Zig Forums BTFO. There was no huge jewish involvement in the Bolshevik revolution like the Zig Forums claims. Most of the claims, like first soviet government was 85% are totally false.
The Myth of Judeo Bolshevism
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No need to thank me buddy.
Daily reminder that the Rothschilds wasted the $16 billion.
Its not the jews.
Its not the jews.
Its not the jews.
Its not the jews.
Weak try.
Oh jude
This changes everything! I guess now it's okay for the US to keep giving Israel millions of dollars every year so they can sieze land from neighboring countries.
OP, It'll take more than a fruitless internet search to successfully disprove Robert Wilton's work. People who have enough power to spit on free speech in the West when it comes to their holocaust have enough power to make obvious documents disappear.
And of course, who killed the Tzar and his family.
"You're Jewish only through your mother" is not acceptable. If you share Jewish blood and family and you make up most of the communists, it makes for quite a coincidence nonetheless, which is the whole point.
That's not what "actual" means. What it contains is the number of Jews verified by standards of proof glossed over and unstated. The number of actual Jews is at least as many as are verified by these standards, and likely more. Especially since the standards of verification aren't explored.
Nice try, Schlomo.
Fuck you jidf.
Those images don’t exist anymore. Do you have an archive?
Oh wait, your standards are explored, my bad. They're a fucking random lot of "cuz I said so"s.
You were already proven wrong. Leave.
Hey Juden, don't make it bad
We'll make a good spiel for the headlines
Remember to kvetch and kvetch from the heart
Then we can start to shill it better
Stalin was philosemitic at first and then antisemitic. Trump will likely follow, but I don't think he might be bright enough to catch on to that
Trump’s family is jewish. That won’t be happening.
Your Rabbi say you are wrong.
Jews were 4.0% of the population in 1900, 1.8% in 1926 with the decline due to factors such as the independence of Poland, Lithuania, and emigration, but back up to 2.4% in 1937.[ They were 1.2% in 1985, and down to 0.16% in 2002 with the decline due to the loss of the Ukraine plus emigration, mainly to Israel.
In 1889 Jews were 43% of apprentice lawyers. In 1910 they were 35% of the mercantile class. In Kiev in 1914 they were 37% of managers.
Jews were 2% of the population of St. Petersburg before WWI. During various year during the 1881-1915 period they were 43% of stock brokers, 41% of pawnbrokers, 27% of business owners, 16% of brothel owners, 32% of lawyers, 17% of doctors, 52% of dentists, and 40% of bank managers.
With the October Revolution (q.v.) Jewish ascendency seemed to reach new heights. On August 7, 1918, the British Agent in Moscow, Mr Wardrop, sent a despatch to the British Embassy at Stockholm for forwarding to the Foreign Office in London, in which he described the Russian leaders as "fanatics and Jewish adventurers." The Netherlands Ambassador at Petrograd sent a formal detailed report to the British Embassy in Christiana (Oslo) a month later, dated 6th September, in which he described the Bolshevik Government in Russia as being "organised and run by Jews". The British Consul in Vladivostock telegraphed Earl Curzon in London a report from British Consul in Ekaterinburg stating "the Bolsheviks include a large non-Russian element such as Jews, the latter being especially numerous in the higher posts." A further report from Ekaterinburg on February 6, 1919 stated [the] "Bolshevik leaders do not represent the Russian working classes, most of them being Jews." The Rev. Bousfield S. Lombard, a military and naval Chaplain, who had been for ten years in Russia and in Petrograd throughout the Revolution, reported to Earl Curzon on March 23, 1919, that the revolution "is being carried out by international Jews". As businesses became paralysed (after the February Revolution), "Jews [also] became possessors of most of the business houses."[48] In 2013 president Putin admitted that in the first Soviet government, 80 to 85 percent of its members were Jews.
Vladimir Lenin's grandmother was a Jew and Leon Trotsky, also Jewish, led the Red Army. The two first official heads of Soviet state as well as the first Communist leaders of Moscow and St. Petersburg were Jews. More generally, 40% of the top Red Army officers, 31% of the Bolshevik delegates at the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets, 37% of the Bolshevik delegates at the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets, and about 25% of the Party's Central Committee in 1919-21 were Jews. When the secret police, the Cheka, was created in 1918, Jews were 19% of the investigators and 50% of the investigators employed in the department for "counter-terrorism". In 1923 the Cheka was replaced by the OGPU. Jews that year were 50% of the governing secretariat of the OGPU and 15% of the top officials. The OGPU was replaced by the NKVD in 1934. Jews that year were 63% of the senior NKVD officials
Still surrounded by large numbers of Jews in prominent positions, by 1939, the year Stalin made an alliance with Hitler, he started to become suspicious about the loyalty of the Jews. This increased acutely with the creation of Israel in 1948, a state he suspected Russian Jews might be more loyal to than the Soviet Union. Consequently various purges took place in order to reduce the Jewish influence including a shutting down of all Jewish writers organizations and theatres in 1948-52, the arrest of many Jewish writers, the shooting of 14 out of 15 of the members of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, and exclusion of Jews from top bureaucratic positions. The purges stopped after Stalin died in March 1953. However, measures such as maximum quotas of Jews in education and employment continued to try to limit Jewish influence, at least regarding top positions. Outside of these Jews continued to be greatly overrepresented in professional occupations.
See also the articles on the book Two Hundred Years Together and Jews and Communism.
Russian federation:
Six out of the seven Russian oligarchs who made large fortunes as the oil and gas industries were privatized were Jews.
48 of the 200 richest Russians were Jews according to a 2014 analysis.
schlomo please… your nose shows
Wanna know how we know you're not from around here?
Great job bumping the thread.
I don't think anyone who comes here saying "communists were not Jews!" is trying to communicate that Jews didn't create communism, they're usually tankies who need to sweep Jews under the rug because they believe the USSR was "based".
The thing is, the Politburo was the most powerful political body in Russia, superseded briefly by the Sovnarkom which contained many Jews, and reinsalled as the head of the USSR under Stalin, who became Jew-wise towards the end of his life. The Politburo always consisted mostly of Jews Kemenev, Krestinsky, Zinoviev, Trostky, Sokolnikov and Lenin. Lenin was part Jewish true, but his sister claimed he always held Jews in high esteem and encouraged him to be proud of his Jewish heritage, however Stalin ordered him to keep it secret as there was strong public belief that Bolshevism was a Jewish conspiracy.
There is obviously other evidence you have probably not seen, much of which is probably contained in the looks already posted. The generals of the White Army in the civil war also believed Bolshevism was a Jewish conspiracy, and indeed the Menshevik party was too, as is typical of Jewish-led alternatives to mainstream parties, or controlled opposition. Many international figures, particularly British officials believed Jews played a huge role, there was a white paper sent to her majesty the queen stating as much from many respected witnessess of the revolution. American ambassadors sent many telegrams supporting the theory too. The evidence is quite overwhelming when it is all laid out, and if you would like sources I would only be too happy to oblige.
Jews don't exist. See the proof.
Goebbels Speaks About Jewish Communism/Bolshevism
When you claim to be a tough Nazi, but get butthurt about Israel not giving land back for free, to their enemies. after getting invaded.
Right off the bat, that image is a lie.
Lenin was a kike
Lenin's Jewish roots confirmed
Stalin was sleeping with a Jew and made antisemitism a crime punishable by death.
Stalin's Jewish affair
Fuck off tranny.
Go ahead. Marxists see part of the light but truly believe it's a conspiracy theory, any argument that holds water should be thrown at them. Remember that the communist party stopped sending its members to disrupt national socialist rallies because many would convert.
Zig Forums is full of normal people that got shaken into waking up, not tough nazis. Which is why you're afraid.
nobody claims that, you're projecting your own beliefs. you think nazis are tough
fuck off
The absolute state of pigchan.
Reminder that Israel was "founded" by David Ben-Gurion, who was a labor zionist aka communist.
fuck off megunigger. go to your fed containment board or whatever bunker you have been tricked into visiting after the feds wiped chiru while letting jewscript run in your browser with linked library for leet fbi hax.
I thought hitler did that.
Brits already controlled Palestine by the time Hitler sent jews. Brits gave jews Palestine so that the jews would jew america into the war and save the brits ass
source on those numbers of spainards tortured by jews?
Whatever leftyjew
Honestly this isn't even a good argument. Lets take this "matriarchal line" seriously for a moment. Lets assume your mother is "jewish", and "her" mother, and HER mother, and so on for over a hundred generations all the way back to JUDAH, the first patriarch of the JUDEAN tribe…
Judah's first wife died, and he had a son, that son courted a woman, who became Judah's second wife… His DAUGHTER IN LAW! That's right! The jewish matriarchal line comes from a woman that was never jewish.
Stalin could also speak yiddish, and he ate jewish food.
He's a Jew.
Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili
Dzhugas = Georgian dialect for "jew"
vili = "son of"
Son of a jew! Could Dzhugashvili be the son of a jew? OMG a conspiracy theory worthy of a schitzophrenic!
kek, no he won't. he's a dumb burger boomer. white statesmen back in the day had at least a modicum of self-awareness. trump is just a boob
Seems legit.
Why was this thread locked and not deleted?
Now these are the kinds of threads I like seeing anchored. Mods finally did something right for once.
Can't find the information but I'd seen it online. A Christian monk made an observation of the commie government. Out of 288 politicians, 16 were native Russians, 1 black and the rest were jews most of them from the United States. Where did you get the idea that Russia was only run by 42 people?
Conveniently the information seems to be memory hold online.