Black School Kids Pick Cotton

Black parents lose their shit.

Students from the Ebenezer Elementary school were filmed by a teacher picking cotton during a Black History Month school trip.

In the video, the fifth-graders can be heard singing 'I like it when you fill the sack, I like it when you don't talk back. Make money for me.'

Parents of the students voiced their outrage over the trip and claimed they had been told it would be about the Great Depression, not slaves and cotton

The school defended the trip, saying it's been running for 15 years and the song was written by an African-American instructor about the Great Depression

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Not the first time it's happened

Attached: pol plans a field trip.webm (640x360, 7.84M)


i thought of the same fucking thing I was gonna post it

Better version and news report

Blacks should look back fondly on slavery, It afforded them the opportunity within a few generations to live in a 1st world country and leech welfare money off of white men. I therefore hate slavery and see It as a colossal mistake for the aforementioned reasons above.

Finally, actually relevant job training for nigger schoolkids.

They are terrified that if a bunch of kids are singing whilst picking cotton, it won't sound so bad anymore, and they'll be right back at it again.

From your quads to Kek's ears.

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Holy fucking kek

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Pickers Of Cotton

Look at that stupid fat nigger cunt's face. Just want to shit down her throat.


nice south korean meme

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Were there ANY white children? If so kill yourselves. If not, did they at least get to snap the whip?

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sounds like he did have fun, until his mom had a hissy fit about lil niglet hurr doing some work. seriously what the fuck is the problem? his mom took him out of school for 3 days because they went to a plantation?

In the South, I remember in middle school, on the black-top, about 1995, we would have "race wars", where the black kids stood on one side of the black-top (black paved hill side by the playgrounds at recess) and the white kids would stand at the other side. We never did anything, just stand there posturing. White kids would wear t-shirts "If Ida known this was gonna happen Ida picked my own damn cotton" and stuff like that.. we all knew it was stupid and didn't really want to do anything about it, but we just acted like it or maybe that's just my white privilege speaking.

Beautiful, user.

Criminally unchecked. Meme it.

For learning actual history instead of WeWuzKangs.

They should have paid the kids, to teach them a little lesson about capitalism. Also, I can understand how the parents would feel humiliated by a trip like this. They are reminded every single day, just by existing on this continent, that the only reason they are here is because they picked cotton for massah. The compassionate thing to do is send them to our Liberian colony with reparations.

One other thing we can consider as to what promoted the hysterical outrage amongst the nigger parents.
How many of them had any taste of actual history like that taught by Tony Martin, or rather got all of their historical perspective from kike produced movies.
I cant begin to list all the movies that throw niggers into a complete dither when they watch them.


I would donate money myself to send nigs to liberia. They would have to renounce their US citizenship and go, and I'd gladly pay.

>((((Ebenezer Elementary))))
jew owned plantation, I mean school, some things never change

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The actual slaves did, at least during the great depression.

Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States (often referred to as the WPA Slave Narrative Collection) was a massive compilation of histories by former slaves undertaken by the Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration from 1936 to 1938.
t was the simultaneous effort of state-level branches of FWP in seventeen states, working largely separately from each other. The collections, as works of the US federal government, are in the public domain. The collection has been digitized and is available online. In addition, excerpts have been published by various publishers as printed books or on the Internet. The total collection contains more than 10,000 typed pages, representing more than 2000 interviews. The Library of Congress also has a digitized collection of recordings that were sometimes made during these interviews.

Attached: davenport.PNG (613x622, 179.76K)

When you realuze the homeboy is likely the long distorted version of "house nigger" and that's probably where the term came from, and realize there must have been a lot of hate between the groups.

American slavery didn't happen. It's all a lie.

Cotton-picking can actually be really fun. Especially if you're getting paid.

was the confederacy jewish?

I'm telling you, not even shitposting, but if anyone seriously looks into the issue of slavery in America there is literally no evidence outside of four pictures, claims, and recently (last 50 or so years) generated documents that were typed on a typewriter.

Of course there legitimately was some slavery but it was like .000000001% of the population in the US and predicated to very few people. I mean logically who the fuck had enough land back then to even need slaves? It's a huge bullshit lie.

Learn to spell 'nigger' properly, nigger.

This is actually a modestly clever false equivalency Schmuel is trotting out here.

-Bogus, no evidence grievance narrative is under assault. OY VEY
-Defend by a muddying of the waters attack on other grievance narratives actually supported by real evidence.

The holocaust didn't happen but it should have and will.

Everyday the fairy tale weakens and there's nothing you kikes can do about it.

Agreed. People haven't got a clue how deep-seeded this lie is. They think there were slaves everywhere, and the entire South somehow benefited. There are more slaves in the US today, than back then. If you are in another's debt, you are a slave.

Hah I guess it did come off that way but I am being serious. If you look at the historical material for the whole American slave baloney fest there legitimately is nothing there to verify it. It very likely was seriously bullshit.

I mean if it was as widespread and horrible as they make it out to be now a days why then would the then POTUS downplay it so much. Why then would the South. The North, etc, etc. Either nobody gave a shit or it truly wasn't widespread.

Once seen, cannot be unseen.