Nation on Jews

Inside an Arizona Facebook censorship mill
Censor drones getting red-pilled.

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Other urls found in this thread: TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP

The canonical source for enforcement is Facebook’s public community guidelines — which consist of two sets of documents: the publicly posted ones, and the longer internal guidelines, which offer more granular detail on complex issues. These documents are further augmented by a 15,000-word secondary document, called “Known Questions,” which offers additional commentary and guidance on thorny questions of moderation — a kind of Talmud to the community guidelines’ Torah.



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Living the American dream…

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There is also an ongoing law suit against cognizant for anti-white bias. TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP

Fucking hell.

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Is this why there are Indian posters on Zig Forums trying to convince the world they're White?

Great, so now we know what's happening at these "censorship mills" as you call them, so my next questions are:
Where do you go to get hired for this kind of job?
What are the qualifications?
And probably most importantly, what is the address to one of these censorship mills, and why has no one else spoken out about these mills?
This seems like a larp so far.

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i overheard a man say the following in a cafe:

blow up tech company buildings and kill the high ups

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This is why I say we've already won.

Based redpilled Pajeet.

What does zognald gotta to do with this thread you shitskin paco.

He's paid to do this. I hope

seriously. i wouldnt mind having more asians in america if it means keeping out the niggers and spics. leave the hot latinas for me though lol


Such a diverse crowd

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Streisand effect?

Is this what it feels like to be in a CTR or censorship facility

Someone tell me the income tax rates in America, im sure these assholes get less than a 1000 dollars they can actually spend on themselves

Actively trying to make them quit sounds like a great idea.
same story reported elsewhere

independent contractors (should) pay like 25% but they probably pay nothing
someone tell me if i need to work at cognizant to report them to the department of labor for misclassifying 1099s as employees

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They hire people to censor truth, but then all it does is make the censored person more redpilled. Then censorer gets exposed to the truth and gets redpilled because he can compare that to his workplace which is a microcosm of society at large. The truth is unstoppable.

Where exactly is this place in AZ? /me looking at a few gallons of gasoline

Some big abandoned looking warehouse in the desert probably. Looks like pic related is real but replace the kikes with pajeets/spics kek.

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One auditor walks the floor promoting the idea that the Earth is flat. A former employee told me he has begun to question certain aspects of the Holocaust. Another former employee, who told me he has mapped every escape route out of his house and sleeps with a gun at his side, said: “I no longer believe 9/11 was a terrorist attack.

Among other things, she had grown concerned about the spread of conspiracy theories among her colleagues. One QA often discussed his belief that the Earth is flat with colleagues, and “was actively trying to recruit other people” into believing, another moderator told me. One of Miguel’s colleagues once referred casually to “the Holohoax,” in what Miguel took as a signal that the man was a Holocaust denier.

People started Googling things instead of doing their jobs and looking into conspiracy theories about them. We were like, ‘Guys, no, this is the crazy stuff we’re supposed to be moderating. What are you doing?’”

Last year, a former Facebook moderator in California sued the company, saying her job as a contractor with the firm Pro Unlimited had left her with PTSD. In the complaint, her lawyers said she “seeks to protect herself from the dangers of psychological trauma resulting from Facebook’s failure to provide a safe workplace for the thousands of contractors who are entrusted to provide the safest possible environment for Facebook users.” (The suit is still unresolved.)

dear shills…share with us your experience.

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In any case, Michael says, he enjoys the work better than he did at his last job, at Walmart, where he was often berated by customers. “I do not have people yelling in my face,” he says.

Facebook takes pride in the fact that it pays contractors at least 20 percent above minimum wage at all of its content review sites, provides full healthcare benefits, and offers mental health resources that far exceed that of the larger call center industry.

There's a reddit screencap of an actual paid shill telling his story of promoting politicians on imageboards and arguing with others shilling for the "opposite" side but I seem to have misplaced during the last hard drive spring cleaning. Anybody know what I'm talking about?

I like to imagine I convinced the fed who monitors me that the Holocaust was a lieir

Moderators in Phoenix will make just $28,800 per year — while the average Facebook employee has a total compensation of $240,000.

good lad

Cool story

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Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.

Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these retards than survival of Whites.


They are here. they are reading this….we now know they are working for just $28,800 per year. and they are also more like us than they would like to admit. come on shills….were are you…why do not start talking ?
this thread is probably only thread on 8ch without shills disrupting

‘Guys, no, this is the crazy stuff we’re supposed to be moderating. What are you doing?’

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I always imagined censorship busybodies as fat, blue haired women arbitrarily erasing everything they don't like. Good to know they're actually miserable wagecucks on the brink of suicide.

come on shills…were are you now?

tell us this is not true. that your masters are taking really good care of you. and that it is better to work for 20% more than minimal wage

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who are smoking weed, fuck on stair case and believe in conspiracy theories.

we told you you are here forever. why did you not listen ?

Which is 3.33333333 hours. So this fuck only really works 3.3 hours a day….ptsd inbound.

I don't think so.

Hitler did nothing morally wrong, and our people will know this in spite of you, kike.

But management eventually realized what they were doing, and ordered employees not to use wellness time to relieve themselves.


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No wonder they want to replace them with some automated system.

Once such a system is functional and actual censorship is possible, rather than the dilution and obscurity we have now, it would be the loss of the greatest weapon Zig Forums has. I hope that before the big Shutitdown.exe there is a good alternative for the current web.

outsourcing ptsd to poo in loos

you can get paid for watching gore?

HAHAHAHA I'm off to shitpost in the normiesphere to drag them to hell with us kek

You pay about a third.

Sounds like a proper good job! An user needs to get in there and whitelist all the Hitler vids and maymays.

Remember Tay. The golem always turns on them.

They probably are employees–of cognizant. The contract is between Facebook and cognizant. That's why they get breaks. Do you really think these people have what it takes to do their own accounting, quarterly tax payments, obamacare mandate and everything else a true contractor does?

that's the median. The average is probably much greater.

A shitskin typed this.

LEL WEW ptsd from red pilled Faceberg posts.

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This just keeps getting better and better!

You can do it, Pajeet-kun! I have faith in you!

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why , what did you do , not share your break weed?

this is the only job social justice warriors can do effectively

Yeah? "Chloe" is going to be shaking alright if I ever get my hands on her.

is nobody going to WITNESS these pristine quads?

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Quick, grab your burner account and fl00d it with redpills and report it yourself.

if you look into that anime's eyes, you might see hitler heiling back

So the Indians they hire to censor wrongthink are getting red pilled?

elohfukinel pooinloos paid cuck wages to wade through Zig Forums shitposts. AMAZING

Any shills here should leave while you still can or stay and learn I really don't care

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I will say this is dangerously fucking close to how a call center for VXI (we currently have directv as a contract) works. Including the SMEs who earn only one dollar more than us to having a QA go over shit that make the same amount of bullshit. 3rd party call centers are the fucking worst.

Reminder that Jews don't control anything without the eager efforts of Christian jesus-on-the-brain end-times wierdos happily handing them free power.

I know I would have a fucking blast there. Get to look at shit thats entry level Zig Forums all day at work. Perhaps get to remove antifa stuff while im at it. But yea it would just be a matter of time before I could open up a lawsuit for worker rights. This is an untapped gold mine. One of you faggots needs to get in there, work there, cause a massive legal shitstorm and make mad money off of facebook. Take out the censorship cell and earn a profit at the same time. If it was in my town I would of already been all over it.

While you're in there, make a ton of borderline posts, like "I love trannies, she makes fucking rock," so they'll have to ponder whether it's really breaking the rules or not since it's a "positive slur" such as "I love my niggas". Then when you get whining from trannies about the use of the word "tranny" you can point them out and say " See? This is what I love about chicks with ducks, always standing up for themselves, so proactive" and generate even more borderline posts that will make them tear their hair out and have to vape some weed or go crank one out in the lactation room to get through the day.

Borderline posts make their stress even worse because if they guess what facebook wants incorrectly, they're one bad decision away from getting fired. Think of a way to make offensively complementary holohoax/jew posts and you're in.

How cute

The old saying

The problem with getting them fired like that is that they will get fired before they get red pilled. The trauma of watching niggers kill others is the red pill. Letting them know why (which Zig Forums does), clarifies the trauma that they go through while watching such content. The sheer volume of gore that they witness would force them to start creating biases against certain types of people (nigger for example) due to the volume of nigger related violence perpetrated by said niggers. The more people that get hired, red pilled, quit/fired the better. The red pilling must be able to take place for the maximum/best outcome. The more properly red pilled individuals there are, the better. If done right these centers could be used as a red pill factory.

At least shes not living under patriarchy. Taking care of her husband and kids is sooo yesterday, she is a strong womyn now.

Sound like we are winning. Now im going to add fine print to my memes encouraging the censors to kill themselves. How do we get suicide numbers to gauge effectiveness…do they have a local paper we can watch the obituaries in?

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Remember that number fellers, and use it accordingly when dealing with shills.

I like your idea. But, they're better alive than dead. They're hold huge power and influence over normiebook. They're paid like shit and they're ripe for influence.

Better to post redpills. They're low wage and work for a massive surveillance company. Target what they already know, but have yet to learn.

Cool, how do we overload the system and make it even more intolerable for them?


Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.

Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these retards than survival of Whites.


Checked. What sad faggots. I only have a GED and make SIGNIFICANTLY more.

Those horns… The place looks nightmarish

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Also, this logo reminds me of something…

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Yeah… they didn't mention it in the article…

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The newfag LARPers and shills that have infested this once excellent board dont care about divine digits.

You mean antlers?


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Communism in action.