I can't think of a single positive thing that Trump has done, outside of proving that voting does fuck all.
Latino here, pro-tip: Florida has been a sanctuary state for Venezuelans since 2004 due to that year's revocatory referendum.
Hence why a lot of gang fights happen in Miami and Orlando between cuban and venezuelan gangs (bitter enemies since the 50's)
Technically speaking he blocked TPP, prevented Hillary from becoming president, and he got two SC judges. All that is really just damning with faint praise since ANY republican president would have accomplished the exact same thing. Trump has been a huge fucking disappointment to put it mildly.
This is 100%, absolutely, tragically correct.
A lot of the Venezuelans who have been relocated to the US are also jews, since Chavez eventually correctly zeroed in on them as a major source of subversion. The opposition down there is riddled with jews and fronts for jew capital.
Socialist brown people. Sounds like a big potential voting base for the Democrats.
Therefore I'm sure Trump will do everything he can to make them feel welcome in the US.
Even if the Venezuela situation stops being saber rattling and actually goes hot, it's still a net positive for the white race, looking at things purely objectively.
This is an official jew shill.
Maybe the fellow white race
How much is Kushner paying you?
So the only positive thing you can come up with for Trump is that he didn't do something that Hillary MIGHT have done.
And that somehow this is explicitly good for the white race.
Ok buddy
God this whole thing is just miserable to watch. Communist retard who starves his own people vs the cockslut of Tel Aviv, truly nothing to enjoy or root for here
Wrong, Sambil Group grew exponentially when Chavez came in.
The group's founder? Salomon Cohen Levy.
And the biggest opposition in the country was the Zulia power groups, having in their ranks tons of literally palestinians seeking OPEC refugee after the Six Day War, along with Iraqis and Lebanese.
Also remember Zulia (along with Trujillo and Falcon) was the main place along with Argentina to foster italian and german vets after the war, even Royal Dutch Shell employed them in their base around the lake. Many of these were the first to get their businesses expropriated by the government in the early 00's.
Read a bit more, the whole thing is a mess at first look, even Chavez gifted oil to Palestine to avoid the expats in Venezuela from doing raids.
In a couple of years, Americans might even get a President that does both!
that was sarcasm for you confused ones
Ann Coulter wants a border wall. Trump said "I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever". So what is a fucking wall if not a giant door if legal immigration is not simultaneously curbed? Mexicans come over daily, but legally.
Ok retard
Wew the kikes hate the fuck out of this fact because there's no way to spin it.
(((You))) didn't get World War 3 because of Trump. Hillary wanted her no fly zone in Syria on her first day in office, which Putin stated would mean war between the US and Russia. (((You))) desperately wanted to memory hole this or try to spin it as something she "mIgHt" have done (when she was in complete control of the kikes, not doing something they wanted? Lmao stupid fuck mongrel shit) but the reality still stands that Trump has averted 2 of your kike wars so far. You will die screaming, you disgusting rat monsters.
Probably will finally tip florida in favor of the left.
nah. Find me the most white-hating, stupid, corporatist Democrat for the 2020 ticket so I can vote for full acceleration.
As a fellow white American, I support our glorious God-emperor. Stop being paranoid about the Jews and count your blessings.
As if there is even a "right" in America.
I don't think is that easy to immigrate legally to the USA.
I don't care what you think though.
Reagan was against Gun control.
How long did it take you guys to realize Trump was a Snake?
Rubio, that cuban piece of shit. He can threaten a foreign leader, but if I threaten my own I'm surrounded by feds. I see how it is.
No one cares about the suffering of the venezuelan people you dim-witted subhuman. I hope they all starve to death. But here comes amnesty ron off to create another couple million bean refugees because we need more people!
Campaign Don: America first!
President Don: muh Venezuela!!!!
Fucking die.
I would never defend Reagan.
Yes. I hope Melania kills him and blows the goddam white house up.
Reagan was not against gun control. That user is a fucking moron.
Reminder that our "democratically elected" politicians revel in joy at videos of people being tortured, sodomized with knives, and brutally murdered.
Bro, Florida is already tipped thanks to 1+ million felons getting their voting rights back.
Kek, look at this kosher loser.
Hilariously kosher.
At least he's not an IP-hopping kosher stooge like you. ;D
Didn't he ban "assault rifles" or machine guns or something?
The Mulford Act, a 1967 California bill that repealed a law allowing public carrying of loaded firearms. Enacted by motherfucking Ronald Reagan. Israelite extraordinaire. Never trust Republicans.
Fuck off to r/the_dreidel you fucking faggot kike, anyone who still supports this orange jew is anti-White to the extreme
Damn I didn't realise that Rubio tweet was real, thought it was photoshopped.
He really is a slimey little kike toy isn't he
thanks Zig Forums :^)
He said Reagan was not AGAINST gun control.
Clearly, he was not.
I actually agree with this. Either way was bad news but I think Shillary might have provoked war with Russia like she kept saying she wanted to do. That being said, fuck the entirety of ZOG and let it all burn to the ground, but also fuck Shillary in particular. They may have run her just because she's so abhorrent that people would vote against her out of revulsion, but I don't even care. Fuck that shitstained bitch. Now, to the matter at hand. Also fuck Trump. Actually fuck everybody involved
BASED traitor in chief.
Like you fags would ever use them besides blowing your own brains out because Trump didn't make White women knock on your door and ask to be butt fucked.
Maybe it's occurred to him that turning around brainwashed liberal whites is hopeless and can't be done. So he's going to take a page from the Democrats and use Latino refugees to vote for his party. Make 'em a deal they can't refuse. And they help solidify a Republican/right-wing empire which the Democratic Party can never outnumber or overthrow, even with all their election fraud and illegal voters.
Who fucking cares? Funny how you (((fags))) no longer mention the left which is 10x worse.
All provisions were separately signed into law in other bills.
How is that an accomplishment?
One says that entire categories of guns can be legally banned. The other said that the means by which guns can be carried can be legally banned.
Nah, don't think so.
I hope you're LARPing.
You can't get spicnigger rats to vote for you UNLESS YOU CUCK ON IMMIGRATION.
At which point, what meaningfully differentiates you from Shillary and the Democrats? Nothing meaningfully differentiates you in that context.
You're either a moron or a cuck to kosher actors - just like Trump. ;D
2015 called, they want their shill lines back.
Where the fuck did kikes get a reputation for being smart? It obviously isn't from their weaksauce pilpul.
Wow, it was 4D chess all along!!!
Fucking kill yourself if you honestly believe this.
You really that these Venezuelan monkeys who personally voted for socialism are going to magically turn right-wing the second the cross the border.
Especially considering all of this rhetoric about based right-wing Hispanics falls apart when you look at actual voting data.
I know, I was reaffirming what he was saying.
I don't even want to have kids until I get to see non-whites on crucifixes lining the street.
Statistically, no.
Calling me names won't make you less of a cuckold, my dood.
Fuck off back to your the_donald you braindead boomer
Nice comeback faggot.
You are literally stupid. Where a smart opponent would start A-B testing their argument and pushing other candidates to try to divide the base, you all just parrot the same lines over and over again, as creative and intelligent as a Roomba (at best.)
But Trump IS kikes and shit my guy.
There's just no getting away from it, but then, you're only LARPing, so I don't hold it against you too much.
For losers with no friends and no lives, getting people on the internet to get annoyed with them appears to be some sort of way to pass the time, so I wouldn't want to take that away from you. ;D
Actually, Roombas do A-B testing on their environment to pathfind the best way to vacuum the whole floor. jews are less intelligent than vacuum cleaners.
user, they aren't shills, they're LARPers.
They're losers who pretend to be Trump sycophants to get a rise out of you. They find it entertaining, apparently… Can't imagine being that pathetic, but hey, I've seen lots of weird shit on the internet.
Just understand that nobody organically supports Trump on Zig Forums anymore, so anyone doing so, ESPECIALLY doing so so aggressively, is a LARPer trying to get a rise out of you, because that's honestly all they've got going on in their lives. Shitposting is all they have.
Pity, lightly mock, and eventually ignore them.
Kill yourself you fucking disgusting yiddish monster.
Trump is Hitler. Every left wing media outlet says so Mr. Jew.
Every left wing outlet said the same thing about Romney, McCain and Bush before Trump. Nothing new, just consolidated media narratives.
When (((they))) control your media, everything in the media is a kosher narrative.
LOL Schlomo we know it's you
You are (((they))) and we know it. Jews hate Trump and Christians more than Hitler.
But Israelis love Trump
Stupid is thinking your enemy is this stupid.
Ok Moishe, I'll give you a break. But remember, you will die screaming, like rats deserve.
I hate people who give me billions of dollars and offer their daughters to procreate with our men! - jews
This. I wonder if in 10 years the mainstream opinion will be as favourable to Trump as it now is towards McCain and Bush, because people used to hate those two for being literally Hitler war hawks, and now even liberals and left-wingers love them.
And people will look back on Trump like a goofy old man, much like they do with bush, and that they'll have a new figure to point the hatred of the masses towards to entertain them and maintain this false dichotomy of puppet presidents.
Oh look, another cartoon for the Jews. We're Winning!
top kek
Like this LARP fag right here.
Famous last words hershel. Here's a picture of a Wiemar state funeral for a jew banker, just a few years before the pogroms started.
More cartoons and photoshop. Extra skekels for that?
Here's another example.
Made a fine argument against him above, he even cited it, but he has no intention of defending his position, he just wants to try to get a rise.
Total LARPer behavior.
user, it basically is every time he does something they like. The idea that the media is 100% constantly against Trump is laughable given their coverage of several of his most recent 'debacles', which they loved.
Maybe, bur realistically, the US probably won't exist as it does today in 10 years time.
"Jew don't hate Trump"
You're all alone, bud.
No more wars for Jews. The butthurt is strong.
Trump is going to lose in 2020. So what's the next step in your master plan moishe? If you were smart - and you're not - you'd already be looking for your next meal ticket, because the trump shill campaign is already over.
For the imagery impaired: 6 of Trumps top 10 donors were Jews.
I can't wait to see the 2020 numbers.
Then why does Trump keep sabre-rattling at Iran?
Why is he starting shit in Venezuela?
There's some 4d chess for ya.
Checkmate LARPnigger. ;D
So? Jews donate more to the Dems. Whatta you expect Trump to do retard?
Who needs wars to kill your soldiers overseas when the general population is being genocided within it's own borders? They've killed enough of our men as it is, the damage is done and Trump is the enemy. That makes you a hostile.
I'd rather not live to see WW3 in my lifetime and when I tell people I didn't vote for Hillary because I didn't want nuclear war with Russia even lefties will sometimes fall back and begrudgingly respect that. They can't deny that Hillary was beating the war drum.
Still wish we didn't have a president that perpetuated the mulattoization of America, though. There is still no way out.
You magapedes started the meme, might as well own up to it.
More cartoons. The White races are saved.
Uh oh, looks like someone is getting #triggered.
Better go watch some Ben Shapiro vids my guy. Not really though, I don't expect a LARPer to be a method actor after all. ;)
What do you care about whites? You voted for Trump.
See now the best part about this is, this guy has been doing this for weeks. I suspect he's a mod, because he really likes to obliterate his anonymity with this double-space thing that nobody but him does.
Normally he'd claim to be an oldfag who 'learned to type in the 90s' (so did I, so that doesn't hold water), but now that I've called him out on it he can't run that one. He'll probably just resort to claiming I'm paranoid or some shit, these LARPers have no shame whatsoever because they're only LARPing anyway, so what do they care? Its a real annoyance, and because of how aggressively he shills against most long-standing Zig Forums approved things yet is never inhibited by the moderation, usually doing so with a long string of one-line shitposts like this one I'm responding to, which are EASILY viable for consideration as spam, I am forced to conclude that this is one of the moderators who engages in this incredibly-lame baitposting LARP shit.
I knew most moderators of Zig Forums were losers, but this one is next-level. ;D
Everytime you post counter-evidence of his claims, it's a "cartoon". lol