Posting books from Ernst Zündel's Bunker
This thread is for discussion of the books contained within the bunker.
Posting books from Ernst Zündel's Bunker
This thread is for discussion of the books contained within the bunker.
Other urls found in this thread:
A.K. Chesterton
Adam Lebor
Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions)
Alex Jones Exposed
Alex Jones exposed 2
Alfred Rosenberg
Andrew J. Hurley
Ariel Toaff
Arnold S. Leese
Heil Hitler!
August Bebel (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions)
Austin J. App
Barbara Kulaszka
Benjamin H. Freedman
Brief note for those scrolling down from the top:
1. Scroll to the bottom of this thread (or the reply to this post) for the equivalent of a table of contents.
2. Make sure to mirror the archive(s):
Benjamin Weintraub
Bernhardt Klassen (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions)
Brandon Martinez
Carl Wernerhoff
Carlo Mattogno
Carlo Mattogno 2
Carlo Mattogno 3
Carlo Mattogno 4
Carlo Mattogno 5
Carlos W. Porter
Carolyn Yeager
Carolyn Yeager 2
Christine M. Johns
Collection - Adolf Hitler (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions)
Collection - Adolf Hitler Book Collection I (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions)
Collection - Adolf Hitler Book Collection I (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 2
Collection - Adolf Hitler Book Collection I (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 3
Collection - Adolf Hitler Book Collection I (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 4
Collection - Adolf Hitler Book Collection I (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 5
Collection - Adolf Hitler Book Collection I (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 6
Collection - Adolf Hitler Book Collection II (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions)
Collection - Adolf Hitler Book Collection II (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 2
Collection - Adolf Hitler Book Collection II (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 3
Collection - Adolf Hitler Book Collection II (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 4
Collection - Adolf Hitler Book Collection II (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 5
While we all appreciate this, since Zündel's bunker is gone because of the kike boardowner sperging out and trashing the whole library, but I don't see the meaning of spamming the books one by one in a discussion thread, especially when there are megas containing it all already. Also there's no proposed question or any direction, just "discuss". Useless.
Collection - Adolf Hitler Book Collection II (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 6
Collection - Adolf Hitler Book Collection II (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 7
Just upload to a mega and post a link faggots. Discuss my ass.
Collection - Adolf Hitler Book Collection II (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 8
The idea is if you have read any of the material then you can provide a brief book review or share pertinent quotes. If I stated: "Add your book review below" then anons would have called me a lazy faggot or simply responded "no u". I am curious what will become of simply leaving the topic of discussion open and letting anons >> to the source material(s). Also mirroring is never a bad thing.
Shut up faggot.
Collection - Adolf Hitler Book Collection III (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions)
Collection - Adolf Hitler Book Collection III (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 2
Collection - Adolf Hitler Book Collection III (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 3
Collection - Adolf Hitler Book Collection III (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 4
OP here. Taking a break will finish later today.
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions)
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 2
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 3
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 4
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 5
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 6
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 7
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 8
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 9
Oh look the spammer is back.
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 10
They do this on purpose. We have pdfs. It was never about creating an archive.
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 11
It's not spam shill.
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 12
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 13
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 14
/zundel/ has done more for the cause than you ever will. Shut yer pie hole, yer negative nobody.
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 15
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 16
Thanks, user
It shows!
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 17
What that jew omits, newfags, is the cause they shill for is the jewish one.
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 18
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 19
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 20
And it's always a shitskin spamming like this. White people just don't do it. Like that QR gook shitting up the catalog with his white crim image spam. This niggerjew just spams retarded fucking links to shit we already have archived, his own board is a mess because he can't gain any traction shitting up Zig Forums as much as he wants. He has tried for years and failed.
can't you post a torrent?
Collection - Idolatry in Judaism, Islam, Paganism & Christianity (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions)
Collection - Idolatry in Judaism, Islam, Paganism & Christianity (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 2
Do you think anyone cares about your impotent kvetching?
Collection - Idolatry in Judaism, Islam, Paganism & Christianity (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 3
Collection - Idolatry in Judaism, Islam, Paganism & Christianity (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 4
Collection - Idolatry in Judaism, Islam, Paganism & Christianity (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 5
And the way it spergs, it's likely kike2 or one of his kin.
You will never be white.
Collection - The Rothschild Dynasty (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions)
Thanks Zundel. - redpill
Collection - The Rothschild Dynasty (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 2
Collection - The Rothschild Dynasty (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 3
Collection - The Rothschild Dynasty (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 4
Collection - The Rothschild Dynasty (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions) 5
Committee for Truth in History
Count Emmanuel Malynski
Reported for spam.
Curtis B. Dall
David Duke (Certain works excluded due to filesize and type restrictions)