What pol Doesnt Get

So this is going to be a pretty fuckin indepth post
and in it im going to be actively, for lack of a better word, shitting on both "halves" of what makes up about 80 percent of pol
But i think its important that i get this post out there for anyone who is genuine in their attempts to save our race and fight against the international jewish banking cartel
So I'll start this off by saying that i am in no way shape or form a "maga pede." Its clear now regardless of if you think trump is a paid shill or not that he is either unable or unwilling to take the necessary steps to destroy the jewish power structure that dominates western politics. Think what you will about him keeping us out of the migrant pact, the tarriffs, all of it. He still bombed syria for the kikes, twice. And he just signed a bill that will greatly increase the ways in which the brown hoards to the south will be able to "seek asylum" in the united states. I'm not going to beat the dead horse of Zion Don anymore since its pretty painstakingly obvious at this point and anyone who sincerely believes in any form of "4 D chess" now is basically holding out hope on the same level as an abused spouse who thinks their man is going to change.
Much more dangerous, and destructive to our movement however is the phenomenon of the "black piller" who shills, often enough in good faith, for accelerationism believing basically that the west has reached a point where if the Neo conservative establishment is allowed to regain controll of the united states, the slow demographic boil of white america will lead us to a point where we can no longer fight our way back from. The answer to this they propose is to vote in the farthest left most anti white candidates we can to "redpill" the population as quick as possible.
There are a couple issues with this
1. In a most literal tactical sense in alienates the very people we claim to be fighting for as national socialists or perhaps more broadly ethno nationalists, namely the white working class. Should any white teenager or white male come to this board after having it suggested by a friend of his in relation to him begining to become redpilled on race and the JQ perhaps do to a family member being raped or him loosing a job to globalization and he ses us as accelerationists do daily, working to find ways to get more migrants into rape more white women to further "redpill the masses". If he sees us acting like kikes and working against his interests. He will immidately go back to either being a blue dog with no one to vote for a maga pede.
The second reason I think the black pilled ideology of accelerationism is cancer for this board is perhaps even more damning namely;

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Other urls found in this thread:


2. There is a very high probability that this entire disillusionment with trump was engineered by the jewish power stucture to fragment and dishearten the far right in preparation to their coronation of their first jewish president in 2020. Already they have been moving to destroy not just the far rights support of trump the main streams support of trump via there attempts to crash the economy.
This infact is almost mirrors the way in which the jews created the great depression to get their puppet FDR into office who turned america into a quasi socialist jewish debt state that would in the comming years sell the entirety of its cultural, religious and demographic make up down the river. Trump in this case taking the role of the controlled conservative opposition who fell easy to the economic catastrophy the jews will put on this nation.
Those of us in the upper middle class of white race who were born after 2000 have a habbit of thinking the white race is "to comfortable"
That the only reason whites havent taken up arms and torn down this corrupt jew run government is because of some outward social line that has not yet been crossed.
This to me however seems ignorant of both US history and the nature of jewish propaganda.
The desegregation of schools in the US leading to millions of white teenage girls and boys being raped and abused did not start a race war
The creation of a wellfair state where whites were forced to give part of the furit of their labor to non whites did not get george lincoln rockwell elected
The increased crime rape and murder that came as a result of the 1965 immigration in act did not get whites to stand up for themselves
nor did becoming the only discriminated against race via affirmative action
nor did the normalization of sexual degeneracy
nor did the legalization of homosexual marriage
nor did the either of the major recessions
neither did the election of a black president
and nor will mass immigration, vastly increased rape rates, pedo nomrativity or mass executions of whites accross europe america and south africa
The cases of rotherham, cologne, paris, stockholm, and the genocide of whites in south africa prove this beyond a doubt
The ONLY thing that will ever get whites to stand up for themselves is education of the youth on the existence and demonic nature of jewish attacks on the white race throughout the 20th century and today as well as sexual and racial realism.
While it is a statement one should only make in the most limmited circumstances on this board, I feel absolutely justified in saying
Anyone who disagrees with this sentiment is either a shill, a kike, or a fucking retard.

Nice blog that nobody will read Jared


what pol doesn't get is that if they snapped their fingers and all jews disappeared, the white men that replace them in positions of power would exploit you all the same, just like they have done for thousands years while jews were expelled from their countries

ode to the illiteracy of pol

Fdr was a jew
Im sure they would like an openly jewish president
Though usually things collapse once it reaches that point, given it takes soo long to take over by subversion of the host nations strenght

Dont rely on politics, or on anyone but yourself doing the right thing
Do the right thing and make the change you want to see happen by yourself

I mean dude if you really want to get get into it in the "state of nature" without jews whites formed basically proto-national socialist living in tribes based on hirearchies of ability and working for the good of each other while also perusing individual ends
"explotation" as you put it only happens when the upper class has not connection to the lower casts of society, even under capitalism whites have great ammounts to their communtieis and funded the construction of libraries and public parks that could be used by the whole of the "Volk"
ever wonder why you dont se any niggers in new england?
Its because a bunch of rich whites (namely the rockefellers and kennedys) lobbied like hell to keep their communities clean and safe from jewsih destruction

Attached: hitlers-definition-of-socialism-a-socialist-is-one-who-serves-14845086.png (500x300, 97.36K)

Fair enough but this board also needs to do a hell of alot more redpilling
cuckchan as we now call it NEEDS to be retaken
and then we need to start expanding towards youtube, twitter, tumblr and everywhere else we can long enough to spread the message before we're banned

No, you don't get it.

lmao imagine the trouble the average rat-faced mongoloid leftytard has to go through to convince his comrades that replacing white men in positions of power with black women would be "exploitative just the same".

Truly defeated waste of time position.

You have no comprehension of how the Internet works.


You think the Hapsburgs and the inept and literally inbred strings of kings and queens that ruled Europe for a millennia and commanded untold millions amount of whites to kill untold millions amount of whites over money and power were kind to their serfs?

Doubly bad on the leftist tard that Settlers: The mythology of the white proletariat is one of the most popular books in the internet left cannon and it basically argues what you just said.

We'll deal with them later. The point of nationalism is that power derives from the people.
This is a great difference from both Marxism and democracy.
Under Marxism, in theory power is derived from "the working class" which is an amorphous, intentionally undefined bloc that can change depending upon the wishes of the ruling group.
Under democracy, power is derived from a mob.

Only in a nationalist state does power come from real people. Not abstract concepts like classes or corporations but actual real people. French, Germans, Serbs, and Poles. Liberals simply cannot grasp the fact that these identities exist on a deep spiritual level because liberals and leftists are only concerned with economic man. But nations are not made of economies. They're made from people.

Do you have a pdf of the book about the Jewish socialist commune that ended up implementing patriarchy and socially right-wing attitudes? I haven't read that one but I have a feeling it is so relevant to this series of posts.

Your presentism is showing faggot.

All the militeraization and centralization that happened post rome was due to every horde of brown brown babrians taking a crack at gang fucking europe
The whole reason that central europe got as militerized and centralized as it did was because we NEEDED to have any chance of survival

What the fuck do you think i am? Dude a commie? The point of national socialism is to unite across class lines
its not about the white proleterian fiighting with the upper class whites
its about all white wroking together as a people to survive and prosper
you can have plenty of individual economic and personal liberty in that
you just cant loby for invaders to come in and rape your women for "cheap labor"

You got me

Hitler was an incompetent drug addict that ignored the advice of his generals, not to mention that he was democratically elected. You're 0 for 2.

Which led to him conquring france in six weeks
He seized power once the reichstag was destroyed by communists
the "vote" that took place after he did that was just as a show of popular support for the leadership he had already taken

what they never got was that the bluepill is what they took. the simulation is the white power structure of privilege that has been set up. the redpill are the fighters for gender and sexual identity, and minorities.

Which led him to make the same mistake as the last great European conqueror and get bogged down in Russia during the winter.
How did he seize power? With a mob perhaps?

hello you have an fren in this bread