My guess is the Senator is a vegan faggot.
Other urls found in this thread:
Possibly. The meta-narrative, however, is that the goyim, we, should eat a vegan diet – and that it is the most healthy! They've been working at it for some time, but it has only been recently that they've been truly making it public and integrating it into mainstream culture and our food systems. In short, it's because they want to limit our cognitive capacities, by starving us of vital fats and nutrients and have us dying at a younger age. In addition, this slave diet, as I call it, is also paving the way for a more economically sustainable, albeit terrible, diet for the population of the various countries of the future. California is a perfect place for initial experimentation because it's full of nonwhites and communists who are often vegan.
Have you ever seen Snowpiercer? They want us to eat bugs. Not because we can't grow meat, but because they want us to eat bugs while they eat meat. When you get to a certain level of wealth more money doesn't do anything for you. They want others to have less and their lives shitty so that the "top" looks even more appealing. Thats the only way their lives can be percieved as getting better.
Haha literally taxing productivity. How stupid can you be.
Allen proposes state plastics ban; The state senator representing Santa Monica introduced a bill Thursday that seeks to phase out single-use plastics by 2030.
He may want to move to Asia to make a difference…
Daily reminder that increasing the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere makes plants and crops grow more robustly. The 'fake' carbon agenda is only a way to increase tax payments to evil jew bankers. The 'fake' carbon agenda does not help the community or agriculture in any way.
China and India are the world polluters.
Taxing a cows arse isn't a real world strategy.
Agrologist here. Animal production is a net carbon fixer.
and this is so you sell your people out easier for whatever table scraps they offer
Only at a certain concentration. At elevated CO2 levels, the enzyme rubisco can fix carbon into sugars far more efficiently increasing everything from biomass growth and maturation to pathogen resilience in the plant.
However, this only begins to occur at CO2 ppm in the range of ~650-800 ppm for most plant and becomes very effective at ~1000 ppm or greater. Current atmospheric ppm is 410, and it was ~300 at pre-industrial levels.
In other words we will not see a benefit to plant growth.
Implying any of these "people" care about the environment is just a little funny.
Very true. I've said that for years
This is what spics risk their lives crossing the border for. lol.
tbh I would rather eat bugs than factory farmed beef
The meat protein problem was solved thousands of years ago.
And then the creators were slaughtered by the lower classes.
Atmospheric CO2 makes most of its contribution to the greenhouse effect up to 100 ppm. Beyond that, the marginal contribution is negligible.
It's not about a problem being solved. Bugs have no problem eating other bugs and eat them for snacks. All that biomass they have access to and claim to enjoy and they still choose to murder dogs.
Pigs can be trained much the same way dogs can but do you consider it murder to eat one of them?
That is a much better solution
stopped reading , California doesnt matter any more
Factory farming is not Aryan, but not because of carbon or methane emissions. The proper use of cattle is intensive grazing land management to keep soil fertile and biodiverse with minimum inputs. Restoration Agriculture in the form of silvopasture or some other type of permaculture would be much more Aryan tier. I don't want spics in my country working in factory farms. I couldn't care less about maintaining a supply chain of factory farmed meat to feed to 300 pound dinduishas. I want meat hard to obtain for everybody but whites who obtain it directly from white permaculture farmers with no spics involved.
What anime?
FYI California already has a "carbon tax" aka Cap-and-Trade. It's where half the existing CAHSR money comes from.
This also isn't going to happen because a "carbon tax" would disproportionately affect the prices of women's tampons, birth control and disproportionately affect the prices of Mexican food aka beef products. It'd also completely fuck up California's trade with Mexico in general, de facto banning most car parts, meat, and tires from Mexico. Meanwhile true and honest American food (cereal, quaker oats, vitamin supplements) wouldn't be taxed.
It's won't pass for that reason. Seriously just imagine if Mexicans were told their tequila or their beef tacos were now subject to a 250% carbon tax? It wouldn't fly.
CA is the US's largest state and the world's 6th largest economy, CA matters even if you don't like what happens there. Same for the UK, France and Germany. Inversely, the same applies to Texas, New York and Illinois two states which Califaggots hate because they're able to punch up.
Take your faggot terms back to reddit.
In the 30's some entrepreneurs, who were also senators, banned all agave products not from Jalisco, who was the designated area for Tequila, effectively killing all products not tequila until 30 years later some american allied with farmers pushed for the Mezcal exception in congress, but still banning products like Sotol or agave syrup, which were the main economy of many rural areas who had to grow other things, among them weed and opium.
It did happen, reverted only some years ago, Tequila is still seen as the product that bombed the rural economy of the northern states, also funnily enough it decreased the products done in Arizona and New Mexico who made Bacanora and Moonshine ironically enough both states champion the Tequila much like they champion Israel over themselves
Beef is also taxed due to costly end-life nutrition products, hence why the same northern states sell very mature cows to Texas for termination at high prices, but said texans get a tax-exception for it.
Mexico has a story of jewry too, and they kind of revealed in arms or customs usually, but lost due to military aligned to executive power, not civil population. Also your pic isn't a taco.
Deal with it faggot, Texas is the reason why California is blue because of pic related who still runs the party. He's why Newsom won and not Villar, even though California is 60% spic. It's all about power and money, and a black Texan has far more of it than California's entire hispanic population. All of this was done because Texas Democrats wanted to try and cuck Texas by using politicians outside of Texas to influence Texas, when all that happened was that all the blue Texans moved out with them.
This. The real way to stick it to the kikes is to support your local kosher slaughterhouse.
dont respond and sage it, they will go away.
You not wrong about eating bugs. However, Snowpiercer was straight communist propaganda.
why is this a reddit term? what does it even mean?
It's not about money. Jews are evil at any level of society. The source of all evil is the dark soul, and all Jews are dark souls.
Jews love the taste of fear.
(((California))) over regulates something. In other news, water is wet.
Buy from ethical grass-fed and grass-finished slaughter.
dead senators, dead city council members and dead mayors can't control your city
Why stop at just city level?
== Dead presidents, dead members of Congress, dead federal judges, dead governors, dead state judges, and dead county leaders can't control your nation.
The end goal is to tax and put up numerous regulations that will make traditional farmers go out of business when (((they))) monopolize the industry with lab grown meat companies that conventially get around these new regulations and taxes.
We could all probably cut down on meat. Go veggie for just a day or two. That uses up a little less resources and cuts down on the number of slaughtered meat.
We'll all be London.
how about instead of making it harder on white people, not letting them have enough meat. let's remove the shitskin overpopulation, and stop jews/scum from treating food animals horribly. also invest money into more local farms, and getting people to raise their own chickens or something
While I don't support the libshits, the commies, and certainly not their global-kike overlords, the simple truth is that cattle farming creates a quarter to a third of all the methane emissions from human industry. methane is many, many more times effective as a greenhouse gas than is carbon dioxide.
Personally, I welcome the rise of Iceage-chan which will be the inevitable outcome of global warming, so meh. But if we in fact want to manage the planet better then ostriches would be a far better and logical red-meat source than beef would, and a much healthier form as well.
The midwest says THANKS for removing yourselves from the market, FAGGOTS!
The best part of this is that Commiefornia will borrow less water from other states when the cattle industry implodes.
there is no way that shit will be non-GMO, and plenty of people will create a parallel non-GMO market.
What about this? Same thing but bigger and probably more protein.
Anyways the simple truth is that people today, especially Americans, are eating WAY too much meat anyways. This kind of overconsumption is not normal and has not occured ever before in history, but like Ted said, once something is introduced into society and becomes an integral part of it, it's pretty much impossible to take it away again.
That said I've tried four or five different kinds of insect and they're pretty tasty if prepared right. I think the Westerners' aversion to eating them is more or less due to looking down on it as poor/subhuman tier food and not much to do with the actual quality or efficiency of it.
Actually consuming quality meat is very healthy diet. The only reason it's been limited historically is the cost.
> They want others to have less and their lives shitty so that the "top" looks even more appealing. Thats the only way their lives can be percieved as getting better. They're jewish
Fixed that for you.
Why are they still buying the meats from supermarket when they can raise the animals at the home for meats? The meats from supermarkets is obviously contaminated with many chemicals.
Cuy is superior. Cuy is also the domesticated version of that behemoth.
Chicken is great, but it has incredibly dangerous aspects to it's farming other than the antibiotics.
Cuy was developed to eliminate most of those problems.
Rodent droppings are also superior for methane producing bio reactors.
In what form though? Surely not burgers and fried chicken?
You forgot to include that they eats a lot of grasses so the grasses don’t have to be mowed frequently.
Fun facts:
1. Terrestrial plants evolved at 1200ppm of carbon dioxide and grow best at about 1000ppm which is the setting in most greenhouses.
2. Cyanobacteria evolved in an atmosphere almost 1000000000ppm carbon dioxide. There was practically no oxygen in the atmosphere when cyanobacteria came along, they flipped the entire atmosphere themselves.
3. Shelled animals NEED CO2 in the atmosphere so they can make calcium carbonate shells, coral reefs will explode in size if CO2 increases, they will literally make entire continents like they once did.
4. There was an ice age 10,000 years ago which was prematurely ended with asteroid impacts. We should have technically stayed in that ice age until about 1200AD and only then would milankovich cycles have ended it. All warming since the middle ages is just us experiencing natural end-of-ice-age warming.
Fun truth:
You've been living in climate enclosed greenhouses and dome cities your entire life. Humanity has lived in climate enclosed capsules since we invented mud huts. If we have to make bigger huts, it's not a problem, fuck we could probably live on the moon in high tech mud huts literally since lunar regolith is mixed with a solvent to turn it into a muddy slurry which is then set as concrete
tl;dr climate change is natural and even if it gets out of control due to our influence we can easily survive
Lmaoing at your life, nigger.
This is absolute horseshit, there are millions of greenhouses around the world. Why don't you look into what levels of CO2 they are kept at to increase yields. The global warming cultists have tried to scrub the information from the net so I suggest hopping in your prius and driving out into the countryside until you come across a real life farm where the food you eat is grown. Any addition of CO2 to a greenhouse causes faster growth. ANY. The reduction of the benefit only occurs when the atmosphere becomes so infused with CO2 that any condensation on the plants turns into carbolic acid and damages the cuticle of the plants causing them to dry out - which is at several thousands of ppm. Hell the only reason greenhouses don't have a car exhaust hooked up to them 24/7 is because occasionally someone has to enter it and tend to the plants.
Mexicans buy their meat out of coolers in the back of a pick up truck at the Mi Pueblo parking lot. Then they cook up that meat in a taco truck in the same parking lot. They aren't paying any taxes.
I'm serious. These people are so backwards they don't mind buying random pieces of meat from door to door salesmen. Then they wonder why they get sick but they don't care because they don't pay for their healthcare either.
It's called a guinea pig you brown bastard!
Some stupid anime about a candy shop. Its bad.
Her name is hotaru though.
Plebian detected
I bet you think niggers invented peanut butter too.
*raises hand*
I was one of those guys, and it's not just mexicans, it's niggers too. I live in Canada where the deer outnumber us 20:1 and even along a stretch of highways within 20 miles of our place there was roadkill roughly three times per day. If you ever wondered how roadkill gets cleared off of roads, someone phones it in to the police, the police gives me a call. I pick it up in my truck, cut it up, throw the wastage meat bruised from impact to the dogs in my kennel, grind up the remainder and mix it with garbage dollar store spices to cover up the smell of the spoilage meat infected with bacteria from lying on the pavement and fermenting for a day.
Meat yield is generally about 50lbs, the key is that there are three stages to decomposition of a carcass: Stage 1 it is still limp as a noodle and that lasts about half an hour, it is very fresh at this stage and yields high meat content; Stage 2 the tendons tighten up due to lack of bloodflow and the carcass freezes in place, is a bit easier to load into the truck like a piece of furniture, the meat is still fine but its a bit worse tasting; Stage 3 is when the carcass relaxes again, this is the danger stage when bacteria start eating away at the tendons causing it to relax, most stuff I pick up is in stage 3 and most meat needs to be cut off and washed with diluted bleach because its leaking black infected blood.
BAM! Venison, toonie a pound. The key is to mince it so its unrecognizable, and occasionally I'll go into costco and buy dirt cheap pork or beef which is about to expire or a bit past the date.
Indians don't care what it is as long as it has tumeric in it, and its hot, they are obsessed with that junk. Cooking removes 99% of bacteria anyways so the customers almost never get sick.
It's not always deer
There are no "traditional farms" left you dumb faggot. It's all factory farming now. Animals are artificially inseminated to pump them out, and hoarded together in shit conditions. Growing meat from cells is just the next step forward on this path; we already raise animals that can't survive on their own. Why not skip the raising and just grow the meat directly?
Oooh look… another tax on the poor!
The plant based lifestyle is better. Based California.
Demolition man was right again!
Dairy is the thing they should tax.
Those cows roaming the hills that get killed later aren't the culprit of methane, its those fucking dairy cows that they force feed all day.
But this is California, where laws dont make sense
MoAr Taxes and Fees (remember Fees are Taxable) Dems business as usual.
People make only 100% of their salary/paycheck.
25-35% right off the top from state and fed.
10% spent/wasted on; into savings, to church or altruistic non profit, drugs, etc.
10% sales tax on everything (rounded up for maths)
MoAr Taxes and Fees on almost everything else you buy or own (laundry list here; property, auto registration, emissions, permits, IDs, etc.) WHAT PERCENT? 20%?
25% that was spent in its entirety was real money..
25% away from Socialism/Communism.
Tu vstjnyd vcnald th qdns, vngera ynodh nqd n iqdyyf lrrm yrrs NUNTB. Cdf Inps, lpdhh xcny? T qdvdaysf sdnqadm ycny jdycnad rasf hytvbh nqrpam ta ycd nyjrhicdqd urq yxdsgd fdnqh! Ycny’h xcf vrx unqyh nqda’y n etl mdns, dgda ycrplc jdycnad th n gdqf iryday LCL.
… and you dropped the ball.
I’ve got a tray of fake crab wrapped in vegetable matter and I can’t be arsed reading this whole dreadful forum, so I’m picking a likely thread. This’ll do.
Dear Paul, today I want to talk about zippers. A zipper binds two cloths with one mechanism, or the extremes of one cloth to itself. What do zippers have to do with Paul? Sometimes in politics an action accomplishes more than one thing. A very well-designed action may bind disparate processes, or the extremes of one process to itself, very effectively.
I’m thinking of the Green Nude Eel, and in particular its Jobs component. Government jobs programs as such are basically The Italian Disaster. Italian officials spend their time exploring the mushroom kingdom rather than working. Yeah, they’re fun guys. Yet the Eel demands so much else that it’ll pull the economy taut. It doesn’t need a legislative jobs guarantee. It just needs to implement the rest of its concepts.
Similarly, if the renovation work is correctly targeted, different components of the plan will zipper together reducing costs. Where power demand is low, less electricity is needed. I can’t think of how to write this up right; can you fill in the blank?
The part I most can’t wrap my head around is the trains component. Expensive blighters, trains are, and wasn’t dear ol’ musky talking about ballistic person delivery cheap enough to compete with aeros?
You mean the capitalists of the ZOG didn't force integration with niggers on the White Nation?
The ultimate conclusion is for bugmen to eat bugs and soy instead of meat.
Delet this.
I already know this, and told you above. Depending on the plant, you usually want to keep co2 ppm in the 800-1500 range, with a good standard value for most crops being ~1000 ppm.
CO2 is nontoxic to humans, so I can safely work in greenhouses at 1000 ppm levels for as long as I want. Car exhaust contains other things like nox and carbon monoxide which make it deadly - instead, greenhouses are sometimes built coupled to operations that produce pure CO2, such as breweries.
I think he was referring to how grow faster and stronger with more CO2. A small difference in CO2 concentration still has a noticable effect, it's not only in concentrations above 800 ppm like your post suggests. CO2 is literally plant food.