Daily Reminder that Zig Forums is always right and the AltKike are cancerous egotistical faggots who seemingly are now engaged in outright doxing others for the feds.
Daily Reminder that Zig Forums is always right and the AltKike are cancerous egotistical faggots who seemingly are now engaged in outright doxing others for the feds.
Kike Free First Post
He is a Federal Informant, and a malfunctioning Golem. A lot of e-celebs appear to be malfunctioning lately. Sage.
No. E-celeb threads here relay redundant info and take away from informational threads. E-celebs are all greedy jew financed shits. Muh superchats.
Who the fuck is Mosin Nagant? Is this thai fuck shack nonsense again. DS is run by b'nai brith.
Even from the fake posts you made, Cantwell is still right. The Feds/kikes have used this sort of tactic to try to entrap for decades. Some literally who was trying to get him to commit Federal crimes. Who gives a shit? Go be a faggot somewhere else.
They're all on his Gab account, faggot
There was a copypasta during GamerGay about weev, and one of the bullet points is that he was openly involved with a B'na B'rith lodge in the early 2000s.
Weev is a literal kike, user.
I know, but being involved B'nai B'rith takes his kikishness to another level. The strange thing is, I can't find it anywhere, and so many of the old threads here were archived, either on or those sites that scrub the board.
Isn't he a literal homosexual? Pretty sure he is.
Never change gaychan
he's right you know. but yeah. all you faggots are FEDs.
Might wanna hide all that glow, you faggot.
I hope the FBI or CIA drops another subtle hint to him to shut the fuck up already, that or I hope someone finally throws that crying manlet into his own woodchipper. Seriously cantwell. It's in his name, can't do anything well. Can't into the ancap right for fucks sake.
There was court testimony, and not just about weev. The servers are still owned by a bnai brith member. A writer there, Joshua Goldberg, was exposed to be a b'nai brith kike in court. He is in prison for trying to provacateur a bombing in Kansas City at a 9/11 memorial. Most likely, every writer there is a member.
the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is bankrupt, the feds aren't gettin paid, its no wonder they are malfunctioning
nice selfie!
Saging is anti-bump, okay?
Do you support Christoper Cantwell? Answer this question before proceeding.
Dudes a homosexual and a fed
Since you asked; no.
Because I don't support that unhinged American?
i never liked cantwell. he is obnoxious and crude, with nothing to say to any of us. he was always several steps behind. honestly he wouldn't give a fuck about the POWs if he wasn't caught up with them. he was always an opportunist, just not as fortunate as the shills Anglin and Weev. he somehow became a martyr, but he is a coward and insincere. personally, i never liked him, and don't view him as a positive for the movement.
This fucking thread again, literally almost to the day a year later.
Next month the nudes will leak again, right?
hello chris
My name isn't Chris. I do have a photographic memory though.
Ive met Mosin on a video chat back in 2013 during pols beginning. He is an idahoan who was learning chinese at the time. I think hes ginger. Probably early 30s late 20s now. Cool dude. Legit nazi.
Learning Chinese.
He was part of that group that spammed the ever loving shit out of pol with that 3rd position pro fashy video group. Kids were either super ahead of their time or a honey pot.
Take it for what you will.
why wait a month … let me see that salute solider
heil …. dont be a cock tease faggot
thats not the type of photograph Im talking about
Shut up nigger, I know I woke your faggot ass up yelling.
bitch get woke bitch
Seeing as China is becoming a world superpower and is taking over everywhere, I'd say that learning their language is a smart idea if only to know what they're up to.
this shit is exhausting. Who cares.
When Cantwell first went to the FBI "to get those Antifa guys" all he ended up doing was getting RAM indicted, I'm glad I never called into his "Call-in-Show", what a great way to get the location and real-name of any dissident.
"Hey goys heres a call-in-show where you call in and talk more than I do, to entice other goys to call-in and talk about what makes you all unhappy, I'll just sit here and act like I agree, while government agencies trace the call and discover who you all are."
Just another free state project faggot. Crypto-leftist. Never trust a fat person.
It reminds me of when Hal Turner tried to claim he was working with the FBI to find zionist agents in the government.
7.62x54r lane.
I want all you jews fucking dead already.
A guy with a call in line for his show thats "1-800-GO-NAZI" and lives off donations says Youtube "nazis" dont exist and are Jews trying to make money off superchat. You cant make this shit up.
He's right about Larping Nazis fags.
Do you even know where you are?
So the guy who says "GO NAZI" in his phone line is calling others larping nazi fags. Youre the larper and hypocrite.
Reminder the Cantwell defenders(who are very small in number) arguments boil down to "White activists who arent trained in security deserve to die or be handed over to feds"
Reminder Nehlen and Little were banned for doxxing, that asking Gab to help you dox other Gab users gets you banned even before you release the information and he actually did release Mosins name, which is private and non-public information.
Reminder the only reason he wouldnt be banned is because feds are protecting their asset, and Torba works with feds by his own admission.
Well okay Little was banned for a comment taken out of context about smashing holocaust memorials (after pursuing legal action to have them removed as they do to confederate ones), not doxing but Nehlen was, and plenty of others.
It is, and on top of that the guy Cantwell is complaining about pretended to be Cantwell and threatened an FBI agent. Doxing isn't a crime, and if someone did such a thing to try and get any user here swatted or thrown in prison that user would also resort to doxing if they could. You don't try to get someone thrown in prison or killed then say "it was only a prank."
ole boy should return to parking meter regulation
Cantwell admitted he was working with feds and was doxxing white nationalists like Jordan before his site was vandalized etc. He deserves it. He was a traitor before he started doxxing them, now hes just an antifa threat which should be neutralized.
This is why eceleb threads should be deleted. Few people even know who the fuck Mosin Nagant is and OP's usually do a shit job explaining the situation about ecelebs. Cantwell is fucking retarded in many ways such as posting about doxing some dude who bought shit from you and the guy he's doxing seems to be a piece of shit.
So whats the issue?
This is weev/DS tier shit where he openly admitted he took evidence to the feds that would clear them of violence at C-Ville and you belief a news story by our enemies that say he's an informant and run with it? Absolute retard tier yourself or exposing yourself as a D&C agent which is exactly what they are known for doing to cause people to waste energy on this school girl bickering shit.
Learn to spell doxing you alt-kike scum. There is nothing wrong with doxing kike subversives, but there is something wrong with you faggots coming to Zig Forums and asking anons to do all the work for you to destroy someone. Do your own work, then bring back results. What you TRSodomite faggots are complaining about is a guy contacting the Fed that the hacker contacted and threatened, to say it was not him and to tell the Fed who really made the threat. Now that things are getting too real for the alt-kike faggot he goes around playing the victim and screeching about Cantwell being a traitor. Fucked should have had better opsec, don't commit federal crimes when your name is attached to those crimes. Cantwell is right about that faggot and the other alt-kike faggots just being LARPers, just look at Peinovitch, Anglin, or Weev for good examples of that.
Stop posting. No, thats not what this is about at all.
Fed. Asset. Stop arguing about it, its not up for debate.
Worth noting the only user that claims to even know who he is sounds like it is Mosin himself. He can't even spell Zig Forums and is desperately trying to fit in
Hes been around on Gab for a long time and people know him from there. He was visited by feds for having contact with Bowers.
TRS was who initiated Cantwell into the aut-kike.
Yeah the activity was those guys contacting the feds on his behalf making threats, then he contacts those same feds to say it wasn't him and these are the guys who did it. If he didn't make the contact he would have been no mock raided by plainclothes officers and if he survives then arrested, and for what. So a couple TRSodomite faggots could get away with crimes against Cantwell and do some gayops with their name attached? Why exactly should Cantwell willingly take the fall for some faggot that tried to frame Cantwell for a crime?
White Nationalism, it's working..for the Jews.
Didn't you faggots dox a bunch of them? I remember the whole debacle about TRSodomites and doxing Enoch and Ghoul and Morrakiu.
No, thats a distortion. They posted Cantwells admitted fed handlers name on his website because Cantwell is a fed with a handler. Thats totally different. Youre being dishonest.
These guys also wrote the book on anti-TRS, theyre Slavros's people. Youre full of shit, Cantwell is the fucking civnat who says nigger blood is okay in small amounts and such.
And to be clear, Slavros literally wrote a book on them. The archive I was about to link was taken down. It takes all the things we complained about and puts them into a full blown e-book with illustrations and everything.
Antifa doxxed them. We exploited it because theyre mixed race, for Jews, for niggers and faggots. Thats not pro-white, thats white genocide.
Never trust no one
Gas yourself any time.
Have another
Cuckchan is for you.
So he is well known on a jewish honeypot, and is either a few or talked to them himself. All of these alt-kike LARPers talk to the cops and the feds, and they only complain when Cantwell does it. The first time they complained was the Thai Fuck Shack saying don't talk to cops and saying Cantwell providing video to the courts showing antifa assaulting people got the RAM guys arrested. Yet in between Cantwell giving up the video that the courts would have gotten either way, and the RAM guys getting arrested Azzmador was visited by the feds and not only talked to them but invited them into his home. Then more recently they put out a federal warrant for Azzmadors arrest, then it got quietly dropped and nothing came of it when more RAM guys got fucked. As
pointed out these people brought Cantwell into their group, then immediately set him as their fall guy. Anons kept saying it was a trap, and now afterwards he became a lightning rod for all the blame, and the only legit group gets arrested. Meanwhile all the Ecelebs who set it all up are completely fine and untouched.
Yeah and contacted that fed claiming to be Cantwell. When they got control of the site they should have leaked all the chat logs. Also everyone already knew about Cantwell giving that video to that fed, this isn't anything new
Literally who? Every time you try and make a point you expect anons to know who your nametag Ecelebs are and to do the dirty work for you just because you use some faggots name
So your Eceleb requested the takedown of his own stuff? Also if a namefag makes a book about other namefags that doesn't make him any less cancerous
Forgot about this one.
He said it about Jews too in regards to Weev. Hes regularly said people who think everyone should be white are larpers or not to be taken seriously.
Hes made several posts about this, normally in replies when the topic came up. I didnt save them. Youre right though, I just remembered he had a latina girlfriend.
An open letter to Cantwells fed handler designed to expose Cantwell as having a fed handler is not contacting feds. Stop trying, his reputation is over. What you should do is go and tie yours to his and go down along with him if youre so passionate about talking to feds, ever.
Also didnt bother reading it all. Thats hilarious, you dont even know what Ironmarch is and you think you speak for anyone. Go back to cuckchan or wherever you came from.
More classic Cantwell
For context, less than a year later he was doing shows with TRS. So that isn't some ancient clip.
Holy shit it makes so much sense now.
Mosin Nagant, is that you? I'm no Cantwell defender, but you shouldn't bite if you can't handle the fact that others would do the same
Cantwell gets the rope and he knows it.
It's just usual fed tactic. They try to ostracize you from norimies, later ostracizing you from extremists. GLR and James Mason wrote about this shit
Azzmador is a Jew.
Good lord you are stupid as fuck.
Doesn't know what that means.
I've said this guy was an informant for ages
I don't need to be an asset. I gain inmunity from my family.
Its mostly a joke, semi-related.
You have the post that got Pat banned capped in that image btw, it was taken out of context as justification.
The Evropa suspicion is also justified. They claim they wanted to the info for background checks, then it came out that they had a recruiter who was arrested for trying to fuck gook children out of an ad in a newspaper.
Everyone knows Weev is a kike and a federal informant though
2 (you)s for the price of one. Everyone knew about Cantwell contacting that fed for more than a year now, why are you pretending any of this information is new? Your explanation doesn't even make sense claiming they did it to expose something that has been public knowledge for a while now, without even leaking chat logs
This may come as a surprise to you, but anons don't care about your namefag Ecelebs. The fact you claim to have not read my post and refuse to put up any argument because anons don't care about your specific brand of namefaggotry speaks volumes. Ironmarch as a group is vaguely known, but not relevant. Random specific Ecelebs in the group are not known and you are retarded if you think anons must be from cuckchan if that dont know your favorite Eceleb. All the Eceleb gets sent down there, it doesn't belong here.