This is a fascinating and hilarious example of how mere repeat exposure to memes can convert normies to our side.
Facebook censorship squads being radicalized by redpills, also suffering PTSD
Other urls found in this thread:
Check the catalog.
We already have 2 threads for this
Flat Earth niggery is Poison Pill Psyop jewry
One of the employees has gone that way, at least one from the report.
However, they also have holocaust deniers and 9/11 revisionists so afraid and opened to the reality of their government that they sleep with a gun and mapped the exits to their own home.
how about you check the catalog jew; there aren't any threads about this
fucking lol
there's a reason behind posting gore in every thread.
i hate gore but i'm immune to it now, i imagine most are.
the virgin newsjew coming to Zig Forums is getting PTSD
continue posting gore in these threads gore posters
How easy is it for Faceberg to fire them and hire new true-believers?
she wouldn't last a month here if moderating and having to view every video.
also , there is
Not only are you wrong, in true kike fashion, you have reversed the truth.
You have a thread here
and here
You really are a stupid lying cunt
pretty easy, if you cannot stomach it, there's plenty of desperate job seekers out there to traumatize and discard.
It’s funny
(( (they) )) are swinging a sword desperately at the shitstorm category 5 shitticane that Zig Forums is and it is the funniest fuckin thing I’ve ever seen
This happened to LEOs sent to watch halfchan Zig Forums too. They began agreeing because we have objectively facts and statistics and now they're there forever. By the why, did you guys know according to the FBI despite being only X% of the population…
Nice post, but clean up your language next time, faggot.
It’s fucking funny - those are the videos I watch when I eat breakfast
Funny how that works eh?
The repeat exposure definitely helps, as does the meme format which is easily digestible. The core thing is that the official narratives are so fucking flimsy that they don't actually stand up to even minor scrutiny.
HAHAHAHA I'm off to shitpost in the normiesphere to drag them to hell with us
This shit is hilarious.
There's a faggot living on county funds working in your library.
Just remember that, there's always a faggot leech working in your library.
Awesome to the Max.
I swear to God, these people are doing our jobs for us in attempting to combat us.
>”He said not to worry — that I could probably still do the job,” Chloe says. Then she catches herself: “His concern was: don’t worry, you can do the job.”
>Those challenges include the sheer volume of posts; the need to train a global army of low-paid workers to consistently apply a single set of rules; near-daily changes and clarifications to those rules; a lack of cultural or political context on the part of the moderators; missing context in posts that makes their meaning ambiguous; and frequent disagreements among moderators about whether the rules should apply in individual cases.
Randy quit after a year. He never had occasion to fire the gun, but his anxiety lingers.
That's why the poojeets are here trying to be white.
Also, learn to use the catalog, poojeet.
I'm dyin' over here man.
I mean, holy shit. They are doing our fucking job for us.
She'd probably die on old /b/.
Someone give faceberg employees the gift of irony to cheer them up here
Its amazing.
We are shaping corporate policy through intensive shitposting and effective argumentation.
Imagine going this long still believing 9/11 as it was told. You have to be a fucking retard to buy the story that was told by this time. Just tell people how probable it is that two planes crashed into the towers on the same day the military was running a drill on that exact same scenario and how a perfectly good passport was found after the towers came down.
Not a single non-NPC human could possibly explain that coincidence and childish explanation.
None of them are pajeets, which is what makes this so hilarious. It's literally white women and spics named Miguel and actual normalfags.
This is the biggest white pill I've seen in a long time. Posting the truth on normalfag sites works, even if it gets deleted.
Stahp I cant fucking breathe user
They don't like this level of play.
empathy is truly a disease worthy of a culling. i'm grateful everyday that i don't have it. pragmatic egoism and assburgers ftw.
This is way too funny.
Even those sent to SHUT IT DOWN know we're right.
They can't lie to themselves forever.
absolutely. sometimes they even deep six the whole website because it's full of thoughtcrime and impossible to censor
ever since topix went down it's never been the same in local politic
they never saw it coming
thought they'd stop it
people are even shitposting on the morning call in show on the radio now
Empathy is both a gift and a curse my dood.
Its is the gift that gave us the dog, is the curse that gave us the Court Jew.
A double-edged sword.
Nyahahahahhhahaaaaa… I've had my laughs for the day. Hilarious. If you look into the abyss, the abyss looks into you. Life is struggle nya~
A new meme is born.
we didn't get the dog because we wanted it as a pet, or cause we were empathetic toward it
I would take one loyal dog over any abrahamite
All day any day
I fucking hate juden
I fucking love pups
No, we had other uses.
Now that's just not true user. It is exactly because of empathy that we - and no other - made the dog from the wolf. If you can't see that… Well, I am inclined to suggest your eyes are clouded by hate; even as I'll acknowledge that your hatred is very-likely wisely espoused i most regards.
Damn right.
I wish I could infiltrate this and see what could be done to further its demise.
Go for it.
This. These faggots can't handle even fake gore. Whereas 3/4's of us got our fill at 14 on /b/
We need multiple threads for this, because it's hilarious.
I remember the first time I watched that classic scene of the cartel guy getting his face peeled off.
Those were horrifyingly good times.
Thank you for reminding me to make a bunch of fake webm's and just clip that guy blowing his brains out onto the blue tarp as the last 4 seconds to catch any of these fags unaware.
I actually feel a little bad for them, even though that kind of shit is par for the course around here. Can you imagine watching motherfuckers get their faces peeled off, eight hours a day, every single day?
Are…are you offering me a job? Cause I’m in just sayin
…so old /b/? I wonder what they think of goatse.
Don't just look for trauma, look for trauma coupled with long-lasting impact.
Of course I can, I did that in college to avoid studying my physical chemistry.
That's the best part of all this - these people likely think of themselves as clever and working against the dim-witted wrong-thinkers… But they gradually begin to realize that we're the clever ones, which is why we've been relegated to the asshole of the internet.
One clever man can bring the whole thing down, with enough people behind him; which our enemies both know, and fear.
Hah, I never thought when I was a kid that one day I would idolize Adolf Hitler and seek to carry the message of my people into a new millennium, and I definitely didn't think I'd be forced to do so via memetic warfare against the most dangerous force the world has ever known.
On these hallowed boards, I have spoken with madmen and heroes, and to know that words of each in turn are leaking out, and having impact on the very people tasked with containing it… What a time to be alive.
Nigger just how long do you think I've been here?
i know what you mean
How about we post women breastfeeding with facts about the holohoax thrown in?
This shit is too good
It's a huge whitepill, to be sure. The truth will out. Can't stop it.
This wouldn't be so fucking funny if it wasn't an "in your face" operation we told them about in such a fashion as to ensure they knew exactly who was indoctrinating them and how.
Daily reminder that, its working even if you think it's not.
This article made my fucking day. Fuckers cant just ignore shit forever. Cognzant is creating an army of red pilled people for us.
We need to push this harder and post more MARGINALLY offensive content on facebook.
Let them squabble and fight each other over what is or isn't true like rats.
Very true. Zig Forums unironically keeps me up at night at times, mulling on things(in a bad way), but god damn if it doesn't harden you too. It is the never-ending hurt-box.
The flat earth bullshit in this story is cleverly calculated to associate holohoax denial and 9/11 truthism with fucking mongoloid retards who will fall for anything.
The trick isn’t that the earth is really flat user
The trick is to get another human to say that the earth is flat in agreement. You own that person if you can do that
Let them believe whatever they want, at least they're questioning their beliefs. They're redpilling themselves and they don't even know it. They'll be begging for DOTR before you know it.
Very nice information but not thread worthy OP, you are a faggot and need to neck yourself. This relentless shilling and low quality thread spamming will only weaken the board. When Adolf become leader and uniter of the German People he didn't relish in his victory in his free time, he used up all his free time to further the very people who entrusted him with ALL their lives. I mean the only real times you can see him enjoying himself is when he is with his people in organized military marches and parades, you musn't let your enemy see emotion or they will watch you, until finally striking at your weakest. Even when the events of D-Day or Normandy happened the Allied powers were low with moral, because even then they had to face the onslaught of an angered and fired up German people, with a leader whos only real emotion he could show is passion. Don't be like OP, and if you are willing to be like OP consider a four foot long rope of hemp, and your nearest rooftop.
Imagine getting this butthurt about someone celebrating a small victory in a sea of blackpills
Instead of spamming Hitler quotes on Zig Forums why don't you do something worthwhile if it's so important to you?
You're the reason ideas fail and why movements stop to a halt. You celebrate victory too early, you think the war is over but its only just begun. I hope to see you burn in the future kike, go back to your cuckchan thread you reddit spacing nigger.
Yes, I'M THE KIKE, not the person shitposting divide and conquer nonsense.
Take your fucking meds and save the kike accusations for people actually shilling the board
I worked for a company that was contracted to sit at a computer all day, going through reported content to decide whether it was to be deleted or not. They had an on site psychiatrist ready for people mostly because there is TONS of cheese pizza and gore uploaded to Facebook.
The company was full of so many shit departments, that everyone sought to transfer to the Facebook division for content moderation. This meant a lot of the people going were normalfags most likely not prepared for seeing /b/ shit for 7 hours a day. The building this is done in is in New Braunfels, TX.
lulz whos driving this thing
Fuck you for censoring and going along with Faceberg faggot.
This user gets it. Zig Forums has gone to shit recently. Too many doubters and shills. Jussie Smolett would've had multiple threads crucifying him and doxxing every contact he ever had 2 years ago. Now we get a couple of half assed about him. Pathetic.
I'm not even halfway through these posts and I am laughing so hard I'm choking. Now this is my kind of whitepill.
Bingo. Fucking conspiracy theorist nutjobs in this thread. You goys probably believe the government is putting chemtrails in the sky… oh wait… that one actually is real.
You need to go back to reddit now, you don't even deny how much of a newfaggot you are. I will personally push your jaw open on a curb and fucking crush the back of your nape with the base of my foot kike. I am going kill you all once I am given power.
For the record I didnt work in that department, but knew people who did. They never really touched anything political. It was all gore and porn that was deleted
Trump as a pressure valve and the UtR faggotry kind of dissipated a lot of our energy and zealousness, sadly.
link to it kike
Wait, so the guy that believes in flat-earth is the one that STILL WORKS THERE. AHAHA! That's informative. Our masters are not offended if we believe in the flat-earth bullshit.
Anonymous zeal ebbs and flows. It's like the Dao of Shitposting, or something. It will be back, more dangerous and hilarious than ever when the time is right. Forgive the outdated example, but the point remains.
Now we just need a burner account to fl00d redpills and quickly drive them over the edge.
You're not wrong, but look at it this way: Those who are intelligent and genuinely seeking truth will quickly realize that the flat earth shit is a kike psyop designed to taint all it touches and will be thereby pushed further towards actual forbidden knowledge. I've dealt with plenty of /r/conspiracy tier retards who are not actually interested in what is actually true, but instead care only about attaching themselves to the next fringe bullshit they can buy into for whatever particular neurotic and shallow reason they have for doing so. They make themselves painfully obvious to those that are driven by a higher ideal. The flat earth garbage is just more typical kike hamfisting whereby these goddamn yids cannot fathom the existence of anything pure or that transcends their own filthy and base material worldview so they think everyone else cannot help but operate the same way and it ends up separating the wheat from the chaff.
I think our fine friends over at Cognizant would enjoy a double feature show of Hellstorm and TGSNT, don't you?
This makes it all the better, lower wages means likely younger people are taking these positions.
This is correct, I'd go so far as the same with anti vaccination garbage. The rise in autism and birth defects is from our environment being poisoned for decades by the petrochemical industry and the fact that women take a fuckton of drugs for mental problems and birth control. Chemical/pharma kikes love misdirection.
the only problem is that these are likely low iq mongoloids and will end up on the rense/alex jones disinfo trail talking about alien shapeshifters and reptilians, while pausing videos to examine digital compression artifacts of people blinking.
I'm thinking about ogre gore shit like stuff from Cartels, lsis and Ebolafrica.
The more the shock, the more it sticks in the head.
Can't argue with numbers like that. I vote Morocco.mp4
big pharma wants more cash and has no problem overdosing you child with vaccines they don't need.
they're too cheap to use something other than mercury as a preservative.
eugenics/gene editing is how you stop this stuff, not primitively injecting dead strands.
They were. This place hired non violent ex cons and druggies. They did not drug test and people actively vaped thc on their breaks. These people were also manchildren to an extreme extent. Instead of actual professional incentives, good performers in some departments were rewarded by letting them have time to play ps4 fortnite during their shift. Mysterymeat Single mothers would actively sell their food stamps using the workplaces internal network chat. I started working for the place a week after fag month and it was covered in rainbow decorations. It was sickening and I quit not long after.
the redpilling is a one way road. it can only spread
Go back to Mexico
What was your next job?
NEET. I came upon a large sum of money and am a shitposter/philanthropist
None of them have spent a single minute thinking about it since it happened.
While you've read about it for the last decade and gather facts, they've stayed in complete ignorance and have reason to ever consider that anything other than what the news told them in the first place.
The same goes for almost all other red pills that require reading or thinking about, they have no information, have sought no information, and have never thought about it.