According to the L.A. County Medical Examiner, Burrous died from methamphetamine toxicity after being found unresponsive in a Glendale motel on December 28. The manner of death is listed as (((accidental))).
The well-known news anchor had been a regular face on KTLA since 2011, co-anchoring the weekend edition of KTLA Morning News as well as serving as a correspondent for other KTLA telecasts. He was also one of the reporters covering the state’s recent wildfires as well as the mass shooting at Thousand Oaks’ Borderline Bar & Grill. He was also known for his “Burrous Bites” segments on local restaurants.
News Anchor abducted and dies from having meth forcibly shoved up his ass
He willingly met a fag on grindr.
I guess they never miss huh?
He also had a non white wife and hapa child. Nothing of value was lost.
this has been posted 3 times, #1 was deleted by mods and #2 will soon be deleted as well
How can shoving meth up your ass be accidental?
They're deleting them because we don't need 3 fucking threads about some homo who shoved crystal meth up his ass.
Fuck off
Sage denied.
Homosexual, or pissed off the local cartel?
they say it is one of the worst ways to go
can't be worse than slowly being fucked in the ass by arrogant and untouchable jewish politicians as your homeland is invaded, each day passing the problem getting worse and you getting weaker with age and apathy.
It couldn't be worse than that surely?
That man had a family
No we don't
You already have one here so piss off
The Jews did this, but why?
What did he do?
He choked to death by vomiting into his S&M mask.
Catalog nigger.
Homo with a wife and kids
Thread already.
But what happened to the Jeff Adachi is dead thread?
Jeff Adachi (democrat) was married, and with a woman, not his wife, in an apartment when he died, and he was just in Columbia…
Honey Pot?
Idiot. They are implying that yes, taking drugs has the possibility of death, however when fag anchor took them he did not intend to die from using them. Therefore, accidental death due to being a dumb ass fag taking too much meth.
Because he was a white man.
Wew, lad! The best answer all doo-da-day! No worries, this too shall pass this fucked up realm. We move into new territories afterwards.
Good thing Trump is going to make this the norm everywhere, right pedes?
Which part? The meth up the butt, or the vomiting in a gimp mask?
Hey Brock, so tell us, you've shoved your share of meth up your ass, what did he do wrong?
I read he was a conservative who bashed Hollywood a lot and was the most popular news program in the state.
Striker is right. The only thing left of liberal-democracy is to spread globo-homo to the world and every nation it conquers bears the sign of the rainbow flag on its embassies.
Pretty much a codeword for gay in political circles.
He looks a little jewy to me, but hey it's hard to tell sometimes. I know these television news anchor jobs are usually filled by white men.
Ghis guys shoved not 1 but 2 meth rocks into his ass and wore a doctors mask doused in poppers.
Dude was hardcore gay the powers that be didnt have to arrange this walking darwin award.
Bites the pillow amirite
Is this what passes for pure european in America these days?
he kind of looks like an older Jared Kushner.
I don't know what the fuck he looks like but it isn't huwhite.