Starbucks Censors Zig Forums

FYI this new censorship was just enabled today and rolled out across all 5,000+ Starbucks stores across the US. you can no longer use Starcucks "free" surveillance WiFi to browsre 8ch. Starcucks uses Cisco Umbrella to block it as being porn. it would be worthwhile to know what other websites are now banned as "porn" by Starcucks. i bet all right wing sites, all NS sites, all imageboards are now censored by Starcucks. but Jewtube little girl pedo wormholes and howdoichopoffmycock dotcom are NOT censored by Starcucks Bolshevik double standards. i bet by the 2020 election all memes and Pepe will be categorized as porn and filtered by TPTB.

while everyone here rightfully hates Starcucks anyways for being an AntiWhite establishment and for being a bastion of Left Coast Liberal Faggotry, Starcucks was one of the only places where you could safely poast to Zig Forums from pseudo-anonymity using public WiFi. (assuming your threat model isn't the NSA, and assuming you're smart enough to change your MAC address to a random ID each time you connect to Starcucks WiFi to defeat tracking you.)

ironically, 8ch still loads just fine in the Yandex browser, which is what i use. Yandex has heavilly modified Chromium and ripped out all the kikes surveillance shit, and even bolted on DNSCrypt, which is enabled by default, and which uses Yandex' own DNS servers in Mother Russia. so Starcucks isn't even doing DPI traffic scanning to identify and filter Zig Forums. they are just doing shitty DNS filtering, which Yandex evades by providing their own built-in DNS to circumvent your local network Commisar censorship brigades.

of course Tor still works at Starcucks, so you can always use ExitNodes access the 8ch onion. so this new regime of censorship does not effect me in the slightest. Orbot and Torfox also work on mobile for me to use Starcucks wifi to read Zig Forums. as for posting to Zig Forums, i already got this store's static IP permanently banned from poasting back when i poasted the PII dox of some crooked Judge in Texas who was hiding offshore money in the Caymans bit who got exposed in the leak/hack of the 911Papers by the DarkOverlord whom we haven't heard from since then.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why are you in starbucks?
Why are you giving money to the enemy?

1) coffee
2) coffee

On a related note I used Yandex mail for about a year after Google blocked gmail for not giving them a phone number.
Then yandex did the same thing.
I have tutanota now as it is the only one I can find that isn't tied into google scripts or asking for tracking info.

This sucks. The only good thing is that it throws corporate censorship into stark relief, and maybe it will help independent businesses that offer free wifi.

Stop giving the enemy money you limp dicked faggot. I bet you have netflix and amazon prime too don't you? You make me sick.

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Use a VPN

also, don't buy their coffee, bring your own in and prepare it on their furniture

This may surprise you… but you can make coffee yourself. Easily. 50 cents/cup even if you grind your own gourmet beans.

Good for Starbucks! If you don’t like it, don’t give (‘em) a buck.

You can stand outside and use their free wifi. Fuck them generally though.

What sort of paranoia are you on that you are spoofing your mac address to post on an internet forum?

Cool. Now I can put in my bid for those hacked GfyCat accounts.

How do you get blocked at ONE starbucks then make the correlation that ALL are fucked??


The healthy sort.

i am on high paranoia. and for good reason. first, back on June 3rd, 2017, an FBI Special Agent contacted me out of the blue to ask me if i knew anything about the Shadowbroker or the WannaCry virus, which had be unleashed in May and had hijacked and encrypted hundreds of thousands of servers worldwide to ransom their data for Bitcoins. even if i knew the fucking Shadowbroker's real name, what the fuck did they expect me to say–"sure thing Hoover, ya caught me red handed, i dunnit, now come get me cucks, the only way you'll take me is like David Koresh, lock and load faggots." yeah, that's not happening because direct confrontation death-by-cop isn't my style. my style is more like thief in the night type invisible ninja shit. anyways. every contact any FBI agent has with anyone related to any leads or tips or even potential investigation is entered into Guardian. Guardian is how you get "into" PRISM.

that incident alone guarantees there is an FBI file on me. i am in their system now. why would i continue to surf naked on the Internet giving the FBI even more data about my Patterns of Life? if they want me now, they're going to have to break a sweat to even find me. i have zero online accounts. i delete new accounts periodically and create new ones, using new SIMs, new WiFi, new VPNs, and yes, new MACs.

by the way, the FBI's "tips & leads" system is called Guardian. here, read a lil' bit about how it works:

i firmly believe everyone who poasts on these here platforms should be exclusively using Tor because even though you think you possess the illusion of free speech today, my spidey sense based on just how bad things really have gotten since the wild wild west "free" Internet of the 90's–someday very soon there is going to be China style severe and strict censorship of all free speech on the Internet. your best bet today is to start hiding your fucking online trails of "CyberDust" and "CyberFoam." otherwise there will be a day some years from now where everything you every wrote or read online will be Used Against You in a Secret Court and you will be guilty of violating Secret Law and your punishment will be life in Secret Prison. the sooner you start leaving zero opsec trails behind your lines of drift, the better your chances are at escaping when TSHTF.

second, the way Starcucks WiFi authentication now works is that it requires you to register your name and email address whenever your device first logs into any of their WiFi captive portals. then, whenever you reconnect, they know who you are. of course, you can use any fake name and any fake email address, but you also have to change your MAC to a random value, otherwise they tie you back to the account you used the very first time your device connected to the WiFi.

third, thanks to the Snowden leaks, now we know back in 2005, the NSA hacked 100% of the cafe's in Iraq and surveilled all WiFi users.

only a goddamn fool would think the NSA is not doing what they did in Iraq in America today. dozens of other Snowden leaks show screenshots of NSA's apps which track Internet users, and they contain fields showing "MAC address." how is the NSA bulk slurping up the MAC addresses of millions of WiFi users? they do it from the air. it's a program called SKYNET and BADDECISION. your average tech illiterate Frappucino sipping Normie has no idea, but FBI/NSA can record WiFi city wide from low flying Cessna planes going in circles 24/7 around over 112 US cities for over 7 years straight now. sounds like schizo Terry Davis crazy talk amirite?

well then can you explain just what the fresh hell is this?

so i am merely minimizing my attack surface by leaving as small of an online footprint like a Native American tracker using a branch to brush away his foot prints behind him. and you all should too. this isn't a fucking game. if you're NS, then you need to really see that we are at war, and you are prisoners behind enemy lines, and they want you fired, they want you dead, they want your kids dead, and they think it's funny.


Their coffee is abhorrent, you have to be trolling

I wrote you a letter outlining what's to come. Fuck ((('em))). Nothing left to hold me on. Taken my life from me, taken every opportunity from me. I got nothing left to live for, and I know where this train goes. The future is short, now. Fuck ((('em))).

They were given the opportunity to change, to make things better, and they chose for us all the self-destructive path. Remember that. Remember (((who))) made the choices for you. This is the end of Western Civ.

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Starcucks has been on my blacklist for at least15+ years. I'd rather drink a peanut and corn diarrhea flavored coffee before drinking any of that leftist swill.

Let's pretend Starbucks coffee is any good, why are you staying there to drink it and not getting off your ass and leaving?

/pol is also banned from all ONroute service centres (highway stops in Ontario).

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Starcucks coffee has trace amounts of arsenic and formaldehyde, OP is literally paying to be poisoned.


Some anons use their WiFi from the parking lot dummy.

Leave and never come back. You don't belong here.

Surprised it took this long honestly.

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behold the sad state of Zig Forums. always jupming the gun to make the worst assumptions about your own fellow NS so you can punch right and then cry in your beer "why can't NS ever organize into a unified front due to all of us faggots constantly in-fighting and bringing each other down, which is exactly what the kikes want?"

the last time i actually paid for a coffee in Starbucks was a long, long time ago. you pea-brains make the worst hackers. you couldn't even socially engineer the difference between your ass from a hole in the ground.
news flash fuckos. i'm going to teach you a lil' trick. if you walk into any Starbucks holding one of their branded paper cups or mugs, there isn't anybody verifying that you purchased that coffee. i have heard is spoken by the District Manager xerself that "anyone with a Starcucks cup is a customer." such as the homeless tweaker schizo chewing on a cup of ice. or such as hacker motherfuckers like me using Starcucks as my jump points to nightly fuck the Glow in the Darks in the ear.

so fill'er up with your own preferred coffee at home, which costs $0.05 per cup, then chill out at the Bux sipping your own shit and leeching the free WiFi.

Do you even bum?

Fuck off!

this faggot hasnt had his coffee yet

if you want me gone you have to charge , cuck out just like 4chan you fags mcgee

a nig gots to have his coffee , yadada meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Starcucks sucks for other reasons, but not having to have porn on customers' computers in a family-friendly establishment is understandable.

One of the other reasons: they made all of their employees take "Diversity" training from Demos which is *not* a civil rights organization. It's a front for the Rockefeller family which launders money for Hamas. Look into it, and tell any Starbucks employee you know.

Ruskies also banned registration emails for cpunks mailing list. Worked for about two years using their jewscript-free yandex mail lite.

Wendy's also refuses to connect to Zig Forums now but it's fine on Tor. Also, recently all the McDonald's in my city have banned access to 4cuck.

You don't have to buy things at stores that offer internet, they can't kick you out, at least, you can bring a winning suit, especially in the pnw where these things seem to be challenged and decided on. A few years back the courts ruled that a coffee shop, maybe gwarsucks, cannot kick out a homeless man for being "smelly" or "stinky" even though he buys nothing. He can sit there all fucking day and so can you.

Uhh this pretty normal most public Wi-Fi has a parental filter to keep you from watching porn in the establishment

I think all seeds have such things, user, which is why you soak and sprout your grains before cooking them. Grain is simply grass seed.

Any kind of white rice you buy at the grocery store has way more arsenic in it than coffee beans.

Dumbfuck "hacker" has nothing to do with being a jewcunt telling lies to get what you want. Social engineer is called "liar". Hacker is somebody who can not only read and follow instructions but also poke holes in the logic of the instruction set and do things the creator didn't consider. Basically just being European.

Great on topic contribution!

please refrain from using the politically incorrect word "surveillance" the correct term is "smart". thanks.

I have never set foot in a Starbucks in all my goddamn life, and neither should any of you.

Good, you stormfags censor other Whites' opinions here. Keep crying. Besides 8ch is a Jew cancer with /pol as the largest tumor.

Was my post too anti-white for you user?

It's pretty shitty and expensive coffee. Even McDonalds is better.

Don't you have an ISP? They usually have their own mail servers, and you can use them for "free" because you're already paying them!


this is exactly why this

I have never stepped foot on that unholy land.

I thought I read somewhere the third key went public today.

imagine if you will being too full of shit to enjoy a normal, shitty cup of coffee, yet too ignorant to actually go to a hipster joint and get a real cup of snooty coffee. that's you. you are neither unpretentious nor a connoisseur. you are an oozing sore of eager blandness.

you're not supposed to be browsing Zig Forums in a starbucks anyways. you're supposed to be pretending to read house of leaves like the other dick heads.

You're an NPC.

It worked for me a few months ago. It's one of the few wifi signals I can typically pick up from the parking lot. Those dumb Starcucks kiosks are popping up in stores all over the place so anonymous access is getting easier, for once.

America, land of the FBI spy planes.

I never found out how to spoof MAC ids


Are Mokas really that fucking hard to come by in burgerland?
Literally the best way to make coffee from the leisure of your house.

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You've been in their system since the ink was wet on your birth certificate.


I use VPNs / tor / on my university's public wifi network (no login required) as well.

wow starfuckingbucks did a generic block any and all companies do to "dangerous" sites what a worthwhile thread

Bruh like deadass kill yo self mf out here tryna act like he bouta throw hands 😂😂


OP is a faggot s o y b o y

I always use an encrypted VPN on those shitty public WiFi, mostly because the buildings are acting as a Faraday cage. I am surprised this noob actually logs onto without a Tor connection clocking 256kbps. Stick to mom's WiFi and coffee son.

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checking that chain of keks

OP lost his shit because all the fast food joints have censored 4cuck but this is a first for 8cuck as well.

Zig Forums is banned at Wal-Mart in Moncton NB as well.

I use a VPN on my phone and don't hobo, so it's not as much of a problem, but this is a great datamining thread, and I was wheels up from Moncton about two hours ago.

Has been for a while. It was my first clue this place was dying from tragedy of the normalfag commons.

Turn off your location on your phone. Or at least set it so the indicator says airplane mode while your tracking device is (((pinging))) the towers along the way and handing Google or Apple your metadata.

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I don't know what your situation is, but if you can afford to not give a fuck, you should try it, it's liberating. We're all on lists motherfucker, who gives a fuck, go ahead, look at all my data, it's fucking worthless. What are you gonna assassinate me? Install some script to slow my browsing of dank anime memes? Engaging in such activity only shows how ridiculous Western (((intelligence))) agencies have become. At least we love our people, and some of us are some of them, and hopefully they see that when the East comes to feast on the West's corpse, because then they'll need us. hi feds*, I love you all, hope you get home safe tonight jk kys

T-thank you /baph/ bro

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any coffee is better than no coffee , prove me wrong

pro tip: coffee

on Linux, which anyone who takes Opsec seriously should be using, you can directly change your MAC with the `ip` command, or you can use the util Macchanger. i put that command into /etc/rc.local to automatically give me a new MAC address every time my laptop boots, so i don't even have to think about it.

only those who have no plans to actually Do Something to strike back in an act of War against the Deep State can afford to shrug their shoulders and say "meh, who cares if TPTB put me on yet another WatchList, i'll collect'em all like Pokemon."

if you actually plan to hit the kikes someday very soon to kick off the spectaculars "race wars now!", then all your future endeavors are fucked if you already got yourself put under surveillance over some irrelevant rando bullshit. i cannot just "sit this one out", so i cannot afford to not give a fuck like you say. that is why i have to be invisible now and vanish like The Predator from the digital "cyberfoam" and for the next few years.



I own one. But then again, I'm not a stupid burger.

kill yourself.

If you have no presence online its suspicious. Just fuck up your optics by being inconsistent and playing both sides.

I have no presence online, and I plan to keep it that way. But if one were to forge optics, why forge anything other than a standard progressive NPC? Being "inconsistent" would certainly draw attention to yourself.

July 21, 2016… Starbucks, McDonald’s, Among Others, Censor Their Free WiFi — There’s A Disturbing Reason Why The Chains Are Weeding Out Porn…
Everyone knew this would happen.
Wonder if Starbucks censors Coffee Bean, or if Target censors WalMart, or McDonalds censors OSHA, etc. NOW?
Remember to stop PORN anons, porn, for the children…

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I am literally addicted to caffeine to the point where I get headaches If I don't drink it, and I still wouldn't go inside a starbucks long enough to piss on the floor.

Also, reddit faggots like you who glorify this addiction and try to make it cute just because it's leagal and relatively harmless compared to other drugs are absolutely insufferable. Fuck you.

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Drug addicted slave. Buy your stimulant from somewhere else.

You mean Zig Forums censors starbucks.

caffeine detox takes like two days if you go full cold turkey. If you want to get rid of caffeine without the headaches, just gradually reduce the amounts you consume.

t. occasional fellow caffeine junkie

I understand, we need some like you, and I'm not trying to say you should stop, just presenting a different perspective for consideration; part of my message though is that to not get put on lists is almost impossible. Attempting to be invisible may backfire on you, and may destroy your mind through paranoia, which is lowering your effectiveness as a soldier of Europa.
well, yes; Zig Forums is a board of peace! I'm planning nothing, and this drives them fucking nuts. They love violent sneaky criminals, because they understand them, and understand how to take them down, because that's what THEY are. But the quiet absurdist meme warrior casually spreading memes? OMFGAHHHH RUSSIAN BOTS! MUH MEDDLING! get it? Consider an analogy: it's the same way with radical imams, sheikhs etc., who are loathed by CIA et al., but CIA can't do shit because muh religious freedoms. For every jihadist they blow up with a $500,000 missile launched from a $15 million dollar plane, flown by a soldier making $60k a year in a facility that cost $1.2 trillion, there are 10 sheikhs radicalizing NEW young muslim men. This will eventually bankrupt the entire west, until they realize that the ONLY strategy that will work against islam is TOTAL, indiscriminate, cruel, and yes, unjust war, against ALL muslims. But the second they accept that, it means WE'VE won, because WE are the faction who has no qualms about unrestricted western power, unrestricted western empire, not them. Leftism will eat itself in this manner, or we will all perish from its hubris. There is no middle ground where right-wingers will be allowed to subsist without having power; we will either be needed and incorporated, or our medicine will be ignored, and the entire west will perish.
it's not just kikes bro, race-less traitors get the first bullet, jimjam
1) Maybe not, just because they have dirt on you doesn't give them impunity to act. It will probably prevent you from running for public office, shit like that, but you should have already given up on that once you downloaded TOR. There may be reasons why you need to be kept alive or out of prison. Maybe you had a family member who helped them and they are keeping you alive as a favor ;)
2) it's not just "rando bullshit"; AI is so powerful now that they just watch everybody. You cannot escape the eye, and once you realize that, you will begin to see new ways of bringing down the tower.

I have a hard ass time believing this. Every Starbucks in major cities would be jam-fucking-packed with homeless people as soon as winter rolls around. They wouldn't be able to operate.



Nothing wrong with that faggot. All of a sudden posting flyers is now a bad thing?

Can someone make up a few flyers. Maybe I'll post them in the UK.

Good idea but only larping faggots are on /pol.

hello retard

hello 4cuck

useful thread
why so low?
have bump

If you are giving stacks shekels, you don't belong here in the first place

I had the same addiction too user, quitting really isn't that bad. When I wanted to quit coffee, I just pretended the next 2-3 days are gonna be like that scene from Dune where he puts his hand in the pain box, except the pain is in my brain. Kinda fun after a while tbh.


This. I'm more of a Dunkin' Donuts man myself, but I'm probably giving the enemy money by buying coffee from them too. Being that Dunkin' Donuts was founded by a kike (pic related). Is there any coffee out there that is not kiked?

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