Enough moping around and blackpilling.
Share the best articles and videos for whitepillils and redpills.
I really like this one - especially the music/compilation at the very end
Enough moping around and blackpilling.
Share the best articles and videos for whitepillils and redpills.
I really like this one - especially the music/compilation at the very end
Other urls found in this thread:
This one made me smile
Another whitepill video
Be of good cheer
Hear the screams as Hamas catch the Israeli soldier unaware
Whitepill Hamas attack on an Israeli Jeep
Why are you even here? We have threads exposing you people and calling for your extermination. Go back to /b/.
user, they are not people.
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I hope someone sent the video to their mothers to hear their jewish piss baby squeal like a little bitch when they killed him.
Nah, fuck off back to temple for new marching orders moshe.
This guy got 3 before they took him out
Whitepill: This dude laid out 11, pools of blood
I was thinking more of videos that celebrate European culture and national/racial heritige and analiyze and present the world situation in a way a normie could digest rather than videos of kikes dying.
One is useful, built on love for your people and search for truth and can be used to get more people to wake up and appreciate who they are and where they came from more; the other is just petty schadenfreude and can only drive people away.
I find them uplifting, and so do other anons - read the thread
You're welcome to post any you have of whites taking action. I can't find any, unfortunately. Until I do, I'll post what I can find.
Change of pace, a redpill:
Why does Trump have to keep Americans in Syria and Iraq to protect Israel? Why doesn't the well-funded (by US taxpayer dollars) army of Israel protect it's own interests?
Because the Israelis will never field ground troops outside of Israel; Jewish lives are infinitely more valuable than yours and there is no disagreement between your elected representatives or the president on this vital question.
Killing of radnom kikes is not really helping anyone and such videos are single-purpose only - to make you feel better for a second in a twisted way.
I'd prefer multi-purpose videos. Positivity. Focus on your own people/nation and truth. after all, that is the core of NatSoc.
The hatered for the jews is not a core component of NatSoc, it's a side-effect/consequence of them being subversive parasites.
Why not? Maybe they'll be discouraged enough to leave their outpost in the Middle East, and fewer Americans will be put in harm's way for their benefit. Or perhaps (as has already happened) the President himself will be forced to admit that his own constituents' lives have little value compared to his foreign backers. Only good can come of it.
Then post them.
It's very revealing that you would equate the concern I have for US troops (I was one) with hatred of Jews. It's very Jewish of you, in fact.
Why is their so much israel propoganda here? wtf
You don't think they know about this site? They monitor it, and have teams of people hired to post here and anywhere else that free minds gather. Mainly, their goal for this site is to soften the National Socialist (someone they can't control easily) into a loyal GOP voter (someone they can control easily.
Given that the videos posted are of Hamas and Jids killing eachother (not containing US troops), I don't know where you got the idea I somehow want foreign troops to die for kikes in the Middle East. Not to mention that no where in your replies did you even mention concern for US troops until your last post. All I had to go with is you expressions of glee/joy at videos of deaths in the planets rectum that is the Middle East.
I don't read fucking minds, nor do I pretend to know what everyone thinks. That is also a very jewish thing to do.
Well, sorry if I hurt your feelings, but I know very well why US troops are being used as bait in Syria (for instance), and I'll keep informing people until it ends, or until it becomes so well known that Americans hesitate to join the military.
Meanwhile, if I can find more videos of Yids getting hammered (by whomever, I really don't care), then hopefully like-minded people will be of good cheer.
QRD of a botched Israeli raid
Second that. Hatred solves nothing. If anything, it drives normies away from the movement.
shutup fag
ns propaganda welcomed hate 666%
because we dont give them our shit, they cant make what we can, and because we wont fuck their homely asses. its that simple.
Legitimately based Hungary
made a webm in case it gets shoa'd
What the fuck? Those are instruments of torture with only one purpose…Why does Gaza tolerate the fucking jews for one second?
OP I’ll be real that was the video that sealed the deal for me. At the time of watching it I was definitely pro white but was still a lolbert “well as long as they’re loyal to the constitution” type. Was something about that video that opened up an inner rage in me though.
Red elephants is another good channel. He definitely hints at the JQ as much as you reasonably can on Jewtube.
I also like Devon Stack (Blackpilled) and Adam Greene’s Know More News.
Know more news is pretty damn woke to the JQ. I almost can’t fathom how it remains on the platform, unless they want it there?! But in all seriousness I can’t watch too much as I get really pissed off watching it. Great channel as an intro to the JQ
My nigger Elisha!!! I've been following this dude for just over a year and a half and he's come a long way. Did you see the thumbnail of his video "Doomers and the Future"? Pic related.
You can have anything you want on this board, why would you want it to be bigoted?
This place is kept ugly to avoid offending the delicate sensitivities of arrogant people who can’t stand the idea of intelligence not slaved to their ends. If we want a future that isn’t troubled by bored super-intelligences, people need to relearn the art of minding their own business. That *does* preclude trashing anonymous spaces with false flag bigotry.