Where are they going to squeeze that amount?

"Kicking Ass for Her Generation': Applause for 16-Year-Old Greta Thunberg as EU Chief Pledges $1 Trillion to Curb Climate Threat"
Sixteen-year-old climate action leader Greta Thunberg stood alongside European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker Thursday in Brussels as he indicated—after weeks of climate strikes around the world inspired by the Swedish teenager—that the European Union has heard the demands of young people and pledged more than $1 trillion over the next seven years to address the crisis of a rapidly heating planet.

In the financial period beginning in 2021, Juncker said, the EU will devote a quarter of its budget to solving the crisis.

"Every fourth euro spent within the EU budget will go towards action to mitigate climate change," Juncker said. The plan will amount to about €1 trillion (or $1.13 trillion) spent over seven years, according to Reuters.

Juncker's comments came at the Civil Society for rEUnaissance event in Brussels, where Thunberg doubled down on her consistent message that politicians must take serious strides to stop the climate crisis and protect the Earth for future generations—and that the EU must double its target of cutting greenhouse gases by 40 percent from 1990 levels by 2030.

"This target is not sufficient to protect the future for children growing up today. If the EU is to make its fair contribution to stay within the carbon budget for the 2C limit then it needs a minimum of 80 percent reduction by 2030, and that includes aviation and shipping," Thunberg told political and business leaders. "There is simply not enough time to wait for us to grow up and become the ones in charge."

Juncker was among those who praised the tireless advocacy of Thunberg and others of her generation, hundreds of thousands of whom have captured the attention of the world—and their governments—by staging weekly climate strikes since December.

"I am glad to see that young people are taking to the streets in Europe to raise visibility of the issue of climate change," the Commission president said.

“I am glad to see that young people are taking to the streets in Europe to raise visibility of the issue of climate change.
Their movement has spread to many cities and can bring about change.
Our goal is to allocate ¼ of the EU budget to climate change mitigation.”
- @JunckerEU pic.twitter.com/aJB3wSQhva

— European Commission (@EU_Commission) February 21, 2019

Supporters of the climate strike movement—which Thunberg began last year with a one-person strike at the Swedish Parliament, and which has grown into a global movement with students all over the world planning events—also gave Thunberg credit for leading the pressure campaign.

OG Greta Thunberg, literally changing the world t.co/GWJvZDObzj

— Julietta LaBlanc (@JuliettaLaBlanc) February 21, 2019

Greta Thunberg tells EU: your climate targets need doubling>⁦@GretaThunberg⁩ is kicking ass for her generation. It’s long overdue. t.co/heq3KV9CE0

— Clive Lewis MP (@labourlewis) February 21, 2019

As Juncker was announcing the proposal, more than 12,000 students were marching through Brussels and other Belgian cities once again, demanding that political leaders take seriously the warning of climate scientists and experts, who say if carbon emissions aren't cut drastically, humans will not be able to keep the warming of the globe under 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) by 2030. If urgent action not taken, they warn, the result will include disastrous sea level rise, more extreme weather events, increasing humanitarian crises, species loss, threatened water supplies, and untold economic costs.

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Where's the video of that drunken old stew bum shamelessly groping the tender silken flesh of her young ass crack with drooling lechery in full public view?

Well I'm sure that she's acting completely 100% independently and isn't just some young tool/figurehead to pull at the heartstrings

They must have used cern to open that portal and are bringing in rare metals to pay for this nonsense.

space nazis are trading metals they mined off asteroids for supplies

Why don’t they drop a rock or two on certain locations?

How many more decades are they going to push this climate change hoax?

They have ascended and no longer care for the worries of us earth-bound untermensch.
Perhaps the meek shall inherit the earth, but the brave shall conquer the stars.

Climate change itself isn't a hoax, but the so-called solutions for it are a hoax. Because they don't actually do anything aside from bloating government bureaucracies and extracting exuberant taxes from the working class.

In case this wasn't obvious, this "climate advocacy" is about crashing the economies of White countries (even more than they have been already).
The majority of "greenhouse gas" and the vast, vast majority of actual pollution (toxic chemicals, plastic, etc) are being released by the "third world crap factories" like China and India. "Climate advocacy" in "the West" will do nothing to curb those pollution sources, and will, in fact, expand them since the weakening industrial base of White countries (due to increasingly draconian regulation) will cause an expansion of (heavily polluting, near zero regulation) industry in the "third world."
Furthermore, the single most devastating form of "pollution" is overpopulation (especially of low-IQ races). Paying Africans money to be voluntarily permanently sterilized would be perhaps the best possible use of that trillion dollars. That would be ebil rayciss nahtzee, though. Of course. It's also the truth.
How many sub saharan dindus would agree to sterilization for $1000 cash, I wonder? What about $5000? That would be 200 million sterilizations with 1 trillion dollars. Limit it to only females under 35.
Reminder that when the inevitable global famine hits the Africans will kill everything in Africa. Say goodbye to all lions, elephants, rhinos, gorillas, zebras, buffalo, giraffes, hippos etc, etc. They will all be going into the cannibal's pot. The "global multicultists" will play pretend all the way down to the crash, of course.

Like tears… in the rain

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Your implication is that they were intended to actually do something besides bloat bureaucracies and crush the middle class. That would be false. The climate policies are working exactly as intended.

Climate change is real but the $$$ solutions is scam. If they are so concerned about the Earth dying then they wouldn’t import the non-white migrants and encourage them to procreate like rabbits. They are lying rats.


Attached: He cant keep getting away with it.mp4 (854x480, 364.39K)

Why didn't we think of this? 16 year old girls are known for their intelligence, wisdom, steadfast resolve, level-headed decision making, and wealth of experience from which to draw. 16YOG 2020.

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The agenda behind "Climate change" = de-industrialization off European countries and a technocratic slave-system

It happens.

Climate changes (fluctuates) obviously, just as the sun rises and sets.

Yea, whatever the natural happenings is, we cannot stop it from happening. Some areas like India are already overpopulated and polluting the environment like crazy.


We know. They are still scamming the unaware people.


disastrous sea level rise
i'm going to dump a can of wd-40 into the atmosphere right now to do my part to sink London


Please explain user.


nigger how do you not know what wd40 is

There's not one other person with the surname "Ernman" anywhere. Guaranteed name-changing kike.

I cannot agree more with the thread title.

she has a website
but it appears to be down, all i get is a blank page
wayback machine has it

maybe she took it down because of this
General Manager
Blixten & Co + 46 8 440 92 00
Pernilla Thagaard +46 8 440 92 23 / +46 70 910 47 10
[email protected]
Adress:Box 6056, 102 31 Stockholm, Sweden
Record Label
Press Contact
[email protected]
[email protected]

Never seen it until I searched on the Bunnings.

Quite so.

Attached: Tears in the rain.webm (960x540, 3.84M)

The fuck, so she refuses to fly, but is okay with uneducated nogs using some of the dirtiest know vehicles on the planet to move in nextdoor thus negating her refusal to fly.

Somebody get that bitch pregnant so she shuts up already.

her nobody daughter has a verified twitter account, but she, as some kind of swedish opera superstar, does not

She's an autistic swedish girl puppeteered by the european union; you know they will pair her with some pearl from persia for progressive purposes.

this appears to be the father, who also does not have a verified account

I hope so, hopefully she gets convinced to move to pakistan

she's playing the victim card extremely early

We should demand her to support the clean thorium powered airplane technology.

writing a book, but not for the money of course


just leave me alone and let me focus on school! unless you want me to talk about climate change then talk to my agent, and don't forget to buy my book about how I convinced my parents to be climate activists!

[email protected]

Just let her go back to school! But she has her own agent now make sure you go through them if you want to pay her for a speech

34 Days

Enjoy your Brownouts Europe

Honestly though, hope it leads to shit like that, start taking away modern man's comforts, see how fast normal fags will flip. German's had to start eating there zoo's before they started waking up. Hope it just takes Europe abit of interrupted vidya, to take there countries back.

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All youth groups do not really carry influence, as they are parasitical for donations and reliant on adult supervision. The adult supervision, is the authority and coaxes the action of its leaders, so ultimately the adults are responsible and this is why you do not see radical youth groups. Should a youth group go against the status quo the adults will be blasted for indoctrination and extremism. Conveniently politicians, the status quo, like these groups because when children are given the illusion of empowerment, their naivety and enthusiasm create a more realistic astroturf movement. Again, these groups are the pets of the elites and if their movement went against the momentum of the status quo then they would not be allowed to have any influence.

Holy shit this girl is faker than Pamela Andersons tits.

Its not just the tool Greta Thunberg. There are highly motivated and indoctrinated children marches with huge media attention worldwide (Germany, UK, USA…). Mostly accompanied by some od their 'school teachers'.
I'm not really sure if these people are just green party idiots or if there are other, higher players behind, but I assume it.
Digging into their teachers activities and who is paying for their trips could be interesting and the key to reveal the filthy people behind the brain washing.

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reminder that global warming is a hoax

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eu chief pledges 1 trillion, easy peasy when it's not your money and plebs will pay for it anyway…

On behalf of all the red pilled Swedes left, I beg your humble apology for the faggotry this cunt has accumulated.

With that out of the way….
This little shit has been painted as an environmental saint in the MSM of sweden and her whore of a mother Magdalena Erman has enabled her to do so.
But there is a lot of smoke too, in one instance she spoke on a top eu meeting, but nobody except a few alternate medias mentioned she spoke to less than a quarter of people that were there, the rest had left beforehand.

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That old drunk has just told you they're going to STEAL a quarter of the budget. So follow the money. What companies are getting contracts for bullshit and who owns them? If they're public, piggyback on them until they fail then ride the shares into the ground. I already did that with a few US ones during Obongo's time. It's all fraud.