Ohhh Noooooo LMFAO Ann Coulter unequivocally BTFO by clockboy

Congrats to Ahmed for this exquisite clapback and this coalburning roastie must be SEETHING right now

Attached: rekt.jpg (2732x1753, 1.74M)

Nigger you aren't welcome here.

Whatcha sliding?

Attached: White Country.jpg (1919x2978, 1.82M)

says the discord tranny…


he hasn't done shit lol

I'm so fucking sick of hearing about this goat fucking sandnigger kid.

You are a paid shill who made this thread also on cuckchan. May Allah bathe you in hellfire for all eternity.


OP's desperate faggotry… back to 4chins boy.

They're not sending their best, folks!

is he gonna show us all the cpus he's soldered?

gee, what did he "invent" this time? an egg timer in a suitcase?

Even better! A toaster in a briefcase!!
He's the one that can save the world…

Judging people by their looks is now okay?

Wtf I love lying shitskins now

They grow up so quickly.

Attached: Ceremonial Peace Pipes.jpg (660x390, 69.18K)


You talk like a nigger.
Fuck off back to facebook/twitter you degenerate.

Attached: Coalpill.mp4 (240x180, 15.33M)


Attached: noticed wires that where loose.jpg (600x818 37.79 KB, 68.73K)

This is the thread quality codemonkey personally wants on this board.