P2P/Decentralized Web

Politically relevant due to its potential to save us if the Jew finally manages to shoah the Clearweb

During the thread on the subject of Bugman Hiro turning Halfchan into a literal forum, the subject drifted to how Peer-to-Peer/anonymized networks could possibly be the future of Imageboards. The idea of making a thread to discuss the value of this alternative net and instructing less-savvy anons ( ) received some approval, so I took it upon myself to make one.

Admittedly, I'm not especially well-versed in P2P, but a good number of names were thrown around during the thread; Zeronet, IPFS, I2P, TOR, Urbit, et cetera. And with those names were a number of sites using them; Nanochan and Millchan, mostly. So let's start with discussing its pros and cons:

Is P2P truly uncensorable as so many of the providers claim? If it isn't and there's ways for the Jew to subvert it, how do we stop him?

Are there any names to avoid? Potential Honeypots, untrustworthy providers, other such bad actors? By that same coin, what are the best providers?

Is there anything about Decentralized Web that requires particular Zig Forums expertise?

Attached: why-future-internet-will-be-decentralized[1].jpg (878x527, 197.93K)

Other urls found in this thread:


very interested in distributed networking but don't know enough about it.
what's the range of mesh networks? is it practical to build larger than building/neighborhood networks? can they be linked with other networks and theoretically span the globe?
building informational networks based on natural social/economic/etc connections seems elegant.

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The kike is terrified

I wasn't aware there was a previous thread about this. What came of it?

Nothing. We decided that as always no one is going to do anything until the normalfag internet is kill and only then people might start looking into alternatives off the grid.


That's the case with all things really; even the exodus only got pushed forward by Zig Forums harbor, despite Moot's years of worsening faggotry. Even so, a prepared list of alternatives and analysis of the providers can stop us from walking into an alphabet trap.

Take TOR for example. It (and Nanochan) are often shilled here, but I recall an incident in which supposed pedos using it as a cover got feds on their asses, and that leaves me questioning just how "anonymous" it really is.

Nice slide thread you got there.
When push comes to shove someone will release a better system. In fact it's already been designed. The programmers here are lazy and won't act unless it's really needed.

A fed bust via nanochan? You're going to have to offer up some evidence there, faggot. I've heard nothing of it.

How can we buy into the Chinese Social system A.I?
If America would institute this early vearsion of AI Niggers would simply DIE OUT.

I support Chinese technology and I want it here.
Niggers will be exterminated with this AI

Attached: 1523313397253.jpg (540x810, 110.95K)

theoretically so, yes. tcp/ip was designed to route around censorshipdamage.

Not Nanochan specifically, just TOR. Admittedly, it was an offhand comment in a thread some months back, so thinking on it I could totally be full of shit right now.

Hello Zig Forums. I wrote a script here that archives a webpage onto IPFS. Run it from a terminal and pass any web URL to it, like this:

./archive.ipfs.sh https'':''//www.example.com/

Here is the code. Just save it in a text file named archive.ipfs.sh.

#!/bin/bashVERSION="0.3" ARCHIVE_LINK=$1# Removes 'https' from URLARCHIVE_LINK_NO_PROTOCOL=`echo $1 |sed 's/https\?:\/\///'`# Give each part of datetime its own variable to ensure# both datetime variables are the same# sameness is more important than accuracy YEAR=`date '+%Y'`MONTH=`date '+%m'`DAY=`date '+%d'`HOUR=`date '+%H'`MINUTE=`date '+%M'`SECOND=`date '+%S'`# Two variables are used for date because it is impropper to# use colons in directories.DATETIME="$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY $HOUR:$MINUTE:$SECOND"DATETIME_DIR="$YEAR$MONTH$DAY$HOUR$MINUTE$SECOND"# Create directory to temporarily keep page to be archivedmkdir /tmp/archive.ipfsmkdir /tmp/archive.ipfs/$DATETIME_DIRcd /tmp/archive.ipfs/$DATETIME_DIR# Download page to be archivedwget --quiet --show-progress --page-requisites --convert-links --span-hosts --random-wait $ARCHIVE_LINK# Add metadata to archiveecho "Webpage archived by archive.ipfs v$VERSION" >> metadata.txtecho "" >> metadata.txtecho "Original Page: $ARCHIVE_LINK" >> metadata.txtecho "Date Archived: $DATETIME" >> metadata.txt# Upload to IPFSARCHIVE_HASH="`ipfs add -rwQ /tmp/archive.ipfs`"# Print archived page linkecho "Your page has been archived at:"echo "https'':''//ipfs.io/ipfs/$ARCHIVE_HASH/archive.ipfs/$DATETIME_DIR/$ARCHIVE_LINK_NO_PROTOCOL"#Remove direcotry and filesrm -r /tmp/archive.ipfs

Here is the same script, modified to archive Zig Forums threads. It works exactly the same way.

#!/bin/bashVERSION="0.3-8ch" ARCHIVE_LINK=$1# Removes 'https' from URLARCHIVE_LINK_NO_PROTOCOL=`echo $1 |sed 's/https\?:\/\///'`# Give each part of datetime its own variable to ensure# both datetime variables are the same# sameness is more important than accuracy YEAR=`date '+%Y'`MONTH=`date '+%m'`DAY=`date '+%d'`HOUR=`date '+%H'`MINUTE=`date '+%M'`SECOND=`date '+%S'`# Two variables are used for date because it is impropper to# use colons in directories.DATETIME="$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY $HOUR:$MINUTE:$SECOND"DATETIME_DIR="$YEAR$MONTH$DAY$HOUR$MINUTE$SECOND"# Create directory to temporarily keep page to be archivedmkdir /tmp/archive.ipfsmkdir /tmp/archive.ipfs/$DATETIME_DIRcd /tmp/archive.ipfs/$DATETIME_DIR# Download page to be archivedwget -nH -k -p -nc -np -H -m -l 2 -e robots=off -I stylesheets,static,js,file_store,file_dl,res -U "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070802 SeaMonkey/1.1.4" --random-wait --no-check-certificate $ARCHIVE_LINK# Add metadata to archiveecho "Webpage archived by archive.ipfs v$VERSION" >> metadata.txtecho "" >> metadata.txtecho "Original Page: $ARCHIVE_LINK" >> metadata.txtecho "Date Archived: $DATETIME" >> metadata.txt# Upload to IPFSARCHIVE_HASH="`ipfs add -rwQ /tmp/archive.ipfs`"# Print archived page linkecho "Your page has been archived at:"echo "https'':''//ipfs.io/ipfs/$ARCHIVE_HASH/archive.ipfs/$DATETIME_DIR/$ARCHIVE_LINK_NO_PROTOCOL"#Remove direcotry and filesrm -r /tmp/archive.ipfs

Do we trust this?

Fair enough. Some literal "torpedos" and darknet market operators have been deanonymized and busted by the feds, due to poor OPSEC (their darknet identities were correlated with their clearnet use), or due to browser exploits leaking identifiable information. Nanochan purposefully doesn't use javascript, so the odds of a browser leak are pretty slim. Correlation with clearnet activity is still possible though, if you're not careful.

I just noticed that Zig Forums's word filters fucked up the links in my scripts. It added a couple of ' around the :
These should work instead:

Attached: 884179175d108c77c2291105ac8ce4b49292fc28c75fed2567993fa3d6244853.jpg (800x1200, 154.14K)

Letting people talk freely amogst each other.
What Is this technology that We Must learn?

Soon to be encrypted with A.I and Cryptocurrency.
Learn this Technology Whites, This is in fact a piece of the Future.

P2P is as bad an idea as using a VPN. What you change is whom you trust. A far superior solution is to build newsgroups based on an existing email protocol. That way you can download the chan tureads into any free web mail client, even the disposable mail sites. All we need is a distributed list of active threads and absolutely no infrastructure.

this will be key to resilience under attack.

Don't be ridiculous, the social score system serves the goals of its government. Yes, if niggers were living under the Chinese version of it (which they soon will be in Guangzhou since it has a lot of Nigerian migrants) they would be massively penalized, but if such a system were implemented in the US the government would just use it to detect dissident whites and fine them for thoughtcrimes. It would then use the funds from those fines to support the gibs infrastructure and further the white genocide.

(((Moldbug)))'s ideas, and his prescriptions, are founded in an asymmetric fight between left and right, but these ideas are dated now, if they were ever true. They seem to relate to a unipolar world as it was in the late 20th and early 21st century.

Now we have examples such as Venezuela, where the more "right-wing" person is supported by the international community. Russia is fighting back, China is rising, the world is breaking into smaller pieces. The new fight will be between ethno-states, and states that are not unified will break down.


This should fix your date sampling problem

DATETIME=$(date -d "$TIMESTAMP" '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
DATETIME_DIR=$(date -d "$TIMESTAMP" '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')



The only way it becomes uncensorable is with personal hardware. A wireless net. Probably why every ISP forces you to use their personal modems now which are oddly about 8 times the size of what they used to be. Nothing suspicious about that though. The wireless freenet would only work within cities though.

Really good video torfag, worth the watch.

You create the world. the world around You.
Make it count. Make the world that benefits Your future Children.
Be the Creation that Created You.
God Made Man in his likeness. Create a world that benefits You and other Whites.

Do not let them take this away. do not let them control You.
This may sound to much. But I Ask Of You. Please. Make the world a better Place For Your Children and my White Children.
You are Smarter and Your Children Deserve a better Place in life.
What does it mean to be White?

To look like You?

Attached: 1523475651476.jpg (1000x624, 164.59K)

install Tor Browser from torproject.org
run Tor Browser
enter es2adizg32j3kob5.onion/ with Tor Browser
access best content

Bump for more useful information.

You favorite place schlomo?

Be sure to use the VPN.

be sure

Attached: 1523587542756.png (2480x3508, 141.72K)

Our DarkWeb Options. Take it from an expert.

I host on I2P, and I post to the clearweb from an I2P-to-Tor bridge. I am the host of a somewhat obscure doxing community.

Here goes.

IPFS is a shit. A half-assed attempt at replacing the torrent protocol with something shittier. It stores chunks of data on all users' systems and is a recipe for ending up with CP on your hard drive and getting v& by FBIniggers.

Freenet is a shit. Also stores data on users' hard drives. It's difficult to find anything with its lack of search capabilities; you can only find things that people give you links to. And reseeding from scratch is near impossible (which is important if we suffer a true internet-shoah and have to start over with nothing but the software) Additionally they serve static pages that are useless for hosting a functioning imageboard discussion platform.

Gnunet is promising, but isn't "there" yet. That leaves us with Tor and I2P:

Shared Pros: Both Tor and I2P give us the full functionality of the modern internet. Both also give us privacy and security from non-state-level security threats.

Cons of Tor: Hard to reseed from scratch; if the original servers ever disappear, the Tor network is dead. Originally made by the US Navy, before being handed off to a "muh-diversity" team. Funded by CIAniggers.

I2P does not have any of the afformentioned cons: It can be reseeded from nothing; that is, if you have a copy of the I2P client and some knowledge, you can rebuild the entire network from scratch, or even build our own private I2P network right now with only polfags on it. It may offer some level of security and privacy against state-level security threats, but this should not be automatically assumed.

Cons of I2P: Written in Java. Fewer users than Tor.

Conclusion: I2P is my preference, at this time.

Unless you know how to malloc then you're not an expert, torpedo (especially when saying, "java is bad but I'm not gonna say why"(OOP and not the jvm you giganigger)). GTFO with this sysadmin nigtier shit and reddit spacing.
Tor is for anonymous access to the clearnet with hidden sites/services as an afterthought. I2P is for hidden sites(eepsites) with anonymous access to the clearnet as an afterthought. That's all there is to it.
I only responded because you called yourself an expert when you're clearly not.

Found the kike!

For pointing out his shit points and listing design realities? Nope, you're projecting. I agree with his conclusion but it's based off nigtier sysadmin/power user knowledge (you can tell by the wording, nigger).
Gas yourself.


We're going to need some universal and open source software for running mesh network nodes when the SHTF for the grid or internet happens. It wouldn't be to hard to flash peoples routers with some updated firmware and run a mesh network. Any know any good projects? I want to send my community alerts when the apocalypse happens.

nigger there is already zeronet's millichan fag

Interesting. If you don't going into elaboration, what about Gnunet seems promising and what holds it back? Also what's your opinion of Zeronet and Urbit?

Why not refute his points instead of accusing him of being a shill with no-substance posts?

From my limited experience with both this is accurate. Also, probably a brainlet question regarding info leaks: even when using communication software with secure encryption like XMPP, what's stopping somebody from simply taking screenshots of the chats? Does it all just ultimately boil down to trust and how well people can be fooled when letting people on your server? Asking for a friend.

Why not p2p over tor though. I remember there were no p2p tor apps for a while and one of i2ps selling points was p2p trackers were available.

Is this old article still relevant? I use bitchute with the tor browser which does webtorrent. Seems to work fine. I suppose a standalone bittorrent client might do some weird stuff ( though I don't run anything but tor browser without either an isolating proxy or at least logging in as a user with all their traffic firewalled through tor's transproxy )

Wouldn't a decentralized anything be necessarily p2p?

Here is the article I forgot to paste the link for:


You should assume the information you send/receive is public. The only secret is who you are.

If you are using tor and do XMPP over tor then you might theoretically be anonymous as long as you never gave away your id. You shouldn't talk to anyone who knows who you are since they might give away your id Carl.

P2P is decentralized, but it doesn't mean "secure" either.

I use OTR encryption for messaging.


We would be a lot better off if all taxation to ZOG stopped and every (((city))) were nuked.

Quite good.
Here's a 50pp. memo from the 11vol work cited:
"On Distributed Communication" Paul Baran

So to deny a message was from you you would have to say someone forged it? Why would they do that? More likely it was indeed from you. Plus now they're looking at you. Doesn't seem anonymous at all.

The problem with this, which will have to be overcome somehow is that it requires people to be centralized in population and location. Otherwise known as cities.
You want to know what breeds liberal degeneracy best? Cities.

Gnunet has the ability to run your own bootstrap/reseed server, an important feature for rebuilding the network from scratch if it becomes necessary. The existing software seems too focused towards P2P filesharing, it feels like it's just trying to be the G2 network.

I was unfamiliar with Urbit, but it seems to be nothing but a personal server. If you have no experience setting these things up on your own, it may be useful. I personally have no experience with it.

Thinly veiled insults are not "points"

Because we already have P2P/torrents over I2P, and I2P isn't made by CIAniggers, unlike Tor…


I've been here since the first exodus and today I'm a torpedo for the very first time. There's a reason.

I don't trust anything that starts with G.