
Wasn't sure where to drop this, don't know where the pedo discussion went after reddit and voat
Jim Carrey dropped some fresh artwork on twitter

Attached: Screenshot_20190224-193953~2.png (1039x1472, 1.29M)

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Where's the lie?

Don't care, tranny.

Remember when Jim Carrey exposed all of his kike hollywood pedophile coworkers? Yeah me neither. Funny he only cares when it supposedly involves Trump.

Forgot link:
Polite sage for double posting.

Isnt jim carey one of those "people" that vehemently defends against anyone suggesting pizzagate is real?

What, they banned him from the island so he's blowing the whistle?

His TDS overtaking his cult loyalties.


Attached: PicsArt_02-24-10.10.25.jpg (1557x2048, 625.3K)

Pretty much this, also friendly reminder that Jim Carrey slaughtered a 30 year old Irish girl a few years ago and it's been memory holed ever since.

Trump is targeting the cult, actually. He was widely seen as Oliver Cromwell and no fun.

Why did Trump appoint Acosta if he's targeting people like Epstein? Hell, why doesn't he mention Epstein in any of his speeches or tweets? The little bitch tweets about everything else. He could really put heat on Epstein and his friends if he really wanted to, but he isn't.

Attached: 9912962-3x2-940x627.jpg (940x627, 56.63K)

If the God Emperor says someone's a terrific guy, then they're probably a terrific guy. I don't see the problem here.

Interesting. Hopefully they kill him soon.


Remember when Carrey discovered he was a kike?

The Teflon Don moniker won't mean shit if he ends up on the wrong side of this. That's my guess why he hasn't said anything about it. It's also my guess that the situation is so fucking rancid that not even his enemies have pushed it. I don't think Jim Carey counts though, everyone considers him a massive faggot.

I agree with him that Epstein is a terrific guy. People like that are terrifying.

Don't care. Fuck off with your bullshit. Nobody wants to chase shadows with you.

This. Jim is as big a kike as they come.

Attached: EpsteinTrump.png (696x2438, 811.92K)

Attached: Epstein_Trump3.png (779x503, 35.4K)

Attached: Trump_Epstein.jpg (1079x760 178.83 KB, 137.02K)


Thread is being shilled hard. They do not like the truth being so openly displayed and are trying to throw this into doubt. Is it not curious that we see that she tried to 'out' jim carrey and then ends up 'suicided'?

Wasn't there a thread about someone else, a woman who posted on twitter about them not going to kill themselves, not going to blow their head off, not going to die from drugs and to save the tweet and then she ended up dead from an OD?

Seems like anyone that speaks out ends up suicided or tragically dying. Seems to be that when you encounter more resistance you are going the right direction to the truth.

And every other comedian from Toronto.

Imagine having so much money that you have the gall to call one of your private jets "Lolita Express" with any repercussions. It's literally impossible to imprison someone with this much influence and money, I'm sure he's sitting on a blackmail stack the heigth of the Eiffel Tower. Sure, his reputation is completely fucked in historical terms, but he very much still has his claws dug into powerful structures.

Elaborate, please.

In your second picture, who is the short haired woman 2nd from the right? I've seen her in older pics and I heard shes the one who would procure young girls


He didn't but his girlfriend killed herself because of depression, or something.

I also forgot to mention that Jim Carrey illegally obtained prescription drugs involved in her death and "purposely hid the results from Ms. White, whom he was intimately involved with, and "failed to inform her that he had tested positive for hepatitis A, HSV (herpes) I and II, and chlamydia. To make matters worse, Carrey then proceeded to have unprotected sex with Ms. White with full knowledge that he was STD positive."

Ghislaine Maxwell. She procured underage girls for Epstein, Trump and prince Andrew.

Attached: Ghislaine Maxwell.jpg (600x884, 334.67K)

Thanks for the info

Also bump