Starting with a classic


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Holy fuck you and your christian waifu and your shitty autistic screeching whenever religion is debated.

Get help.

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Holy shit… people pay for this trash?

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Fuck off maldraw, don't make me utter the phrase.

Ooooh boy.

What phrase?

fuck off niggerlover


bad and unoriginal

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Fuck off.

Is this weirdo unironically a christcuck?

Notes: Seems mentally defective and is autistic enough to literally make oneself recognizable on an anonymous image board. Screeches and calls people fags for not aligning to christcuck mentality.

She is an original Zig Forums meme. Only old fags are familiar. Back to Reddit, xir.

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Who cares. He's not white, nor will he ever be.

I am here since the cuckchan exodus faggot, and all I remember about muh kike on a stick threads is how christcucks got BTFO in every thread, together with libertardians. Shit was hillarious and educational. Miss those times tbh.

Kill yourself Christcucks you're almost as bad as kikes, actually you're worse because at least kikes have power and you just worship one.

Isn't this meme less than 5 years old?

You are delusional retard. The only people who continue to get "BTFO" are hedonistic maggots like you.

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>>>Zig Forums

Prove it. Or do we just have to have faith?


So basically you just get BTFO everywhere you go and can't even make a dollar from your bad art.

I could always detect that you were some sort of feeble minded oddball. Turns out you're not even white.

Your waifu is stupid and you are embarrassing to yourself.

Yeah, it started soon after the exodus, I don't remember where it was posted first (halfchan or here), but it was a poor christcuck response to the growing number of anons here who figured out that christcuckery is in fact bad for the interests of European peoples, just like any other thing made by kikes.

Open at your own risk

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Seamonkey beggar you need to leave

I like the cut of your jib.

user, I…