
most of their homes are public knowledge.
there is never a gathering of people directly to blame. most of them are just lemmings. and dont forget what a single death can cause; fear. remember when jfk died? how many presidents have stood up to international jewry and the fed since? do you think thats a cohencidence?
lemmings will flop in either direction. its their handlers that are directly responsible.
Right but did he accomplish anything in the long run? Or Roof, or Bowers? The closest one might have been Breivik and even that didn't do all that much.
That the Republican party's agenda is clear as day.
I'm not missing that point. That is the point. Those people are retards, literally impaired brain function. The Republican party makes absolutely no secret of what it is or what it wants and yet it can count on armies of mouth breathing red state Randys to keep pulling that lever.
If the former is true, the latter is false. If the latter is true, the former is false.
OP is a nigger and a kike and this is a slide thread.
Remember anons;
Report D&C threads.
Sage D&C threads.
Filter D&C threads.
Remember anons;
Report slide threads.
Sage slide threads.
Filter slide threads.
Remember anons;
Report duplicate threads.
Sage duplicate threads.
Filter duplicate threads.
That was back then when they were honest and didnt participate in politics outside of wars.
They want in now. Then they should get all the glory and pain of politics.
Bump against "conversatism".
Not only is it really stupid to mention this on a public forum but you need to understand you can't destroy a system which controls the entire globe at this point. Hitler was elected democratically but we'd NEVER get the same chance he did.
We have to wait for it's degeneration and collapse. We must rebuild from the ashes, not trying to uproot it and take what's in retrospect petty revenge against it. Ted is currently serving life in ADX Florence meanwhile he did nothing to thwart the agenda.
Unless you can become the system you should bide your time and wait for it's inevitable collapse. Just as Rome. A rotten tree will not continue to stand.
Enough of the incel revenge fantasies.
Well I'm not actually doing anything. I own no firearms or any actual weapons, I don't know how to shoot or make bombs and I'm too blackpilled to do anything anyways.
Don't worry about normalfags. I would put minimum effort into redpilling them, especially in a socially reinforcing duo or a larger group. They are careening toward irrelevance. At a certain point, all Whites will be redpilled. Those that aren't will be sooner exterminated or assimilated than you will. That's the decision that is staring every one of them in the face. Once they are brown or gone, what is left is the Far right as the only party of Whites. It will be smaller, but its existence in its future number is assured. You associates will be on board or gone at that point.
Your associates have obviously never been to China or India, but especially the latter. They sound like they are regurgitating Heimy Shekelstein's libertarian podcast. Let them. Their beliefs will last as long as they can afford to insulate themselves and their families from the brown tide, and not a moment longer. Last, be wary of Jewish influence in White families that you may not be aware of in the form of spouses, etc.
You dont even belong here ,incel
THAT didn't clue you in that you were talking to retards?
That's a very clear sign that they know fuck all about economics or at least the industrial process.
I hear shit like that from time to time, and every time I do, i just chalk that person up on the "tard list" and move on.
You can't argue with idiots, they'll pull you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Yes, exactly.
What's important is you can train a normalfag to adhere to your beliefs so long as you present them properly (e.i. doesn't conflict with prior propaganda). For example I've redpilled some of them on nutrition, GMOs, physical fitness, government corruption, and big pharma.
What's important is that you don't touch their trigger subjects, like European culture, racism, Jews, etc. Sadly my current group I was working on thought liking European culture was somehow racist so I'm done with them now. You gotta do it slowly and subtly though. They are base beings and react as such.
Regardless of whether it's ultimately useful, it's better than doing nothing.
Yeah, just like Detroit became the capital of the world from their car manufacturing- oh wait.
Next time, don't get mad, just mock them like they did you. Of course I agree with your position, but you lost the social battle. They are only reaffirmed in their delusions now.
What is the cure for such disorders?
Nuclear annihilation of the nation.
get rid of your friends
Blame christkikes for this shit, my atheist friends don't do this
Liberal atheists don't like white history either.
Hey OP, I hope you enjoy Italy. I was in Rome and Orvieto a few months ago and it was my favorite part of Europe. The artifacts are fucking insane to look at
They're not actual atheists though, real Atheism embraces the greatness of man, and freedom from sexual and slave morality. Liberals are just christcucks.
Ditch your normalfag friends. If they'd rather pick a retarded and faraway country over you, a friend of theirs, they're definitely not worth it.
Why? Pretty sure Europeans would have figured out how to build stone houses regardless of the Romans or not.
Jesus was not a jew
user you let them call you hitler, like its an insult.
Click the x in the top right corner, this has been ripped apart so many times its not even funny.
Either lurk 2 years or leave.
Nope, it's you who should leave, pagan larper. Western civilization is built on Christianity whether you accept it or not, and Christianity is the root of our culture.
Pagans are also fucktarded, ATHEISM is literally the only way
Indeed. Rome, Greece, and Egypt were built by niggers and anyone who says otherwise belongs to the synagogue of satan.
Get fucked, kike.
Can you faggots start your own thread and shit up that one instead?
Fuck off lying kike
Seriously why aren't you Atheist yet?
You call me a kike just because I state something that is founded in reality. On the principles of what religion were United States founded? What religion did the Roman Empire adopt at the height of its power?
You might disagree the course that the modern church has taken - and I agree with it. Admitting to being Christian doesn't mean that I, or anyone else, support the obviously cucked pope or generally the Christian church after Vatican II. Modern reforms of the church that took place in the 50's closely coincided with the sexual revolution and are the biggest reasons of the moral decline of the faith nowadays.
The wedge that is being driven in between Western people trying to separate them from the faith our people followed for more than 2000 years is exactly what we're against. Classic divide and conquer tactics that you know. Don't fall for that meme, the principles of the faith are on our side.
If you understand the Philosophy of Fascism you will know that the masses are dumb and cannot understand why everything is happening the way it's happening and who is behind it, the only viable option is taking power by force, or propaganda to the extent that will make the majority of people vote for you (which is impossible in the US and in most countries in Europe). Other than that there are no other options, this idea of redpilling people is completely stupid, majority of people will simply not understand any of this that is the whole purpose of Fascism to take by force and to rule with authority as the masses do not know what is good for them
I gave you good advice, so I'm allowed to make an off topic reply. Your thread is shit, anyway.
certainly not muttstianity, adopted officially about a century before the collapse of the empire
the success of Rome stood entirely on their paganism, their mos maiorum
Romans of old used christmutts mostly just as lion's food
That's literally the same argument as "blags made ameriga by bigging gotton".
Daily reminder that conservatives/reactionaries are spineless faggots that will stab you in the back at the first opportunity just like they did to Mussolini. They have always been our enemy just as much as commies have, only they're too weak to openly admit it. I honestly respect antifa more than the pussies. They may be dipshit drug addicts, but at least they have half a testicle.
Europe didn't turn christian the moment Christ was born, you know
sh-shut up!
Pagan religion of Rome was full of debauchery and was the reason of corruption of natural Roman qualities, not the reason of the nation's greatness. You can't attribute all successes only to the paganism, which had its merits during the republican period but greatly degenerated later on. Adoption of Christianity was an attempt to repair the damage that was done. Anyway, whatever you said doesn't change my point - the Rome has fallen two thousand years ago, we reap its benefits till the modern day but its original religion is not one of them. Western nations are built on purely Christian culture and traditions that we all hold dear and want to reinforce.
your thread is literal 4cuck teir shit
A thread died for this shit you know
And you chose to give it 80 replies.
Now fuck off back to your own thread.
dumbest shit I read this year so far, Roman decadence is entirely a function of their progressive distancing from the Indo-European Paganism of ancient Rome, ending in their adoption of a foreign semitic slave cult like muttstianity, all of the great qualities of the Romans of old, of the Scipii, the Cornelli, the Julii, are entirely derived from ancient Roman religion
any great aspect of European christianity is entirely derived from Romans and Hellenes, from its religion(Aristoteles, Plato, Plotinus are at the foundation of christian theology), from its military aspects, entirely derived from Romans and Germanics
go to ethiopia if you want to see your belove muttsianity without pagan influence
christianity PARASITIZED the greatness of PAGAN classical Europe all while destroying the roots of Europe and making way for its judaization, which at this point is complete
Literally no proof of this, go back to your containment board.
Didn't NEETzche die broke, and insane from Syphilis?
Overman indeed.
Classic kike-mind. I see all those western values just dripping from your pores.
The speaker espousing a philosophy that he himself was far too weak to actually live by, much like half of the larpers on this board, the most UBER of you faggots can't even do the bare minimum to save our race, and that's breed.
How can one be expected to reach great heights when they stumble over the lowest bar?
What about Holy Roman Empire that inherited the old empire's legacy? What about Charlemagne's France? What about the crusades? The entire era is full of magnificent deeds and great people who lived and died in the name of the religion. So what, all of them are kiked because they were raised and followed a religion that, at this point, had nothing to do with original jews (which weren't modern khazarian ashkenazis)?
For a very long, long time paganism's place was in the museum. You want to return to the roots that are long removed, so long that nobody remembers them. Great many of people today are disgruntled with modern state of christian religion and want to return to its original roots, not the modern degeneracy. Without Christianity we're easy pickings for foreign influences like islam. Islam is merciless and perceives atheists as infidels, same as christians. United under a banner of one religion we can resist it. Do you imagine doing it separated, following multitude of fringe, incoherent beliefs lacking integrity?
We don't need the pope and the church to save us. We'll save ourselves. The faith itself and the Bible is there to guide us and give us the principles to follow.
wtf I love jews now
Also, because no one has helped you out and posted this shit, here you go, OP.
You're dealing with lemmings, they really can't be saved through argument, only through action. Keep punching right though, no reason you shouldn't. You'll either get a lemming out of your life or you'll make a fascist out of a comrade.
I don't even think he gave him the Princess he wanted in the first place. Saul was next level.
Cuckservative friends buddy
Push at them further with the truth, user.
< archive.org
That's what warm blooded American conservatism has been all about since the 1910s at least.
There are absolutely great qualities about medieval Catholicism, no doubt about that at all, but the more I look behind it, the more I realize a simple matter, that Europeans made christianity great, not viceversa. Europeans took a mass cosmopolitan semitic slavish cult that took over a dying civilization and rectified it towards an European direction. Greatness of medieval Catholicism, of Chivalric orders, and so on, doesn't have much to do with the stories about some bronze and iron age sandniggers from judaea, with that mythical part, it has more to do with the continuation of Hellenic philosophy with Thomism, with the recreation of an Empire entirely based on PAGAN Rome(Charlemagne and pretty much all Germanic rulers of that era sought the title of King of the Romans above all), with the architectural progression of Roman and Greek architecture, and so on.
This is something even medieval christians recognized themselves. Aquinas calls Aristoteles his master, Dante chooses a heathen, Virgil, to accompany him in the greatest work of medieval European literature, Hellenic and Roman heroes persist as archetype of greatness.
Unfortunately, the semitic core of christianity was never completely superseded, especially once sola scriptura began being taken seriously, myths from the old testament that were clearly meant for judeans were slowly imposed on Europeans, with the latter forgetting their roots in Europe to the point that some started larping as ancient israelites.
People like me are angry at christianity because this process of Europeanization not only stopped but reversed, with christians being some of the most anti-European people around, starting with the constant defense of the jews tracing back to the middle ages all the way to modern christians giving billions to israel and spending millions to make niggers feel at home in Europe and breed like rabbits in africa.
It's on you to be better then them. If you show them that you have a better way, then they will follow you. You need your own "Weltanschauung", a way of life that benefits your race and blood. If you work to establish that, you will create better human beings around you.
NOT for "the world", that's asinine self-destructive "liberal" talk
Jewish blood in you I see. Now look at every single village, town, and city on this entire earth and tell me they didn't benefit from what our ancestors built.
If you know you can't have a conversation without sperging out, why do you even open your fat uncontrollable mouth? Haven't you watched the documentary with Yuri Bezmenov talking about ideological subversion? The exact same tactics should be used when trying to redpill those closest to you.
In order for people to accept this ideology, they need to believe they came to this conclusion on their own. All you need to do is worry about starting them down this path. Point them in the right direction, let them do the walking and "self discovery" on their own.
With that being said, I agree with you about American conservatives being screwed.
Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.
Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these retards than survival of Whites.
Don't take the niggerpill. Show them videos of how the areas are shitholes. Japan is awesome, but it's getting Jew'd.
Better that you learn this now.
0 AD wasn't the date Jeebus was known to Europeans.