How old were you when you realized all the "books" the Germans burned in all the war movies and documentaries you saw as a kid was pornographic literature and communist manifestos?
The Books the Nazis Burned
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Oh i see ill ask a question that perhaps deserves more of its own thread then
when did your mother realize what rat she'd brought into the world?
The jewish ones
You're disgusting. Go shit up reddit instead.
you're nose is showing
it's always projecting.
You know how the liberals claim that the catholic church locked up a guy for saying that the sun didn't revolve around the earth?
Joseph Stalin supported the campaign. More than 3,000 mainstream biologists were fired or even sent to prison,[3] and numerous scientists were executed as part of a campaign instigated by Lysenko to suppress his scientific opponents.[4][5][6][7] The president of the Agriculture Academy, Nikolai Vavilov, was sent to prison and died there, while scientific research in the field of genetics was effectively destroyed until the death of Stalin in 1953.[2] Research and teaching in the fields of neurophysiology, cell biology, and many other biological disciplines was also negatively affected or banned.
kek thanks for the infor bro
the more you fuckin know
We have a dedicated fucking thread for questions like this, rhetorical or otherwise.
In highschool they ranted and raved about muh ebil nadzees and the book burning, but never mentioned the content of the books being burned.
Ironically, the mass censorship all across the internet is a thousand times worse than burning a few physical books.
Do you mean the worthless dead shitpost thread full of meta bullshit where you will never find an answer that is somehow still stickied?
And it was much less complete then what the jews actually do
they just consor books before they are even printed
yeah thats the one lol
And yet you still post here, so fuck off.
genius fucking come back dude
dont break your 112 rick and morty jewish IQ on your next one
QTDDTOT needs to be deleted, it lets people derail any fucking OP on demand and then any mod can come along and issue a ban for it. Even though this thread is in the same vein as holohoax truth threads debunking lies told about the Third Reich.
Also OP, the book burnings weren't even official state sanctioned events but spontaneous acts of a liberated youth who were destroying the symbols of their oppression through the Weimar years.
Damn rabbi, you are so jewish you make Larry David look like gentile.
Hey faggot look at this
Do you seriously think OP would have gotten even the snarky bullshit you gave me, let alone an actual constructive answer if he posted in your precious chodemonkey thread? I consider that thread as a monument to the subversion of this board and motivation to make things better.
Thanks for the support and the info dude
the more you fuckin know lol
You got me
my insidious plan as a kike shill is to come on a mongolian basket weaving board and talk about jewish prapaganda in hollywood
and i would have gotten away with it to!
If it wasnt for you meddling kids and your frog!!
post the meme you nigger
So what are you going to do about it? Nothing. You realize we don't want one liner threads here, right? Go back to reddit.
Yes. Either check the thread and answer questions or quit fucking whining about it. I'm the last person to defend CM.
Holohoax education was such a shitshow. They say Nazis burned books but don't explain why. They say Nazis hated kikes but don't explain why. They say Nazis did a bunch of shit but never explain why.
I can't think of one explanation for anything that happened between 1930-1950 that I learned in School. It was literally all just grossly unspecific moral hand wringing. That part of our education is why the average person believes in the retarded concept of a pure animalistic man who does murder for no reason other than he was told - and while I'm not denying such creatures have walked the Earth, the simplicity was never thus.
For someone who doesnt call themselves jewish you sure are against a thread talking about jewish prapaganda….shalom
And they never will
because if you knew even half the truth you'd know hitler was right
-t. 13 year old with a switch blade comb.
Very tough, my man. A bit like a man complaining that there's a hair in his burger at McDonalds and the register jockey getting up on the counter and beating his chest "WHATCHA GONNA DO ABOUT IT HUH?" That is literally you.
Yeah you want more FBI larper threads and give them 360 fucking replies. Your board is a fucking joke, dude.