Whats your opinion on leftists saying "nigger"? Personally I think it's just a word and that we should all as leftists say it whenever possible to remove the idpol radlib element from our movements. It's just a word and racism is perpetuated by capitalism and not the behaviors, personalities, and attitudes of individual people.
Racism would still exist if everyone who wasn't black stopped saying nigger or nigga because it's entrenched in the super structure of capitalism. You shouldn't say it in public because it's got a loaded history and will piss off some proles, same as you shouldn't say other slurs in public. I don't care what you say online or with your niggas.
Xavier Cox
deja vu
Andrew Jones
What is it with that word in particular that strikes the religious cord of leftists?
Are black people so holy to them that this name is akin to YWH?
Thomas Bailey
There's little occasion to say it in general public discourse, much like expletives in general. In certain contexts, such as attempting to keep normies from overwhelming niche subcultures, being edgy purely for the sake of irony is desirable, though the contents of such repulsive screeds must be kept fresh and offensive to prevent pic related from setting in as unironic idiots become comfortable with any one flavor of sarcasm.
I don't care what you faggots say on an anonymous board populated by dumbass autists, I care about you fags spilling your spaghetti irl in a way that drives people away from socialism.
You mean YHWH?a.k.a.Saklas ("fool".)? I think if you're expecting much awe for this deity on this board you're going to be shocked.
In any case I wouldn't say "nigger". Mainly because I wouldn't say it in front of black people.( Just like I my opinion is lowered of anyone who comes out with any "wypipo" crap online.. )
Nigger is like any other word that people find offensive. Don't be an autist and understand when it's just going to offend. If you want to use it, do it in a context where it's obvious you're not a racist throwing slurs at people.
Juan Reed
The n word is a Jewish psy ops used on retarded white supremacists to perpetuate a system of interracial society dominated by the destruction of the black and white races and white supremacy and colonialism to hold it up in the modern era with even the opposition being controlled. :^)Bait threads deserve bait responses.
Jacob Flores
"Kill yourself fascist" are just words, and we should repeat them to any reactionaries in our movement. We should hand them rope and do whatever we can to get them to feel small and insecure enough that they go home and hang themselves. It's just words and if you don't like it you're just a radfash.
Jayden Kelly
An ethnic slur every day keeps the cryptolib away
Lincoln Cox
Imagine believing this.
Xavier Watson
back to tumblr and facebook, liberal
Angel Smith
gtfo libtard
Jaxon Cooper
I use the word "nigger" not to insult blacks as such, but usually to trigger the alt-lite MAGA faggots. Just call them k¡kes or niggers and watch as they also turn into SJWs themselves.
Jonathan Hernandez
Kill yourself. You know you want to. Your life has been nothing but missery so far, why do you even go on? Zig Forums didn't give you the home you longed for, Zig Forums didn't either, you're never going to find a place you'll belong after your family turned to shit. You're just not likeable and you're a huge disappointment to your parents. You'll die alone in 40 years having done nothing with your life but suffer. Just end it, no reason to experience this shitty world anymore.
I think he/she/whatever is refering to the fact that Carl Benjamin went on a white nationalist podcast and called them out for their hipocrisy: complaining about "primitive niggers" when in reality Zig Forumsturds and stormfaggots are also acting like niggers themselves (which, by the way, it's actually a valid point from sargon).
American culture promote the n-word among niggers and prohibit it to the others because the system wants the niggers themselves to do the dirty job, demeaning their kin.
Nolan Harris
user, people who say that work unironically have autism. The fact that I have to explain that racial slurs won't help you make and keep friends means you probably got a spot of the old autism too.
Henry Wood
The Dionysian thrill of transgression may feel better to some than having a bunch of shitty acquaintances around that just end up being a drain.
Hunter Roberts
It's ridiculous how many - forgive me - "leftists" cling to their pathetic petty bouj lives while claiming to be revolutionary.
Logan Edwards
The real question is why do people feel like they need to say any words or phrases that are loaded and dehumanizes groups of people.
I'll say this. Intent, location and relationship between the people who are in conversation are always key in using certain words and phrases. But if you want to say nigger, wops or other terms that are degrading just to say the word? You need to figure out why you are drawn to those words.
At the end of the day, we are all proletariat. However, capitalism has molded these insults to keep us separated. Using this language is dangerous for the proletariat if we don't take into account of intent, location and the relationship of the people involved with the conversation.
Eventually I want a world where words aren't causing the proletariat to be split up easily.
I allow some of my white friends to say it if it's literally just us in the room but I always let them know. If you say that shit in front of me in public, I gotta confront because even if their intentions are for the best. It's not right place nor is it just us involved in the conversation.
Basically to the white people in this thread. Just don't put your black, Muslim, Asian, etc friends into situations where they must choose either your whiteness or their skincolor because despite how anti idpol you are, the moment you let those words slip, you created the idpol situation and put them into catch 22 and they will never forgive you.
Insisting on saying it is idpol. Insisting on not saying it is idpol.
Carter Jones
back to twitter
Gabriel Carter
See, more autism, the fact that you can't imagine friends being anymore than shallow acquaintances proves it. It's thing to consciously isolate yourself for some reason. It's autism to do it because you think all human relationships are illusions.
Liam Nelson
Ruh roh, hit a little close to home did we?
Lucas Hughes
A lot of things are just words. And a lot of people are really really fucking stupid. And just as many people do and think dumb shit because of even dumber things they've read or heard. In short, phrasing means something.
Camden Gonzalez
>hey guise should we keep not tone-policing ourselves on this thin edge of the wedge contentious issue?
Adam Perry
How was what I said twitter?
Carson Martin
I have a few close friends, the thing is if its beyond "just a few" those can't be anything but shallow acquitences and lots of psychological studies prove this. So honestly if someone is going to get outraged and dislike you just for saying "nigger" then they probably aren't really you're friend in that case.
Easton Campbell
wow as soon as ppl start saying it more we gonna have a communist revolution! totally praxis, dawg!
Caleb Ross
Words only dehumanize when you let them dehumanize.
Connor Miller
wow as soon as ppl stop saying it as much we gonna have a communist revolution! totally praxis, dawg!
Isaiah Hall
Refraining from saying the Nigger-word is a direct challenge on our Materialist Philosophy.
Lincoln Lee
Not that you should go around calling people niggers but a preoccupation with naughty words is a quintessentially liberal concern. It's possible (and not even particularly rare) to call the same people "African-Americans" while still fighting for their further impoverishment and mass incarceration. Heck, you're not allowed to say "nigger" on stormfront (they think it makes them look bad I guess,) which shows you just how much that word matters.