Homosexuals are defacto TRAITORS

Sodomites and usurers ALWAYS work hand in hand.
If you are ruled by a sodomite, then their are a the puppet figurehead of the usurers (CEOs/Jews) and they will impose you homosexuality and since they destroy morality, then the CEOs can pay you a shitty immoral wage because you accepted sodomy.
Why do you think that THEY promote faggots everywhere? Because they are their PROXY WARRIORS and their SUBVERSIVE ELEMENTS.

Other urls found in this thread:


The Kikes rule the "Right" and the faggots rule the "Left" in that thing called "America."

The Kikes created the faggot-identity via Hollywood, which even some honest faggots admit they only know how to act like a faggot because Hollywood taught them to.

The main cultural export of "America" is the faggot identity.

user, have you not heard of the alt-right? This hasn't been updated since 2016, and if someone were to do so, it would at least double in size.

Attached: The Altistic-Right.png (2030x2782, 5.02M)

Come on, bro. If you're going to post a one hour-long video at least give us a TL;DW so we can decide whether or not it's worth watching. Not all of us are familiar with Jones nor are we fans of his work despite him appearing to be a reasonable and erudite intellectual figure of the right.

But just look at this so called controlled opposition "alt-right"…They were almost ALL FAGGOTS.

LITERALLY, the USA exports SODOMY in the entier world, because the USA rules by moral corruption, by imposing (((human rights))), (((gay rights))) and (((gay marriage)))
Just see this 8min video, it's all clear, it all makes sense now, thank god we have scholars like Eugene Michael Jones to make it extremely clear now.

Attached: we wuz romans.mp4 (1280x720, 3.76M)

How did you connect money lending with faggotry? Also, whats wrong with modern usury? Nobody forces you to take the loan. You have to sign a contract you agree with to get a loan. If someone signs a contract they dont understand its their own fault.
Like I said, you have to sign a contract. Its your own fault if you take a bad deal.

He talks about the coming out of his South Indiana mayor, Pete Buttigieg, as a homosexual.
He betrayed his people and he serves the CEOs and the usurers and he is an agent of this people to bring slavery and low wages to the people because that's what HOMOSEXUAL DO, they are TRAITORS and they are ALWAYS used by usurers.
That's why Dante put sodomites in usurers in the same circle in hell.
And this man now wants to be president in 2020, as an openly GAY and PROGRESSIVE president.

Attached: 1541886047841.png (550x720, 151.42K)

How is usury wrong?


You type like a faggot. I am guessing you are one.


Attached: Gregory Johnson 2.png (1110x960, 872.62K)

A Pakistani intellectual I used to have communication with once introduced me to the topic of the phenomenon of faggots in the right and linked me to an essay about it written by an ex-super gay San Francisco Catholic. Faggots are not only attracted to the right but they're especially attracted to fascism and National Socialism which may be considered two of the most masculine political ideologies ever. The combination of strength and authoritarian leadership while being surrounded by aesthetic masculinity and beauty and a legions of strong men seems to be quite the sell for them. It's quite a complex topic if you wish to get into causality so I won't bother here.

I wonder if that scar on his forehead is from some nigger love he took out Brown who beat the White nationalism into him?

Homophobia global report.

the catholic church is run by faggots.

Are you serious ?
Because it's immoral, because it's probably the ruthless form of slavery, and it makes the usurers extremely rich by enslaving people for generations.
Why the hell do you think that the Jews are SO powerful ?

Homos, and assorted other 'it's, have gone wonkers. Something is off upstairs, a few marbles short of a bowl. No one can ever be sure what they will do next, nor which way they will go. Politically, they cannot be trusted, not by anyone. Should communism ever gain the upper hand, they will be the first to be purged.

How is it slavery? You have to sign a contract in order to get a loan. Things are different now. Nobody is forced to take a loan.

Faggots and jews equally deserve the rope. There is no point in letting any of those two groups exist.

That picture…
And no, I didn't imply that it was a "Left" vs "Right" issue…They are both globalists shills degenerate parties, the democrats has 60% Jews money and the Republican has 40% Jewish money + x% CEO money.
It's a pure joke.

The difference is that you can't even –be– anti-faggot identity on the "Left." It simply isn't an allowed option, within the mainstream or the "Marxist" and "socialist" fringes.

A similar stance on Kikes will get you excluded from nearly all "Right" wing spaces online. But being anti-faggot identity will only get you flack.

This christcuck is the new Jordan Peterson?

Except for education, starting a business, or buying a home.


How is it immoral to lend someone money with the condition they pay you back plus a sum for the inconvenience of having lent their wealth to you? Its only wrong if you are forced to take a loan you cant pay back. That doesn't happen in the US anyway.

He is talking about now, dumbass.

America fried faggots back in the 50s too.

You arent forced to take a loan. If you cant afford a child you can choose to wait until you are able to have said child. Does personal accountability mean nothing to you?

Don't accept sodomy

The "Left" in that thing called "America" stopped taking anything the USSR was saying seriously back in the 1950s, which is why they dropped the line that niggers belong to another Nation (something they Soviets had to force on the CP in "America").

The USSR ≠ the "Left." In fact, if you spend any amount of time talking to "Leftists" at all, you will see they basically universally despise it. Mainly because they said niggers belong to another Nation.

But do you even know what usury is ? It puts entire continents into slavery, and it wrecks them completely, making them the complete whores of the Jews.
It's EXTREMELY immoral, that's pure evil, just like Sodomy.
That's completly ANTI-LOGOS, it's against the order of the universe and it's defactio inherently evil, because they are revolutionaries, they change the order of the universe and turn it upside down…It's satanism and their deepest form and that's why the sodomites and usurers share the same last circle in hell. They are agents of ANTI-LOGOS, they are agents of CHAOS, and they will destroy the order of the universe, they will destroy everything that is pure and sacred, because they are inherently wicked and subversive, and that's why usury used to be ILLEGAL and that's why sodomy used to be ILLEGAL.

Attached: 1534823149731.jpg (431x322, 28.2K)

Well, it looks like you have no real argument. You should consider yourself lucky people are willing to loan. It gives you the opportunity to do something you couldn't have otherwise done. Its a calculated risk. Take a loan to become a doctor and you have a plan to pay back the debt.

This is surprising to you?

This "christcuck" called out Juden Peterstein.

Attached: JudenPetertsein.png (846x571, 112.39K)

How does the act of usury enslave anyone if its a choice? You have to agree to the terms of the loan to get the loan. If people take a loan without having a plan to pay it back its their own fault. Your problems are your own fault if you make stupid decisions

Oh, you're insane. I guess there's no sense continuing this conversation

Yes, that is all pretty reasonable. Tangentially, I remember Vox Day saying something related. I paraphrase:

"Atheists and LARPagans (not devoted pagans) of the right will most likely end up joining the side of globalism because they don't have a deep faith or a deep connection to their homeland, both of which stand in firm opposition to the goals of globalism. They don't have strong principles and virtues that they are willing to fight and die for nor do they really believe in anything. Therefore, they are liable to change at a whim can't be trusted at all and must be treated as enemies."

Fags are the ultimate rootless cosmopolitans. They are not even rooted to they future of their people because they don't have offspring and therefore do not value or desire a good future for their descendants. Hence, that guy's behaviour.

Never trust anyone who is not positively religious in any real sense.

Homosexuals are BROKEN people, they BROKE their own body with evil acts, they BROKE their entire morals and they BROKE their soul.
And that's why they are used and promoted by the Jews, because they are better proxy warriors than were the Africans.

You might not realize it, since you were born in this usury world, but it's EVIL, you ought NOT to make money and money…It's extremely immoral to make money fertile, that's not it's purpose, it's purpose it's to stay sterile, because money is an exchange tool, but if you are to make it fertile, you'll be the king of the world, because you'll enslave all the people you lend money to because of interest rate and the money will be concentrated to fewer and fewer hands, and that's what we have here.

In contrast to the right? Here's your right wing pseudonationalist president now, dumbass.

Yeah let me just save up 50k for tuition on a minimum wage salary while living with my parents before going to university. While I'm at it, let me save up 100k for my small business, and let me save 500k before I settle down to buy a home. You are an absolute moron.

I am replying to your comment about Marxists. Virtually every Marxist will praise the Soviets for starting with a nation of peasants to surpassing imperialist western powers in 40 years.

No, my argument is clear. In order to marry your qt white gf and pump out babies to save the white race, you need the means to support them with a high paying job (education, small business) and a house (mortgage).

Attached: 2QTCMYWUCQ4HNFG7RNS43MQF4M[1].png (1484x989, 104.75K)

How is it evil. I dont understand. Its evil for a person to lend another person money with the condition they pay back extra for the inconvenience?

If you want to know a secret about faggots the ZOG doesn't want to know, it's that faggots think trannies are faggots with mental disorders.

This significant because it reveals a couple things:

1. The faggot know something most people don't: the tranny identity is a competitor identity to the faggot identity.

2. The faggot is wrong: the faggot has no problem trying to force the faggot identity onto people. They also do this to bisexual mean, claiming they are just faggots to afraid to admit to being faggots.

Usury ought to be banned merely on the fact that its existence is the number one way to enslave people. If usury didn't exist, we wouldn't be owned by Jews. Usury is how they enslaved us all and it only gets worse over time.

Everyone call out Jordan Peterson, who will call out this christcuck?

Moral governement give loan to their citizens at 0% interest rate!!! Because that's how it's supposed to be, you are supposed to help your population, not to enslave them, not to wreck their economy and not to destroy the future of the whole nation. And that's why Libya got killed.

This isn't true: virtually all of them will tell you the USSR was "State-Capitalist" and "Social-Fascist." You'd know this is true if you spent any amount of time talking to them.

You can try Jew, he's open to debate Jews, he already did it.

Attached: 1534317882738.png (637x332, 56.91K)

In contrast to the right, yes, we pay lip services to fags, but there are more right wing opposition to fags than left wing.

Oh, the next Jordan Peterson indeed.

Are you serious? Don't you have some basic economic notions ?

user, im a plumber and I run my own plumbing business out of a van. I was a manager of an am/pm for 5 years, the last three I spent also going to trade school that was paid for with my wages. I own a house and support myself without loans. Do you not understand the way the world works? My dad was a cocaine addict until 40 then he got back into construction and saved his money. He opened his own construction business and now hes a cobbler with his own shoe store. He spent ten years in pelican bay for attempted murder. Anyone can make it if they decide to make good decisions. Its your own fault if you take a loan without understanding the terms.

The biggest scam in the world is central banking which intrinsically uses debt to enslave nations. It's thanks to usury that America is trillions of dollars in debt to banking elite Jews. And that debt is impossible to pay off due to the nature of the system itself. Eventually, it just collapses your entire nations and kills millions subsequently.

Its main function has always been a mechanism for power acquisition. Its existence allows for the subversion of the world itself.

Once again, you have to agree to the terms of the loan. You sound like Zig Forums. Its your decision to take or turn down a loan.

Because MONEY should NOT be FERTILE. It HAS to be sterile, because that's what money should be. If you make money fertile, the usurers concentrate all the wealth in their hands and the wealth become more and more concentrated in their hands, and they enslave entire countries. This is EVIL.


Youre reasoning is hooey

Worst, they go against the order of the universe in the DEEPEST and most INTIMATE way possible, by turning upside-down the most sacred act possible, which is procreation. That's why they are the best revolutionary for the Jews, because they rebel against the Order of the universe in the deepest sense of the universe.

Fuck off, retard. If you don't get that a system that can be employed by anyone to subvert your nation is a bad idea and evil, you should just leave. There is no debate at this point, only you trying to sidestep the reality that not only is usury evil, but it is responsible for the greatest enslavement in the entirety of history and is being used as a tool to gain complete leverage over nations to genocide their people, which includes you.

Conversation over.

But are you playing stupid on purpose or what ?

37:43 - 38:45
>America is controlled by (((subversives)))
Welcome to Weimerica

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The death of the faggot-identity will come about not because Christ-fags find a way to pray it away, it will come about when White Nationalist psychologists discover how to eradicate it before it takes root.

We know for a fact the faggot identity isn't natural. The British had to force it on the Hijra of India, and it competes unsuccessfully against the Lady Boys in Thailand.

Still, faggots seem to believe that their competitor identities are just themselves mental disorders. The tranny is just a faggot who can't accept being a faggot, so pretends to be a woman.

I would soon discover that you can't get a faggot to talk to you about autogynephilia: the mental disorder which actually characterizes the thoughts of most trannies. They simply will not discuss it with you. Try it sometime, and you will see: faggots can't talk about autogynephilia at all.

This is because it hits too close to home, reflecting the real origins of the homosexual thought-pattern.

My suspicion is this: the male homosexual is a result of early-onset autogynephilia, when the child still has more imagination about what supposedly makes a female sexually excited. Autogynephilia proper is what occurs post-puberty, after a male has already begun sexualizing women in a heterosexual way.

We can also now detect faggots early on in the school system, so it should be more than possible to single these children out for psychological experimentation. My theory is that female molestation of the would-be homosexual can disrupt the childish sexual narratives about women underlying homosexuality, and should be encouraged.

If all else fails, we will simply cut their dicks off when they're 5-6 and turn them into women. No more faggots, ever.

It's not a choice, you have no choice between currencies here or anywhere else. Barter is straight up illegal everywhere.

Are you saying that women can turn them straight when they are children?

Lesbianism is, was, and always will be based in rejection of having a relationship with men. This much is obvious reading any of the early dyke literature. It's only fairly recently that dykes started aping faggot narratives, mainly because Kikes appointed faggots the rulers the LGBTQ-P (pedo) community and made them start saying it.

Correct, lesbianism is an act of feminism itself. Science research also supports this as studies have found that all lesbians are attracted to men and gain virtually nothing from the act of lesbian sex because it is devoid of the masculine component that women need because of their psycho-sexual requirements. It's an act of protest in the form of rejection and nothing more. The modern idea of lesbian relationships and sex is a product of the porn industry and a myth. The legit ones who do have "relationships" are largely in sex-starved pseudo romantic relationships that consist of shocking amounts of violence.

Sorry, I misread you.

But yes, that is a working theory I have. If male homosexuality is based on a form of early-onset autogynephilia, that means it is based on what a child –thinks– makes women sexually excited about men (namely, a hypermasculine male, the sexual fantasy object of faggots).

If a male child sees a woman being sexually excited toward –themselves–, it may disrupt their imagined ideas about female sexuality.

It's just a theory, which may be false. Thankfully, it may be possible for anti-fag governments elsewhere in the world (Iran, China, Russia, etc) to test this theory themselves, because "America" will never do it.


You could be right, but we have also now located genes which are tied to the production of homosexual behaviour. While some probably are born that way, i.e. turbo fags, the majority probably experience an environmental epigenetic trigger that causes the genes in question to activate, so to speak. This would explain why it seems to be an ever increasing phenomenon. Pollutants probably contribute to a significant degree by mutating genes when they're present in the environment also.

Ah now that makes more sense. The obsession with being cut year round and having all the exaggerated superman traits beyond just raw athleticism.

Go the fuck back to reddit you absolute dumb nigger lover.

The number of not just fags, but trannies who are tolerated or outright accepted in far-right internet communities that aren't 8/pol/ is always hilarious to me

I don't buy it, and even if it's true it just kicks the problem up a step: what causes autogynephilia? Homosexuality seems more likely to be explained by a pathogen as Greg Cochran has proposed or by child molestation.

Perhaps chemistry of the environment? I grew up on well water, couldn't be any straighter than me.

This should be self-explanatory, but I suppose you're not very familiar with the concept. Pick up a copy of "Men Trapped in Men's Bodies" and start reading, it will become quite clear that autogynephilia is just another type of erotic narrative that can latch onto any heterosexual man.

Child molestation maybe, but trying to explain it via a pathogen is stupidity. Might as well believe a foot fetish is caused by a foot fungus.

This is a lie. Next, you'll tell us women who fuck dogs have dog fucking genes, pedos have pedophilia genes, bisexuals apparently have both genes, trannies have tranny genes, etc.

Just nonsense.

Cool meme dad


You're a retard. We're beings who are products of genetics. Violence is genetic, psychopathy is genetic, empathy is genetic, smiling is genetic, impulsiveness is genetic, motivation is genetic, intelligence is genetic – but, somehow, homosexual behaviour has no genetic basis!

This is blank slate-ism on the level of a full-blown Marxist.

They do and so what. No one "chooses" what sex they are attracted to. It's hardwired into the brain.

Tell us which alleles make women fuck dogs, retarded faggot.

Which alleles make Furies dress up in animal costumes and fuck each other, retard.

Faggots think they are a separate species, just like Kikes.

I think what the other user is getting at is that there are probably genes that make a person more prone to degeneracy, in general, than, say, a dedicated faggot gene or dogfucking gene.

They've already found the genes, dumbass. It's a little too late for you to flail that impotent rhetoric around.

I am quite familiar with it, actually.
I don't buy this. You can't meme a man into wanting to be a woman.
Have you read any of Cochran's writing on this? There's not any hard evidence, but he makes a fairly compelling argument.

I bet you're the type of retard who reads random science articles and thinks the discovery of dark matter is right around the corner.

Of course, no one has found faggot genes, because they don't exist. Various people have claimed it for decades now, only for it to be debunked.

But hey, maybe they'll find the pair of alleles which cause men to get horses to ram their dicks in their ass.

Never trust no one. If you know what that means.

It can't. Because theey don't reproduce.


Sure you are.

In fact, you can. This is why you see the disappearance of the cross-dresser. The autogynephiles of yester-year had no real belief that they could actually become women, and so settled for just dressing up like them occasionally. Now this species of pervert has virtually disappeared, to be replaced by the modern tranny.

Yes, it's stupid nonsense.

Literally no argument. They've already found the associated genes. From a sample size of over 1,000,000 people.

There's no such thing as a 100% gay guy. They are all attracted to women to varying degrees and many reproduce. What do you think a "bi" is?

If you guys don't think humans are a product of genetics, you're just retards.

Then you should have no problem providing actual references to the scientific literature. Go ahead, try it!

If you think women fuck dogs because they have dog-fucking alleles, you're a retard.

You don't see this, though. Drag is as popular as ever. There are still guys calling themselves traps around and insisting they're different from trannies.
Even if you did see this, it wouldn't give you any additional information as to the cause.
Sure, but if you were to go back, tell those people that they could become women and offer them a way to do it, lots of them would take it. The desire is the same as it ever was, all that's changed is their belief about what's possible.

"Homo genes", "dog fucking genes", "furry genes", etc. are all the same thing, genes predispositioning for mental disorders, you retarded faggot. Why do you think the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ "community" is plagued with mental health issues? Because their genes predicate them for mental illnesses.

Go live in a Black neighborhood. They are just like White people with the same genes.

As a form of sexual fetish, no it isn't. The middle-aged man who dresses up in woman's clothes and masturbates to himself in front of the mirror when his wife isn't home is a thing of the past, having totally been supplanted by the modern tranny.

No fucking shit if you went back in time and PUT A MEME IN THEIR HEADS ABOUT BEING REAL WOMEN they'd pick it up.

Because they already wanted that, they just used to know it was impossible so settled for less.

There's probably genes that make them inclined to do that, yes. You can call me a retard for believing that, but you are no different than a science denying leftist. Here is a comparison:




I get people telling me I am gay or bi every fucking day because I don't chase beasts or jailbait.

That doesn't make me any less straight than I was twenty years ago and getting laid several times a day by multiple women.

If we are to go by this moron's logic, animals in nature that sodomise each other have also been brainwashed by Jews and sodomise as a result.

That settles it, you're a fucking retard.


Just another study that will probably be debunked later. Even if the author of the paper, Andrea Ganna, is quoted as saying "I am pleased to announce that there is no 'gay gene.'" This study, even if taken at face value, doesn't explain anything.

For instance, there isn't even one type of faggot. The typical faggot people think of is someone attracted to a sexual fantasy object of a hyper-masculine male. These faggots are generally not even attracted to other faggots like themselves, because they are too effeminate.

The other type of faggot is someone who sexualizes the previous top. This forms the top/bottom dynamic so common amongst male homosexuals. One of the ultimate expressions of this type of faggot is the bug-chaser; the bug-chaser has as their erotic fantasy object a diseased, emaciated faggot. The erotic narrative driving the attraction is similar to the Madonna/Whore complex amongst straight men. Many of these faggots will tell you they are the 'true' faggot, because they're actually attracted to faggots, whereas the previous faggot that people are familiar with is attracted to hyerpmasculine men, and in fact, would sleep with exclusively heterosexual men if given the chance.

Does the study account for any actual observed social dynamics amongst faggots? Undoubtedly not, because it is based on stupid assumptions. Like believing in Fury-genes.

That is the key paragraph in that article. There are not specific "faggot genes" there are mental illness genes. Just look at the doublethink they spout to rationalize away the association; it completely gives the game away. Faggotry is an indicator of mental illness.

Hey look, this dog has Goose-fucking genes!

Attached: dogduck.jpg (339x233, 25.94K)

Whatever homosexuality is, there is a genetic component behind it. That's my argument.

No arguments detected. This is the same rhetoric that leftists used to spew about intelligence because we didn't know about any genes that influenced it and now China is beginning to genetically engineer super IQs. You are in no way a rational person and therefore rational communication with you is not possible. Therefore, end of conversation.


Your own source says there is no gay gene. The correlations are almost certainly based on nothing more than receptivity to other mental disorders, as already pointed out by another poster.

You think Furies have genes that make them dress up in animal costumes and fuck each other. You're a retard.