It's complying to their neutral retardation yet dehumanizing them. And it's the correct use of singular, to boot.
Start using "it" to refer to trannies
Other urls found in this thread:
No, we won’t be doing that.
Pretty sure that's not what they want us to do. But ok.
Yeah, kill yourself.
No one has ever thought of misgendering a tranny to dehumanize them before. It doesnẗ even trigger them. Trust me Ive tried it. They get a moral high off of the word it. The best way to trigger a tranny is to refer to them by their biological sex pronoun. A "Transwoman" is a he. A "Transman" is a she. Just look at the "ITS MAAM!" video for broofs of how mad this makes them. You look calm and normal, they look deranged and dangerous. Whereas if you call them "it" you look like youre doing it to piss them off, giving them a moral high for standing up to such vicious white male bigotry, and so on.
look at that gunt in the first pic, god damn thats sexy
Obvious photoshops aside, looks like those things aren't human anymore.
KEK at disgusted amerifat in the background. You truly are gross when someone with an exposed belly-ass is disgusted with you.
Can't say I deal with this often, but I'd think just ignoring them would be the worst for them. They are doing this for the attention, don't give them any. They are IRL trolls.
Sage because I don't need to see this shit anymore.
interesting body art, they can't be real though right? on-topic yes just
calling them by their true pronoun is enough to make them cry. clown world
t. have made trannies cry
Would be pretty cool if this was for horror but its horror when its for people who think this is "body positive imagery"
Ya fukn idiot, these aren't "trannies," they're surrealists
There's a world of difference between embracing deliberate creative weirdness, and demanding that a politically-adopted banal degenerate weirdness be embraced by the mainstream as normal.
Is it wrong that I want to rape this creature for days on end?
Maybe, you could catch a space disease
I don't think most trannies even intend to pass as the opposite sex. Being "trans" is technically supposed to be a state of transitioning to be the opposite sex, after which you're just a man or a woman (of course that's biologically impossible but that's not the point here), but trannies get off this state being an end in itself because they get oppression points from it and can feel unique.
Yes. That thing looks like something out Warhammer 40k.
What makes you think I don’t?
Yup it’s definitely weird bro
Same shit as with faggots. The goal was never to "be normal", but to rub their snowflake status in your face and force you to play along. There's nothing more horrifying to a leftist than the thought they are not special or don't stand out, they're all pathological narcissists.
I was thinking about this too.
It's a Slaanesh daemonette irl
The recent crop of AGP ones, yes. The goal is no longer to pass as the opposite gender successfully but to be a "trans woman" as its own thing.
more like start referring to fat Whites as bleached double cheese burgers
and referring to non-Whites White-photo washed bleached cheese burgers.
One damning evidence of that is that for example, I've seen them demand trans representation in say, sci-fi franchises set in the far future where they have super advanced technology that could potentially turn you into passing as the opposite sex flawlessly - why would anyone in such a setting advertise themselves as "trans"?
(of course, this is ignoring that most of them believe that gender is a social construct anyway and no physical traits or behaviors are tied down to a specific gender anyway)
No, you had it right the first time; trannies are Slaanesh body modders. Only a Trap wants to actually pass as the opposite sex. Trannies are just using their bodies as billboards for attention.
shoutout to gym
"Some may question my right to destroy a world of ten billion souls. But those who truly understand, realize that I have no right to let them live. No sacrifice is too great. No treachery is too small".
- Inquisitor Horsh during the Gothic War.
Warhammer 40K
It's really a pity 40k is owned by British cucks because it's quite obvious that faggots, trannies and other sexual deviants would be hunted down as Slaanesh worshipers (which they would actually be) instead of carefully being ignored by all the lore.
They probably are or under constant watch, user.
IIRC authors have come out saying that homosexuality is not punished in the Imperium. Then again, the whole of 40k has been pozzed for a long while now, so not like it's that surprising.
Only if you promise to kill yourself tomorrow.
I don't remember that, I haven't seen any pozz in Warhammer 40K for a good long while now, maybe tumblr hair and (((female soldiers))).
I already do without trying. If you dont, youre it.
Oh, it's there. They've just been dripping the pozz in small doses so as to not create a mass backlash.
I think that's one of the exceptions and got meet with huge backlash.
One of the most famous 40k authors, Dan Abbnet, is married to a fat feminist cunt and every book of his now features a "curvy" Mary Sue with red hair (like his wife's) that steals the show from the rest of the cast.
Go into a thread here on /v/ or /tg/ and mention that female soldiers and niggers shouldn't be in 40k and watch all the cucks fall over themselves do defend women in the military and multiculturalism. 40k is now modern Catholicism.
I prefer using XY and referring to them as suicides. "I'm sorry to hear about your forthcoming suicide" etc.
All said and done, the amount of actual womyn soldiers and nigger soldiers in 40K are an absolute low and are not expected to be shown regularly in the visual media.
GW just do not outright deny altogether for political correctness reasons.
Call them abominations. That is what they are.
also kill them. They have no right to exist.
Good god emperor, its like someone opened a port into Slaneeshi domains
Actually looks like a creature from fucking human centipede
Yes, a port was opened into the hearts and minds of innocent people, through the efforts of the servants.
Dear God-Emprah
I wish to ask for your protection from the (((Slaaneeshi))) Cultists that have recently opened a warp rift and set loose these daemonettes upon my homeworld, XRT-236670, and most humbly request a visit by your Angels of Death.
Gregory Sargent, Foremery Sargeant Sargent of the Geneerian 88th Regiment, currently Interrogator Sargent of the Ordos Hereticus.
The best way to fuck with them, by far, is to initially use the pronoun they want and then correct yourself.
Most do, they're just incapable of it so they work being obviously trans into their identity as cope. They figure it's less pathetic if it doesn't look like they're trying.
When I watch that I imagine myself in the video trying to de-escalate the situation:
< What did you call me??!!
< Don't you call me man! I'll kill you!
ah you and me both
I don't deal with them a lot either, but I wonder about just acting normally like you don't notice anything at first, then do a double-take, make the most disgusted expression possible, then move away like you're both afraid of getting a highly contagious disease and afraid of them attacking you. Don't say anything.
I imagine it would be in some professional situation where saying anything would get you fired and blacklisted. If you're totally silent they can't bust you for speech crime. And you can deny facial expressions. Can they bust you for moving away? Trannies want to be accepted and moving away like they're toxic denies them acceptance. And is your boss really going to make you sit next to the tranny?
Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.
Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these retards than survival of Whites.
Singular 'they' is correct in every language I can think of including English.
If you say so.
Your pics were chosen poorly, that dude obviously does not identify as the bizarre costumes he makes, in fact I think they're pretty cool. He should become a costume designer for horror movies if he isn't one already, definitely has an eye for unsettling abominations.
The Emperor wouldn't have any of this! Heretics!
There's this thing called mercy killing.
Trannies want to use "they".
Told ya so OP.
Never forget:
Transgender is a codeword for Gender Bigot
They never accepted or tolerated their birth gender, but hated it enough to genocide any sign of it from themselves. They are gender bigots that have proven bias against your gender identity.
This meme metaphorically rips the tongue out of the demon and uses said tongue to stab it to death
scab pickers
If you give any group of people over whelming authority and next to zero accountability something like this is going to happen. Churches. Schools. Little league teams. If you dont make damned sure everything is 100% transparent and every damned soul involved in held accountable , you'll never fix this problem. The predators will keep winning.
Keep this in mind if ever discussing the show "Enchantimals". The main cast are all girls, but "Patter Peacock" (note that a female peafowl is called a peaHEN") has plumage like a male peacock, and "Danessa Deer" has antlers, whereas female deer (does) do not have them: Danessa is clearly a MtF buck and Patter is (even the name admits) a MtF peaCOCK
How about leave them alone. They are seeking attention
This sort of stuff might even be a reasonable issue in scifi on another timeline where (((gender identity))) didn't exist. It's conceivable there's an alien race without sex. Calling themselves he or she wouldn't convey their alieness so well. Calling them it would make them sound like machines or animals. Still this sort of stuff isn't really relevant to 40k, but might work in another scifi setting if it wasn't (((politically motivated))).
And there already are genderless races in 40k, the Necrons. How about Tyranids?
Holy shit, go back to school.
there's simply not enough of gas
Fucking bourbon. Almost as nauseating as rye only more treacly and cloying. A disgusting drink for degenerates.
If you must drink corn liquor then it really should be scotch or irish whiskey though not Bushmills.
I would only the rape the on the left TBH, only because she has big tits and is mostly normal.
kill youself
I will, if you go first..
If I ever saw that thing in public there is no possible way it would not be getting tipped over. Even that guy in the background's giant gut is disgusted
Looks like we got a badass over here!
in 40k, people would burn for a few centuries in the furnaces of pain amplifiers for this heresy
You mean a lab experiment. It must be some sort of lab genome experiment by a mad degenerate scientist.
At least they'll die relatively quickly - albeit in excruciating nightmarish agony.
Fitting for faggots, jews, heretics, mutants indeed.
But not pigs or any animals tbh ffs
No point. Just put the enemy down in an efficient manner as duty calls for it.
Correct. We have a non-gendered pronoun in English: it.
hard to tell what is more gross. The freakoids, or the belly hanging out.
yes, it is wrong. Burn them with fire.
Checked. Slaanesh Daemonette IRL.
ant people are fucking gross. too cheap for bullets?
do you think they hang out with milo ahahah based
It's shit like this that makes Salad Fingers look chibi by comparison.
Art was this weird in the 80s and 90s, only people interpreted it as horror and not the "boundary breaking" thing it is supposed to be. Today a small but visible portion of people are offended by it. Even petty jokes like this justify this stuff as a "boundary" or "emotional wall" to break.
What, are you retarded? Anons have been doing this since forever.
I noticed that the usage of singlar they exploded since a year or 2 ago, I guess "Xer" was too alien for the normalfags to accept so trannies latched on to "they"
Gender dysphoria, to the extent that it's real and not just a meme, could be far more easily fixed by correcting them back into normal. I.e. rather than giving the mental patient female hormones and lopping off his dick, give him male hormones and talk therapy, and maybe some antidepressants. Society's use of technology is dictated by their morals, so any society other than clown world would not allow trannies and thus not bother developing the insanely complicated technology needed to transform someone physically/genetically into something else. Faggotry is not conducive to reproduction, so it cannot last long term, it's merely a symptom of cultural suicide that will either be stopped or replaced by non-faggots.
Petty? Wow, white knight degenerates much?
The "art" is gross, period, not boundry breaking, and has nothing to do with "transgenders" the "Art" looks like Golem.
Art from the 80's pic related…
if I was forced to, the one on the left is easily the most dickable. but the rest i think i'd pick suicide. they look like they carry some sort of space borne ultra AIDs.
so much worse than ironically doing it, right?
The whole hipster mentality of doing shit "ironically" is already some degenerate shit spawned from a jewified, decadent society. After a while youll realize doing shit "ironically! lol so random!" is just as terrible as being sincere. "unironically" is a buzzword I wish I could erase from board culture because it's so fucking stupid.
I'd be sneering too, but buddy boy over here isn't exactly looking like an Arno Breker statue either. How does that one bible verse go? Remove the gunt from thine own waist before pulling all the metal shit off of your neighbor's face. or something like that.
I'd sneer at whoever is not producing a white family with a minimum of three children.
It's real
This is way harder than you could possibly imagine
Been tried, doesn't work
Maybe if therapy wasn't dominated by kikes, but even then all this can do in most cases is teach someone to cope with the problem, not cure it
SSRIs are even more psychologically destructive than HRT, and don't work for this
There is no cure. There will never be a cure as long as institutional science is controlled by people who believe a cure is undesirable. About the only thing someone with this condition can do is cultivate an iron will and a willingness to tolerate despair.
That explains a lot. His shit has the cringe element you want to ignore but can't because hes shoving it down your throat.
And they eat the poo poo and want to pee pee in the same room with your children and the jews push this crap and they think it's funny
Demoralization indeed