Judendom reeling from yellow vests "Anti-Semitism, racism and anti-elitism are spreading in France"

Whole article here:

Original article here:

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Fucking (((economist))) rothschild rag has the audacity to wonder why (((they))) are despised.

It's gonna be nice when the 4k videos of ZOGfrogs being beheaded start dropping. Especially Macron, that crazy little faggot niggerlover. Take my assorted images related to this most excellent shitfire. Dibs on Berserker.

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Finally, since that have been something most of us have been trying to kindle for a very long time.

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Les Gilets Jaunes triompheront

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Establishment shills trying to retroactively redefine what the movement is because its seriously threatens its interests. Off the top of my head I'd recommend Varg and Marie but if anybody else knows good sources please do tell.

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If you're so anxious, just oven yourself. You can even set the temp and pick how quickly you want to go. If I was a kike I'd do it.

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Lol people actually doing shit not good enough for you? Fuck, if there was ever a real yellow vest movement in America I sure as fuck would join in.

The absolute state of modern journalism.

If you can't do any better than simply regurgitating this MSM tripe then GTFO OP. You don't belong here.

We need to get Whitey pro-white before that happens. In time Whitey will start to treat the white anti-whites as racists are treated today, and then everything changes.

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Whitey needs to see Trump betray them, before that can happen, so you might get one after the 2020 election, especially when the economy is also going to crash within 4 years.

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Every few decades. Eventually gentiles find out what every Jew knows but tries to shut it down

Beheadings? You mean there won't be Mexican style face removals?


I mean they're a movement of genuine French nationalists, so I think beheadings are sort of patriotic. However the French do it is fine though, it's their country. I'm just a bystander happy when kikelovers die.


This isn't the 18th century and this isn't about killing off the aristocracy that created France and it's culture.

This is about removing an infestation of rats.

Plus, I want Mexican style face removals. Nothing else at this point will suffice.


I'm not an edgelord, ymmv.

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start a movement then you fucking pussy

Surely manufacturering an anti zionist narrative will quell the protests!

*protest intensifies*

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He means eroding belief in veritable lies.

If (((they))) dont die, they dont care.

kikes are afraid

Noone stops you. Jews walk around everywhere, pick one.

Not sure if the yellow vest protests were started by right leaning individuals, but when chaos ensues ANYWHERE else, I want you people out there using it to your advantage.

In the USA, Canada, Europe, etc. if rule of law breaks down we need to seize the opportunity to rise the fire. No other way at this point as nationalists are totally unrepresented demcratically anymore (save for a few isolated places like Hungary or Italy).

This is literally the same group

It's so funny that they put those 3 things together as if not expecting people to start piecing together what semites, racism and elites have in common.

We aren't savages user. You don't waste time ineffectually hating and torturing your enemy, you just remove him, clinically.

French popular antisemitism, not sure.

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I'm pretty sure this is what jews fear the most. They are going to do everything in their power to boil this frog real slow and replace as many white people as possible before they pull the plug so that when it all starts to fall apart, we will have a ton of niggers to deal with before we can come after them. At this point I think they have all but abandoned any plans for domination and are aiming for survival.

The second pic reference is Belgian tho so the setting makes 0 sence.

It's not just Macron, it's basically all the hebrews in france. Macron is basically a tool for them, just a puppet, look at how they see Macron like, no respect for even stretching his dirty manipulated hand from their own masters

Attached: jew handles his puppet's hand like a fiddle.webm (640x360, 1.64M)


(so true)

Its the Arc de Triomphe ? Its in Paris.

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t.Amimutt that has been stroking his guns and clamoring about rebellion while actually doing jackshit

I wonder if Hillary had won, if we would have something like this by now.

fucking greedy gentiles

True. Hitler become fuhrer of Germany in first month.

i also think they had plan for NWO but they failed to use islam as reason for police state. police is simply to weak and lame to do anythink. all i wish is global hate for jews. simply force them to not reproduce anymore would be solution. real giant holocaust would be better but it is hard to sell to public.

moust politicans are puppets. this kike grab Macron like ragdoll. he didn't enjoy it much obviously. he is propably more slave than us. they can kill him if he do anything against them

Again or is this another one of a dozen threads on this crap?

aryan style face removals is too good for you?

He's still a traitor, because he could come out and say everything before they could kill him.

Just a few recent articles.






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Daily reminder that the (((yellow vest))) movement is nothing more than a jewish front to keep you alleviated.
Daily reminder there has not been a single successful anti-kike movement since 1945.
Daily reminder that we already lost.


>Daily reminder that the (((yellow vest))) movement is nothing more than a jewish front to keep you alleviated.

(((Yidllow vests))) are only there to install a new stronger kike dictatorship into France under the guise of overthrowing the old kike dictatorship. Marcon fucked you good.

Name a single anti-kike movement since 1945 that has reached this scale. You can't.

No, coward, how about you prove him wrong? What have they done?

They’re not against the jews. They have reached no scale. What the fuck are you even saying.

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>(((French))) philosopher
>of (((Polish))) origin
You know, for these morons with the intellectual capability of a monkey they can't seem to put to 2 and 2 together. Study anti-semitism and National Socialism your entire life and completely miss the irony of throwing nationalities around like they're meaningless abstractions of simply where a person lives at the moment and not WHO THEY ARE. Then they're surprised, daily, by the things around them oblivious as to why these movements continue rising.

Either they're really this daft or they're intentionally pretending to be ignorant. There isn't an in-between. If you can't even recognize the first aspect of anti-semitism revolves around jews being a completely separate race within a host nation then there's really no point in talking to you whatsoever. The conversation ends right there where your misunderstanding begins.

Hervé Ryssen?

user they really aren't antikike, just anti-establishment in general. The (((media))) is just trying to paint them as antisemitic to smear them. If anything we really need to take this and run with it


Wasn't the shop called Shekelstein's bagels or something?

sage for double post

it's legit due to the way the coverage of these protests have been blacked out. If they were any way fake you would see Bolton calling for regime change.

I am legitimately confused. Aren't both the Venezuelan government and the Iranian government installed puppet states of the CIA already?

I wonder what this faggot nigger's angle is.

A lot of that is either untrue or could equally be evidence that it is not currently co-opted.
No leader means it's organic, unlike say Tommy Robinson in the UK
No organization, again could point to it being genuinely of the people.
No demands, untrue, they all have called for Macron to step aside.
No accomplishments is dependent on perspective and what may come.
Nothing has happened is ridiculous. French people have been maimed by their corrupt government, that isn't going away, that's kindling.

So prove it wrong and/or answer my questions, you fucking faggot.
What effect does that have?
What effect does that have?
And… has he?
So he hasn't done it, then.
Nothing will come. They have no guns and no intention of using violence.
Okay. No one did anything about it. They allowed themselves to be maimed.

Shill all you want, you faggot nigger. The newest newfag who doesn't spread defeatism and promote loose lips about ops is infinitely better than you.

The current leadership in Iran may have been put there but the CIA (again), or so do some people claim, but it looks like they decided to go independent. Or they completely kosher bugimen. Who knows.

You're responding to the wrong post. Why is every poster such a newfag these days?

Who knows, but I don't think so. CIAniggers don't look to be competent enough to do that.

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For the first time, I can actually sympathize with that french fuck macron.
He's a traitor and needs to burn, but just look at that face, those eyes - that of a slave, who knows his power is less than a firm grab on the wrist away.
Reminds me of the whole, "I have no mouth and i must scream"
If he want to redeem himself, he needs to expose his puppetmasters, and by so achieve martyrdom.

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Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.

Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these retards than survival of Whites.


Whenever whites stand up for their own interests, kike kvetch about anti-kikeism. Standard mo.

Try again.

No leaders? good, can't be coopted by traitorous "spokesmen".

No accomplishments? They've brought France to a standstill and are pushing slowly but surely to a General Strike.

Call me when something actually happens.

Go torfag somewhere else. Literally the only ones using swastikas in public these days and for the last 20 years are either feds, fed informants, or our enemies with a few misguided souls who get sucked into earlier organizations co-opted by the above mentioned.

The (((media))) itself in France makes no differentiation between them. Every day was sad like that kvetchfest on talmudvision by all the celebrities in France for kikes but so many other French are suffering much worse, they focus on this parasite group doing fair. They never think far enough to prevent their own expulsions and exterminations and all their actions to censor it merely lead to worse more violent outcomes for them. It is obvious who controls and brought ruin to France. We should have listened to Voltaire words on these pesky internationalist rootless cosmopolitans.

How to Fix France and any other European country:
1) Deport all traitors and invaders, including those brought in 'legally.' Especially niggers, jews, and muslims.
2) Adopt the silver standard & END THE KIKE BANKS
3) Adopt new constitution banning immigration except in case of marriage.

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Guillotine the Redsheilds nya~!

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I agree, nyaposter, financial criminals should be executed legally and with due process

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You can't have leader in the ZOG year 2019. Too vulnerable to alphabet agencies actions.

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Oh wow, the president hasn't willingly stepped aside after some (albeit very visible and justifiably upset) dudes in yellow vests demanded that he did and called him out for being a (((pawn))).

It took Hitler more than a decade and some jail time to build his movement, but you're gonna sit here and be blackpilled about the vests. I bet you would have stayed inside had Hitler called on you in the earlier days of his movement, faggot.

No user. You are the leader. Yet we've never been so alone.

Resist Yellow and White Genocide!
Make this the message!
Don't let the Jews play the victim again.
Make France White French Again!

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Yes, because any Leader = controlled opposition 99/100 times nya~

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This is the most important thread on Zig Forums the Yellow vest movement may be the last chance. France's last gasp before National death nya~

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I am Spartacus.


Dibs on mecha pilot.

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These Zionist Jews promoted immigration, and then are doing a complete backflip and defending whites against mudslimes, which surprise surprise, still serves the Zionist narrative.

you can say what you want about these frogs, but fuck do they have the whole media game down. non violent protests and then, antisemitic outbursts, but only by muslims. then the protest gets framed as a "yellow intifada" against the occupiers. its enough to make a PC ogbots brain explode.


This. As Pierce would say, without further ado.

Bloody eagle is our cultural thing

Lfg to farm mats for monolith

Did you know Napoleon released the Jews from the ghettos?

>The targets are varied, apparently unconnected and shifting: (((Jews))), (((journalists))), (((the rich))), policemen, (((members of parliament))), the president.
Those things aren't as unconnected as the author implies.

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