Over the last few years, I've slowly and incrementally become more and more redpilled.
I've began questioning things, researching everything, expanding my knowledge, focusing on my family and building it up as best I can.
But I can't knock the dread. The feeling that I, we, are losing. I can't sit in a theatre and not pick out things that are clearly pushing again whites, against western society and our way of life.
I can't sit at dinner with my wife without noticing we are the minority in the room.
It has infected every aspect of my life, and while I'm absolutely trying it feels hopeless.
From the workplace, to nights out, to even watching a movie at home - I can't escape it. I can't feel normal. I can't relax. I'm constantly at odds with the world and it's driving me insane.
Being racially aware as a rapidly declining minority like being hyper aware. We notice things that others are too tired to notice. On the flip side, you're far less likely to get mugged.
Daniel Peterson
You don't. If you feel normal in this world then you are either stupid or a member of the enemy tribe. Our job is to resist against the inevitable if that is our fate. The fact that you have a wife and have the ability to have children is a great thing. It sounds like you are urban, the country is where you feel a medium of 'calm' but in certain parts, even that is getting worse. Redpill your wife, your children. Buy weapons and learn how to use them. Learn how to survive. Just know you are not alone.
Jace Howard
Imagine your house is on fire and everyone is calmly going on with their business, you wouldn't feel normal in that scenario either. Don't let it drain you, stay composed, salvage what you can and leave. Don't despair, because it's precisely what they feed on.
Parker Clark
Your new normal is to be relaxed but always alert to the threat. aka you'd best start believing in race wars, you're in one.
Matthew Stewart
the redpill didn't do this to you, society is in fact in rapid decline, the redpill just made you aware of it as the cause for the profound pain all whites are feeling. you're not in a "normal" or even sane world, so your feelings are in fact normal
you faced the truth and all its thorns instead of deluding and lying to yourself as leftist whites have that this is all a positive. for what it's worth, this is proof of your own strength. you faced the truth instead of not even being able to glance at it
goob job, now hunker down and survive the storm, they want you dead before their power wanes and they're forced to answer for their crimes
this. you shouldn't feel normal because the environment is abnormal and hostile. you're reacting appropriately
Sebastian Martinez
The term 'normal' is mainly used to describe what we feel to be "okay" or "well" or even something that gives us the notion of "something good" in our daily lives. Something we'd want around us constantly.
A lot of the usual energy people make is genuinely dull and mundane, and the lemmings revolve around this 'normalness' thanks to a spiritual dead center.
It's an incredibly corny word. People can unironically swap the word 'normal' with "crazy' and you'd pass for most people to be a normie regardless of context. Just look how mainstream a degenerate rapper or whoever has a shitty vocabulary or incapable of independent thought really is and all they're on about is to "keep it real being crazy because being normal sucks".
When something is *crazy* they can unironically like the shit being spit on the screen. People mostly can't describe anything 'normal' as anything but "crazy".
Fear is the main issue. We all have to let go of it. Being kind and genuine to anyone without the ego involved you'd feel bare and the dark side of people makes you to come up as a sucker ready to be sucked dry of your good intentions, unless you're literally blind to the dark side yourself.
Shine in the darkness, friend. Come through the pain and you'll be able to look past the suffering. Giving in to the pain usually makes one afraid. But thank God for the light within us. Peace
I know exactly how you feel. 2 years ago I was at a point where if I didn't find some anons IRL to talk to I was going to start yelling at family members incoherently the next time they mentioned Israel being our greatest ally or some other such nonsense.
You need to join one of the several fraternal organizations currently available. Having a group of bros who are on the same page and can relate to is a HUGE benefit. Don't go for the violent ones, they're FBI'd.
I looked into the orgs available and joined the one I thought best. It's one of the best things I ever did. I'm more whitepilled, more stable, and able to focus on practical action. I'm not telling you which one I joined because it's against our rules to shill of the chans. But I'm sure if you look into it, you'll find there's only a few serious options.
Jace Smith
The premise of your post is flawed. None of us feel "normal", user. This is a false reality, and it has been apparent since 9/11/2001 and before that as well. We must approach reality, every second of it, with the sword of truth and reason.
That dread you're feeling and wanting to work through? Sorry to tell you, but that is feeling normal, that's what a human would feel if it isn't reeducated and reprogrammed against its own instincts. "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society," and our society is horrifyingly sick. It's hard to confront, but most other people actively don't care about the fact that their culture is being destroyed, their race is being killed slowly, and anything they do to appease their inferior masters will eventually not be enough to keep themselves secure. It's an overstep to say that they aren't aware of these things, I think, it's just something they know in the back of their heads - but since recognizing those things makes people feel like you do, they ignore it to feel happy and let the conditioning stay in control. In the beginning of 1984 Winston uses the concept of Doublethink to stop himself from remembering that he'd ever had a dangerous thought that could, if left to grow, convince a person that his society is as terrible as it really is.
The "solution," as much as there is one, is recognizing that things like Doublethink and Crimestop are LEARNED behaviors. Unless someone is bombarded and gaslit into acceptance they will naturally come to your conclusions. Someone in this thread will certainly tell you that the solution, then, is to go bomb a building or shoot up a mall, but I think the answer is more people acting in smaller ways, namely the family and local community. Make your home a space that doesn't simply substitute one propaganda for another, but instead encourage a life in accordance with nature and critical thinking. Take nature walks, go camping, tend a garden, etc, and hold a conversation where they do most of the talking - don't deliver sermons, but work through their thoughts and end with questions for them to tease further thought and discussion from.
That family activity model should also be expanded on into the community, because National Socialism cares deeply about the bonds between families within the Volk. School, Church, and local organizations like a Farmer's market are the easiest ways to start getting involved because they offer an easy identity to everyone involved. Modern Christianity is insidious and dangerous, but I go because everyone there will accept newcomers and interact with them. Become surface-level friends with the right people and you'll become a voice of power and authority, and no one will object when you start asking them slightly more discomforting questions, or organize a boy's camping trip, or a family cookout in the park.
It's a long, steep, uphill battle we fight. That's our lot, and wishing it weren't is less than pointless. "Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live."
Yet you're too scared to go outside and do anything,
Asher Nelson
The path to the true aristocratic Zig Forumsack is my goal. Not that I will evade health or raising a family. The goal is to inspire like minded individuals or at least search for them.
Well said user, I just wish we weren't that despised, but I take as a sign that I'm on the right path. Nobody will mind you if you are conforming, but as soon as someone deviates, they turn hostile. Keep your coolness and work towards your goals and name the jew, even if they are just honorary.
I'm just trying to be honest, and work my way through it.
I want what's best for my family, and my people.
It's hard not to feel hopeless sometimes, but the responses I've gotten so far are actually good, and are helping me set goals that I intend to follow through with.
Ayden Stewart
Get out of the city when you can
Aiden Wright
Treat the world like a zombie apocalypse. in fact, you are in one.
Joseph Murphy
You're too scared to go outside and do anything. Maybe the Stormtardation isn't working?
Liam Nelson
This is the one thing I'm focusing on doing, and made good progress towards.
Thus far I'm about an hour from any large town, but even here I can watch it slowly creeping in.
There's effectively a line about three miles from my home. Past that line, it's darker in every way.
It's been creeping closer to my home. Robberies, muggings, assaults, all of it. Slowly working it's way towards me and my own.
I know it's the best I can do, but I am so sick of running. I've moved from house to house, city to city and state to state just to try and escape it but it always slowly works it's way to me.
I intend to get much further away next time.
Isaiah Bell
You don't. Fuck off with your goddamn blog spam.
Hunter Campbell
Grayson Hughes
Nicholas Peterson
Take your blogpost somewhere else.
Ayden Lee
user, meditate more and connect with source energy.
Then you'll realize the game that is the challenge before us.
I think the biggest problem is anons don't have support groups. You have to have real life connections with people who are like minded and share the same ideology. This is incredibly important, yet, very hard to accomplish in a multicultural shithole like America. People are afraid to join organizations because many of them are FBI honey pots. So if you don't have any people in your life that don't share the same ideas it gets lonely and disheartening. I can relate, my entire family is leftist and my father remarried to a former London banking Jew that now profits off divorcing people as a "divorce counselor". I have yet to meet a single person in life other than some non-white South Americans in the Military that were openly anti-Marxist because of where they came from and saw communism in it's true form.
Overall living in a multicultural society with non whites is incredibly depressing and unnatural. I don't think there has been a single point in history where this has ever happened (wide scale immigration of non whites to white countries, all within the same time period). Rome had some non whites but they were an underclass and used primarily as slaves. Just seeing non-whites at a grocery store makes me sick to my stomach.
Colton Cooper
But we are and should be normal. Normies is such a bad meme. NPC is much better
Adrian Ward
Robert Butler
I dont go the the theater:
-paying 20 dollars for shitty movie -sitting around annoying nogs -watching crap propaganda
is that normal? I dont want to feel like that.
Luis Bennett
Just ride the razors edge of chaos anons It’s fun
Kayden Gomez
Mason Allen
I have always felt normal. Being aware of your surroundings is a normal survival trait.
David Harris
Every time I feel like it gets too much, I remember that /ourguys/ in STEM and especially biology are likely working on a supervirus to eradicate all subhumans. I am simply waiting until the final solution is released and whites will inherit a cleansed Earth.
You feel as if you are constantly at odds with the world because you lack faith. Read the Bible and seek to understand its teachings. Walk with God and you will be without fear.
When you drive without jewsus you drive with Hitler
Daniel Wood
so much for;
OP is a jew phony. GTFO obvious bitch.
Ian Parker
These. Learn to ride the tiger.
Nolan Moore
Focus on self-improvement. This is the one variable that you have complete control over.
Jayden Harris
No you are a normie. We are Übermensch.
NPC means something specific on how normies have programmed thinking. Lurk moar faggot, stop trying to lecture Zig Forums like you know something. You are barely getting redpilled and haven't even gotten your shit together about it.
No. Turn your fear into hate. Hate is a gift from Nature; pure energy. Op, grab hold of your hatred and stoke the fire of your rage until you go cold. The state of cold hatred is what you need. Yoir mind will shut out all but what you hate. In this state as well, you must master yourself. Learn to wield your hatred like a broadsword. Pour it into your mind, and undergo the final stagw of your pupael cycle. Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.
Cooper Lopez
Godsdamned phoneposting
Mason Collins
Think the pill has been hard to swallow for you?
I'm a Mischling who married outside my race (Azn gf). This pill is more than a little odd for me. Not being White she "notices" more than me and she is allowed to say it. She also taught me a lot about blood loyalty due to Confucian society.
So I came here. I find that 85% of the shit you guys "Notice" is right, and I see it first hand. I had long since left Judaism. Went Christian, got disowned by my feminist single-mom. I kinda thought their politics was a coincidence. Ho…Lee…crap… was I wrong.
So here I am, working with the "Literal Nazis" because I know losing the White majority means my kids grow up in a turd world country demanding the state pay to cut their balls off so they can be trans. Aside from the fact Whites are the ONLY group that accepts Hapas.
I get that you guys don't trust me. That's cool. You are a small minority as it is. You're no threat to me. I just need you to push that Overton window back to stability and sanity. You can see why.
I'm not alone either. A lot of unlikely people are taking the red pill.
Angel Lopez
I intentionally pirate ALL Hollywood crap that I want to see. Which is getting to be less and less.
I have no intention of giving money to people who hate me and want me dead.
Gavin Lewis
Checked. 888888
Jacob Williams
This is terrible advice.
Ian Fisher
(check'd) Where you see evil, speak out against it, and give no truces to your enemies.
Let me assure that you that we are not losing. Sure, horrible things are happening all the time; but there was no fight-back 10 years ago. 10 years ago even being critical of immigration was considered an extreme form of racism. Now anti-immigration parties have been elected in more or less the entirety of Europe as well as Trump in the USA. It is true that few if any of these parties are doing anything to actually make a difference, but they are proof that the masses are against immigration and that they have voted in an attempt to stop it.
Over the last 3 years civil unrest has been escalating all across Europe and America. We have had brawls in the streets between nationalists and communists, between natives and foreigners, between whites and non-whites. We have seen mass rallies of tens to hundreds of thousands of people in the USA, the UK, France, Germany and even Sweden.
The EU is bankrupt and racked with instability. The war in Syria has failed. Anti-semitism is on the rise, and whilst this is partly to do with an influx of mud people; it is partly to do with whites awaking as well. We hear calls of the purging of jews and bankers from both the Left and the Right. The Centre has essentially disappeared and forced people to take sides.
Right now things are pretty horrible. All manner of nasty stuff is being done by foreigners and facilitated by traitors. Yet the tides are clearly changing. If you imagine what is going on now as a part of a history book; you would clearly be able to see the 'road to war'. Each incremental step of 'happenings' showing how we are getting closer and closer to an innevitable explosion.
We are winning. That doesn't mean that we will actually win; we could still all be killed and our nations could still fall; but every day we are getting closer and closer to a showdown that would allow us to reverse what is happening. The alternative, and what I thought would kill us a decade ago; was the slow boil. We were slowly dying and everyone was in a deep sleep and simply didn't care. Apathy and ignorance were the great foes. That is not the case anymore. People are waking up and they are making moves. Sure, half these moves are by misguided ideologues, half of them near-instantly taken over by our enemies; but the fact remains that people are mobilising and forcing our enemy to act. That is something that has not happened in a long time.
We are winning.
Nolan Moore
My wife???????? She's asian.
Benjamin Hall
Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.
Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these retards than survival of Whites.
Jordan Carter
True story.
My son asked me if Ninjas were real, and I told him the story of this picture. How this hero saved Japan from Commie scum even though it cost him his freedom.
Michael Johnson
Where is a good place to start your search? I keep trying WALKs, but so far no luck?
(dubs mean jack shit from this (((chan))) ) Stop being a pusillanimous little soyboy faggot and getting a grip on your surroundings, so you can enforce your superior Aryan will upon them. Getting innawoods helps, too, far less shitskins and faggots to refrain from thrashing, so you don't wind up in ZOG nigger daycare, and innawoods is also ultracomfy during the glorious frozen nights of winter if done right.
You know naught. Hatred is our birthright, and for many of us, it is all we have left. The cold and calculating hatred of a righteous avenger, The Punisher or even the Ordo Hereticus come to mind, is necessary to uproot and utterly destroy the evil that plagues us. Harden your hearts. The flames of war are upon us. They will not abate until we can stomp the life from the last of the embers. So long as a single jew still draws breath, there can be no end to this madness that is modernity. If you want an end to jewry, an end to marxism, and an end to treasonous whites, hatred must be your sword. Compromise is death. Victory requires no explanation. Defeat allows none.
Robert Reed
Hatred allows for suicide, while love allows for sacrifice. The endgame stays the same, but for the majority of people love is a bigger motivator than hatred. If you want devotion for a cause it should always come from a place of love. Desire and hatred are terrible motivators.
Justin Johnson
I am not gay or any of the alphabet faggots memes. That's how I feel normal.
Robert Bell
Why is this a thread and why is this site recruiting for the fucking illegals?
Connor Turner
ugghh becoming harder and harder every day. I'm almost 30 no prospects for any family, stuck in the concrete jungle. having to hustle everyday just to keep going for no reason, while everybody around you just wants fun timez and sexxx. I still haven't found a real purpose to live but I can't give up
Andrew Morris
Where are you from? I might be able to give you a job
William Thomas
In the same position tbh. Just had an interview today and the bitch didn't speak a lick of english.
Christopher Ross
Keep telling yourself that, kike. Keep banking on the idea that all Zig Forumsacks never leave their houses. Make sure to convince all your commie buddies of it too. :^)
If your goal is a family, you need to make yourself prime family-material. Work out, have wealth. Wealth being less of an issue when you can balance it out with confidence, confidence you will get from looking better and feeling healthier. Just remember youre doing this for yourself, your motivation is making yourself a better man, not because of a woman, but because you yourself desire it. If you experience any doubts somewhere, dont let them paralyse you, things will, if you struggle for it, work out.
I've got confidence just fine user, just no wealth. I'm in ground zero of where Obama came from so the diversity madness, combined with the lgbt and the hordes of gibsmedat plus criminal mafias and rackets are stacked throughout the city is where im at. There is fire and brimstone here and nothing can fix the damage done here. This is not a problem for me but the entire territory around where I live. Years of corruption in state and local government combined with drug peddlers and prostitutes leave at atmosphere where there are no women left, and im not into race mixing.
Xavier Martinez
(checked) We need to realise that life is an endless struggle. And struggle we will, until the end.
Adrian Hughes
(heil'd) Than other than your wage, what is keeping you there?
Cooper Edwards
In the process of picking up the family tree in a few months and planting it further south around nature and land where you can actually have a family. It's all planned out but at it's current course there is no work cause of the diversity problem everywhere. The people here can't even speak english anymore so getting a job and trying to meet someone is like the ending of the titanic movie where everyone is trying to get off a sinking ship and im sitting here playing the violin while everyone leaves.
Luke Moore
This right here is why religious affiliation is worthless as a priority.
I wonder how many Jews were like you…. Wait, I don't have to wonder. I have examples.
Protip: Statistically, there's a very good probability that I am amongst the most intelligent human beings you will ever encounter in your life.
And I hate you. I don't just distrust you, I hate you. I've never met you, but I hate you. Hate. I hate you with the same passion with which I love my people, for what your kind represent to my people is a dire existential threat, and just as my people represent the ultimate good, the most precious thing I have in this existence, you by extension represent the ultimate evil, and a man cannot be said to be good if he does not hate that which is evil - real love, the realest love, involves, invokes real hatred, the realest hatred. Your kind have instilled that hatred within me through your actions. I want you to understand this, fully, because the idea that I pose not threat to you is amongst the most dangerous thoughts you will ever have, and I promise you: That notion of 'pushing the Overton window back to stability and sanity'? My dear kikel, there is no going back now. We walk the razor's edge.
Either your kind will win, and your children will be sodomitic delights at the behest of the hyper-elite of your own kind, or I and mine will win, and you will either be reduced so significantly as to never pose a threat to us a again, or you will be utterly destroyed, reduced to nothing more than ash and memory - the same fate your kind would seek for me and mine. Your semitic kin have effectively crossed the Rubicon in their abuses upon the European people. There is no going back now.
Protip V2: I'm sure you're not alone… But neither am I. Approximately 1 in 10 Americans supports my ideals RIGHT NOW, and I have only begun to attempt to convince others, something at which I have proved extremely effective. This is of note, because once the pendulum swings, the momentum of it shall carry us right past your desired placement of the Overton window, what a converso kikel would consider 'stability and sanity', and rapidly advance toward my own desired placement, toward my 'stability and sanity', and I can promise you this: With every fiber of my being, I stab at thee, and I won't stop trying until I'm dead.
Your defeat is inevitable, whether at my hands, or those of your own kind, and your expressed intentions serve my aims very effectively… Take that under advisement, my little hebrew circle.
You got Zig Forumsled, fix your life, find your happy place and/or just hope/prepare/help to make a new iteration of natsoc-like rule somewhere on this planet.
Ayden Adams
I did get the blacks to act their best before I leave and that's to smash any tranny trash they come across. Bless those strong golems, I hope they crush those fucks into the concrete.
Sounds like a fantastic plan and i hope you can stick with it. Im in a similar situation myself, though i have a family. The foreign invasion is creeping our way, street by street. White flight and occupied territories. Im happy enough my kids are in an all white school so far, but change there is coming as well. Im keeping my eye on it and when it starts affecting their classes i have lost my last reason to stay where i am.
The only benefit i see from people fleeing hotspots of beasts is that they can reform small bastions of common sense again. In a world of (((democracy))) where importing votes is normal, perhaps countering that by making new strongholds is a whitepill and not a placebo. In another thread, i should have screencapped it, user talked about how white men can not abandon the US because of its military power. It was slightly more nuanced than that, but it struck a cord, and i have been thinking about voluntary relocation of white people to uphold white standards in any election. Countering the madness and imported votes. I doubt you need more than 2000 people to sway certain areas. Urban jungles are already… well jungles - apes and all. Why not make that weakness our strength in the long run. Fucking brainfarts. Sorry for the blog. Polite sage.
Oliver Collins
Clown world isn't normal. If fags can feel whatever the fuck they want, why can't Whites?
Brody Nelson
This is how I know you're a Discord Tranny doing D&C.
Bonus: You told me that you are "smart." Libshits do this when they are terrified of what other people think of them.
Not a single "Nazi" on Earth is that fucking stupid.
Juan Perry
If there is one thing the west is fine at it's that we do not flee to somewhere else and I promised not to. I will gladly defend my territories but alas ground zero of obama is not a place you can defend, I see alot of people reorganizing in the mountains so I'll go there with my people to live. It's not so much a racial thing for me but I know deep down those people won't take shit from foreigners and there is plenty of space to hide corpses (kek) not that I'm into that but you get my point. Nature is a good setting for the family with resources and things couldn't get any worse if the grid falls apart. bless you man, never let them take your stuff without a fight.
Ian Nelson
This entire thread is newfags and normalfags. I'm out.
Gabriel Taylor
Filter the trannies, they do not know what wrath they have summoned.
Sitting on your ass telling other people to take action while you count the reasons in your head why you shouldn't isn't a contribution to any movement.
People in this thread are offering real solutions and leading by example. People like this:
You're just sitting there telling random people to go be a lone crazed guy who wont accomplish anything, just like the last dozen lone crazed guys who literally accomplished nothing except wiping a few no named peons out. It's a useless dumb emotionally retarded strategy, it's the same kind of thinking that goes around groups like Antifa.
Connor Watson
You started of so good too. Back to cuckchan you go.
Cities will be magnets for the undesirable elements in society. You cant take a stand in a city, because you hold nothing to bargain with. (Farm)land is infinitely more valuable than anything a city holds. Especially when these cities become a drain on the nation when (((finance))) pulls out and settles elsewhere. Leaving the area leeched and filled with very angry low IQ individuals on drugs.
Joseph Cooper
Capped the whitepill. I agree, finally the public opinion is slowly turning to reason, pretty fast actually considering the starting point. Still, the subhuman invasion and demographic issues will be a tough one to reverse.
I've seen it in all semites, but this jew too just doesn't get how white people think. We seem very nice and naive, you've been fucking with us for decades now, but we have a switch in the brain. An actual switch. When pushed over too far, there is no coming back. This user, and millions other whites, will now spend their life working incessantly to remove you from the planet. And every day, I see more switches getting flipped. Keep working kikes, keep working.
Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.
Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these retards than survival of Whites.
Carter Collins
Pills make me feel nicer and more outgoing, sociable I guess. There's no going back from the redpill…
Noah Jackson
Well the best part of the city, ground zero so to speak is that you can educate the lower IQ of the streets and tell them whose fucking with them, then they go out and do the work for you. That's the best way I've been able to defend the territory. Red pilled blacks are quite literally a force no jew can handle. it's come to this point because the diversity option was used against me but you can turn the tide i your favor using other people. I don't have to lift a finger. This spreads to other gangs faster and faster cause street knowledge is so easily spread.
Austin Cook
If by 'we' you mean 'jews.' There's none now. Trump isn't anti-immigration, and such parties in Europe have no power. So… release valve. They've done nothing and no one has held them to account. It's pathetic that you think THIS is 'horrible' yet. And that's ALL you'd see. The clinical delusion board is that way: >>>/qresearch/
Landon Clark
Get some real heroes, rather than fantasy written up by kikes. What the fuck is wrong with you, user?
Have you not read Ride the Tiger? There is no winning or losing, its the Kali Yuga wherein everyone loses as the Ages reset, and as Aryan men we just have to ride it out, spiritually and physically. Perhaps even escaping the grips of the demiurge upon death and reaching the Hypoborean realms.
Juan Morris
Sounds more like manipulation than teaching, but good effort nonetheless. I dont have to associate with people that hail from outside the Hajnal line, but its always interesting to point out kikes to normies. Almost all of them have a programmed response, but once you jokingly point it out some more it will click. The whole ordeal with May and Macron was nice.(((Macron))) and (((May))), meeting up with (((Juncker))). Even normies will start to wonder why kikes represent every European nation, its a wonderful sight to behold when the penny drops.