Target: Venezuela
They aren't even going bother with false flags anymore are they?
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For anyone interested, here's a fantastic lecture on Venezuela that discusses its history, and why it's currently a target of the CIA.
The Orthodox Nationalist: Social Nationalism in Venezuela
Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson looks at Chavez and Maduro’s brand of Social Nationalism and why the US is intent on stamping it out for this week’s episode.
Today in Venezuela, the successor of Hugo Chavez's social revolution, Nicholas Maduro, is being challenged by a self proclaimed “president” Juan Guaido. The recent presidential elections were challenged by the losers and the US almost immediately demanded a pro-US president be installed.
Election rigging is universally blamed when an anti-American and anti-liberal president is elected. Corporate NGOs worth billions of dollars, a strong CIA presence, threats to the ruling party from Washington and massive anti-Maduro corporate financing is stated dogmatically to have had no effect on the outcome. Only the government can alter results.
The press says without deviation, “the opposition” controls the Assembly, but the United Socialist Party has 55 out of 167 seats. This is Maduro's party and its the largest and by far the most popular in the country.
To deal with this, the CIA created the “Democratic Roundtable” to bring everyone from the communist party to neoliberals into one huge coalition. Most of the parties have been founded just over the last few years, have few members and in one instance, refuse to publish a platform. This broadcast will take time out to explain the comically fake "Come, Venezuela" party that has all of one member in the Assembly. Its run entirely by Americans. The US has spent about $20 million since the death of Chavez to overthrow his government and social revolution.
Thanks to harsh sanctions, the Venezuelan economy is in a free fall. The US will starve the population to bring down the man who defends the nationalization of American capital in that country.
Part of the problem is Venezuela's own reliance on the neoliberal system of international trade. They are indeed under assault by Washington, but they haven't done a good enough job becoming self-sufficient in basic goods and foodstuffs. They seem a little too comfortable trading their primary resources for food.
Fucking retarded.
On the one hand, good, fuck communists.
On the other hand, shit, Jews of a slightly different flavor are going to fuck it into the dirt even more and enslave the people there.
No, the people there are going to "flee the warzone" into Texas and Florida.
Worse, they are going to have acess to another huge deposit of petroleum to further finance the judeo-american machine. This may just as well allow the armies to target oil-producing countries in the middle east without fear of losing some of their income.
Listen to the lecture before making judgements like that. It's an hour long, but well worth it. If you think that statement is retarded, then you're just like anyone else that's been confused by the media, and that's not meant in offense.
You're entirely correct on that point. It doesn't seem that Venezuelan leadership had any understanding of what they were up against. Pretty large oversight that is costing them dearly now.
this guy is incapable of telling the truth at this point, one too many lies since bombing Syria whether you're on his side or not
This isn't a CIA job, it's a Mossad job.
Mossad has been attempting to topple Venezuela since Chavez, who continuously arrested diplomats and aid workers claiming they're Mossad because they were.
Not to mention, the Jewnited States of Israel needs to take out Venezuela to get the votes in the UN to oust Assad in Syria during Trump's second term it's why he's keeping a base in Syria.
Russia will never support it, France kike puppet Macron does, and the EU/China currently get oil from Venezuela so they have no need to support the Syrian War. If the Jewnited States of Israel succeeds with regime change in Venezuela they can then screw over the EU and China by saying they won't get the much desired petroleum, unless they support the Syrian regime change. It's also why Qushner is setting up meetings between China and KSA, because China has agreed to bend the knee as long as it gets its oil.
Venezuela is solely aboht Greater Israel's desire to oust Assad and steal the Golen Heights. 100%
The rest of your post is bullshit. China doesn't want to deal with the US for oil, which is why it invests in places like Venezuela and Nigeria. Saudi Arabia also wants partnership with the Chinese, because (despite what the shills tell you about them stealing tech) they are leading in high tech
Chavez raised the literacy rate to 100% and built over a million homes. He also brought the poor into the political process. Contrast that with America where more people are living in tents on the street and fewer young people are engaged in the political process.
Even a 5 year old has to realize that these Venezuelans will be staunch conservatives who will vote consistently Republican after seeing the horrors of socialism, and the more millions of Venezuelans we take in, the better. In fact, since men vote Republican more than women, we should aim to take in most of the male population of Venezuela. They will make great Christian conservative bf's for our sisters and daughters.
These are levels of multi-dimensional chess that should not even be possible.
Who wouldn't want to deal with the United States? They only make modest demands, like a few dozen military bases and voting alongside Israel in the U.N.
Pearls to pigs.
I've over and over posted about what is really happening in Venezuela and why the sudden interest on it by all the cancer around the world. I've given details on Maduro's misdeeds to his countrymen and given the perspective of Venezuelans themselves I've been following for years.
Maduro should be removed, but all shills spreading their obvious propaganda are able to do is force false narratives, attacking strawmen and be shallow contrarians.
Seriously, go back to Zig Forums already. You left-tards disgust me.
Kikes are now saying Maduro is a nazi, fucking hell.
Not surprising.
Zig Forums subversives were also saying Maduro was a NS to try to convince us to support them. They have done that to Lula in Brazil years ago. Same strategy to try to convince retards a Marxist can be a National-Socialist.
They have been memeing their "nazbol" retardation for years, trying to bait Zig Forumsacks to their side.
There's no way a Trotsky cocksucker can be a nationalist. There's no nationalism at all in someone who puts their materialistic ideology above their own nation, their own people and their families. There's no nationalism in someone who lusts so much for power. Maduro is not a nationalist and Chávez, if he ever was one, he stopped being one not much after he got to power. He betrayed his people.
You should check what actual commies (not liberals you call marxists to call them commies) did with their borders or nationalism.
Please, explain. I'm not calling progressives ("liberals"), Marxists. I'm calling Marxists or neo-Marxists, Marxists.
All for their ideology and political power, Marxists shat on their nations: shat on their own culture, shat on their own religion, shat on their own people. Marxists (and neo-Marxists) live to shit on everything for their autism.
Political "patriotism" is not nationalism.
Jimmy Carter's foundation closely observed the Venezuelan elections over the last 10-15 years. There's been no cheating, no rigging. IOW, it's more legit than the USA's elections where 8 million illegals voted last time.
REMINDER Venezuela has more oil than Saudi-Arabia
also "saudi" is the name of the royal family that has enslaved that country, they literally named the country after them.
Plus, it's not that different from liberals (in the classic meaning). Their ideology corrupted the nations and opened the gates of hell to Marxists and Jews.
(I might be wrong, but I believe only USA got something positive from liberalism, and that lasted nothing as they became vulnerable to kikery and unionists, slowly crushing their own identity to the state it's now.)
You're right, the arbitrary exchange rate between the petroDollar and other currencies can and will tank or uplift those economies. It is a retarded system!
Zig Forums subversives were also saying Maduro was a NS
It's not Zig Forums. I've been one of the few trying to convince you fags of this for a couple weeks or so. I've been on Zig Forums since I was young, and have worked every day since I was 22 to bring about a National Socialist future for my Nation. The situation in Venezuela is honestly just beyond the grasp of your average Zig Forumsack. Latin America is too far removed from what we're used to discussing. I've given up on making people see the truth because it's just too complicated a discussion for me to carry on day-to-day. Venezuela is National Socialist, and it is being destroyed as we speak.
Forgot the greentext. Shit.
Hahahahah russian shills are inventing retarded shit now to protect their slave state.
That's so fucking dumb I can't even believe where to start.
This board is becoming fucking unbearable.
Can't even do the bare minimum by listening to the audio. Yeah, just stop at the headline. That works well for news, and research papers too. Keep it up.
It is the kind of post that makes me wish nanochan to be up.
shill detected.
FTFY: The mirror'd text.
The glow niggers are doing a number on Venezuela right now. Caracas in total darkness. It begins.
The blackout started 3 days ago.
Cyberattack. They can just turn off everything remotely. Analog or bust.