Trump Lies About Everything: Syria Edition

Trump to keep 400 troops in Syria
>In what by now is an entirely predictable partial retreat from Trump's prior promise of a "full" and "rapid" American troop withdrawal from Syria, the White House announced Thursday night it would leave a small number of troops on the ground in Syria as the bulk of US forces depart. "A small peace keeping group of about 200 will remain in Syria for (a) period of time," White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement. This follows months of conflicting signals and constant about-face policy statements from various officials in the Pentagon and administration after Trump first ordered staff to initiate a complete draw down last December. However, the true number has already jumped to 400, as Bloomberg reports on Friday the actual number of troops both Trump and his national security adviser John Bolton signed off on is double, which they've notified Pentagon and defense department officials of.

>The 200 troops who will remain will be divided between At-Tanf, an area near the Iraq-Jordan border, and northeast Syria, according to a US official familiar with the planning process. The troops in northeast Syria currently advise the Syrian Democratic Forces. The idea would be that these 200 remaining US troops would be able to provide unique high-end capabilities — such as logistics, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and calling in airstrikes — that would help encourage coalition countries like France and the United Kingdom to also keep their troops in Syria to help ensure the safe zone with a force of some 1,500 international troops.

"Oy vey, it's just 800 troops, goyim. Surely you can spare 1600 troops to defend Israel! Think about if Iran attacked and you didn't have those 3200 troops in place? Boy, aren't you glad you left those 6400 troops in Syria?"

Attached: US in Syria.jpg (500x262, 20.59K)

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So American, foreign entanglements.

What could explain this?

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Constant blaming of Americans for what our parasites get us to do.

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I mean, those poor Americans, always so victimized.

if by that you mean the white privileged, genocided Americans that aren't allowed to control their own borders, attend their own best universities, on and on ad nauseum, or even notice that they are discriminated against, yes.

Gee what could that mean in reality.

Have you ever been frustrated with Europeans for putting up with the indignities inflicted upon them?
That is how they feel about you. It's made worse by the jingoistic attitude of most Americans.

Have you ever been frustrated with being blamed, throughout your life, for policies and actions and characteristics that are not your own? That's how it feels to be white man in America. Have you ever been frustrated with the condescending European mischaracterizations? Is there is no megaphone loud enough to drown out the Jews? You at least ought to know better, user.

Hillary would have kept all 2000 in there. He said weeks ago this was the plan. It's a temporary thing until we hand everything over to Turkey

This board is so cucked at this point. Might as well just make this place Zig Forums since you agree with almost everything they say. Also the wall is being built

So shitpost about Nazis and Orange Man bad.

Nah. He feels the need to make more orange man bad threads

Attached: trump wall running.png (716x513, 492.92K)

Have to pick up a rifle or stop talking some time.

IP hopping, Moeshe?

Attached: Gondola_Blackwaterside.webm (320x240, 6.64M)

Oy vey only 800 troops goy? You promised me 15,000 troops Trump! Where are my six million American teenagers to bomb homosexuality into Iran???

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What a war machine.

Oy vey, it's just 800 troops, goyim. Surely you can spare 1600 troops to defend Israel! Think about if Iran attacked and you didn't have those 3200 troops in place? Boy, aren't you glad you left those 6400 troops in Syria?

Literally the quote of the week winner.

THIS is exactly what we don't want. (((someone))) launching a False Fag attack on the US troops to drag the US into being the warrior slave goyim for Israel, or anyone else, again.

It's like getting slowly circumsized for 2 years and counting now.

Suck Trump cock back on reddit.No new wall has been built. No nonwhites have been deported. No one has been arrested.

If Syria falls the flood gates of immigration from the Middle East to Europe will be open like never before.

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Fuck off nigger, stop bitching about how unfair it is for the us to pull out, krauts.

OMG, Hezbollah just attacked our 12,800 peacekeepers in Syria, we must declare war on Iran!

Attached: iran-wants-war.jpg (791x726, 119.22K)

Love all your non-sourced mspaint jobs.


See how easy it is to get the jews to bite?

Bump against kike loving amerimutt MIGApede

You will never be white, jew.

How do you know OP was a "kraut", mutt?
More bump against muttmerica.

Said the mutt

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Gee I fucking wonder. There's an oven waiting for you moshe.

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You already lost.

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Who said kraut first, mutt?

Reminder that your grandpa was a subhuman shitskin who served kikes and communism :)

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Same jew fucks trying to D&C.


Kill yourself.

Ok but I'll take your jew ass with me.

"In these lands, in these so-called "Democracies", the people is by no means the main focus of attention, what really matters is the existence of this group of "Democracy Makers""
'''They are the only ones who can be addressed as international elements because they conduct their business everywhere, it is a small, rootless, international clique that is turning the people against each other, that does not want them to have peace."

Attached: you could have prevented this.mp4 (1280x720, 13.78M)

Why do you think anyone who voices criticism of Trump is jewish? 95% of the time people who oppose Trump here back their views up using reasoned and logical explanations.

Why are you still supporting a boomer neocon?

low effort kike post

Fuck off kike2.

>THIS is exactly what we don't want. (((someone))) launching a False Fag attack on the US troops to drag the US into being the warrior slave goyim for Israel, or anyone else, again.
It's pretty obvious that this is the real plan.

just played yourselves

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MSM even admits it's because (((allies))) are kvetching about the complete fucking pull-out. You would think after being fucked for so long it would just fall out but apparently they can still feel it.

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Bump against mutts

Interesting that this happened the day the Patriots owner Robert Kraft is charged with soliciting prostitution at a Chinese-run “massage parlor” just 22 miles by car from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club. Could interrogation of the chink whore who runs the parlor reveal another billionaire customer who used to use her services?

Attached: Trump Kraft.jpg (590x289, 66.74K)

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Stop pretending to be a National Socialist. You haven't read any words in Mein Kampf, disgusting filth. This is especially obvious, given your unending support for a UNITED STATES PRESIDENT WHOSE CAMPAIGN WAS FUNDED BY JEWS!

They aren't mutts, they're Jews. Who else could be in favor of keeping Whites in harm's way for the sake of Israel?


Why the fuck a billionaire go to a fucking chink massage parlor when they can go anywhere it's legal on a fucking whip and get all the pussy they can afford? Doesn't make any sense. Legal, better, pussy.

Attached: WTF.gif (500x281, 388.01K)

Hitler used your boy soros.


Too bad the war was lost so kikes werent contained in Madagascar.
Thanks mutts for service to communism.

Hey, have you seen the latest and greatest from

To be fair some like to differentiate between pure green blooded jew of desert origin and the filthy skinwalkers that are jew mutts which are still jews but skinwalkers.

Someone please remove

The wank spa was a chink-run front for "human" trafficking and god knows what else.

Yes I have.

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jew skinwalkers. Oh fuck me. Perfect.

No, it's just the weekend, so all the 5th column kikes who wouldn't go near military service have decided to come to Zig Forums and make their stand for their homeland, Israel.
Time to learn French and migrate to >>>/dempart/, hopefully trashy American yids and their Evangelical golem will be too lazy to follow.

I got that part. But why would you as a billionaire that knows it's illegal as fuck and having the money, bother? Why not use a middle man to acquire? Fucker went for sex on premises? News is reporting different views. They're trying to push that the trafficking is an aside and he just went to get his buggy on.

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Have a flag

Attached: israel_flag.jpg (991x644 3.09 KB, 65.09K)

You're right. It is mind-boggingly stupid but in the grand jew-scheme of things, it matters not. Seems to me that the kikes may have scripted blackmail to keep their puppet, Trump, in Syria. Why? To piss of Iran, most likely.

I'm just trying to figure out what the play is. The quotes have been specifically "done nothing illegal" and jews choose their words. I'm glad they're finally going after the big players like with the epstein bullshit but it just seems spectacularly stupid when you could probably go downstairs and fuck any of the god damned cheerleaders etc. Fuck even brady's wife is open to him. I just don't see the play yet.

I would say they are bait. Syria (with Iranian help), having won the war, will eventually retake its territory, and they will inevitably have to attack those remaining troops. Unlike Reagan pulling US troops out of Lebanon, however, Trump's plan will be a massive deployment, or maybe just the long-awaited fight against Iran.
Thanks, pro-White Trump!
Thanks, pro-White Anglin!
Thanks, pro-White Breitbart!

A couple weeks ago it was zero.

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Before that it was thousands. Still have forms to fill out for the allies.

Same. The jew is clearly mid-scheme. We won't have to wait too long to see how this plays out.

It's worth noting that the press has been narrating that Iran will be testing their new submarine-launched cruise missile capability during their naval exercises that just started.

Attached: IranianNavyDrill.jpg (1271x901, 177.05K)

this board is more cucked than Zig Forums
rip in piss Zig Forums

Oh, nothing to worry about then. We can probably sell glowing sushi to china.

But everyone I don’t like is jewish. To be more precise, everyone I hate is jewish and wish for all jews to die in a pit of fire.

Fuck off back to the B'nai Brith club.

They can already disable our drones.
They're patient in their strategy and they will eventually succeed. Trump, not caring a whit for American lives, will pull the trigger. The era of "cooler heads prevailing" in Washington is long gone, and the era of slavery to Israel is here.

Attached: israel.png (737x441, 38.91K)

Oh no, I'm so mad!

I'll counter your semitism:
I'm upset because he hasn't deescalated Middle Eastern conflicts, he's dangled our troops as bait.

Trump: U.S. Will Retain Some Troops in Syria for Now to "Protect Israel"

Trump: "We have to protect Israel," shifting again on Syria withdrawal

The obvious question is: shouldn't ISRAELIS be protecting Israel, rather than Americans, who can neither obtain citizenship there, vote there, or purchase property?

Nice links, shill. Filtered.

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I guess saying no is just too difficult.

i always found the exaggerated recoil, blowback and gymanstics of someone getting shot in Schnidlers list fucking cartoonish.

The political world is a marketplace that goes down the toilet when there's no good competition. Trump is comfortably doing shitty things because he knows that his base has no one better to vote for.



Lmao you will die screaming, kike.

If they're there to "advise" we'll probably still be spending tons of money on support equipment and munitions.

The average American embassy has about 150 troops, so 400 in a war zone makes sense.

Why do you support the overseas american empire than has brought literally nothing to the white people of america other than dead white soldiers who died for israel?
1 soldier is too many, retard

Return to reddit.

It's way more than 400, more like 3,000.

i didnt know supporting terrorists and comitting acts of agression are considered a diplomatic mission

Well what a coinkydink.

Because he's a shill

I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever