Trying to get a music thread going. Got a couple hours to kill before I crash tonight. Haven't seen Orange Goblin mentioned much. Share whatever artists you're listening to. I'll start
Zig Forums music thread
The writer is a masterful artist.
"His Hands Matched His Tongue"
The Dear Hunter
"The Church and the Dime"
The Dear Hunter
I recommend you gents listen to Act I-V. It's a journey.
That intro made me think of King Crimson
Look, these threads always devolve into everyone throwing in their favorite shit and trying to one-up each other with how trve and intelligent they are. People hardly ever engage each other.
By posting Orange Goblin you opened yourself up to being called a degenerate stoner fag as well.
There is also nothing political about your average rock or metal bands anymore. The only NSBM band that's actually good is Arghoslent, the rest is complete and utter shit both lyrically as well as technically. There's a reason stuff like King Crimson gets mentioned a lot: They captured the feeling of many anons quite well with 21st Century Schizoid Man,even though their reasons were completely different from ours.
Fuck I dig this song
That Deer Hunter track user posted I was responding to is pretty good you might like it. Instead of critiquing the post recommend some music. I'm checking them out at least.
That image made me crack up so hard. lol
There's a severe shortage of good music in this century (because everything is so fucking kiked out), but these guys are a gem. I hope you enjoy.
Well, in the spirit of honest discourse:
I already mentioned Arghoslent. Again, probably the only NSBM* band that's actually honest about it.
Al Namrood - There exists a very small community of anti-islamic black metal musicians in Saudi Arabia and Iran. These people are laying their very lives on the line for this and no matter what you may think of their music, this level of dedication deserves respect.
Mgla - I'm not big into black metal but these guys are technically as well as thematically excellent, albeit extremely black pilled (What did you expect?)
Heilung - Part of this weird paleo ambient subculture where people make music the same way cavemen would. They use materials and instruments primitive man would have had access to, so a lot of drums and bones. It's very interesting on a conceptual level and it sounds great as well.
I also really enjoyed Behemoths The Satanist but Behemoth are turbo normie shit. Although it's funny that shitting on Jews in your lyrics is totally okay as long as you also - and mostly - shit on Christianity.
*Arghoslent are arguably death metal but nsdm isn't a thing as far as I know
I'll check out El Namrood. I found some Syrian metal that I wanted to share but have no idea how to find it in english
I really like this, both the idea and the product.
The English part of the lyrics is very Zig Forums appropriate I just realized. I assume they already got accused of being ebul nadzis, especially since it's a German band AFAIK.
What am I supposed to do
If I want to talk about peace and understanding
But you only understand the language of the sword
What if I want to make you understand that the path you chose leads to downfall
But you only understand the language of the sword
What if I want to tell you to leave me and my beloved ones in peace
But you only understand the language of the sword
Literally radical
Forgot a (you)
Lyrics remind me of pic related
These threads are shit anyway. There's nothing distinctly Zig Forums about most of the music posted in them, everybody just spams links, and "my favorite sounds are more better than your favorite sounds" is one of the dumbest conversations a person can have.
You newfags picking up on these shill habits yet? They makes these fucking same slides every week.
You should all try out Black Magick SS. Basically I only listen to metal but these aryan wizards have captured my imagination somehow.
Grand Belial's Key is also very good, some of the same guys are in Arghoslent. You may also want to check out House of Atreus, they are musically very similar to Arghoslent, not politically though.
Other NS and just regular BM bands I'd recommend- Bound For Glory, West Wall, Nokturnal Mortum, Graveland, Der Sturmer, Peste Noire, Goatmoon, Satanic Warmaster, Goatpenis…. Could keep going but i'll leave you with that
The lyrics from GBK are trash though.
Haha yeah, sure thing rabbi. If you like one how can you not like the other? I actually prefer GBK to Arghoslent mostly (Galloping is superb though), they are a lot less melodic. I'd also argue Argholsent is more on the death metal side than being a NSBM band, GBK is pure USBM/ NSBM
Obsession with fecal matter is a very Jewish fetish. At least Arghoslent largely refrain from using pointlessly foul language.